If Fascism Ever Comes to America

There's about as many Baptized Catholics in America today (Percentage wise) as there were Circumcised Jews in Palestine in the 1940's.

Tell me why you think Jews had a right to create Israel, but Catholics should just shut up, and let idiotic bonkers Anglo Zionists from the Southern states to f*ck up the World.
Reagan, identifying you fascists as liberals really has you worked up

Actually, Anglo Zionists pushing for war with Iran has me worked up.

That's why I'm turning on you, you are now the #1 issue.

I long kept quiet, in case you Southerner Trump supporters might, might have done the right thing. NOPE f*ckin NOPE no way,
you Southerner Trump supporters
I'm from Michigan. Consult your map foreigner.

But, you are an Anglo, eh?
As much as youre a dumb polack.

My family here goes back to he 1700s.

Your rabble of looting, shooting, feral Colonist Anglos almost all sound the same, whether it's Michigan, or Bama.

You love Capitalism, Tax cuts, and Zionism.

Then call yourselves as some kind of Right-Wing.
The Monarchy is actually Right Wing, and the Founding Fathers were Liberals in comparison.

Of course everyone back then was Conservative socially in comparison to today.

The funny thing is despite fighting to keep out the King of England a German of the House of Hanover BTW.

You Anglo f*cktard guys watch the English royalty today like celebrities, despite fighting to keep them out.

As if this is some kind of English pride, when they are not only a German Saxe Coburg Gotha royalty, they are Liberal pukes on the whole.
Your rabble of looting, shooting, feral Colonist Anglos almost all sound the same, whether it's Michigan, or Bama.

You love Capitalism, Tax cuts, and Zionism.

Then call yourselves as some kind of Right-Wing
So in addition to hating individual freedom, capitalism, and loving big government, fascism and a Catholic theocracy, you oppose our war for independence from an abusive king.

Thank you for showing America what foreigners like you are and why we need to close our damn borders for a generation or two.
The Monarchy is actually Right Wing, and the Founding Fathers were Liberals in comparison.

Of course everyone back then was Conservative socially in comparison to today.

The funny thing is despite fighting to keep out the King of England a German of the House of Hanover BTW.

You Anglo f*cktard guys watch the English royalty today like celebrities, despite fighting to keep them out.

As if this is some kind of English pride, when they are not only a German Saxe Coburg Gotha royalty, they are Liberal pukes on the whole.
How is any of this vomit relevant to the OP?

If you just want to vent your hatred of my country, start your own damn thread.
Fascists and communists demonized each other during the interwar period, but they are much more alike than different as ideologies.
Your rabble of looting, shooting, feral Colonist Anglos almost all sound the same, whether it's Michigan, or Bama.

You love Capitalism, Tax cuts, and Zionism.

Then call yourselves as some kind of Right-Wing
So in addition to hating individual freedom, capitalism, and loving big government, fascism and a Catholic theocracy, you oppose our war for independence from an abusive king.

Thank you for showing America what foreigners like you are and why we need to close our damn borders for a generation or two.

We don't need to close our borders to keep out the trash. We just need to be more careful about it.
Fascists and communists demonized each other during the interwar period, but they are much more alike than different as ideologies.

Reagan was a Liberal.

Economic liberalization - Wikipedia

Economic liberalization (or economic liberalisation) is the lessening of government regulations and restrictions in an economy in exchange for greater participation by private entities; the doctrine is associated with classical liberalism. Thus, liberalization in short is "the removal of controls" in order to encourage economic development.[1] It is also closely associated with neoliberalism.

Definition of LIBERAL

4: not literal or strict : loose
  • a liberal translation
5: broad-minded; especially : not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms
6a : of, favoring, or based upon the principles of liberalism
b capitalized : of or constituting a political party advocating or associated with the principles of political liberalism; especially : of or constituting a political party in the United Kingdom associated with ideals of individual especially economic freedom, greater individual participation in government, and constitutional, political, and administrative reforms designed to secure these objectives

The Swiss Have Liberal Gun Laws, Too

The Swiss Have Liberal Gun Laws, Too
But they also have fewer gun-related deaths than the U.S.


Participants fire their infantry and assault rifles during the traditional “Ruetlischiessen” (Ruetli shooting) competition at the Ruetli meadow in central Switzerland on November 6, 2013.Arnd Wiegmann / Reuters

In February 2011, Swiss citizens voted in a referendum that called for a national gun registry and for firearms owned by members of the military to be stored in public arsenals.

Liberalism - Wikipedia

Liberalism is a political view based on liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals generally support civil rights, democracy, secularism, gender equality, internationalism and the freedoms of speech, the press, religion and markets.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

Liberalism became a distinct movement in the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among Western philosophers and economists. Liberalism sought to replace the norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, the divine right of kings and traditional conservatism with representative democracy and the rule of law. Liberals also ended mercantilist policies, royal monopolies and other barriers to trade, instead promoting free markets.[11] Philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct tradition, arguing that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property,[12] adding that governments must not violate these rights based on the social contract. While the British liberal tradition has emphasised expanding democracy, French liberalism has emphasised rejecting authoritarianism and is linked to nation-building.[13

Neoliberalism - Wikipedia

Neoliberalism or neo-liberalism[1] refers primarily to the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with laissez-faire economic liberalism.[2]:7 Those ideas include economic liberalization policies such as privatization, austerity, deregulation, free trade[3] and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society.[11] These market-based ideas and the policies they inspired constitute a paradigm shift away from the post-war Keynesian consensus which lasted from 1945 to 1980.[12][13]
Your rabble of looting, shooting, feral Colonist Anglos almost all sound the same, whether it's Michigan, or Bama.

You love Capitalism, Tax cuts, and Zionism.

Then call yourselves as some kind of Right-Wing
you oppose our war for independence from an abusive king..

Not true.

That's why I was making fun of Anglo dregs in this country for watching the English (German blooded) royalties on TV like they're celebrities.
The Monarchy is actually Right Wing, and the Founding Fathers were Liberals in comparison.

Of course everyone back then was Conservative socially in comparison to today.

The funny thing is despite fighting to keep out the King of England a German of the House of Hanover BTW.

You Anglo f*cktard guys watch the English royalty today like celebrities, despite fighting to keep them out.

As if this is some kind of English pride, when they are not only a German Saxe Coburg Gotha royalty, they are Liberal pukes on the whole.
How is any of this vomit relevant to the OP?

If you just want to vent your hatred of my country, start your own damn thread.

I've always wanted to vomit when seeing the English royalty of German blood-lines on TV as if they're the shiznat, and some importance for America, we fought wars to keep these F*ckers away..

Oh, look Prince Harry a Kraut ruler of WASP-land just married Markle with some Neg roots, how cute, aww..

I've always wanted to vomit when I see you Anglo dregs mocking the French.
1.) The French with Lafeyette helped found the U.S.A, without them there would be no U.S.A.
2.) The French donated the Statue of Liberty.
3.) French have always been allies of the U.S.A

I wanted to vomit when Anglo retard W Bush wanted to insult the French by calling French fries, Freedom fries.

I hope all you Anglo fagtards get beat up by French Catholic Georges St Pierre.
Your rabble of looting, shooting, feral Colonist Anglos almost all sound the same, whether it's Michigan, or Bama.

You love Capitalism, Tax cuts, and Zionism.

Then call yourselves as some kind of Right-Wing
So in addition to hating individual freedom, capitalism, and loving big government, fascism and a Catholic theocracy, you oppose our war for independence from an abusive king.

Thank you for showing America what foreigners like you are and why we need to close our damn borders for a generation or two.

You Anglos worship all these English royalty enemies of America on TV, while mocking the French Allies of America.

Why don't you Anglos f*cking assimilate.

I'm more of an American patriot than you, even if I hate f*cking Anglo tard White trash.

I have actual solutions to fix this damn country, which is Fascism.

You Anglos don't understand Political orientation, you don't understand Political dynamics, you don't understand that France made the U.S.A, and your Anglos tried to break the U.S.A.

Who gives a flying hoot what you brutes, who loot, and shoot (WASP's) have to say anymore.

You care more about giving money to Israel, than to Americans in need.

Oh, that's so patriotic, shove it up your chutes.
Fascism would solve the Libera Capitalist ills of America.

- Use authority force to shut down Abortion / Roe vs Wade. (Fascists don't care about the courts, and their BULL)

- Use authority to throw those in jail, and or force companies to shut down who ship jobs to China, Mexico, Vietnam, and India etc.

- Use authority to throw those who hire Illegals in jail, or force companies to shut down who hire Illegal immigrants.

- Use authority to pull the Welfare recipients into the farms, construction, restaurants etc to replace illegals.

- Use authority to micro-manage the media, and Hollywood with councils for a more balanced view, rather than Liberal crapola.

- Force people to sell cakes.
- Engage in beating the political opposition.

Wait that acatually happened already. It was the liberals and the communists in antifa.
Anyways, the Founding Fathers weren't Capitalists.

Heck, both Republicans, and Democrats weren't mega- Capitalists until sometime in the 20th century. (Kind of recent in America's history, really)

Republican Teddy Roosevelt was anti-Capitalist when he broke up Standard Oil a private company, and FDR micro-managed a lot of the businesses, and economy for his War effort, and or New Deal.
(Anti-Capitalist measures too)

The Founding Fathers were no different.

Founding Fathers Spinning In Their Graves As SCOTUS Rules That Corporations Are People Too

Despite the controls placed on corporations in the early days of our nation, as corporations grew larger and their shareholders wealthier, they began to influence the rule making process that governed corporations. Using the money they had accumulated, they began to chip away at corporate restrictions. Eventually, corporations were permitted to go on forever rather than be expressly limited to a period of years. Where shareholders had once been personally responsible for the actions of the corporation, contemporary corporations shield their owners from personal liability.

And now, we have actually taken the step that most completely destroys the vision of the Founders by actually permitting a corporation to possess a religious belief.

Founding Fathers Spinning In Their Graves As SCOTUS Rules That Corporations Are People Too

After the nation’s founding, corporations were, as they are today, the result of charters granted by the state. However, unlike today, they were limited in how long they were permitted to exist (typically 20 or 30 years), only permitted to deal in one commodity, not permitted to own shares in other corporations, and their property holdings were expressly limited to what they needed to accomplish their specific, corporate business goals.

Put another way, every single investment bank on Wall Street, as we know it today, would have been illegal in the days of our founding.

And here is the big one —in the early days of the nation, most states had rules on the books making any political contribution by a corporation a criminal offence.
So, there we have it.

- Anglos don't know that Reagan was a Liberal.

- Anglos don't know that the Founding Fathers weren't Capitalists.

- Anglos don't know that Corporations were regulated by Charters by the Founding Fathers.

- Anglo Republicans don't know that they're Liberals, calling Fascist right-wingers as Liberals.

- Anglo Republicans don't know that Republicans weren't always Capitalists,or mega pro-Corporation. like Teddy Roosevelt.

- Anglos don't understand Capitalism sells out to Liberalism, like Ilegals hanging out in front of Home depot waiting to get picked up by contractor Capitalists for work, while Home depot puts up Spanish signs to cater to them.

- Anglos don't understand France made America possible, as they mock French, and praise the English royalty we fought to keep out.

- Anglos don't understand Market Liberalism is to cut regulations, or rather create Free Market Capitalism.

- Anglos don't understand that Gun rights is actually Liberalism of guns, or loosening of regulations against guns.

- Anglos don't understand Israel is also a terrorist state, and has a history of Anti-American actions.

The big question becomes.

What the heck do you Anglos know? It seems like you're a bunch of retards.

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