If Gays Are Allowed to Target and Discriminate Against Christian Businesses. . . .

"All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin."

In sure someone will correct me here but, I'm not seeing in the definition of public accomodation where sexual orientation is even considered. Has there been a change that is not published yet?

Just another one of those things libs will find devastating and insist that it be changed.
"All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin."

In sure someone will correct me here but, I'm not seeing in the definition of public accomodation where sexual orientation is even considered. Has there been a change that is not published yet?

It varies from state to state idiot!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here's a bit of information that most news outlets have not mentioned about the recent Supreme Court case involving the baker in Colorado who (politely) declined to bake a gay wedding cake for a gay couple: The baker served all of his other products to his gay customers. The one and only product that he would not provide to his gay customers was a same-sex wedding cake. But, nope, that wasn't good enough for the Gay Rights Gestapo. The gay couple took legal action against the baker. Luckily, the Supreme Court ruled against the gay couple, albeit on very narrow grounds, by a vote of 7-2 (Masterpiece Cakeshop: How Can a 7-2 Supreme Court Decision Be “Narrow?”).

This example of intolerance by the Gay Rights Gestapo is a repeat of what they have done to other Christian vendors. Take, for example, the Mennonite couple in Iowa--yes, they were Mennonites--who lost their business because they would not host a gay wedding. A gay couple, who did not even live in the same town but lived 25 minutes away, asked the Mennonite couple if they would host their gay wedding in the couple's small wedding chapel that was part of their bistro and flower shop business. The Mennonite couple offered to provide any other service the gay couple wanted. They even offered to provide flowers. But, they explained to the gay couple that because of their religious beliefs, they did not want to host a gay wedding in their wedding chapel (see Another Christian Family-Run Business Closing After Refusing to Host Gay Wedding.) And get this: The Mennonite couple routinely served gay customers and even hired gays as employees (see Mennonite husband and wife say they have no hatred toward gays; media say they're 'anti-gay')!

But you guessed it: That was not good enough for the Gay Rights Nazis. The gay couple filed a complaint against the Mennonite couple, and the Mennonite family began receiving hateful and threatening phone calls, and customers were afraid to dine at the bistro anymore because of the controversy. So the Mennonite couple ended up having to close their business.

Clearly, the gay couple targeted the Mennonite family's business in the hope of finding grounds to take legal action against it, and against them. Again, the gay couple didn't even live in the same town where the bistro was located but lived 25 minutes away. Also, there were numerous venues in the Des Moines area that advertised their willingness to host and serve gay weddings, but the gay couple decided to drive 25 minutes to the small town of Grimes to demand that the Mennonite couple host their gay wedding.

If the Mennonite family had been militant atheists who did not believe in any kind of marriage and who therefore would not host any weddings in their building, the gay couple would have simply found another venue. But since the couple were Mennonites and declined to host a gay wedding on religious grounds, the gay couple took legal action against them. That's what you call "discrimination," not to mention targeting and persecution.

Getting back to the recent Colorado case for a minute: Keep in mind that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission and the local courts that ruled against the Masterpiece Cakeshop baker also ruled in favor of a secular baker who refused to bake a cake that celebrated traditional marriage and that implied criticism of gay marriage. Oh, okay: So it's okay for a secular baker to refuse to bake a cake that they find offensive, but it's not okay for religious baker to refuse to bake a cake that they find offensive? Got it.

Hard to understand why anyone would expect a business that is registered or licensed to serve the public should actually serve the public.

The gay couple were served. The baker was not willing to do what they wanted. Big difference.
How? How is it "discrimination" when you are only asking for the service because you want to sue the vendor for denying it, and when you can easily and quickly obtain that service elsewhere?
I have been all through this horseshit with people like you too many times. How the fuck do you know that they can "easily and quickly obtain that service elsewhere?" It depends on geography . Maybe there is only one bakery that is conveniently located

But that is beside the point. The fact is that even if there was another baker next door, they were still inconvenienced, and possible humiliated and embarrassed. They are receiving UNEQUAL TREATMENT and that is DISCRIMINATION. And you assertion that they just want to sue is ignorant and bigoted bovine excrement
They got their feelings hurt....and so they feel entitled to ruin someone's life over it, rather than having some pride and self respect. They wanted to punish that evil business for having a thought that didn't agree with theirs.

Here's a thought, not everyone will agree with you, so what, if that ruffled your feathers, the problem is not with the business, the problem is with the customer.

Again, I find it simply amazing that people get their feelings hurt, and decide they want to ruin a business, and possibly the lives of a family. What about the children of that Bakery who had to close their doors. Did anyone ever consider what will happen to them? What happens if they lose their home and get thrust out onto the street, because the family no longer can make the money they used to?
You just don't get what discrimination really is all about. You don't understand that it could be you or anybody . You don't realize that we cannot function as a rational society if we allow the chaos that random discrimination would bring. Pathetic!
Because in your world, religious people don't have freedoms, right? Since you probably dont believe the way they do, you feel they shouldn't have any protections under the law.
That is a gross misrepresentation of what I believe . I do indeed believe that religious beliefs and practices should have protection. However I do not believe that religion should be used as a weapon against those that the so called Christians like you disapprove of for political purposes
"All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin."

In sure someone will correct me here but, I'm not seeing in the definition of public accomodation where sexual orientation is even considered. Has there been a change that is not published yet?

It varies from state to state idiot!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My bad! I didn't know..sheesh! :)
How? How is it "discrimination" when you are only asking for the service because you want to sue the vendor for denying it, and when you can easily and quickly obtain that service elsewhere?
I have been all through this horseshit with people like you too many times. How the fuck do you know that they can "easily and quickly obtain that service elsewhere?" It depends on geography . Maybe there is only one bakery that is conveniently located

But that is beside the point. The fact is that even if there was another baker next door, they were still inconvenienced, and possible humiliated and embarrassed. They are receiving UNEQUAL TREATMENT and that is DISCRIMINATION. And you assertion that they just want to sue is ignorant and bigoted bovine excrement
They got their feelings hurt....and so they feel entitled to ruin someone's life over it, rather than having some pride and self respect. They wanted to punish that evil business for having a thought that didn't agree with theirs.

Here's a thought, not everyone will agree with you, so what, if that ruffled your feathers, the problem is not with the business, the problem is with the customer.

Again, I find it simply amazing that people get their feelings hurt, and decide they want to ruin a business, and possibly the lives of a family. What about the children of that Bakery who had to close their doors. Did anyone ever consider what will happen to them? What happens if they lose their home and get thrust out onto the street, because the family no longer can make the money they used to?
You just don't get what discrimination really is all about. You don't understand that it could be you or anybody . You don't realize that we cannot function as a rational society if we allow the chaos that random discrimination would bring. Pathetic!
But...this was a cake....I could understand if this was some life changing event...but it was a..cake....

A gay couple tried to ruin the lives of a family..over a ...cake

Yeah, I'd say they need to grow up and move on.
Because in your world, religious people don't have freedoms, right? Since you probably dont believe the way they do, you feel they shouldn't have any protections under the law.
That is a gross misrepresentation of what I believe . I do indeed believe that religious beliefs and practices should have protection. However I do not believe that religion should be used as a weapon against those that the so called Christians like you disapprove of for political purposes
Lol, most people call me a conservative...I'm not, I'm more of a constitutionalist and I can understand how some would call me a Christian, after reading my posts here. Let's say that im still in the category of trying to figure out where my faith stands.

My point in this thread is that, in this instance, you can't protect one person's liberties without trampling on someone else's. The Baker felt lending his creativeness to the occasion would have been a contradiction to his faith. It was a religious observance, not discrimination. The Baker offered to sell them any cake already prepared, but he wouldn't, in his estimation, be a part of the event by making a product especially for the event.
Ok then, so then we can have gay owned businesses making cakes with anti gay Bible verses, Muslim butchers processing pork products
Do you have any idea how stupid that is? I'm sure that you don't . The gay guys who wanted a cake just wanted a fucking cake. They did not ask for any pro gay message on it.

But the Muslim butcher is the epitome of idiocy. Muslim butchers do not provide pork to anyone so it is not discrimination . That is like saying that a sushi restaurant could be sued for not serving Italian food. Is it remotely possible that you are so fucking out to lunch that you can't understand that?
Bullshit, the baker said he would've sold them a cake. He's sell anyone a cake. He just wouldn't decorate it to their instructions.
Christian baker being sued over refusal to make Bert and Ernie-themed gay marriage cake says she 'knew in her heart' she couldn't complete the order
  • The owner of a Christian bakery refused to make a pro-gay marriage cake
  • He refused to make a gay cake, he did not refuse to sell a gay a cake.
Ok then, so then we can have gay owned businesses making cakes with anti gay Bible verses, Muslim butchers processing pork products
Do you have any idea how stupid that is? I'm sure that you don't . The gay guys who wanted a cake just wanted a fucking cake. They did not ask for any pro gay message on it.

But the Muslim butcher is the epitome of idiocy. Muslim butchers do not provide pork to anyone so it is not discrimination . That is like saying that a sushi restaurant could be sued for not serving Italian food. Is it remotely possible that you are so fucking out to lunch that you can't understand that?

Not talking about a butcher who runs a meat market, in taking about a butcher that processes animals for people who bring them in. Under your stance, if I bring in 20 hogs and 50 live lobsters, they must process them for me.
Bullshit! Same stupidity, different day. You're just trying to dig your way out of the hole that you dug for yourself. Not working. It's the same thing.
Because in your world, religious people don't have freedoms, right? Since you probably dont believe the way they do, you feel they shouldn't have any protections under the law.
That is a gross misrepresentation of what I believe . I do indeed believe that religious beliefs and practices should have protection. However I do not believe that religion should be used as a weapon against those that the so called Christians like you disapprove of for political purposes
Lol, most people call me a conservative...I'm not, I'm more of a constitutionalist and I can understand how some would call me a Christian, after reading my posts here. Let's say that im still in the category of trying to figure out where my faith stands.

My point in this thread is that, in this instance, you can't protect one person's liberties without trampling on someone else's. The Baker felt lending his creativeness to the occasion would have been a contradiction to his faith. It was a religious observance, not discrimination. The Baker offered to sell them any cake already prepared, but he wouldn't, in his estimation, be a part of the event by making a product especially for the event.
You can't protect one person's liberties without trampling on someone else's? That is only true if you consider discrimination in the name of religious freedom a "liberty" Your right to swing your arm ends where my face begins.
Ok then, so then we can have gay owned businesses making cakes with anti gay Bible verses, Muslim butchers processing pork products
Do you have any idea how stupid that is? I'm sure that you don't . The gay guys who wanted a cake just wanted a fucking cake. They did not ask for any pro gay message on it.

But the Muslim butcher is the epitome of idiocy. Muslim butchers do not provide pork to anyone so it is not discrimination . That is like saying that a sushi restaurant could be sued for not serving Italian food. Is it remotely possible that you are so fucking out to lunch that you can't understand that?
Bullshit, the baker said he would've sold them a cake. He's sell anyone a cake. He just wouldn't decorate it to their instructions.
Christian baker being sued over refusal to make Bert and Ernie-themed gay marriage cake says she 'knew in her heart' she couldn't complete the order
  • The owner of a Christian bakery refused to make a pro-gay marriage cake
  • He refused to make a gay cake, he did not refuse to sell a gay a cake.
Really? What exactly were their instructions?
Ok then, so then we can have gay owned businesses making cakes with anti gay Bible verses, Muslim butchers processing pork products
Do you have any idea how stupid that is? I'm sure that you don't . The gay guys who wanted a cake just wanted a fucking cake. They did not ask for any pro gay message on it.

But the Muslim butcher is the epitome of idiocy. Muslim butchers do not provide pork to anyone so it is not discrimination . That is like saying that a sushi restaurant could be sued for not serving Italian food. Is it remotely possible that you are so fucking out to lunch that you can't understand that?
Bullshit, the baker said he would've sold them a cake. He's sell anyone a cake. He just wouldn't decorate it to their instructions.
Christian baker being sued over refusal to make Bert and Ernie-themed gay marriage cake says she 'knew in her heart' she couldn't complete the order
  • The owner of a Christian bakery refused to make a pro-gay marriage cake
  • He refused to make a gay cake, he did not refuse to sell a gay a cake.
Really? What exactly were their instructions?
He said, on Fox, that he would sell a cake to anyone who wants to buy it, but he's not going to design a cake for a gay wedding.
Ok then, so then we can have gay owned businesses making cakes with anti gay Bible verses, Muslim butchers processing pork products
Do you have any idea how stupid that is? I'm sure that you don't . The gay guys who wanted a cake just wanted a fucking cake. They did not ask for any pro gay message on it.

But the Muslim butcher is the epitome of idiocy. Muslim butchers do not provide pork to anyone so it is not discrimination . That is like saying that a sushi restaurant could be sued for not serving Italian food. Is it remotely possible that you are so fucking out to lunch that you can't understand that?
Bullshit, the baker said he would've sold them a cake. He's sell anyone a cake. He just wouldn't decorate it to their instructions.
Christian baker being sued over refusal to make Bert and Ernie-themed gay marriage cake says she 'knew in her heart' she couldn't complete the order
  • The owner of a Christian bakery refused to make a pro-gay marriage cake
  • He refused to make a gay cake, he did not refuse to sell a gay a cake.
Really? What exactly were their instructions?
He said, on Fox, that he would sell a cake to anyone who wants to buy it, but he's not going to design a cake for a gay wedding.
What was the design and how does it impinge on his religious freedom?
Because in your world, religious people don't have freedoms, right? Since you probably dont believe the way they do, you feel they shouldn't have any protections under the law.
That is a gross misrepresentation of what I believe . I do indeed believe that religious beliefs and practices should have protection. However I do not believe that religion should be used as a weapon against those that the so called Christians like you disapprove of for political purposes
Lol, most people call me a conservative...I'm not, I'm more of a constitutionalist and I can understand how some would call me a Christian, after reading my posts here. Let's say that im still in the category of trying to figure out where my faith stands.

My point in this thread is that, in this instance, you can't protect one person's liberties without trampling on someone else's. The Baker felt lending his creativeness to the occasion would have been a contradiction to his faith. It was a religious observance, not discrimination. The Baker offered to sell them any cake already prepared, but he wouldn't, in his estimation, be a part of the event by making a product especially for the event.
You can't protect one person's liberties without trampling on someone else's? That is only true if you consider discrimination in the name of religious freedom a "liberty" Your right to swing your arm ends where my face begins.
Frivolous gun control laws trample all over peoples rights...
"All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin."

In sure someone will correct me here but, I'm not seeing in the definition of public accomodation where sexual orientation is even considered. Has there been a change that is not published yet?

Sexual orientation is part of State level Public Accommodation laws, you might want to check the code in Washington State (Sweetcakes by Melissa and Arlene's Flowers cases), Colorado (Masterpiece Cakeshop case), and New Mexico (Elane's Photography case) just to reference a few. IIRC it's about 20 that include sexual orientation. Some include marital status, parental status, and military status also.

Not talking about a butcher who runs a meat market, in taking about a butcher that processes animals for people who bring them in. Under your stance, if I bring in 20 hogs and 50 live lobsters, they must process them for me.

No quite true.

If the business does not "process" hogs or lobsters for ANYONE, then there is not issue. However if the shop processed hogs for black people but refuse to provide the same service to white people, they would be in violation of the law.

If a baker doesn't sell wedding cakes to anyone, they are not inviolation of the law. However if they sell wedding cakes to white people but refuse to sell them to an interracial couple because of race, they would be in violation of the law.

Public Accommodation laws do not mandate what goods and services must be supplied, only that if the shop owner doe include them in their business model that goods and services can't be refused based on certain characteristics of the customer.

The gay couple were served. The baker was not willing to do what they wanted. Big difference.

No they weren't, the couple was refused service when they went for an appointment to order a wedding cake. There was never any discussion of design.

Because in your world, religious people don't have freedoms, right? Since you probably dont believe the way they do, you feel they shouldn't have any protections under the law.
That is a gross misrepresentation of what I believe . I do indeed believe that religious beliefs and practices should have protection. However I do not believe that religion should be used as a weapon against those that the so called Christians like you disapprove of for political purposes
Lol, most people call me a conservative...I'm not, I'm more of a constitutionalist and I can understand how some would call me a Christian, after reading my posts here. Let's say that im still in the category of trying to figure out where my faith stands.

My point in this thread is that, in this instance, you can't protect one person's liberties without trampling on someone else's. The Baker felt lending his creativeness to the occasion would have been a contradiction to his faith. It was a religious observance, not discrimination. The Baker offered to sell them any cake already prepared, but he wouldn't, in his estimation, be a part of the event by making a product especially for the event.
You can't protect one person's liberties without trampling on someone else's? That is only true if you consider discrimination in the name of religious freedom a "liberty" Your right to swing your arm ends where my face begins.
Frivolous gun control laws trample all over peoples rights...
You mean the right to get shot with an assault weapon legally purchased by a known schizophrenic while peacefully attending a concert.?
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