If everybody agrees abortion is bad, why is Pro-life so unpopular?

I love it. "If you don't think the government should do EVERYTHING, how dare you think the government should do ANYTHING?" That perennial old "all or nothing" argument so popular with leftists and kindergartners.

Adults, on the other hand, know there's a difference between saying that the government should stay in its proper place - and protecting the lives of the innocent IS its proper place - and saying it shouldn't exist at all. Duhhh.

And yeah, the problem is that I hate women and consider babies to be a "punishment". Spoken like a true bastard male who just wants to get laid and get gone. Thanks for defending my "right" to be taken advantage of and treated like a slut by cads. I'll pass, if you don't mind.

Ooh! You deserve a rep for that one, too!
Sorry I can't do it!

I love how the pro-abortionists whine about the right of a woman to her own body...but those who can't speak for themselves have no rights...and are not real "people".

Gosh, wish we'd known that when they were busy passing the Persons with Disabilities Acts, and when it was determined the murder of a pregnant woman is really the murder of two people....and when we decided to hold pregnant women who take drugs criminally culpable for inflicting harm upon their "fetuses".

Did you know women can be court-ordered to stay in jail during their pregnancy if it is determined that they are taking drugs? How does that fit in with the right of a woman to kill her baby up to the 9th month? I mean, it's HER BODY, HER CHOICE, isn't it?
back to personal responsibility are we? why do you keep jumping into the personal lives of others when their actions do NOT affect you or society?

the rest of this dribble is why I tried another thread,

nuf said

Why are YOU still talking about this subject at all, penis-bearer? I thought the position was that YOU would never have to be pregnant or decide about an abortion, so you had no business telling anyone to do anything on this subject?

Why is it always the ones who slobber that line around who have the most to say about the opinions they just got done telling people they had no right to have?

Go talk about something that concerns you, like prostate cancer.
in all fairness, the killing of human life is a subject we can all have input on. The day you women start having miracle babies without the input of a man then we'll rethink the rules of input.
Exactly. The minute a woman is pregnant, she's no longer one person, she's two.

That why people can be prosecuted for the murder of 2 people, instead of just one, if they kill a woman who is pregnant.

Parents don't have the right to kill their kids just because they're under their care and protection and are dependent upon them...(though honestly, the legalization of abortion has resulted in a ridiculous attitude that children, and all non-perfect or vulnerable members of society are disposable).

Oh, now, Allie. You don't REALLY expect leftists to ever believe that ANY action they take has any sort of ripple effect, do you? That only applies to conservative behavior, you know that. Rush Limbaugh has a radio show, and that leads to the Oklahoma City bombing. But killing millions of unborn babies every year and tossing them in the biohazard bag? That could NEVER have any effect on how people value human life when it becomes inconvenient. That could NEVER be linked to assisted suicide and the movement to put the old and sick down like dogs. Pshaw.
Oh, now, Allie. You don't REALLY expect leftists to ever believe that ANY action they take has any sort of ripple effect, do you? That only applies to conservative behavior, you know that. Rush Limbaugh has a radio show, and that leads to the Oklahoma City bombing. But killing millions of unborn babies every year and tossing them in the biohazard bag? That could NEVER have any effect on how people value human life when it becomes inconvenient. That could NEVER be linked to assisted suicide and the movement to put the old and sick down like dogs. Pshaw.

i resent your blatant generalization of liberals in regards to abortion. I am no conservative and I hold my own without having to fall back on the uterus card.
What it comes down to, particularly with nazis like Devil or whatever his name is, is a desire to monitor and control the population, by force if necessary.

It's eugenics. The whole abortion argument isn't and never has been about "freedom of choice". It's about removing choice from millions of children, eliminating a whole population of people (the poor) and making the world a "nicer" place for people who want everyone to look and act like they do.
Oh, now, Allie. You don't REALLY expect leftists to ever believe that ANY action they take has any sort of ripple effect, do you? That only applies to conservative behavior, you know that. Rush Limbaugh has a radio show, and that leads to the Oklahoma City bombing. But killing millions of unborn babies every year and tossing them in the biohazard bag? That could NEVER have any effect on how people value human life when it becomes inconvenient. That could NEVER be linked to assisted suicide and the movement to put the old and sick down like dogs. Pshaw.

One word (okay, 2):

The Netherlands.

Started out with abortion, then assisted suicide...then euthanasia without consent...and finally the extermination of babies with birth defects or disorders at the discretion of the DOCTORS not the parents.

Ooh! You deserve a rep for that one, too!
Sorry I can't do it!

I love how the pro-abortionists whine about the right of a woman to her own body...but those who can't speak for themselves have no rights...and are not real "people".

Gosh, wish we'd known that when they were busy passing the Persons with Disabilities Acts, and when it was determined the murder of a pregnant woman is really the murder of two people....and when we decided to hold pregnant women who take drugs criminally culpable for inflicting harm upon their "fetuses".

Did you know women can be court-ordered to stay in jail during their pregnancy if it is determined that they are taking drugs? How does that fit in with the right of a woman to kill her baby up to the 9th month? I mean, it's HER BODY, HER CHOICE, isn't it?

does she have that ''right'' in everty state allie?

i was under the impression that the supreme court only protected the woman's right to privacy or an abortion up to 12 weeks, then after that point it was up to the States to legislate their own Abortion limits.

When i was young, there was a friend of mine that was sexually active while in high school with her boyfriend that was about 5 or 6 years older than her...she got pregnant by him and WANTED to have his baby, and he wanted her to have his baby, so she did not tell her parents that she was pregnant until they finally noticed when she was about 4 months in to the Pregnancy...this was around the time i was 16 or almost 16 and she was my age....I was not sexually active myself, but she confided in me, because i guess i was just trust worthy to her...she had other girlfriends that WERE also sexually active and could have gone over it with them but she chose me to share this with....

anyway, when her parents found out, they made her break it off with her boyfriend.

And her mother, took her to New York who permitted legal abortions up to the 6th month i believe, to have an abortion....(forced her to have an abortion),///New Jersey law, which is where i and she lived at the time, only permitted abortions up to the 12 week of pregnancy....

Her family was Catholic and active in their local church, her father was some big wig....her parents did not want to be faced with the "embarrassment" that my girlfriend Chris brought to them.... :(

A very sad story in deed, she hated her parents from that day forward...at least until i was last in contact with her, maybe 15 or 20 years ago....

Anyway, this wasn't to pass along some so story, but it was to show my point that it is up to each state to legislate what type of abortions are permitted after 12 weeks....i believe in new jersey, it may still have the same laws, allowing abortion only until 12 weeks while other states legislate later dates....

And since i believe this is the case...what STATE permits abortion until the 9th month, as you stated? That is just totally insane....

Oregon does.
Most states don't have legislation which dictates what the cut off date is for abortion. I've been in abortion clinics with women who were HUGE with babies who were obviously there to get an abortion. One looked to be at least 8 and possibly further along.
Why are YOU still talking about this subject at all, penis-bearer? I thought the position was that YOU would never have to be pregnant or decide about an abortion, so you had no business telling anyone to do anything on this subject?

Why is it always the ones who slobber that line around who have the most to say about the opinions they just got done telling people they had no right to have?

Go talk about something that concerns you, like prostate cancer.

S'matter? Only the anti-choice males allowed to have an opinion about what goes on in someone else's uterus?

Govern your own life.
Why are YOU still talking about this subject at all, penis-bearer? I thought the position was that YOU would never have to be pregnant or decide about an abortion, so you had no business telling anyone to do anything on this subject?

Why is it always the ones who slobber that line around who have the most to say about the opinions they just got done telling people they had no right to have?

Go talk about something that concerns you, like prostate cancer.

DevNell's primer for the genetically clueless and the rest of the riff raff of the cyberworld _______________________________

clue number one: It's a public message board.

some of your comments want to make me cry. why?








because if you are only a fraction as hurt and lonely as you come across I just can't imagine you having to live a life that way. I do believe in assisted suicide.
Why are YOU still talking about this subject at all, penis-bearer? I thought the position was that YOU would never have to be pregnant or decide about an abortion, so you had no business telling anyone to do anything on this subject?

Why is it always the ones who slobber that line around who have the most to say about the opinions they just got done telling people they had no right to have?

Go talk about something that concerns you, like prostate cancer.

btw, since you brought IT up let me clue you in. Being a penis-bearer is not my problem. It is the load I have to carry.
in all fairness, the killing of human life is a subject we can all have input on. The day you women start having miracle babies without the input of a man then we'll rethink the rules of input.

so abortion is the taking of a human life?

S'matter? Only the anti-choice males allowed to have an opinion about what goes on in someone else's uterus?

Govern your own life.

Gosh, that knife cuts both ways. Govern yours, instead of telling others how to make their (very effective, btw) arguments.
Exactly. The minute a woman is pregnant, she's no longer one person, she's two.

That why people can be prosecuted for the murder of 2 people, instead of just one, if they kill a woman who is pregnant.

Parents don't have the right to kill their kids just because they're under their care and protection and are dependent upon them...(though honestly, the legalization of abortion has resulted in a ridiculous attitude that children, and all non-perfect or vulnerable members of society are disposable).

Texas has a crazy law saying the fetus is a human being from the moment of conception.

here is an interesting legal analysis of what disturbs me. It is about a California case, but it is nonetheless disturbing. A follow up link to a story of a woman charged with murder of a fetus were the law was not set up for that purpose. Prosecutorial misconduct/abuse?

1) Fetus vs. Human Being: Does the Distinction Make a Difference Here?

2) State v. Regina McKnight Background

another good link at findlaw: Texas Man Receives A Life Sentence for the Murder of his Unborn Twins: When Feticide is a Capital Crime
It can't be MURDER if it's not murder to kill using abortion. That's the hypocrisy of the whole thing. YOu can't call it murder in one instance, and a woman's right in another.

It is, of course, murder. Calling it "abortion" doesn't make it any different.

And Texas' law isn't crazy. That's just you ranting your nazi eugenics propaganda.
It can't be MURDER if it's not murder to kill using abortion. That's the hypocrisy of the whole thing. YOu can't call it murder in one instance, and a woman's right in another.

It is, of course, murder. Calling it "abortion" doesn't make it any different.

And Texas' law isn't crazy. That's just you ranting your nazi eugenics propaganda.


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