If God is all powerful, ...

If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?
Then you'd be a robot. Is that what you want to be? A machine?

God is perfect. Is He a machine or robot?
If god is perfect, then why is he making all those deformed and retarded babies? :dunno:
Who is "god"?

Anyway, our imperfections are our path to become like Him.

There is no growth without struggle.

This is why homosexuals should not be encouraged in their sins. You are denying them the opportunity to grow thru their struggles.
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?
Then you'd be a robot. Is that what you want to be? A machine?

God is perfect. Is He a machine or robot?
If god is perfect, then why is he making all those deformed and retarded babies? :dunno:
Who is "god"?

Anyway, our imperfections are our path to become like Him.

There is no growth without struggle.

This is why homosexuals should not be encouraged in their sins. You are denying them the opportunity to grow thru their struggles.
God kicked Adam and Eve out of Eden for having sinned by having hetero sex, instead of Adam staying in homo heaven with god, as god wanted. So why would you think that homosexuality, which is found throughout nature, would be bad?
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?

If God is all powerful and can do all things, surely he would be able to create a perfect being who has all power, all knowledge, and is a perfectly loving being. To say that he cannot create such a being is to admit that God is not all powerful.

If God is all knowing surely he has the knowledge to create a perfect being and to give that perfect being a perfect knowledge.

If God is an all loving being who loves his creations then he would surely want the best for his creations. He would want his creations to be perfect. Thus he would create us to be perfect. Even in a world or universe where free will exists, if God created us to be perfect, then we with our perfect knowledge could surely reason out that we should choose good over evil always and never make a bad decision. We would be created with a heart filled with love for our fellow beings and our own creations. God would spare us the evil we experience in this world as we would have started out from creation as perfect beings never to commit any act that is contrary to what is right and good.

So why didn't God simply create us to be perfect?

Probably because there is no God.
Billions of lines of genetic code that builds life did not program itself

What do you picture God to be, is there more than one?
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?

If God is all powerful and can do all things, surely he would be able to create a perfect being who has all power, all knowledge, and is a perfectly loving being. To say that he cannot create such a being is to admit that God is not all powerful.

If God is all knowing surely he has the knowledge to create a perfect being and to give that perfect being a perfect knowledge.

If God is an all loving being who loves his creations then he would surely want the best for his creations. He would want his creations to be perfect. Thus he would create us to be perfect. Even in a world or universe where free will exists, if God created us to be perfect, then we with our perfect knowledge could surely reason out that we should choose good over evil always and never make a bad decision. We would be created with a heart filled with love for our fellow beings and our own creations. God would spare us the evil we experience in this world as we would have started out from creation as perfect beings never to commit any act that is contrary to what is right and good.

So why didn't God simply create us to be perfect?

Probably because there is no God.
Billions of lines of genetic code that builds life did not program itself

What do you picture God to be, is there more than one?
Unknown. All that I see is a fully scientific need for a programmer of life

God could even be a verb meaning interstellar travel, thus we got here by God meaning space travel, which would mean aliens were involved which might look or not look like us.

Still its unknown.

That said what I think is irrelevant unless you are a doc shrinking yourself
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If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?

If God is all powerful and can do all things, surely he would be able to create a perfect being who has all power, all knowledge, and is a perfectly loving being. To say that he cannot create such a being is to admit that God is not all powerful.

If God is all knowing surely he has the knowledge to create a perfect being and to give that perfect being a perfect knowledge.

If God is an all loving being who loves his creations then he would surely want the best for his creations. He would want his creations to be perfect. Thus he would create us to be perfect. Even in a world or universe where free will exists, if God created us to be perfect, then we with our perfect knowledge could surely reason out that we should choose good over evil always and never make a bad decision. We would be created with a heart filled with love for our fellow beings and our own creations. God would spare us the evil we experience in this world as we would have started out from creation as perfect beings never to commit any act that is contrary to what is right and good.

So why didn't God simply create us to be perfect?

Probably because there is no God.
Billions of lines of genetic code that builds life did not program itself

What do you picture God to be, is there more than one?
Unknown. All that I see is a fully scientific need for a programmer of life

God could even be a verb meaning interstellar travel, thus we got here by God meaning space travel, which would mean aliens were involved which might look or not look like us.

Still its unknown.

That said what I think is irrelevant unless you are a doc shrinking yourself

I don't think there was a programmer , just evolution, but the universe, that is another question.
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?

If God is all powerful and can do all things, surely he would be able to create a perfect being who has all power, all knowledge, and is a perfectly loving being. To say that he cannot create such a being is to admit that God is not all powerful.

If God is all knowing surely he has the knowledge to create a perfect being and to give that perfect being a perfect knowledge.

If God is an all loving being who loves his creations then he would surely want the best for his creations. He would want his creations to be perfect. Thus he would create us to be perfect. Even in a world or universe where free will exists, if God created us to be perfect, then we with our perfect knowledge could surely reason out that we should choose good over evil always and never make a bad decision. We would be created with a heart filled with love for our fellow beings and our own creations. God would spare us the evil we experience in this world as we would have started out from creation as perfect beings never to commit any act that is contrary to what is right and good.

So why didn't God simply create us to be perfect?
God did create the Son to be perfect. Flesh/son of Man is merely a container that holds both the good and the what we consider to be the bad. It is a cocoon in a sense that contains the Man (male and female types both) that will be eventually birthed into the fullness of what it was originally intended and purposed for. When a child is in the womb it is nourished inside the womb. Humans of flesh are in essence a container for the spiritual fetus that goes through various stages of growth.

Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. (goy/nations is speaking of those portions/people/hosts within or cattle/herds all those pieces and portions of thoughts and behaviors within one's own mind/lands that has disbelief, is unfinished, portions of the Spirit not yet perfected, or completed yet)

Gen 25:23
And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people (spiritually speaking literally two different types hosts. Jacob the upright 'he grasps the heel' [that which is holding the rear guard] to rule the heavenly and Esau the 'red hairy one' who is Edom to rule over the earthly portions that guide the living soul) shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

If God created the Son to be perfect, then why wouldn't he create the rest of us to be perfect also?
Are you not content that you have the capability to be formed into the image of the Son? Is a fetus fully form at conception or does it take some time?

You have a soul made of Breath that is perfectly designed to be formed into the image of the Son. Sorry but you do not get the #1 position as a flesh being until you can overcome it/carnal flesh and that which goes with it for that is reserved for that which is pure.
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?
Then you'd be a robot. Is that what you want to be? A machine?

God is perfect. Is He a machine or robot?
If god is perfect, then why is he making all those deformed and retarded babies? :dunno:
Why do humans insist on subjecting their flesh beings to things that cause deformities?
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?

If God is all powerful and can do all things, surely he would be able to create a perfect being who has all power, all knowledge, and is a perfectly loving being. To say that he cannot create such a being is to admit that God is not all powerful.

If God is all knowing surely he has the knowledge to create a perfect being and to give that perfect being a perfect knowledge.

If God is an all loving being who loves his creations then he would surely want the best for his creations. He would want his creations to be perfect. Thus he would create us to be perfect. Even in a world or universe where free will exists, if God created us to be perfect, then we with our perfect knowledge could surely reason out that we should choose good over evil always and never make a bad decision. We would be created with a heart filled with love for our fellow beings and our own creations. God would spare us the evil we experience in this world as we would have started out from creation as perfect beings never to commit any act that is contrary to what is right and good.

So why didn't God simply create us to be perfect?

Probably because there is no God.
Billions of lines of genetic code that builds life did not program itself

What do you picture God to be, is there more than one?
Unknown. All that I see is a fully scientific need for a programmer of life

God could even be a verb meaning interstellar travel, thus we got here by God meaning space travel, which would mean aliens were involved which might look or not look like us.

Still its unknown.

That said what I think is irrelevant unless you are a doc shrinking yourself

I don't think there was a programmer , just evolution, but the universe, that is another question.

Think less know more.

The simplest life forms DNA has hundreds of thousands of lines of code, I know that the statistical probability of these lines of code forming themselves as a base 4 code then aligning themselves in exactly the proper order to form a life form is essentially null. I also know that modern science has disproved and teaches that spontaneous generation is impossible on one page, then on another says it happened in Darwins magical muddy pond. I also know that DNA evolves but that can not evolve until existing.

Why exactly do you reject God creating life, but accept that God created the Universe?
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?

If God is all powerful and can do all things, surely he would be able to create a perfect being who has all power, all knowledge, and is a perfectly loving being. To say that he cannot create such a being is to admit that God is not all powerful.

If God is all knowing surely he has the knowledge to create a perfect being and to give that perfect being a perfect knowledge.

If God is an all loving being who loves his creations then he would surely want the best for his creations. He would want his creations to be perfect. Thus he would create us to be perfect. Even in a world or universe where free will exists, if God created us to be perfect, then we with our perfect knowledge could surely reason out that we should choose good over evil always and never make a bad decision. We would be created with a heart filled with love for our fellow beings and our own creations. God would spare us the evil we experience in this world as we would have started out from creation as perfect beings never to commit any act that is contrary to what is right and good.

So why didn't God simply create us to be perfect?
God did create the Son to be perfect. Flesh/son of Man is merely a container that holds both the good and the what we consider to be the bad. It is a cocoon in a sense that contains the Man (male and female types both) that will be eventually birthed into the fullness of what it was originally intended and purposed for. When a child is in the womb it is nourished inside the womb. Humans of flesh are in essence a container for the spiritual fetus that goes through various stages of growth.

Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. (goy/nations is speaking of those portions/people/hosts within or cattle/herds all those pieces and portions of thoughts and behaviors within one's own mind/lands that has disbelief, is unfinished, portions of the Spirit not yet perfected, or completed yet)

Gen 25:23
And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people (spiritually speaking literally two different types hosts. Jacob the upright 'he grasps the heel' [that which is holding the rear guard] to rule the heavenly and Esau the 'red hairy one' who is Edom to rule over the earthly portions that guide the living soul) shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

If God created the Son to be perfect, then why wouldn't he create the rest of us to be perfect also?
Are you not content that you have the capability to be formed into the image of the Son? Is a fetus fully form at conception or does it take some time?

You have a soul made of Breath that is perfectly designed to be formed into the image of the Son. Sorry but you do not get the #1 position as a flesh being until you can overcome it/carnal flesh and that which goes with it for that is reserved for that which is pure.

Yo you have any extra purple dots?
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?
Then you'd be a robot. Is that what you want to be? A machine?

God is perfect. Is He a machine or robot?
If god is perfect, then why is he making all those deformed and retarded babies? :dunno:
Why do humans insist on subjecting their flesh beings to things that cause deformities?
Wtf are you talking about?
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?

If God is all powerful and can do all things, surely he would be able to create a perfect being who has all power, all knowledge, and is a perfectly loving being. To say that he cannot create such a being is to admit that God is not all powerful.

If God is all knowing surely he has the knowledge to create a perfect being and to give that perfect being a perfect knowledge.

If God is an all loving being who loves his creations then he would surely want the best for his creations. He would want his creations to be perfect. Thus he would create us to be perfect. Even in a world or universe where free will exists, if God created us to be perfect, then we with our perfect knowledge could surely reason out that we should choose good over evil always and never make a bad decision. We would be created with a heart filled with love for our fellow beings and our own creations. God would spare us the evil we experience in this world as we would have started out from creation as perfect beings never to commit any act that is contrary to what is right and good.

So why didn't God simply create us to be perfect?
God did create the Son to be perfect. Flesh/son of Man is merely a container that holds both the good and the what we consider to be the bad. It is a cocoon in a sense that contains the Man (male and female types both) that will be eventually birthed into the fullness of what it was originally intended and purposed for. When a child is in the womb it is nourished inside the womb. Humans of flesh are in essence a container for the spiritual fetus that goes through various stages of growth.

Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. (goy/nations is speaking of those portions/people/hosts within or cattle/herds all those pieces and portions of thoughts and behaviors within one's own mind/lands that has disbelief, is unfinished, portions of the Spirit not yet perfected, or completed yet)

Gen 25:23
And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people (spiritually speaking literally two different types hosts. Jacob the upright 'he grasps the heel' [that which is holding the rear guard] to rule the heavenly and Esau the 'red hairy one' who is Edom to rule over the earthly portions that guide the living soul) shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

If God created the Son to be perfect, then why wouldn't he create the rest of us to be perfect also?
Are you not content that you have the capability to be formed into the image of the Son? Is a fetus fully form at conception or does it take some time?

You have a soul made of Breath that is perfectly designed to be formed into the image of the Son. Sorry but you do not get the #1 position as a flesh being until you can overcome it/carnal flesh and that which goes with it for that is reserved for that which is pure.

Yo you have any extra purple dots?
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?

If God is all powerful and can do all things, surely he would be able to create a perfect being who has all power, all knowledge, and is a perfectly loving being. To say that he cannot create such a being is to admit that God is not all powerful.

If God is all knowing surely he has the knowledge to create a perfect being and to give that perfect being a perfect knowledge.

If God is an all loving being who loves his creations then he would surely want the best for his creations. He would want his creations to be perfect. Thus he would create us to be perfect. Even in a world or universe where free will exists, if God created us to be perfect, then we with our perfect knowledge could surely reason out that we should choose good over evil always and never make a bad decision. We would be created with a heart filled with love for our fellow beings and our own creations. God would spare us the evil we experience in this world as we would have started out from creation as perfect beings never to commit any act that is contrary to what is right and good.

So why didn't God simply create us to be perfect?
God did create the Son to be perfect. Flesh/son of Man is merely a container that holds both the good and the what we consider to be the bad. It is a cocoon in a sense that contains the Man (male and female types both) that will be eventually birthed into the fullness of what it was originally intended and purposed for. When a child is in the womb it is nourished inside the womb. Humans of flesh are in essence a container for the spiritual fetus that goes through various stages of growth.

Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. (goy/nations is speaking of those portions/people/hosts within or cattle/herds all those pieces and portions of thoughts and behaviors within one's own mind/lands that has disbelief, is unfinished, portions of the Spirit not yet perfected, or completed yet)

Gen 25:23
And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people (spiritually speaking literally two different types hosts. Jacob the upright 'he grasps the heel' [that which is holding the rear guard] to rule the heavenly and Esau the 'red hairy one' who is Edom to rule over the earthly portions that guide the living soul) shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

If God created the Son to be perfect, then why wouldn't he create the rest of us to be perfect also?
Are you not content that you have the capability to be formed into the image of the Son? Is a fetus fully form at conception or does it take some time?

You have a soul made of Breath that is perfectly designed to be formed into the image of the Son. Sorry but you do not get the #1 position as a flesh being until you can overcome it/carnal flesh and that which goes with it for that is reserved for that which is pure.

Yo you have any extra purple dots?
Sorry I need clarification on what you mean by 'purple dots'.
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?
Then you'd be a robot. Is that what you want to be? A machine?

God is perfect. Is He a machine or robot?
If god is perfect, then why is he making all those deformed and retarded babies? :dunno:
Why do humans insist on subjecting their flesh beings to things that cause deformities?
Wtf are you talking about?
Why do humans subject themselves to things that cause deformities in the unborn? Pretty simple. You seem to want to blame God for human choices and errors.
If god doesn't like it, why doesn't he off Satan?

That's God. Be patient. Like I said, it will happen in 2060 or in due time. No one knows when, but it will happen.
That's bullshit. God is letting Satan run wild on purpose. Why?

This has been explained to you already. It's Adam's sin and with it mankind lost the dominion of the world to Satan. Satan became "god of the world and prince of the power of the air." It's why you continue to pay homage to god Satan. It's why you do not understand retarded-ness and continue to blame God.
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?

If God is all powerful and can do all things, surely he would be able to create a perfect being who has all power, all knowledge, and is a perfectly loving being. To say that he cannot create such a being is to admit that God is not all powerful.

If God is all knowing surely he has the knowledge to create a perfect being and to give that perfect being a perfect knowledge.

If God is an all loving being who loves his creations then he would surely want the best for his creations. He would want his creations to be perfect. Thus he would create us to be perfect. Even in a world or universe where free will exists, if God created us to be perfect, then we with our perfect knowledge could surely reason out that we should choose good over evil always and never make a bad decision. We would be created with a heart filled with love for our fellow beings and our own creations. God would spare us the evil we experience in this world as we would have started out from creation as perfect beings never to commit any act that is contrary to what is right and good.

So why didn't God simply create us to be perfect?

Because perfection is not a standard based in human reality. It's philosophical.
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?

If God is all powerful and can do all things, surely he would be able to create a perfect being who has all power, all knowledge, and is a perfectly loving being. To say that he cannot create such a being is to admit that God is not all powerful.

If God is all knowing surely he has the knowledge to create a perfect being and to give that perfect being a perfect knowledge.

If God is an all loving being who loves his creations then he would surely want the best for his creations. He would want his creations to be perfect. Thus he would create us to be perfect. Even in a world or universe where free will exists, if God created us to be perfect, then we with our perfect knowledge could surely reason out that we should choose good over evil always and never make a bad decision. We would be created with a heart filled with love for our fellow beings and our own creations. God would spare us the evil we experience in this world as we would have started out from creation as perfect beings never to commit any act that is contrary to what is right and good.

So why didn't God simply create us to be perfect?
God did create the Son to be perfect. Flesh/son of Man is merely a container that holds both the good and the what we consider to be the bad. It is a cocoon in a sense that contains the Man (male and female types both) that will be eventually birthed into the fullness of what it was originally intended and purposed for. When a child is in the womb it is nourished inside the womb. Humans of flesh are in essence a container for the spiritual fetus that goes through various stages of growth.

Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. (goy/nations is speaking of those portions/people/hosts within or cattle/herds all those pieces and portions of thoughts and behaviors within one's own mind/lands that has disbelief, is unfinished, portions of the Spirit not yet perfected, or completed yet)

Gen 25:23
And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people (spiritually speaking literally two different types hosts. Jacob the upright 'he grasps the heel' [that which is holding the rear guard] to rule the heavenly and Esau the 'red hairy one' who is Edom to rule over the earthly portions that guide the living soul) shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

If God created the Son to be perfect, then why wouldn't he create the rest of us to be perfect also?
Are you not content that you have the capability to be formed into the image of the Son? Is a fetus fully form at conception or does it take some time?

You have a soul made of Breath that is perfectly designed to be formed into the image of the Son. Sorry but you do not get the #1 position as a flesh being until you can overcome it/carnal flesh and that which goes with it for that is reserved for that which is pure.

Yo you have any extra purple dots?
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?

If God is all powerful and can do all things, surely he would be able to create a perfect being who has all power, all knowledge, and is a perfectly loving being. To say that he cannot create such a being is to admit that God is not all powerful.

If God is all knowing surely he has the knowledge to create a perfect being and to give that perfect being a perfect knowledge.

If God is an all loving being who loves his creations then he would surely want the best for his creations. He would want his creations to be perfect. Thus he would create us to be perfect. Even in a world or universe where free will exists, if God created us to be perfect, then we with our perfect knowledge could surely reason out that we should choose good over evil always and never make a bad decision. We would be created with a heart filled with love for our fellow beings and our own creations. God would spare us the evil we experience in this world as we would have started out from creation as perfect beings never to commit any act that is contrary to what is right and good.

So why didn't God simply create us to be perfect?
God did create the Son to be perfect. Flesh/son of Man is merely a container that holds both the good and the what we consider to be the bad. It is a cocoon in a sense that contains the Man (male and female types both) that will be eventually birthed into the fullness of what it was originally intended and purposed for. When a child is in the womb it is nourished inside the womb. Humans of flesh are in essence a container for the spiritual fetus that goes through various stages of growth.

Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. (goy/nations is speaking of those portions/people/hosts within or cattle/herds all those pieces and portions of thoughts and behaviors within one's own mind/lands that has disbelief, is unfinished, portions of the Spirit not yet perfected, or completed yet)

Gen 25:23
And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people (spiritually speaking literally two different types hosts. Jacob the upright 'he grasps the heel' [that which is holding the rear guard] to rule the heavenly and Esau the 'red hairy one' who is Edom to rule over the earthly portions that guide the living soul) shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

If God created the Son to be perfect, then why wouldn't he create the rest of us to be perfect also?
Are you not content that you have the capability to be formed into the image of the Son? Is a fetus fully form at conception or does it take some time?

You have a soul made of Breath that is perfectly designed to be formed into the image of the Son. Sorry but you do not get the #1 position as a flesh being until you can overcome it/carnal flesh and that which goes with it for that is reserved for that which is pure.

Yo you have any extra purple dots?
Sorry I need clarification on what you mean by 'purple dots'.

Nah that means you ate them all already, which is what I thought
Then you'd be a robot. Is that what you want to be? A machine?

God is perfect. Is He a machine or robot?
If god is perfect, then why is he making all those deformed and retarded babies? :dunno:
Why do humans insist on subjecting their flesh beings to things that cause deformities?
Wtf are you talking about?
Why do humans subject themselves to things that cause deformities in the unborn? Pretty simple. You seem to want to blame God for human choices and errors.
What kind of things do humans do to cause a deformity or retardation?
If god doesn't like it, why doesn't he off Satan?

That's God. Be patient. Like I said, it will happen in 2060 or in due time. No one knows when, but it will happen.
That's bullshit. God is letting Satan run wild on purpose. Why?

This has been explained to you already. It's Adam's sin and with it mankind lost the dominion of the world to Satan. Satan became "god of the world and prince of the power of the air." It's why you continue to pay homage to god Satan. It's why you do not understand retarded-ness and continue to blame God.
God could kill Satan, so it’s god’s fault Satan is here.
God did create the Son to be perfect. Flesh/son of Man is merely a container that holds both the good and the what we consider to be the bad. It is a cocoon in a sense that contains the Man (male and female types both) that will be eventually birthed into the fullness of what it was originally intended and purposed for. When a child is in the womb it is nourished inside the womb. Humans of flesh are in essence a container for the spiritual fetus that goes through various stages of growth.

Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. (goy/nations is speaking of those portions/people/hosts within or cattle/herds all those pieces and portions of thoughts and behaviors within one's own mind/lands that has disbelief, is unfinished, portions of the Spirit not yet perfected, or completed yet)

Gen 25:23
And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people (spiritually speaking literally two different types hosts. Jacob the upright 'he grasps the heel' [that which is holding the rear guard] to rule the heavenly and Esau the 'red hairy one' who is Edom to rule over the earthly portions that guide the living soul) shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

If God created the Son to be perfect, then why wouldn't he create the rest of us to be perfect also?
Are you not content that you have the capability to be formed into the image of the Son? Is a fetus fully form at conception or does it take some time?

You have a soul made of Breath that is perfectly designed to be formed into the image of the Son. Sorry but you do not get the #1 position as a flesh being until you can overcome it/carnal flesh and that which goes with it for that is reserved for that which is pure.

Yo you have any extra purple dots?
God did create the Son to be perfect. Flesh/son of Man is merely a container that holds both the good and the what we consider to be the bad. It is a cocoon in a sense that contains the Man (male and female types both) that will be eventually birthed into the fullness of what it was originally intended and purposed for. When a child is in the womb it is nourished inside the womb. Humans of flesh are in essence a container for the spiritual fetus that goes through various stages of growth.

Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. (goy/nations is speaking of those portions/people/hosts within or cattle/herds all those pieces and portions of thoughts and behaviors within one's own mind/lands that has disbelief, is unfinished, portions of the Spirit not yet perfected, or completed yet)

Gen 25:23
And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people (spiritually speaking literally two different types hosts. Jacob the upright 'he grasps the heel' [that which is holding the rear guard] to rule the heavenly and Esau the 'red hairy one' who is Edom to rule over the earthly portions that guide the living soul) shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

If God created the Son to be perfect, then why wouldn't he create the rest of us to be perfect also?
Are you not content that you have the capability to be formed into the image of the Son? Is a fetus fully form at conception or does it take some time?

You have a soul made of Breath that is perfectly designed to be formed into the image of the Son. Sorry but you do not get the #1 position as a flesh being until you can overcome it/carnal flesh and that which goes with it for that is reserved for that which is pure.

Yo you have any extra purple dots?
Sorry I need clarification on what you mean by 'purple dots'.

Nah that means you ate them all already, which is what I thought
You do not contribute much do you. I do thank you for a little clarification though. I thought perhaps you might be referring to the novel by Jim Lehrer but you kinda sound like you may be referencing the acid drops that were passed around among druggies in the 70's.

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