Zone1 If God Is All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Loving, Then Why Didn't He Create Us To Be Perfect Like Himself

If God has the power to do anything imaginable and knows all things, certainly He would have the power to make us to be exactly like himself. Certainly He would know how to make us perfect like himself, and if He truly loves us, then he would certainly make us to be the best we could be. So why did God create us as imperfect sinful beings instead of perfect beings just like himself?

Some have answered this by saying that God gave us free will and because of this mankind has chosen to be imperfect. However, this does not really answer the dilemma. If God created us to be perfect like Himself, then we would make perfect choices given that we are created to be perfect even as God is perfect. Does God have free will? Does God make bad choices?

As a Christian, how would you respond to this problem of imperfect and evil?

I want to know why he created us as he did, then got totally annoyed about humans being bad, and then went on a GENOCIDE SPREE killing just about everything... what kind of a complete and utter fucking knobhead would do that?
If God has the power to do anything imaginable and knows all things, certainly He would have the power to make us to be exactly like himself. Certainly He would know how to make us perfect like himself, and if He truly loves us, then he would certainly make us to be the best we could be. So why did God create us as imperfect sinful beings instead of perfect beings just like himself?

Some have answered this by saying that God gave us free will and because of this mankind has chosen to be imperfect. However, this does not really answer the dilemma. If God created us to be perfect like Himself, then we would make perfect choices given that we are created to be perfect even as God is perfect. Does God have free will? Does God make bad choices?

As a Christian, how would you respond to this problem of imperfect and evil?
/——/ He obviously didn’t create us as perfect as himself. He did give us free will. Why are you harping on this? You sound like an atheist looking to undermine our faith.
I want to know why he created us as he did, then got totally annoyed about humans being bad, and then went on a GENOCIDE SPREE killing just about everything... what kind of a complete and utter fucking knobhead would do that?
Your dulmbness grows apace... So you DO accept the Bible as the Word of God BUT you think it proves that it isn't the Word of God

Dumb as dumb gets. The same book answers your question. But you pick and choose as you always do.
Answer me :Is the BIble the Word of God
if you say "Yes' then your ignoring all that says God wants only our good
IF you say "No' then why are you building your case from it?
If God has the power to do anything imaginable and knows all things, certainly He would have the power to make us to be exactly like himself. Certainly He would know how to make us perfect like himself, and if He truly loves us, then he would certainly make us to be the best we could be. So why did God create us as imperfect sinful beings instead of perfect beings just like himself?

Some have answered this by saying that God gave us free will and because of this mankind has chosen to be imperfect. However, this does not really answer the dilemma. If God created us to be perfect like Himself, then we would make perfect choices given that we are created to be perfect even as God is perfect. Does God have free will? Does God make bad choices?

As a Christian, how would you respond to this problem of imperfect and evil?
Look at your OP question, and read it again.
You should know the answer. If you don't, well... keep your expectations low and you will be fine.
Your dulmbness grows apace... So you DO accept the Bible as the Word of God BUT you think it proves that it isn't the Word of God

Dumb as dumb gets. The same book answers your question. But you pick and choose as you always do.
Answer me :Is the BIble the Word of God
if you say "Yes' then your ignoring all that says God wants only our good
IF you say "No' then why are you building your case from it?
You know if you are going to impugn the intelligence of another person you should really make an effort not to misspell words.
Your dulmbness grows apace... So you DO accept the Bible as the Word of God BUT you think it proves that it isn't the Word of God

Dumb as dumb gets. The same book answers your question. But you pick and choose as you always do.
Answer me :Is the BIble the Word of God
if you say "Yes' then your ignoring all that says God wants only our good
IF you say "No' then why are you building your case from it?

Welcome to the ignore list.
When your very thoughts can be sins you have no chance of reaching the bar of perfection your god has set for you.
I think that is a very false assumption. We make bad decisions because of a lack of knowledge and understanding or we are not controlling our passions and desires. It is however possible for us to gain a greater knowledge and understanding and make free will choices to live by a greater knowledge and understanding and to control our passions and desires. Its a free will choice that we can make and this is the reason God commands us to repent and forsake our sins and keep his commandments.

Your very thoughts do not have to be sins. That is a choice you can make. You can choose to not sin!
Good luck with that.

We have seen that the quest for perfection is a losing game and the cause of untold numbers of mental health issues.

And the idea of "right" and "wrong" is subjective anyway. And why should we have to be forgiven for being imperfect when we were intentionally made that way by a god?

You are seeking forgiveness for something that isn;t your fault.
The quest for perfection is not a losing game. God has commanded us to be perfect. He does not give commandments that cannot be fulfilled by us. Right and wrong can be subjective at times but in the overall it is not subjective. God gives us commandments that as a general rule are not subjective truths. God also can guide us through his Holy Spirit into all truth and thus in rare situations He can always lead us in the path of righteousness. We own our free will choices. We don't have to choose evil. However, we aren't perfect while here on earth and before coming to a perfect knowledge and understanding of right and wrong, we can make mistakes. God expects us to stop being ignorant and learn his ways. By studying his ways and following his spirit, you can overcome your ignorance and evil desires and become like God. God has made it possible to be forgiven for past mistakes as we take his gospel and apply it to our lives and strive to become more like him. We own our bad choices and through repentance and forgiveness of sins we can be forgiven and not have those sins held accountable on us in the day of judgement. Yes, we will be judged for the free will choices that we make. Imperfection is entered into by making bad free will choices. Perfection is entered into by forsaking bad decisions and using our free will choice to repent and and forsake our bad choices. Forgiveness for the bad choices is possible because God so loved the world that He gave his Only Begotten Son as a sacrifice for those sins. All we need to do is have faith in God and repent and seek after Him and you will be on the path of perfection. Sins are our fault because nobody is making us sin, we do it of our own free will and choice. Thus we are accountable for our choices and sins.
I want to know why he created us as he did, then got totally annoyed about humans being bad, and then went on a GENOCIDE SPREE killing just about everything... what kind of a complete and utter fucking knobhead would do that?
If you've read all my previous posts, I explained that God could not make us perfect. The process of creating intelligence living beings is by combining self-existing intelligence with self existing matter. I don't believe God creates out of nothing. I believe that is a false doctrine. I believe all life exists on a self-existing principle. Thus if God cannot create our intelligence, then cannot create it to be perfect. Our intelligence, at the time of birth, is in the state it has reached throughout eternity. God simply creates (organizes) self-existing intelligence and matter into living human spirits and living human bodies. That is how we are created. The process of combining these self-existing materials is through the process of procreation. Our spirits are the literal offspring of God our Eternal Father in Heaven. We are literally the offspring of God. Progression in God's vast kingdom comes by learning and understanding and applying God's will to our lives. We have the capacity to become like our Father in Heaven. This why Jesus commanded us to be perfect even as our Father in Heaven is perfect. God knew that when He placed Adam and Eve on this earth that they would fall and for this reason he called and selected His firstborn son Jesus Christ to be the Savior of the World before the foundation of the world.

1 Peter 1:19-21
19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:
20 Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,
21 Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God.

God knew that the self-existing intelligences were imperfect and the only way to have them progress was to have them learn by knowledge and understanding and free will to choose to become better beings. Only through free will can a being become good in and of himself. It was beyond God's ability to create mankind to be perfect because He couldn't create the intelligence of man from the beginning. This mortal life is a temporary existence. God doesn't want us to kill one another but allow everyone to have free will to choose to be better beings. However, God himself is the God of this world and overseer of our progression and advancement in this world. If He feels that certain people need to be taken out of this temporary existence, then it is his right to do so. Through the merits of Jesus Christ we all will resurrect and live forever and ever in bodies of flesh and bones. So this life is temporary and God can take you out of this temporary mortal life whenever He chooses. The purpose of this mortal life is to gain and learn to use a body of flesh and bones and to learn good and evil and to overcome evil by choosing good. If mankind, of their own free will and choice, is not progressing but digressing, God may feel that it is necessary to remove mankind from this temporary existence so as not to spoil it for others. Such was the case in the days of Noah.

"what kind of a complete and utter fucking knobhead would do that?"
One that knows all things and is capable of running a world filled with imperfect beings with a high degree of free will. If free will is critical for the progession of his children, what other option would he have than to remove them from this temporal existence if they use their free will to start leading many others down the path of destruction?
/——/ He obviously didn’t create us as perfect as himself. He did give us free will. Why are you harping on this? You sound like an atheist looking to undermine our faith.
I am giving you the reason why God could not have created us perfect and thus needs to lead imperfect beings to choose good over eivl and make their lives more and more perfect through leaning, repentance, and forgiveness. Basically the answer to the problem I originally posted is that God could not create us to be perfect. It was beyond his power. Intelligence is self-existing and cannot be created or made and neither indeed can be. Thus if God could not create intelligence, then he could not create it to be perfect. He has take imperfect beings and teach them how to progress through their own free will and choice.
Look at your OP question, and read it again.
You should know the answer. If you don't, well... keep your expectations low and you will be fine.
I do know the answer and it is in the post above. If you don't believe it, then that is your free will choice.
If God has the power to do anything imaginable and knows all things, certainly He would have the power to make us to be exactly like himself. Certainly He would know how to make us perfect like himself, and if He truly loves us, then he would certainly make us to be the best we could be. So why did God create us as imperfect sinful beings instead of perfect beings just like himself?

Some have answered this by saying that God gave us free will and because of this mankind has chosen to be imperfect. However, this does not really answer the dilemma. If God created us to be perfect like Himself, then we would make perfect choices given that we are created to be perfect even as God is perfect. Does God have free will? Does God make bad choices?

As a Christian, how would you respond to this problem of imperfect and evil?
We'd be faster than cheetahs, stronger than grizzlies, see better than eagles, be able to fly. Not being able to fly is the big one. If we were his chosen species, we'd be able to fly. Admit it, we'd all love to fly. God didn't think of that? A bumble Bee can fly it's fat ass around but we can't.

As advanced as we are, we are still at war, divided, racist, superstitious manipulated species. The media, corporations, governments, religions and rich people all control the masses.

I love this song that says the pastor says dying is the only solution instead of praying for change, pray things will be better in the afterlife. Don't worry about now. Worry about the everlasting.
I am giving you the reason why God could not have created us perfect and thus needs to lead imperfect beings to choose good over eivl and make their lives more and more perfect through leaning, repentance, and forgiveness. Basically the answer to the problem I originally posted is that God could not create us to be perfect. It was beyond his power. Intelligence is self-existing and cannot be created or made and neither indeed can be. Thus if God could not create intelligence, then he could not create it to be perfect. He has take imperfect beings and teach them how to progress through their own free will and choice.
/——/ No one said were created perfect. It’s just some narrative you’ve created.
If you've read all my previous posts, I explained that God could not make us perfect. The process of creating intelligence living beings is by combining self-existing intelligence with self existing matter. I don't believe God creates out of nothing. I believe that is a false doctrine. I believe all life exists on a self-existing principle. Thus if God cannot create our intelligence, then cannot create it to be perfect. Our intelligence, at the time of birth, is in the state it has reached throughout eternity. God simply creates (organizes) self-existing intelligence and matter into living human spirits and living human bodies. That is how we are created. The process of combining these self-existing materials is through the process of procreation. Our spirits are the literal offspring of God our Eternal Father in Heaven. We are literally the offspring of God. Progression in God's vast kingdom comes by learning and understanding and applying God's will to our lives. We have the capacity to become like our Father in Heaven. This why Jesus commanded us to be perfect even as our Father in Heaven is perfect. God knew that when He placed Adam and Eve on this earth that they would fall and for this reason he called and selected His firstborn son Jesus Christ to be the Savior of the World before the foundation of the world.

1 Peter 1:19-21
19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:
20 Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,
21 Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God.

God knew that the self-existing intelligences were imperfect and the only way to have them progress was to have them learn by knowledge and understanding and free will to choose to become better beings. Only through free will can a being become good in and of himself. It was beyond God's ability to create mankind to be perfect because He couldn't create the intelligence of man from the beginning. This mortal life is a temporary existence. God doesn't want us to kill one another but allow everyone to have free will to choose to be better beings. However, God himself is the God of this world and overseer of our progression and advancement in this world. If He feels that certain people need to be taken out of this temporary existence, then it is his right to do so. Through the merits of Jesus Christ we all will resurrect and live forever and ever in bodies of flesh and bones. So this life is temporary and God can take you out of this temporary mortal life whenever He chooses. The purpose of this mortal life is to gain and learn to use a body of flesh and bones and to learn good and evil and to overcome evil by choosing good. If mankind, of their own free will and choice, is not progressing but digressing, God may feel that it is necessary to remove mankind from this temporary existence so as not to spoil it for others. Such was the case in the days of Noah.

One that knows all things and is capable of running a world filled with imperfect beings with a high degree of free will. If free will is critical for the progession of his children, what other option would he have than to remove them from this temporal existence if they use their free will to start leading many others down the path of destruction?

So, God didn't create us perfect. So when humans then went against his wishes, he killed all of them in a genocidal frenzy, AND killed animals, and then kept Noah and his family who went on to have descendants who became Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot etc etc etc.

Also, he made lions, tigers and many other carnivores who get their food by BEING VIOLENT. He created humans as omnivores to go out and KILL, and then gets angry because they're violent???

Why would you create something violent and then complain when they're violent and THEN, get this, because you hate violence so much you got and KILL most animals and humans. Nothing says "I abhor violence" more than going on a genocidal frenzy, does it?
If God has the power to do anything imaginable and knows all things, certainly He would have the power to make us to be exactly like himself. Certainly He would know how to make us perfect like himself, and if He truly loves us, then he would certainly make us to be the best we could be. So why did God create us as imperfect sinful beings instead of perfect beings just like himself?

Some have answered this by saying that God gave us free will and because of this mankind has chosen to be imperfect. However, this does not really answer the dilemma. If God created us to be perfect like Himself, then we would make perfect choices given that we are created to be perfect even as God is perfect. Does God have free will? Does God make bad choices?

As a Christian, how would you respond to this problem of imperfect and evil?
Did you read the bible? God created Adam and Eve to live forever, knowing only good, not aging like now, never sick, in perfection. Alls they had to do was not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and bad. They rebelled because of satans lie, thus God let them have their way=mortals knowing good and bad, but aging, dying, sick, etc. Gods kingdom rule has promised to put it back the way God planned it to be to start with.
So, God didn't create us perfect. So when humans then went against his wishes, he killed all of them in a genocidal frenzy, AND killed animals, and then kept Noah and his family who went on to have descendants who became Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot etc etc etc.

Also, he made lions, tigers and many other carnivores who get their food by BEING VIOLENT. He created humans as omnivores to go out and KILL, and then gets angry because they're violent???

Why would you create something violent and then complain when they're violent and THEN, get this, because you hate violence so much you got and KILL most animals and humans. Nothing says "I abhor violence" more than going on a genocidal frenzy, does it?
/----/ Nothing we post will ever convince you of our faith. Since it doesn't affect you, please just go away.
We'd be faster than cheetahs, stronger than grizzlies, see better than eagles, be able to fly. Not being able to fly is the big one. If we were his chosen species, we'd be able to fly. Admit it, we'd all love to fly. God didn't think of that? A bumble Bee can fly it's fat ass around but we can't.

As advanced as we are, we are still at war, divided, racist, superstitious manipulated species. The media, corporations, governments, religions and rich people all control the masses.

I love this song that says the pastor says dying is the only solution instead of praying for change, pray things will be better in the afterlife. Don't worry about now. Worry about the everlasting.
That is if you believe that God can do anything imaginable. I don't believe God can. I think that when we say that God is all powerful, that means that he has the power to do all that is possible. There are eternal impossibilities that not even God can do. I believe that God cannot create out of nothing. I believe that our intelligence is self-existing and was not created or made, neither indeed can be. Not even by God. I believe God uses self-existing intelligence to create life. Thus he could never create us to be perfect. In order for man to become perfect, he would need free will and choose of his own volition to abide by laws of perfection. This is why God could not create us to be perfect like himself. Mankind has to use his free will to progress to become perfect.

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