If everybody agrees abortion is bad, why is Pro-life so unpopular?

There is the actual topic and there are insults. The OP presumes that being 'pro-life' is unpopular.

Who are the so-called 'pro-lifers' unpopular with?

IMO. It's the fanatics we have to look out for.
Originally Posted by eots:
and that is simply because you belive the unborn to have no rights...


It is my opinion that one must be born to have rights. I disagree with any law that gives rights to a life inside a womb. Why? Because of the law of unintended consequences. Plus any rights of a fetus will inevitably go up against the rights of the carrier of that fetus. I will side with the living outside the womb for now.
And after all, the unintended consequences of living in a world where human life is now seen as no more valuable than a bacterium's is SOOO much better than the unintended consequence of making people be more circumspect in their behavioral choices. After all, if women had to face the prospect of giving birth to Dev's child, they might decide to forego happy hour and find a guy who's hot when they aren't falling down and puking. We can't have that. :eusa_angel:

"making people be more circumspect in their behavioral choices."

and how do you propose doing this?

you are getting to be a pathetic appendage around my scrotum. jump off.

I think we all know what the pathetic appendage near your alleged scrotum is.

How do you make people more circumspect about their behavior choices? If you seriously don't know the answer to this question, then there's a pathetic appendage on top of your shoulders as well.

my alleged scrotum is a sight to behold.

"How do you make people more circumspect about their behavior choices? If you seriously don't know the answer to this question, then there's a pathetic appendage on top of your shoulders as well."

by force? the state steps in and takes away some rights so people like you can stop worrying that somebody somewhere may be living a life you disagree with?

I'm surprised you can sleep at night knowing people are living lives at odds with your world view.

Oh, spare me. I'm hurt and lonely because I think you're a hypocritical, dickless cad whose only interest in "women's rights" is sounding politically correct in order to get lucky? Nice try, Sparky, but try it on some leftist chick who's too stupid to know when she's being gamed, not intelligent conservative women.

I repeat, don't tell me about how you'll never be pregnant, so you can't tell women what to do about abortion, and then babble endlessly about the opinion you just renounced. YOU said it, and I'm holding you to it. I'm a woman, and you're not, so I get to have a say on abortion, and you don't.

Take your penis and toddle away.

I bet your as ugly outside as you are inside.

but I like that.
In Wisconsin, the family of Marine Staff Sgt. Chad Simon decided recently to have his feeding tubes removed. Simon had been injured by a bomb in Iraq back in November but never recovered. His living will stipulated that he not be kept artificially alive and his family followed his wishes - Pro-Life Wisconsin called the act "murder."
Pro-Life Fanatics Continue to Get Worse

I don't call this murder, I call this allowing someone to die naturally.
If you're a fanatic, would you know it? What strikes me as ironic, is that some of the fanatics in the so-called 'pro-life' camp, have no problem with capital punishment, war, and with an eye for an eye.

What about allowing people to die when it's time, without every 'life' saving invasive procedure known to science?
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I'll admit it: I'm pro-life. I hate the idea and practice of abortion. I guess I mostly hate it being used as a tool of convenience, but I think it's all around an unethical practice.

I'm not so much against it being used by rape victims, women whose lives are at risk, fetal health, incest, or minor children. I understand those are tough circumstances.

I could be wrong, but I think most people who claim to be pro-life aren't against it based on those instances. We understand they're extenuating circumstances. My problem with the pro-choice attitude is that I don't understand how the decision to have sex is any less of a choice than having an abortion. I feel like, unless you're a victim of rape, you chose to risk pregnancy. So, social reasons for abortion ring hollow when you knowingly put yourself in an unstable situation.

As for the thread title, it's like, people on both sides will agree abortion is a problem, and we need to diminish the number of abortions. Well, if that's the case, why is it pro-lifers are so antagonized because we want to, gasp, diminish the number of abortions?

I think to change anything, you have to change your outlook first. If you take the attitude that it's the woman's right to choose, and you can't bring yourself to stand in her way, that's fine. But then don't try to make yourself feel better by saying you want the number of abortions to go down. It's disingenuous.

I haven't read the thread (too tired tonight) so if any of this has been said my apologies.

I may be your classic case. I don't want abortions to happen, but I won't tell a woman what she can or can not do with her body. Just as your argument says that the choice she made was to have sex mine is that if we say a woman can have sex if she wants to (and I hope we say that), then we have given her full autonomy over her body, meaning that she can terminate an unwanted pregnancy if that is her choice.

To take any other stance, IMO, is a form of slavery. We don't demand she keep her hair a certain length because women are supposed to have long hair. We don't demand she wear a dress because only men wear pants. Those kinds of ideas (should) sound utterly ridiculous because they make a wild assumption about how women should behave. To pro-choice people the idea that a woman should have to bear a child is just as ridiculous.

I am a conservative Christian, but I WILL NOT tell another person how they must live their life. If what they do is wrong they will have to answer to God, I will not demand that they answer to me, it's not my place.
I am an ultra conservative who would never consider telling anybody what they should do with their body. Some young ladies are using abortion as a last ditch means of birth control, and I feel that is wrong, and I would hope that they use proactive means of birth control in the future.

Having seen what a mess the foster care system is, I am convinced that children should be wanted. A decision on abortion should be between the woman and her God, not the state.

I feel the same way about marriage. The state has no business defining marriage. That is up to the churches. If the First Church of the Left and Right Gay alliance wants to define a marriage as between two people that is fine by me. If the Mormon Church wants to define it as between a man and a woman that is fine by me, also.

The state should sit on the sidelines on religious issues and only recognise that a Union is a reality and if it wants to encourage Unions then it should offer benefits to the couples.
You need to get a hobby that doesn't include taking other people's lives.

I wonder if there really is a person who makes abortion their hobby, not a job but a hobby.

I just realized how many sick jokes that premise could lead to and I haven't been here long enough to know whether or not telling those could get me in trouble.
I am an ultra conservative who would never consider telling anybody what they should do with their body. Some young ladies are using abortion as a last ditch means of birth control, and I feel that is wrong, and I would hope that they use proactive means of birth control in the future.

Having seen what a mess the foster care system is, I am convinced that children should be wanted. A decision on abortion should be between the woman and her God, not the state.

I feel the same way about marriage. The state has no business defining marriage. That is up to the churches. If the First Church of the Left and Right Gay alliance wants to define a marriage as between two people that is fine by me. If the Mormon Church wants to define it as between a man and a woman that is fine by me, also.

The state should sit on the sidelines on religious issues and only recognise that a Union is a reality and if it wants to encourage Unions then it should offer benefits to the couples.

It's a good view, but as for those who use it as "a last ditch birth control," they will get theirs. The fact is abortion takes a toll on the womans body as well, causing a lot of long term health issues, so eventually they will be unable to breed or may even die from them. Which is one of my reasons for just not caring, if they want to have an abortion and it's wrong, they get theirs anyway eventually, it's not my or anyone elses place to judge them.
I wonder if there really is a person who makes abortion their hobby, not a job but a hobby.

I just realized how many sick jokes that premise could lead to and I haven't been here long enough to know whether or not telling those could get me in trouble.

ahhhhhh, yes, don't you know? I mean, Cecillie has told us, girls and women murder their children as a fun hobby! :eusa_whistle: :cuckoo:

The thing about choice is, there's intrinsically more than one choice in discussing this issue. I wouldn't seriously tell people who they can and can't date, marry, and sleep with, but I have absolutely no problem telling people they're wrong for taking another life for their own convenience. We do this all the time.

I'm sorry, but this is the same mindset that has created a generation of kids who come from single parents. It's so taboo to tell men and women to be sexually responsible, abstain from casual sex, wait until they're married, make better decisions -- but when they tell you to kiss their ass and they do their own thing, these same people are the ones who need all these entitlement programs like welfare and SCHIP, and wind up stepping out on their children, financially and otherwise. It's so obvious that we need some moral regulation, otherwise we wind up with a bunch of not-offended bums.
The thing about choice is, there's intrinsically more than one choice in discussing this issue. I wouldn't seriously tell people who they can and can't date, marry, and sleep with, but I have absolutely no problem telling people they're wrong for taking another life for their own convenience. We do this all the time.

I'm sorry, but this is the same mindset that has created a generation of kids who come from single parents. It's so taboo to tell men and women to be sexually responsible, abstain from casual sex, wait until they're married, make better decisions -- but when they tell you to kiss their ass and they do their own thing, these same people are the ones who need all these entitlement programs like welfare and SCHIP, and wind up stepping out on their children, financially and otherwise. It's so obvious that we need some moral regulation, otherwise we wind up with a bunch of not-offended bums.

moral regulation is what the Taliban tried to do. there are better ways to hold people responsible for behavior that interferes with society than to have a morality tsar.

fuk off with the moral regulation!
The thing about choice is, there's intrinsically more than one choice in discussing this issue. I wouldn't seriously tell people who they can and can't date, marry, and sleep with, but I have absolutely no problem telling people they're wrong for taking another life for their own convenience. We do this all the time.

I'm sorry, but this is the same mindset that has created a generation of kids who come from single parents. It's so taboo to tell men and women to be sexually responsible, abstain from casual sex, wait until they're married, make better decisions -- but when they tell you to kiss their ass and they do their own thing, these same people are the ones who need all these entitlement programs like welfare and SCHIP, and wind up stepping out on their children, financially and otherwise. It's so obvious that we need some moral regulation, otherwise we wind up with a bunch of not-offended bums.

as sad as it may be, there are statistics that show that when our economy is doing well, there are less abortions, when it is in the crapper, with unemployment high, there are more abortions....

disproportionately black females have abortions, and disproportionately black men and women are unemployed which supports the statement above....

looks like we could be coming in to a period where abortions will increase rapidly, if the doom and gloom in our economy keeps up....people keep their babies to be more, if things are financially sound for them, and that makes sense really...imo. :(

i don't believe we can legislate sexual morality...this is taught or not taught, at home....and then it becomes a right to privacy issue/ the constitutionality of it....

so, since we can't stop by force, the bunny rabbits, from doing what they do, other than continuing to voice our opinions that it is something that shouldnt be taken so nonchalantly, or convincing them to understand that sex is ''not free'' as their generations believe...and that actions always have consequences, we could and probably should take the approach that making our economy better, with jobs galore, will be the one means that can reduce abortions that we actually could affect.....

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So basically your (and your, DevNell's) solution is to just let people do whatever they want?

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