If God came into your livingroom tonight and proved he was real, how would you change your life?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
A questions for Christians and non-Christians.

I am Catholic, I have faith in God, but I still do things I know God does not want me to do.

If God came into my livingroom and proved he was real, I don't know what I would change.
A questions for Christians and non-Christians.

I am Catholic, I have faith in God, but I still do things I know God does not want me to do.

If God came into my livingroom and proved he was real, I don't know what I would change.
I would change my mind. Instead of, if there is a god he/she really likes me, it would be... Holy shit... Howdy God.

There is a god, and he/she really likes me. I don't think life would change much unless they decided to have long lengthy discussions with me.
A questions for Christians and non-Christians.

I am Catholic, I have faith in God, but I still do things I know God does not want me to do.

If God came into my livingroom and proved he was real, I don't know what I would change.
I wouldn't. I don't believe in goD but I live right anyway.
A questions for Christians and non-Christians.

I am Catholic, I have faith in God, but I still do things I know God does not want me to do.

If God came into my livingroom and proved he was real, I don't know what I would change.

God has come to me on many occasions. Further, He's never had to prove a damn thing to me and if He wanted to, I wouldn't believe it was God at all. I've seen him in the first budding of spring trees after a long, freezing cold winter. I saw him through rippling water when as a child I nearly drowned. I've seen him in the loving eyes of my children and in the eyes of fellow soldiers under incoming mortar fire. What does he look like? All those things I've mentioned and like nothing I can describe. What has seeing God caused me to change about myself? Not much . . . at least not for long. I am what I am: human, mortal, sinner, flawed. The routine of the flesh always wins out—in the end.
A questions for Christians and non-Christians.

I am Catholic, I have faith in God, but I still do things I know God does not want me to do.

If God came into my livingroom and proved he was real, I don't know what I would change.

God has come to me on many occasions. Further, He's never had to prove a damn thing to me and if He wanted to, I wouldn't believe it was God at all. I've seen him in the first budding of spring trees after a long, freezing cold winter. I saw him through rippling water when as a child I nearly drowned. I've seen him in the loving eyes of my children and in the eyes of fellow soldiers under incoming mortar fire. What does he look like? All those things I've mentioned and like nothing I can describe. What has seeing God caused me to change about myself? Not much . . . at least not for long. I am what I am: human, mortal, sinner, flawed. The routine of the flesh always wins out—in the end.
A questions for Christians and non-Christians.

I am Catholic, I have faith in God, but I still do things I know God does not want me to do.

If God came into my living room and proved he was real, I don't know what I would change.
I would be in awe for the longest time, then get on my knees and thank him for all the blessings he sent me. Change my life? Every chance i could get I would help someone else and ask them to
"pay it forward" to someone in need and remind him the Jesus loves him.
You ask too many questions Blackrook!

why? what's wrong with you? what's you problem???

stop it lol
A questions for Christians and non-Christians.

I am Catholic, I have faith in God, but I still do things I know God does not want me to do.

If God came into my livingroom and proved he was real, I don't know what I would change.

I don't know. The only thing I would want to know, is why am I here. For what purpose. Not generic "to worship G-d", but rather specifically, if I have no skills or abilities.. what am I supposed to be doing.
A questions for Christians and non-Christians.

I am Catholic, I have faith in God, but I still do things I know God does not want me to do.

If God came into my livingroom and proved he was real, I don't know what I would change.

I'd be screwed. Because the first thing I'd do is punch the motherfucker in the face.
A questions for Christians and non-Christians.

I am Catholic, I have faith in God, but I still do things I know God does not want me to do.

If God came into my livingroom and proved he was real, I don't know what I would change.
A questions for Christians and non-Christians. I am Catholic, I have faith in God, but I still do things I know God does not want me to do. If God came into my living room and proved he was real, I don't know what I would change.
I'd ask him why he would create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect. BTW, also raised Catholic, but am currently agnostic, so such a meeting would at least settle some things in my mind.

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