If God is all powerful, ...

Why create anything?
Don't people who create anything do it out of love?

Not always ...

Your photo is of the salvation of humanity as it is the way off this dying rock. Odd but at least for now true

Rocks don't die.
But the earths ecosystem might leaving rocks. We need to find heaven and our creator
If you're looking for a new home ... you'd have more luck riding one of these...


At least, when the ride is over, you'll be on a habitable planet.
If you're looking for a new home ... you'd have more luck riding one of these...


At least, when the ride is over, you'll be on a habitable planet.
A journey of a trillion miles still begins with a single step
Why create anything?
Don't people who create anything do it out of love?

Not always ...

Your photo is of the salvation of humanity as it is the way off this dying rock. Odd but at least for now true
Your photo is of the salvation of humanity as it is the way off this dying rock. Odd but at least for now true

the salvation of humanity ...


those are u-2 rockets used by germany to bomb the allies ... (not always)

how is moving to another planet the means of salvation before salvation is accomplished, that worked real well when the - new land was found on earth. there may be a reason there is no atmosphere in space ... sortof as a message, from the metaphysical.
I know what they were doofus, the builder also sent men to the moon no matter how much this triggers you.
I know what they were doofus, the builder also sent men to the moon no matter how much this triggers you.

von Braun as well would be your avenue for salvation ... kindof like columbus - history does repeat itself ... howabout something new.

saving Garden Earth before you run away.
Don't people who create anything do it out of love?

Not always ...

Your photo is of the salvation of humanity as it is the way off this dying rock. Odd but at least for now true
Your photo is of the salvation of humanity as it is the way off this dying rock. Odd but at least for now true

the salvation of humanity ...


those are u-2 rockets used by germany to bomb the allies ... (not always)

how is moving to another planet the means of salvation before salvation is accomplished, that worked real well when the - new land was found on earth. there may be a reason there is no atmosphere in space ... sortof as a message, from the metaphysical.
I know what they were doofus, the builder also sent men to the moon no matter how much this triggers you.
I know what they were doofus, the builder also sent men to the moon no matter how much this triggers you.

von Braun as well would be your avenue for salvation ... kindof like columbus - history does repeat itself ... howabout something new.

saving Garden Earth before you run away.
There may be no saving the earth from an asteroid as big as the earth. To survive one must not have all their eggs in one basket

Domain over the sea land and sky is yours because of the glory of god
Not always ...

Your photo is of the salvation of humanity as it is the way off this dying rock. Odd but at least for now true
Your photo is of the salvation of humanity as it is the way off this dying rock. Odd but at least for now true

the salvation of humanity ...


those are u-2 rockets used by germany to bomb the allies ... (not always)

how is moving to another planet the means of salvation before salvation is accomplished, that worked real well when the - new land was found on earth. there may be a reason there is no atmosphere in space ... sortof as a message, from the metaphysical.
I know what they were doofus, the builder also sent men to the moon no matter how much this triggers you.
I know what they were doofus, the builder also sent men to the moon no matter how much this triggers you.

von Braun as well would be your avenue for salvation ... kindof like columbus - history does repeat itself ... howabout something new.

saving Garden Earth before you run away.
There may be no saving the earth from an asteroid as big as the earth. To survive one must not have all their eggs in one basket
is perfect an adjective, describing the Almighty ... the lack of atmosphere in space is a terrible error if perfection were a true description.
Your photo is of the salvation of humanity as it is the way off this dying rock. Odd but at least for now true
Your photo is of the salvation of humanity as it is the way off this dying rock. Odd but at least for now true

the salvation of humanity ...


those are u-2 rockets used by germany to bomb the allies ... (not always)

how is moving to another planet the means of salvation before salvation is accomplished, that worked real well when the - new land was found on earth. there may be a reason there is no atmosphere in space ... sortof as a message, from the metaphysical.
I know what they were doofus, the builder also sent men to the moon no matter how much this triggers you.
I know what they were doofus, the builder also sent men to the moon no matter how much this triggers you.

von Braun as well would be your avenue for salvation ... kindof like columbus - history does repeat itself ... howabout something new.

saving Garden Earth before you run away.
There may be no saving the earth from an asteroid as big as the earth. To survive one must not have all their eggs in one basket
is perfect an adjective, describing the Almighty ... the lack of atmosphere in space is a terrible error if perfection were a true description.
Trivial point to those who believe. I guess in your mind humans cant live in space.

Wake up fool
the salvation of humanity ...


those are u-2 rockets used by germany to bomb the allies ... (not always)

how is moving to another planet the means of salvation before salvation is accomplished, that worked real well when the - new land was found on earth. there may be a reason there is no atmosphere in space ... sortof as a message, from the metaphysical.
I know what they were doofus, the builder also sent men to the moon no matter how much this triggers you.
I know what they were doofus, the builder also sent men to the moon no matter how much this triggers you.

von Braun as well would be your avenue for salvation ... kindof like columbus - history does repeat itself ... howabout something new.

saving Garden Earth before you run away.
There may be no saving the earth from an asteroid as big as the earth. To survive one must not have all their eggs in one basket
is perfect an adjective, describing the Almighty ... the lack of atmosphere in space is a terrible error if perfection were a true description.
Trivial point to those who believe. I guess in your mind humans cant live in space.

Wake up fool
Trivial point to those who believe. I guess in your mind humans cant live in space.

Wake up fool


you miss the point ... badly.

no, humans can not live in space whether believers or not - finding a way trivializes your argument.
If God had created us perfect, we would have always made the right choice. Since man has sinned and fallen short, he obviously made a wrong decision or imperfect decision. Thus man was not created perfect. A perfect being would have understood what the right choice would be and always make that choice. According to the bible, man was not created with a perfect knowledge of all things (they didn't know good from evil) and having free will made the choice to fall and die.

Sez you. That's not what happened though, bunky.

If you don't know good from evil then you obviously do not have a perfect knowledge. If you don't have a perfect knowledge, then you are perfect in knowledge. That is common sense.

What you got wrong was saying God didn't make Adam and Eve perfect. He did. They didn't continue being perfect and that was their fall. Obviously, you do not have perfect knowledge. Trust what's written in the Bible.

Now you are telling me that being less than perfect is perfect. To have a perfect knowledge like God, one would have to know all things. Having such a knowledge would insulate such a being from making bad choices. We, as the creations of God do not have a perfect knowledge and thus we are less than perfect. Why didn't God make us with a perfect knowledge? Without a perfect knowledge man makes wrong choices. If God is all powerful, all knowing, and all loving then shouldn't he have made us with a perfect knowledge so that we would make all the right choices? I contend that God did not create us with a perfect knowledge!

Pumpkin has already answered this. If we could make all the right choices we would be automatons. God did not want to make automatons. We are free to choose Him, or not.

Yes that means that we will make poor choices and bring sin into the world.

It was worth it. To Him. That's all that needs to be said, fedora tipper (hat tip, Pumpkin.)

Does God make all the right choices? If so, do you consider Him to be an automation? If God is an automation, why wouldn't he want to create us to be like Him?
Sez you. That's not what happened though, bunky.

If you don't know good from evil then you obviously do not have a perfect knowledge. If you don't have a perfect knowledge, then you are perfect in knowledge. That is common sense.

What you got wrong was saying God didn't make Adam and Eve perfect. He did. They didn't continue being perfect and that was their fall. Obviously, you do not have perfect knowledge. Trust what's written in the Bible.

Now you are telling me that being less than perfect is perfect. To have a perfect knowledge like God, one would have to know all things. Having such a knowledge would insulate such a being from making bad choices. We, as the creations of God do not have a perfect knowledge and thus we are less than perfect. Why didn't God make us with a perfect knowledge? Without a perfect knowledge man makes wrong choices. If God is all powerful, all knowing, and all loving then shouldn't he have made us with a perfect knowledge so that we would make all the right choices? I contend that God did not create us with a perfect knowledge!

Pumpkin has already answered this. If we could make all the right choices we would be automatons. God did not want to make automatons. We are free to choose Him, or not.

Yes that means that we will make poor choices and bring sin into the world.

It was worth it. To Him. That's all that needs to be said, fedora tipper (hat tip, Pumpkin.)

Does God make all the right choices? If so, do you consider Him to be an automation? If God is an automation, why wouldn't he want to create us to be like Him?
God DEFINES reality. What He does is perfect. He never changes, only your understanding of Him does.
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?

If God is all powerful and can do all things, surely he would be able to create a perfect being who has all power, all knowledge, and is a perfectly loving being. To say that he cannot create such a being is to admit that God is not all powerful.

If God is all knowing surely he has the knowledge to create a perfect being and to give that perfect being a perfect knowledge.

If God is an all loving being who loves his creations then he would surely want the best for his creations. He would want his creations to be perfect. Thus he would create us to be perfect. Even in a world or universe where free will exists, if God created us to be perfect, then we with our perfect knowledge could surely reason out that we should choose good over evil always and never make a bad decision. We would be created with a heart filled with love for our fellow beings and our own creations. God would spare us the evil we experience in this world as we would have started out from creation as perfect beings never to commit any act that is contrary to what is right and good.

So why didn't God simply create us to be perfect?
God did create the Son to be perfect. Flesh/son of Man is merely a container that holds both the good and the what we consider to be the bad. It is a cocoon in a sense that contains the Man (male and female types both) that will be eventually birthed into the fullness of what it was originally intended and purposed for. When a child is in the womb it is nourished inside the womb. Humans of flesh are in essence a container for the spiritual fetus that goes through various stages of growth.

Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. (goy/nations is speaking of those portions/people/hosts within or cattle/herds all those pieces and portions of thoughts and behaviors within one's own mind/lands that has disbelief, is unfinished, portions of the Spirit not yet perfected, or completed yet)

Gen 25:23
And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people (spiritually speaking literally two different types hosts. Jacob the upright 'he grasps the heel' [that which is holding the rear guard] to rule the heavenly and Esau the 'red hairy one' who is Edom to rule over the earthly portions that guide the living soul) shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

If God created the Son to be perfect, then why wouldn't he create the rest of us to be perfect also?
I know what they were doofus, the builder also sent men to the moon no matter how much this triggers you.
I know what they were doofus, the builder also sent men to the moon no matter how much this triggers you.

von Braun as well would be your avenue for salvation ... kindof like columbus - history does repeat itself ... howabout something new.

saving Garden Earth before you run away.
There may be no saving the earth from an asteroid as big as the earth. To survive one must not have all their eggs in one basket
is perfect an adjective, describing the Almighty ... the lack of atmosphere in space is a terrible error if perfection were a true description.
Trivial point to those who believe. I guess in your mind humans cant live in space.

Wake up fool
Trivial point to those who believe. I guess in your mind humans cant live in space.

Wake up fool


you miss the point ... badly.

no, humans can not live in space whether believers or not - finding a way trivializes your argument.
Live in ignorance and ignorant you will die
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?

If God is all powerful and can do all things, surely he would be able to create a perfect being who has all power, all knowledge, and is a perfectly loving being. To say that he cannot create such a being is to admit that God is not all powerful.

If God is all knowing surely he has the knowledge to create a perfect being and to give that perfect being a perfect knowledge.

If God is an all loving being who loves his creations then he would surely want the best for his creations. He would want his creations to be perfect. Thus he would create us to be perfect. Even in a world or universe where free will exists, if God created us to be perfect, then we with our perfect knowledge could surely reason out that we should choose good over evil always and never make a bad decision. We would be created with a heart filled with love for our fellow beings and our own creations. God would spare us the evil we experience in this world as we would have started out from creation as perfect beings never to commit any act that is contrary to what is right and good.

So why didn't God simply create us to be perfect?

Your trolling diatribe has a fatal flaw which, I am somewhat surprised, no one else has mentioned.

If you believe in God, as I do, you also believe that the Devil, Belial, Satan, Beelzebub, call evil what you will, also exists.

End of discussion.

It is true that there is opposition in all things. However, if one lives a perfectly good life, evil gets reduced to a mere potential sin. The existence of opposition does not mean that it has to be followed. If you choose never to murder another human being, does the opportunity to murder cease to exist? NO! Opposition still exists but like any choice, we have the power to resist or give in to it. People live their entire life and never commit murder. Does this eliminate the choice? NO! It just means that those people have risen above the sin and choose never to do it. They are more perfect in that particular scenario. One who has reached perfection still has the opportunity to sin, but they simply do not choose to do so because it is below them. In a perfect society, all sin would be reduced to potential sin. People would still have the ability to sin and choose imperfection, but because of their higher degree of intelligence or knowledge and their love for their fellow beings, they would simply not make that choice.
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?

He did, but he gave him free will and he disobeyed God. This allowed Satan dominion over the Earth. Thus, he had to sacrifice his only son to make up and save us. Jesus became the perfect human.
Free will doesn't answer the question. A perfect man, in fact, would not have free will; he could never choose an alternative.

Its not that he can't choose an alternative, its that he wouldn't. Free will would still be there but it would be silly for him to choose the alternative.
A perfect man cannot choose an alternative. If he can choose anything but perfection, or correctness, then he is not perfect.

Having the ability to choose is not the same as actually making the choice.
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?

If God is all powerful and can do all things, surely he would be able to create a perfect being who has all power, all knowledge, and is a perfectly loving being. To say that he cannot create such a being is to admit that God is not all powerful.

If God is all knowing surely he has the knowledge to create a perfect being and to give that perfect being a perfect knowledge.

If God is an all loving being who loves his creations then he would surely want the best for his creations. He would want his creations to be perfect. Thus he would create us to be perfect. Even in a world or universe where free will exists, if God created us to be perfect, then we with our perfect knowledge could surely reason out that we should choose good over evil always and never make a bad decision. We would be created with a heart filled with love for our fellow beings and our own creations. God would spare us the evil we experience in this world as we would have started out from creation as perfect beings never to commit any act that is contrary to what is right and good.

So why didn't God simply create us to be perfect?
He likes to give out Darwin awards.

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