If everybody agrees abortion is bad, why is Pro-life so unpopular?

Just to clarify:

Whenever you ask people how they feel about abortion, most of them claim to be pro-choice. Then, they claim that they're against telling women what to do with their bodies.

My whole point is, one, pro-life isn't about that, and two, there's much closer to a general consensus about the impropriety of abortion than how to effectively deal with it.

People who are pro-choice claim to hate being called baby killers and "pro-abortion", but anytime the issue comes up, it just so happens that they never want to talk about the behaviors and the mindsets that play into abortion. They never want to talk about the irresponsible women who made a choice to be sexually active in the first place, who, in a lot of cases, chose not use any kind of protection, and chose to risk creating a child knowing they couldn't properly take care of one.

I really think the way in which a lot of people are pro-choice is what is morally corrosive to society. It's such reductionist logic: everything is filtered through this kind of four-year-old middle child logic: "if I not bothering you, I should be able to do whatever I want! Who died and made you the boss of the world?!" It's like, dude? You're supposed to be an adult, or at least capable of dealing with complex, and adult ideas. But no. The fact that killing a distinct genetic human being is reduced to "well, it's her body, she can do what she wants" is the type of mindset that is going to be our downfall. When did we become so morally bankrupt?

It's funny, because these same people who don't care about a fetus being sucked out its mother's womb by a tube are the same ones who apparently lose sleep because gay people can't legally get married. Human rights? *snorts*

it's none of your business if women get pregnant or don't get pregnant, have sex outside of marriage or don't have sex outside of marriage, commits adultery or doesn't commit adultery, is the bottom line that i believe liberals are saying on the subject....merely that....it's none of your business, up to a certain point....
I hate being right...

chrismac, there is no one that knows more or grieves more in the circumstance than the mother choosing to abort her child.

sex outside of marriage is what leads to most abortions, and sex outside of marriage is the ''sin'' of fornication or adultery....whether using protection or not.

do you call for the government to restrict sex and make it illegal outside of marriage with punishment? Or do you leave teaching such to our children to the individual family that's rearing them?

i don't see abortion as this ''great thing'' that girls are rubbing their hands together, proclaiming goody goody gum drops as they go in to the clinic to have one....it stays with these women for the rest of their lives.

chrismac, there is no one that knows more or grieves more in the circumstance than the mother choosing to abort her child.

....well, except for the dead child. practice the same kind of responsibility that you expect a man who wants to avoid child support payments to do. It's the least you can do in order to avoid killing human life.
oh the drama! you really ought to get your ass over to Hollywood.

It is impossible for my position to be selfish as I am a man and as a man will NEVER have to make and live with the decision to have an abortion. Even the idea of contemplating that one spins my head.

So I guess your rant is just about you saying "Gosh, I really can't understand why a bunch of people would think I'm immature and childish in my outlook on life, I so desperately want them to dislike me, so I can validate my world view."
It's a good thing you're so good at telling yourself how wonderful you are, since it's painfully obvious no one else will be volunteering for that job anytime soon. Run along, tweeko.
chrismac, there is no one that knows more or grieves more in the circumstance than the mother choosing to abort her child.

....well, except for the dead child. practice the same kind of responsibility that you expect a man who wants to avoid child support payments to do. It's the least you can do in order to avoid killing human life.

if the man was so worthy of praise for practicing protection, there would be no unwanted pregnancies.....take care of your own gender first....then there will not be an issue to face, no? :)
if the man was so worthy of praise for practicing protection, there would be no unwanted pregnancies.....take care of your own gender first....then there will not be an issue to face, no? :)

and if the woman chose not to fuck a man who didn't use a condom then there would, likewise, be no unwanted pregnancies. Did you want to dole out more advice about taking care of ones own gender?

It is my opinion that one must be born to have rights. I disagree with any law that gives rights to a life inside a womb. Why? Because of the law of unintended consequences. Plus any rights of a fetus will inevitably go up against the rights of the carrier of that fetus. I will side with the living outside the womb for now.

And after all, the unintended consequences of living in a world where human life is now seen as no more valuable than a bacterium's is SOOO much better than the unintended consequence of making people be more circumspect in their behavioral choices. After all, if women had to face the prospect of giving birth to Dev's child, they might decide to forego happy hour and find a guy who's hot when they aren't falling down and puking. We can't have that. :eusa_angel:
and if the woman chose not to fuck a man who didn't use a condom then there would, likewise, be no unwanted pregnancies. Did you want to dole out more advice about taking care of ones own gender?

no need, all you guys are wearing the dreaded rubber!
a self-appointed savior with delusions of grandeur? are you a gay man?

Oh, yeah. Nothing wrong with YOU claiming to be the Caped Crusader of the rights of women to hook up and then flush the results, but anyone who DARES to present themselves as protecting the babies being aborted, THEY have delusions of grandeur.

Speaking as a woman, I'd be grateful if you'd just keep your ignorant, boorish, penis-bearing opinion completely out of it. You think we don't know that the main reason men are so gung-ho on the right to abortion is because they want to get laid without getting dinged for child support? If I need you defending my "rights", I'll get on the Batsignal. Until then, remember: you will never be pregnant, so you have no business talking about a woman's choice one way or the other.
Just to clarify:

Whenever you ask people how they feel about abortion, most of them claim to be pro-choice. Then, they claim that they're against telling women what to do with their bodies.

My whole point is, one, pro-life isn't about that, and two, there's much closer to a general consensus about the impropriety of abortion than how to effectively deal with it.

People who are pro-choice claim to hate being called baby killers and "pro-abortion", but anytime the issue comes up, it just so happens that they never want to talk about the behaviors and the mindsets that play into abortion. They never want to talk about the irresponsible women who made a choice to be sexually active in the first place, who, in a lot of cases, chose not use any kind of protection, and chose to risk creating a child knowing they couldn't properly take care of one.

I really think the way in which a lot of people are pro-choice is what is morally corrosive to society. It's such reductionist logic: everything is filtered through this kind of four-year-old middle child logic: "if I not bothering you, I should be able to do whatever I want! Who died and made you the boss of the world?!" It's like, dude? You're supposed to be an adult, or at least capable of dealing with complex, and adult ideas. But no. The fact that killing a distinct genetic human being is reduced to "well, it's her body, she can do what she wants" is the type of mindset that is going to be our downfall. When did we become so morally bankrupt?

It's funny, because these same people who don't care about a fetus being sucked out its mother's womb by a tube are the same ones who apparently lose sleep because gay people can't legally get married. Human rights? *snorts*

jesus, you really are all over the place today. Are you this disorganized in your thoughts all the time?

first: what has the marriage rights of citizens have to do with abortion?

second: genetic material is not a human being. it may be looked at as potential human life, but...

third: you spend way too much time worrying about other people's personal loves. get one of your own.
Just to clarify:

Whenever you ask people how they feel about abortion, most of them claim to be pro-choice. Then, they claim that they're against telling women what to do with their bodies.

My whole point is, one, pro-life isn't about that, and two, there's much closer to a general consensus about the impropriety of abortion than how to effectively deal with it.

People who are pro-choice claim to hate being called baby killers and "pro-abortion", but anytime the issue comes up, it just so happens that they never want to talk about the behaviors and the mindsets that play into abortion. They never want to talk about the irresponsible women who made a choice to be sexually active in the first place, who, in a lot of cases, chose not use any kind of protection, and chose to risk creating a child knowing they couldn't properly take care of one.

I really think the way in which a lot of people are pro-choice is what is morally corrosive to society. It's such reductionist logic: everything is filtered through this kind of four-year-old middle child logic: "if I not bothering you, I should be able to do whatever I want! Who died and made you the boss of the world?!" It's like, dude? You're supposed to be an adult, or at least capable of dealing with complex, and adult ideas. But no. The fact that killing a distinct genetic human being is reduced to "well, it's her body, she can do what she wants" is the type of mindset that is going to be our downfall. When did we become so morally bankrupt?

It's funny, because these same people who don't care about a fetus being sucked out its mother's womb by a tube are the same ones who apparently lose sleep because gay people can't legally get married. Human rights? *snorts*

EXACTLY. It isn't about a woman's right to HER body. It's about the commission of murder. Pure and simple.
Apparently, given the yearly abortion rate, there IS a need.

Abortion rates continue to climb at an alarming rate.

And so does child abuse.

Which nullifies two arguments in one...one, that having abortion and birth control available for all will eventually reduce unwanted pregnancies, and 2, that abortion somehow decreases child abuse.
Apparently, given the yearly abortion rate, there IS a need.

well, considering there's probably 100 million women at a sexually active age, who probably have sex at least once a week, that's 5 billion sexual acts here in the usa for them in a year....a million unwanted pregnancies a year seems small in comparison....seems like they are being precautious for the most part.... i would like to see it as NIL, and this is what we should be focusing on....this doesn't take the government though.

oh the drama! you really ought to get your ass over to Hollywood.

It is impossible for my position to be selfish as I am a man and as a man will NEVER have to make and live with the decision to have an abortion. Even the idea of contemplating that one spins my head.

So I guess your rant is just about you saying "Gosh, I really can't understand why a bunch of people would think I'm immature and childish in my outlook on life, I so desperately want them to dislike me, so I can validate my world view."

It's a good thing you're so good at telling yourself how wonderful you are, since it's painfully obvious no one else will be volunteering for that job anytime soon. Run along, tweeko.

really? jealous and envy all in one package. boy, whatever did I do to enjoy this gift? I am truly a blessed man.


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