If God is all powerful, ...

If god doesn't like it, why doesn't he off Satan?

That's God. Be patient. Like I said, it will happen in 2060 or in due time. No one knows when, but it will happen.
That's bullshit. God is letting Satan run wild on purpose. Why?

This has been explained to you already. It's Adam's sin and with it mankind lost the dominion of the world to Satan. Satan became "god of the world and prince of the power of the air." It's why you continue to pay homage to god Satan. It's why you do not understand retarded-ness and continue to blame God.
God could kill Satan, so it’s god’s fault Satan is here.
You finally got something correct. Satan aka adversary and you are filled with that spirit from all appearances.
If God created the Son to be perfect, then why wouldn't he create the rest of us to be perfect also?
Are you not content that you have the capability to be formed into the image of the Son? Is a fetus fully form at conception or does it take some time?

You have a soul made of Breath that is perfectly designed to be formed into the image of the Son. Sorry but you do not get the #1 position as a flesh being until you can overcome it/carnal flesh and that which goes with it for that is reserved for that which is pure.

Yo you have any extra purple dots?
If God created the Son to be perfect, then why wouldn't he create the rest of us to be perfect also?
Are you not content that you have the capability to be formed into the image of the Son? Is a fetus fully form at conception or does it take some time?

You have a soul made of Breath that is perfectly designed to be formed into the image of the Son. Sorry but you do not get the #1 position as a flesh being until you can overcome it/carnal flesh and that which goes with it for that is reserved for that which is pure.

Yo you have any extra purple dots?
Sorry I need clarification on what you mean by 'purple dots'.

Nah that means you ate them all already, which is what I thought
You do not contribute much do you. I do thank you for a little clarification though. I thought perhaps you might be referring to the novel by Jim Lehrer but you kinda sound like you may be referencing the acid drops that were passed around among druggies in the 70's.
Yummy………………..I knew you had some
God is perfect. Is He a machine or robot?
If god is perfect, then why is he making all those deformed and retarded babies? :dunno:
Why do humans insist on subjecting their flesh beings to things that cause deformities?
Wtf are you talking about?
Why do humans subject themselves to things that cause deformities in the unborn? Pretty simple. You seem to want to blame God for human choices and errors.
What kind of things do humans do to cause a deformity or retardation?
Alcohol, drugs, pharmaceuticals, farm chemicals, factory run off and waste, radiation from various sources and on and on.
Are you not content that you have the capability to be formed into the image of the Son? Is a fetus fully form at conception or does it take some time?

You have a soul made of Breath that is perfectly designed to be formed into the image of the Son. Sorry but you do not get the #1 position as a flesh being until you can overcome it/carnal flesh and that which goes with it for that is reserved for that which is pure.

Yo you have any extra purple dots?
Are you not content that you have the capability to be formed into the image of the Son? Is a fetus fully form at conception or does it take some time?

You have a soul made of Breath that is perfectly designed to be formed into the image of the Son. Sorry but you do not get the #1 position as a flesh being until you can overcome it/carnal flesh and that which goes with it for that is reserved for that which is pure.

Yo you have any extra purple dots?
Sorry I need clarification on what you mean by 'purple dots'.

Nah that means you ate them all already, which is what I thought
You do not contribute much do you. I do thank you for a little clarification though. I thought perhaps you might be referring to the novel by Jim Lehrer but you kinda sound like you may be referencing the acid drops that were passed around among druggies in the 70's.
Yummy………………..I knew you had some
Afraid not but I bet if you advertise on here someone will help you out.
If god is perfect, then why is he making all those deformed and retarded babies? :dunno:
Why do humans insist on subjecting their flesh beings to things that cause deformities?
Wtf are you talking about?
Why do humans subject themselves to things that cause deformities in the unborn? Pretty simple. You seem to want to blame God for human choices and errors.
What kind of things do humans do to cause a deformity or retardation?
Alcohol, drugs, pharmaceuticals, farm chemicals, factory run off and waste, radiation from various sources and on and on.
Babies are born deformed or retarded without any of those. Proof is that they were happening before those things existed. So why does god do that?
If god doesn't like it, why doesn't he off Satan?

That's God. Be patient. Like I said, it will happen in 2060 or in due time. No one knows when, but it will happen.
That's bullshit. God is letting Satan run wild on purpose. Why?

This has been explained to you already. It's Adam's sin and with it mankind lost the dominion of the world to Satan. Satan became "god of the world and prince of the power of the air." It's why you continue to pay homage to god Satan. It's why you do not understand retarded-ness and continue to blame God.
God could kill Satan, so it’s god’s fault Satan is here.
You finally got something correct. Satan aka adversary and you are filled with that spirit from all appearances.
So why doesn’t god kill Satan?
there is no god
I can reassure you there is. And He is magnificent.
there's not...no proof

None is necessary or requested.

That is why it is called FAITH.
thank you
no proof = bullshit
Learn to pronounce
  1. 1.
    complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
    "this restores one's faith in politicians"
    synonyms: trust, belief, confidence, conviction, credence, reliance, dependence; More

  2. 2.
    strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof
Why do humans insist on subjecting their flesh beings to things that cause deformities?
Wtf are you talking about?
Why do humans subject themselves to things that cause deformities in the unborn? Pretty simple. You seem to want to blame God for human choices and errors.
What kind of things do humans do to cause a deformity or retardation?
Alcohol, drugs, pharmaceuticals, farm chemicals, factory run off and waste, radiation from various sources and on and on.
Babies are born deformed or retarded without any of those. Proof is that they were happening before those things existed. So why does god do that?
Why do you want God to do that?
it's nonsensical
listen to yourself
! no human knows or can know about ''''god''''
humans cannot even to BEGIN to comprehend ''god''/beginning of time-universe/etc
You seem to be saying humans cannot know about God or comprehend Him, but are able to know and comprehend He does not exist?
That's God. Be patient. Like I said, it will happen in 2060 or in due time. No one knows when, but it will happen.
That's bullshit. God is letting Satan run wild on purpose. Why?

This has been explained to you already. It's Adam's sin and with it mankind lost the dominion of the world to Satan. Satan became "god of the world and prince of the power of the air." It's why you continue to pay homage to god Satan. It's why you do not understand retarded-ness and continue to blame God.
God could kill Satan, so it’s god’s fault Satan is here.
You finally got something correct. Satan aka adversary and you are filled with that spirit from all appearances.
So why doesn’t god kill Satan?
Hes on death row. He will be cast into the Lake of Fire at the end of all this.
it's nonsensical
listen to yourself
! no human knows or can know about ''''god''''
humans cannot even to BEGIN to comprehend ''god''/beginning of time-universe/etc
You seem to be saying humans cannot know about God or comprehend Him, but are able to know and comprehend He does not exist?
if you can't prove something = it is bullshit/nonexistent
there is no tooth fairy--simple
there is no god - simple
the sun rises in the east--fact
212' boiling point of water- fact
if you can't prove something = it is bullshit/nonexistent
there is no tooth fairy--simple
there is no god - simple
the sun rises in the east--fact
212' boiling point of water- fact
All God deniers make the same grammatical mistake. Something tells me this is willful ignorance.

If you make such obvious and intentional errors such as this, why should we take you seriously on anything else?!

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