If Hillary is a crook, why...

A clear breach of national security, I'm sure V. Putin is able to take this document and do nefarious things. Our national sovereignty is at stake when such an e-mail, something like the pie to be served at the next meeting of the security council, gets to Putin's desk.

If this is the best evidence you have to convict HRC in absentia, be prepared to be laughed at more than you usually are. Sect. Clinton didn't send it dipshit, and given "Texas Justice" i'm pretty sure you missed the boat and haven't called for the execution of the original author.

Shit happens and it is not always intentional, the recent 'deployment' of three armored vehicles by the army sans parachutes is something to consider when one looks to be captious. One data point taken from tens of thousands of e-mails is laughable when the document itself is innocuous. I suggest you get a life and read the Ten Commandments, there is something there you ought to consider.

Keep excusing the lies, and thanks for proving yourself an intellectually dishonest partisan HACK.

And you're not? How many e-mails did Sect. HRC SEND which were classified Top secret or secret? The subject matter in the example posted by you is a ridiculous, and not one which would benefit any foreign enemy; of course domestic enemies (you and the Trumpets) will react hysterically to any minor issue which arises - true or not (example the hysteria around the claim she would raise the taxes of the middle class - a lie which is the grist of members of the crazy right wing (CRW), i.e. Trump supporters.

Do you ever listen to the words of Clinton and Trump, really listen without bias? Clinton speaks without notes, when Trump does his handlers immediately issue statements on what he really meant to say. Thus his handlers have now begun to give him words to read - gee, remember the hysteria from the CRW about Obama's use of the Teleprompter? Hypocrisy isn't a virtue but seems to be one to people like you.

So perjury before congress is insignificant? She said NO emails marked classified were sent or RECEIVED on her email system. We know that statement to be an absolute LIE. At least one had a classified header and others contained portion markers indicating the information was classified. Others generated by her were automatically classified by state dept protocol. So feel free to keep excusing her deception, I'm also sure you think willies perjury was insignificant, you folks seem to loves u som criminals.
BS. Look at the message in your stupid e-mail. What a joke. And probably mislabeled. WHO GIVES A FEQ BUT TOTAL DUPES?

Doesn't alter the FACT that it was marked classified, does it? What kind of drugs are you on that allows you to live in such an altered reality?
Probably mis-marked too. Enough already- ANOTHER phony scandal.
An exception that proves the rule...BTW, dupes believe lies.

Yep, and you're believing everything the hildabitch tells ya. Didn't she say willie would help her with the economy, how does his administration fair in your little charts?
Yup. Not too good with Newt running the economy....A smart voter chooses the policy he likes, then holds the candidate to them. Of course, it won't matter much if the GOP holds congress, at this rate.

Yep and we did, eventually drug poor willie kicking and screaming to a balanced budget, go figure. Now the commiecrat propaganda machine claims credit for it, go figure again.
I'd say it was the .com bubble...but he WAS president. After 35 years, how bout taxing the bloated rich their fair share and investing in America. Our infrastructure is a disgrace.

Once again, fee free to point where in the Constitution the feds are responsible for any infrastructure other than post roads and necessary government buildings.
Guess what, ever heard of implied powers? People have moved on, with the SC rulings. Post roads LOL...
The bottom line is if she had nothing to hide, she could have used the dot.gov website from anywhere in the world including from the comfort of her own home. If I were to be contacting a customer of the company I work for and instead of using my company e-mail addy, I were to use my Yahoo address because I wanted to make a "side deal" and didn't want a record of my e-mail being on the company server because it's a conflict of interest....would that be moral? You can't whitewash this nor can you justify what she did no matter how hard you all try.
You are starting with a conclusion that the reason for the private server was to hide information. However, from all the investigations, the problem centered around Clinton's insistence on using her Blackberry which was tethered to a private server. She had no problem having it connected to the secure network in the State Dept. Apparently the IT and Security folks did. She said, she just wanted to use a single device, namely the Blackberry or a similar device that Obama used and a single email address for both private and state department use. This she latter admitted was a mistake.
An extremely careless mistake, to be sure. One that would get a lesser mortal in a lot of trouble.
For anyone but Clinton, this issue would have ended with an administrative hearing. If she had announced that she was not going to run for office, there would have been no House Committee Hearings and no FBI investigation.
Somebody owes Gen Petraeus a big apology.
Why? Petraeus intentionally gave classified information to a reporter, obstructed justice, admitted it and never served jail time.
Well, Hillary intentionally failed to turn over classified information after leaving office, lied about it to Congress, and hasn't been punished at all. Heck, I'd settle for what Petraeus got, 2 years probation and a $100,000 fine. It would keep her out of the White House, which is the goal of every sane American.
And wth is the big deal anyway lol? NOTHING HAPPENED but a gigantic pile of BS GOP propaganda....

How about you ask Comey, if he can state with absolute certainty that the hildabitches server was not compromised? His answer would be a resounding NO!
It is impossible to tell with absolute certainly that the server has not been compromised. So by GOP logic, it must have been and since Hillary was responsible for everything that occurs within the State Dept, she's as guilty as sin.

That's why federal law makes it illegal to move classified information out of a secure system to begin with, it increases the possibility of compromise. We know for a fact that people she was communicating with on commercial systems were compromised, how many of those compromised emails contained classified information, at this point no one is saying.
We don't even know if Clinton ever even saw any of the classified material on the server. About the only thing we do know for sure is there was classified information on the server and that she should not have allowed her IT employees to setup an un-certified private email server for her use. That was a mistake. However, reading about her lack knowledge of the technology, I doubt she understood the implications at the time. The purpose of the server was to handle her private email and State Dept email was to be stored on secure government servers, but that never happened.

Come January, Clinton will have Obama's phone will one email address for all of her email both private and government.

The one I posted that was marked confidential was addressed directly to the hildabitch. Of course she saw them. She also issued and signed a policy letter forbidding dept employees form doing the very thing she was guilty of herself. An ambassador was fired in part for not using the state.gov system. There is NO WAY she can claim ignorance, and you trying to do it for her just makes you look silly.
To claim ignorance for her is to admit incompetence.
She is a globalist and a crook. She is thicker than thieves with the very .01 percent you leftard morons claim to be so against. Seriously, your type of "stupid" should be declared a mental illness.
There's the 0.1% for raising their own taxes for the good of the country, and there are scumbag GOP 0.1%ers who've brainwashed you, dupe.

No need to raise their own taxes, the government takes donations, as much as you want to give.
Silly talking point. We need ALL the rich to pay their fair share to make the difference, of course.
They already are.
That's why most of the new wealth end up with them, and the nonrich and the country are going to hell, dupe. EVERYONE is now paying 20-30% in all taxes and fees. NOT FAIR, dupe.
Sounds like it's time for a big tax cut for all taxpayers. Cut spending while we're at it.
How about you ask Comey, if he can state with absolute certainty that the hildabitches server was not compromised? His answer would be a resounding NO!
It is impossible to tell with absolute certainly that the server has not been compromised. So by GOP logic, it must have been and since Hillary was responsible for everything that occurs within the State Dept, she's as guilty as sin.

That's why federal law makes it illegal to move classified information out of a secure system to begin with, it increases the possibility of compromise. We know for a fact that people she was communicating with on commercial systems were compromised, how many of those compromised emails contained classified information, at this point no one is saying.
We don't even know if Clinton ever even saw any of the classified material on the server. About the only thing we do know for sure is there was classified information on the server and that she should not have allowed her IT employees to setup an un-certified private email server for her use. That was a mistake. However, reading about her lack knowledge of the technology, I doubt she understood the implications at the time. The purpose of the server was to handle her private email and State Dept email was to be stored on secure government servers, but that never happened.

Come January, Clinton will have Obama's phone will one email address for all of her email both private and government.

The one I posted that was marked confidential was addressed directly to the hildabitch. Of course she saw them. She also issued and signed a policy letter forbidding dept employees form doing the very thing she was guilty of herself. An ambassador was fired in part for not using the state.gov system. There is NO WAY she can claim ignorance, and you trying to do it for her just makes you look silly.
To claim ignorance for her is to admit incompetence.
There's the 0.1% for raising their own taxes for the good of the country, and there are scumbag GOP 0.1%ers who've brainwashed you, dupe.

No need to raise their own taxes, the government takes donations, as much as you want to give.
Silly talking point. We need ALL the rich to pay their fair share to make the difference, of course.
They already are.
That's why most of the new wealth end up with them, and the nonrich and the country are going to hell, dupe. EVERYONE is now paying 20-30% in all taxes and fees. NOT FAIR, dupe.
Sounds like it's time for a big tax cut for all taxpayers. Cut spending while we're at it.
Nope, just for the nonrich. The Dem Plan. Meanwhile, Trumps cuts are almost all for the rich AGAIN.
My God you're acting like a freaking child. Propaganda is worthless against people who stay informed. I guess you think you're informed, yet your swallowing all the crap the propaganda machine is feeding you RIGHT NOW. Feel free to keep doing the same thing and expecting different results, see how far that gets ya.
And it's proven the more you listen to the GOP propaganda machine, the less informed you get.

Yeah, feel free to sell that in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, St Louis, Newark and................................. Ignoring the GOP has done wonders for them.
The GOP has screwed the hell out of them and the rest of the country and they know where the racists are...

LMAO, you regressives have been running those cities for decades and you've ran them into the ground, oh but it's not your fault, the GOP made ya do it. Dude you couldn't sell that to a second grader.
The whole country has been slowly going to hell under Reaganism, and of course the blacks do the worst. White flight and manufacturing flight have killed also...Jack Kemp was the only GOPer who helped. Bills World Champion '64-5!

Bullshit, the country has been going to hell long before Reagan ever considered running for president. Many of those cities have been controlled by commiecrats for 40-50 years.
Yep, and you're believing everything the hildabitch tells ya. Didn't she say willie would help her with the economy, how does his administration fair in your little charts?
Yup. Not too good with Newt running the economy....A smart voter chooses the policy he likes, then holds the candidate to them. Of course, it won't matter much if the GOP holds congress, at this rate.

Yep and we did, eventually drug poor willie kicking and screaming to a balanced budget, go figure. Now the commiecrat propaganda machine claims credit for it, go figure again.
I'd say it was the .com bubble...but he WAS president. After 35 years, how bout taxing the bloated rich their fair share and investing in America. Our infrastructure is a disgrace.

Once again, fee free to point where in the Constitution the feds are responsible for any infrastructure other than post roads and necessary government buildings.
Guess what, ever heard of implied powers? People have moved on, with the SC rulings. Post roads LOL...

Yeah, the 10th Amendment says they don't exist.

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
Yup. Not too good with Newt running the economy....A smart voter chooses the policy he likes, then holds the candidate to them. Of course, it won't matter much if the GOP holds congress, at this rate.

Yep and we did, eventually drug poor willie kicking and screaming to a balanced budget, go figure. Now the commiecrat propaganda machine claims credit for it, go figure again.
I'd say it was the .com bubble...but he WAS president. After 35 years, how bout taxing the bloated rich their fair share and investing in America. Our infrastructure is a disgrace.

Once again, fee free to point where in the Constitution the feds are responsible for any infrastructure other than post roads and necessary government buildings.
Guess what, ever heard of implied powers? People have moved on, with the SC rulings. Post roads LOL...

Yeah, the 10th Amendment says they don't exist.

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
The Supreme Court says they do, 220 years ago. Get real.
And it's proven the more you listen to the GOP propaganda machine, the less informed you get.

Yeah, feel free to sell that in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, St Louis, Newark and................................. Ignoring the GOP has done wonders for them.
The GOP has screwed the hell out of them and the rest of the country and they know where the racists are...

LMAO, you regressives have been running those cities for decades and you've ran them into the ground, oh but it's not your fault, the GOP made ya do it. Dude you couldn't sell that to a second grader.
The whole country has been slowly going to hell under Reaganism, and of course the blacks do the worst. White flight and manufacturing flight have killed also...Jack Kemp was the only GOPer who helped. Bills World Champion '64-5!

Bullshit, the country has been going to hell long before Reagan ever considered running for president. Many of those cities have been controlled by commiecrats for 40-50 years.
Those cities went to hell because of white flight and manufacturing flight. The middle class and the country have gone to hell under Reaganism. The rich are doing GREAT! Great job!
It is being exposed now (read the thread regarding 'Hillary opening the door for Russia') how Hillary has committed treason.

Despite the FBI wrning businesses to stay away from the Russian company Hillary worked with to help build the Russian version of 'silicon valley' due to industrial and military espionage, Hillary worked to recruit 22 US tech companies to do so anyway.

Hillary recruited Foundation donors and other investors to invest in Rusdian military R&D. The articles define / identifythe connections between the Clinton Foundation and Russia, spells out how she was guilty of conflicts of interest through her actions as Secretary of State, her Foundation, and her interactions with donors and others which resulted in her benefitting both politically and financially.

The State Department was bombarded today with questions about these conflicts of interest, so much so that they finally shut them down, refusing to answer any more questions about them.

The truth about Hillary's insatiable greed, betrayal, and treason is unraveling...
Yep and we did, eventually drug poor willie kicking and screaming to a balanced budget, go figure. Now the commiecrat propaganda machine claims credit for it, go figure again.
I'd say it was the .com bubble...but he WAS president. After 35 years, how bout taxing the bloated rich their fair share and investing in America. Our infrastructure is a disgrace.

Once again, fee free to point where in the Constitution the feds are responsible for any infrastructure other than post roads and necessary government buildings.
Guess what, ever heard of implied powers? People have moved on, with the SC rulings. Post roads LOL...

Yeah, the 10th Amendment says they don't exist.

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
The Supreme Court says they do, 220 years ago. Get real.

Yeah, feel free to sell that in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, St Louis, Newark and................................. Ignoring the GOP has done wonders for them.
The GOP has screwed the hell out of them and the rest of the country and they know where the racists are...

LMAO, you regressives have been running those cities for decades and you've ran them into the ground, oh but it's not your fault, the GOP made ya do it. Dude you couldn't sell that to a second grader.
The whole country has been slowly going to hell under Reaganism, and of course the blacks do the worst. White flight and manufacturing flight have killed also...Jack Kemp was the only GOPer who helped. Bills World Champion '64-5!

Bullshit, the country has been going to hell long before Reagan ever considered running for president. Many of those cities have been controlled by commiecrats for 40-50 years.
Those cities went to hell because of white flight and manufacturing flight. The middle class and the country have gone to hell under Reaganism. The rich are doing GREAT! Great job!

People have been moving to the burbs since the 40s, manufacturing did the same to escape higher city taxes, you regressives just love killing the golden goose. Then you whine and cry that there's no more golden eggs. Just run along you brainwashed dupe, you're dismissed.
I'd say it was the .com bubble...but he WAS president. After 35 years, how bout taxing the bloated rich their fair share and investing in America. Our infrastructure is a disgrace.

Once again, fee free to point where in the Constitution the feds are responsible for any infrastructure other than post roads and necessary government buildings.
Guess what, ever heard of implied powers? People have moved on, with the SC rulings. Post roads LOL...

Yeah, the 10th Amendment says they don't exist.

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
The Supreme Court says they do, 220 years ago. Get real.

McCulloch v. Maryland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
McCulloch v. Maryland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. 316 (1819), was a landmark decision by the Supreme Court of ... First, the Constitution grants to Congress implied powers for implementing the Constitution's express powers, in order to create a functional ...
The GOP has screwed the hell out of them and the rest of the country and they know where the racists are...

LMAO, you regressives have been running those cities for decades and you've ran them into the ground, oh but it's not your fault, the GOP made ya do it. Dude you couldn't sell that to a second grader.
The whole country has been slowly going to hell under Reaganism, and of course the blacks do the worst. White flight and manufacturing flight have killed also...Jack Kemp was the only GOPer who helped. Bills World Champion '64-5!

Bullshit, the country has been going to hell long before Reagan ever considered running for president. Many of those cities have been controlled by commiecrats for 40-50 years.
Those cities went to hell because of white flight and manufacturing flight. The middle class and the country have gone to hell under Reaganism. The rich are doing GREAT! Great job!

People have been moving to the burbs since the 40s, manufacturing did the same to escape higher city taxes, you regressives just love killing the golden goose. Then you whine and cry that there's no more golden eggs. Just run along you brainwashed dupe, you're dismissed.
Yup, it was the GOP in the 50's then? And then racism since Reaganism? You got me there...
Once again, fee free to point where in the Constitution the feds are responsible for any infrastructure other than post roads and necessary government buildings.
Guess what, ever heard of implied powers? People have moved on, with the SC rulings. Post roads LOL...

Yeah, the 10th Amendment says they don't exist.

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
The Supreme Court says they do, 220 years ago. Get real.

McCulloch v. Maryland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
McCulloch v. Maryland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. 316 (1819), was a landmark decision by the Supreme Court of ... First, the Constitution grants to Congress implied powers for implementing the Constitution's express powers, in order to create a functional ...

Ok, the government has the power to do things necessary to implement expressed powers, exactly which expressed power includes expansive infrastructure not owned by the feds?
LMAO, you regressives have been running those cities for decades and you've ran them into the ground, oh but it's not your fault, the GOP made ya do it. Dude you couldn't sell that to a second grader.
The whole country has been slowly going to hell under Reaganism, and of course the blacks do the worst. White flight and manufacturing flight have killed also...Jack Kemp was the only GOPer who helped. Bills World Champion '64-5!

Bullshit, the country has been going to hell long before Reagan ever considered running for president. Many of those cities have been controlled by commiecrats for 40-50 years.
Those cities went to hell because of white flight and manufacturing flight. The middle class and the country have gone to hell under Reaganism. The rich are doing GREAT! Great job!

People have been moving to the burbs since the 40s, manufacturing did the same to escape higher city taxes, you regressives just love killing the golden goose. Then you whine and cry that there's no more golden eggs. Just run along you brainwashed dupe, you're dismissed.
Yup, it was the GOP in the 50's then? And then racism since Reaganism? You got me there...

Guess what, ever heard of implied powers? People have moved on, with the SC rulings. Post roads LOL...

Yeah, the 10th Amendment says they don't exist.

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
The Supreme Court says they do, 220 years ago. Get real.

McCulloch v. Maryland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
McCulloch v. Maryland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. 316 (1819), was a landmark decision by the Supreme Court of ... First, the Constitution grants to Congress implied powers for implementing the Constitution's express powers, in order to create a functional ...

Ok, the government has the power to do things necessary to implement expressed powers, exactly which expressed power includes expansive infrastructure not owned by the feds?
Beats me....probably an implied power.
Yeah, the 10th Amendment says they don't exist.

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
The Supreme Court says they do, 220 years ago. Get real.

McCulloch v. Maryland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
McCulloch v. Maryland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. 316 (1819), was a landmark decision by the Supreme Court of ... First, the Constitution grants to Congress implied powers for implementing the Constitution's express powers, in order to create a functional ...

Ok, the government has the power to do things necessary to implement expressed powers, exactly which expressed power includes expansive infrastructure not owned by the feds?
Beats me....probably an implied power.

Feel free to get back to me when you figure it out.
The Supreme Court says they do, 220 years ago. Get real.

McCulloch v. Maryland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
McCulloch v. Maryland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. 316 (1819), was a landmark decision by the Supreme Court of ... First, the Constitution grants to Congress implied powers for implementing the Constitution's express powers, in order to create a functional ...

Ok, the government has the power to do things necessary to implement expressed powers, exactly which expressed power includes expansive infrastructure not owned by the feds?
Beats me....probably an implied power.

Feel free to get back to me when you figure it out.
Crikey, ask a constitutional lawyer. Did you just figure out our laws didn't end with the Constitution?

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