If everybody agrees abortion is bad, why is Pro-life so unpopular?

The thing is, once you point out to them that you know their agenda isn't about supporting or helping life, but eliminating it, and there is absolutely no sane argument that can be made for abortion other than it gets rid of a troublesome population, they take their fricking toys and go home.
You're the one who has stated he has no problem judging the value of the lives of others, and terminating them. I think that's about as involved in the personal lives of others as a person can get.

Need to weed out those undesirables. But hide behind calling it "choice".

No choice for the baby or the coma victim, though, is there?
It's unpopular because we live in a day & age where good is considered evil and evil's considered good. Some women are just too selfish. They say "who are you to tell me what to do with my body". Well sweetheart, that body inside your womb has it's own heart, brain, lungs and DNA. That's NOT your body!. Abortion is murder!
But what is really sad is the fact that young girls are programmed to think it's no big deal....so they get knocked up, they get an abortion...and then later when they realize how precious life is they get to deal with the fact that they killed a baby.

Or they just never realize it because they've been so thoroughly brainwashed they honestly think there's nothing to regret or repent. And that's even sadder than the above.
You're the one who has stated he has no problem judging the value of the lives of others, and terminating them. I think that's about as involved in the personal lives of others as a person can get.

Need to weed out those undesirables. But hide behind calling it "choice".

No choice for the baby or the coma victim, though, is there?

ahhhh, poor Ali still unclear on the concept?

We all judge the value of others lives on a daily basis whether we are conscious of it or not. terminating people's lives is not part of my pay grade and I ahve trouble with the death penalty but not assisted suicide. One I am not responsible for and the other I am.

I am not too involved in other people's lives (without permission) because I am too self-centered to care wtf idjits like you do as long as you leave the rest of us normal people alone.

leave the babies out of this. your illness may be catchy
It's unpopular because we live in a day & age where good is considered evil and evil's considered good. Some women are just too selfish. They say "who are you to tell me what to do with my body". Well sweetheart, that body inside your womb has it's own heart, brain, lungs and DNA. That's NOT your body!. Abortion is murder!

you know I always kind of liked the honest way pat Buchanan tries to speak
I'll admit it: I'm pro-life. I hate the idea and practice of abortion. I guess I mostly hate it being used as a tool of convenience, but I think it's all around an unethical practice.

I'm not so much against it being used by rape victims, women whose lives are at risk, fetal health, incest, or minor children. I understand those are tough circumstances.

I could be wrong, but I think most people who claim to be pro-life aren't against it based on those instances. We understand they're extenuating circumstances. My problem with the pro-choice attitude is that I don't understand how the decision to have sex is any less of a choice than having an abortion. I feel like, unless you're a victim of rape, you chose to risk pregnancy. So, social reasons for abortion ring hollow when you knowingly put yourself in an unstable situation.

As for the thread title, it's like, people on both sides will agree abortion is a problem, and we need to diminish the number of abortions. Well, if that's the case, why is it pro-lifers are so antagonized because we want to, gasp, diminish the number of abortions?

I think to change anything, you have to change your outlook first. If you take the attitude that it's the woman's right to choose, and you can't bring yourself to stand in her way, that's fine. But then don't try to make yourself feel better by saying you want the number of abortions to go down. It's disingenuous.

I am pro life and I am pro choice, pro abortion, even.
People who are anti choice, anti abortion are anti life.
Thank you for admitting defeat, eugenecist.

Interesting... I'd wager it's because there's no point discussing anything with an ignorant hysteric. But "defeat" nutcase?

Do yourself a favor.... as I suggested, go try to find ways to live your life without telling other people how to live theirs. You're not up to the task.
Interesting... I'd wager it's because there's no point discussing anything with an ignorant hysteric. But "defeat" nutcase?

Do yourself a favor.... as I suggested, go try to find ways to live your life without telling other people how to live theirs. You're not up to the task.

stop supporting the murder of the unborn and you got yourself a deal..
The pro-lifers that are unpopular with me are the ones who make a career out of being against abortion. They're fanatics. Some of them are opposed to all forms of contraception.

Abortion is legal. The decision to have an abortion is a personal one, between the woman, the father of the child, her family and her spiritual convictions.

I've often wondered if some of the religious fanatics who oppose the legal right for a woman to choose to carry or terminate a pregnancy would merrily abort a fetus if there was a test to determine if the fetus would grow up to be a gay or transgendered individual.
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I don't know why you'd wonder about that. People who don't support homosexuality don't support, by default, them never existing. Let's not turn social conservatives and religious folk into cartoon villains.

Nobody is doubting the personal nature of abortion. It's a personal choice. Then again, smoking meth and shooting heroin are personal choices, too, and we have laws against those. Because it's a decision ultimately only one person can make, that isn't a trump card. It doesn't speak to the impropriety of doing it.

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