If Hillary is a crook, why...

November 8th the jury votes. The only jury that counts and right now 67% of the American voters say she is guilty.

Some strange things happen to people who get too close to Hilly & Billy. Here's a sample.

This video helps clarify the timeline of 4 murders that occurred within one month of its recording.
Each of the men who were murdered are directly tied to the DNC, Hillary Clinton, or Tim Kaine.
The pattern that emerges from their murders evidences far more than “a conspiracy theory.” If anything, the pattern shows that someone actually conspired to kill these men because of what they knew and to keep them silent.

ON JUNE 28, 2016 Shawn Lucas served the DNC with class action law suit papers. It cites internal emails and memos recently released among the 20,000 that WikiLeaks made public before the Democratic National Convention. The DNC claims that Russia hacked its servers, releasing the emails, which WikiLeaks denies.

FOUR MURDERS IN THREE WEEKS Directly Linked to Clintons, DNC [video]
I wish I had you capacity to ignore reality, are you saying she didn't even violate State Dept email policies and federal records keeping laws?

She's admitted that setting up the server was wrong, and she was unaware that it was a problem, and has apologized for it time & time again. Furthermore, it was Senior IT staffer working at the State Department that set up and maintained her server. Now one would think that a Senior IT staffer working at the State Department would have known State Department protocol, & that it was wrong to set her up with one. I imagine he has set up several in the past and it never was an issue until now. Of course he was granted immunity to save his own ass.

You are aware that Colin Powell & Condi Rice, both former Secretary's of State on the Republican side of the isle had their own issues with emails, RIGHT? Or is it possible that FOX News and Rush Limbaugh never told you that-LOL
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com

The FBI said no criminal intent--so there will be no criminal charges. The FBI also gave a very good description between the cases of Hillary Clinton & 4 star General and director of the CIA, David Petraeus of why he was charged and she wasn't.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

And as far as those so-called secure government servers. Here are the ones that have been hacked so-far--and it may make your straight hair curl.
List of hacked government agencies grows: State Department, White House, NOAA & USPS

You know if you stay away from these Reich wing talk show hosts, and FOX News--and start reading and getting sources of information from links available to you at your fingertips, you will be very surprised how much you can learn in a short span of time.

More crap, Comey ignored the law, period. Intent is not required as an element of the crime, as the the law is written. Petraeus allowed someone who had clearance to see his calendar, she just didn't have a need to know. Clinton made all the classified information on her server available to her lawyers who didn't have any clearance. They were granted limited clearance to review the emails, but that was long after they had possession of the drives.

Mens rea is an important element in an indictment. This may be too abstract for you to understand, but I'll try to edify you:

You are driving an car on a road you've never traveled before. A police officer pulls you over for not stopping at a stop sign. You claim you never saw one and get a ticket. You go back and see there is a stop sign, and the stop sign is hidden by the limbs of a shade tree. You photograph the scene and protest the ticket. You plead NG and provide the photo as evidence, Are you guilty or innocent?

Maybe you should read the IGs report, people at State tried to raise the issue, she knew full well she was doing something wrong, she signed a statement that she had been briefed on proper procedures. She was also fully aware of records keeping laws.

LINK--LINK--LINK? Again you have provided NO link to back up your statement, so what is it then? BULLSHIT. Hillary Clinton's investigations are OVER.

You are supporting a candidate that is going to be engulfed in 3500 CLASS ACTION LAW SUITS in the near future. Do you want a President or a Bozo that is going to be living in a court room for the next upteen years?
Yes, Trump University Was a Massive Scam, by Ian Tuttle, National Review

State Department report slams Clinton email use

"At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business before leaving government service and, because she did not do so, she did not comply with the Department's policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act."
The report examined record keeping laws, policies and practices at the State Department from 1997 to present.


Clinton and several of her staff members during her tenure declined to be interviewed, the report said.

Hillary Clinton email use slammed in State Department report - CNNPolitics.com

Try reading the complete report, it get's much more specific. The hildabitch and her staff stone walled the IG to continue her cover up.

Now child, you claim there are 3500 class actions suits against Trump, yet your link only mentions one, where's something talking about the other 3499?
In Reporting On Hillary Clinton, Media Get Facts Wrong On Colin ...
Media Matters for America
May 27, 2016 - According to a report from the U.S. Department of State Office of Inspector General (OIG) on email records management and cybersecurity ...►
CONFIRMED: Hillary Is Sleaziest Email Criminal Since Colin Powell
May 25, 2016 - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton violated federal records rules through her use of a private email server while she was ...
Republican Colin Powell Deals a Death Blow to Hillary Clinton Email ...
Mar 8, 2015 - On ABC’s This Week, former Sec. of State Colin Powell admitted that he used a privateemail account for public business. Powell’s explanation of why he used a private email account amounted to a death blow for Republicans who are trying to build a scandal out of Hillary ...
8 investigations each with a report. Read them.

Why, the dems have already slaughtered their sacrificial Lamb. Pun intended.

So you don't make the foolish mistake of making allegations that have already been addressed of course.

Stop quoting me out of context.

It's within context. You asked why and I told you.

Screw off you posted one word of a nine word sentence.

Nine words of bullshit in response to my post. I responded within my original context.
Then you cried.
A lie by omission - technology advances create the need for newer and better. Do you still have that 3 pound cell phone first produced in the 1980's?

Wrong, she told congress after she left State that she use one device for convenience. She knew that not to be true when she said it and Comey said as much in his testimony.

One device in 2013, a new device in 2014 is using one device, spin it however you like, but if you don't want to continue to be scene as a liar by omission, show me a photo of her using two devices at the same time.

So she used a tablet for a phone, because Come said she used on to access her email. You're the one trying to deflect and spin.

Me deflect? LOL:

"Mens rea is an important element in an indictment. This may be too abstract for you to understand, but I'll try to edify you:

"You are driving an car on a road you've never traveled before. A police officer pulls you over for not stopping at a stop sign. You claim you never saw one and get a ticket. You go back and see there is a stop sign, and the stop sign is hidden by the limbs of a shade tree. You photograph the scene and protest the ticket. You plead NG and provide the photo as evidence, Are you guilty or innocent?"

There is no crime. Let the first person who has never made a mistake toss the first stone. And that ain't you bub.

You can repeat Mens rea. Mens rea, Mens rea till the freaking cows come home while ignoring the fact that she fully knew what she was doing was wrong, I don't really give a fuck. So why don't you continue this conversation with the voices in your head, I'm done.

Cool, now maybe you can get a life and not be so obsessed with HRC, and we will not be exposed to the hate you hold for millions of Americans who simply disagree with your opinions and hateful rhetoric.
A lie by omission - technology advances create the need for newer and better. Do you still have that 3 pound cell phone first produced in the 1980's?

Wrong, she told congress after she left State that she use one device for convenience. She knew that not to be true when she said it and Comey said as much in his testimony.

One device in 2013, a new device in 2014 is using one device, spin it however you like, but if you don't want to continue to be scene as a liar by omission, show me a photo of her using two devices at the same time.

So she used a tablet for a phone, because Come said she used on to access her email. You're the one trying to deflect and spin.

Me deflect? LOL:

"Mens rea is an important element in an indictment. This may be too abstract for you to understand, but I'll try to edify you:

"You are driving an car on a road you've never traveled before. A police officer pulls you over for not stopping at a stop sign. You claim you never saw one and get a ticket. You go back and see there is a stop sign, and the stop sign is hidden by the limbs of a shade tree. You photograph the scene and protest the ticket. You plead NG and provide the photo as evidence, Are you guilty or innocent?"

There is no crime. Let the first person who has never made a mistake toss the first stone. And that ain't you bub.

You can repeat Mens rea. Mens rea, Mens rea till the freaking cows come home while ignoring the fact that she fully knew what she was doing was wrong, I don't really give a fuck. So why don't you continue this conversation with the voices in your head, I'm done.

That's exactly the point of mens rea is to prove she fully knew what she was doing was wrong. Without that you have no case.
Why, the dems have already slaughtered their sacrificial Lamb. Pun intended.

So you don't make the foolish mistake of making allegations that have already been addressed of course.

Stop quoting me out of context.

It's within context. You asked why and I told you.

Screw off you posted one word of a nine word sentence.

Nine words of bullshit in response to my post. I responded within my original context.
Then you cried.

Really, BS, Charlene Lamb was the only one out of a job, and she wasn't fired, she resigned.
Wrong, she told congress after she left State that she use one device for convenience. She knew that not to be true when she said it and Comey said as much in his testimony.

One device in 2013, a new device in 2014 is using one device, spin it however you like, but if you don't want to continue to be scene as a liar by omission, show me a photo of her using two devices at the same time.

So she used a tablet for a phone, because Come said she used on to access her email. You're the one trying to deflect and spin.

Me deflect? LOL:

"Mens rea is an important element in an indictment. This may be too abstract for you to understand, but I'll try to edify you:

"You are driving an car on a road you've never traveled before. A police officer pulls you over for not stopping at a stop sign. You claim you never saw one and get a ticket. You go back and see there is a stop sign, and the stop sign is hidden by the limbs of a shade tree. You photograph the scene and protest the ticket. You plead NG and provide the photo as evidence, Are you guilty or innocent?"

There is no crime. Let the first person who has never made a mistake toss the first stone. And that ain't you bub.

You can repeat Mens rea. Mens rea, Mens rea till the freaking cows come home while ignoring the fact that she fully knew what she was doing was wrong, I don't really give a fuck. So why don't you continue this conversation with the voices in your head, I'm done.

Cool, now maybe you can get a life and not be so obsessed with HRC, and we will not be exposed to the hate you hold for millions of Americans who simply disagree with your opinions and hateful rhetoric.

And you can continue to love your criminals. Bye
Wrong, she told congress after she left State that she use one device for convenience. She knew that not to be true when she said it and Comey said as much in his testimony.

One device in 2013, a new device in 2014 is using one device, spin it however you like, but if you don't want to continue to be scene as a liar by omission, show me a photo of her using two devices at the same time.

So she used a tablet for a phone, because Come said she used on to access her email. You're the one trying to deflect and spin.

Me deflect? LOL:

"Mens rea is an important element in an indictment. This may be too abstract for you to understand, but I'll try to edify you:

"You are driving an car on a road you've never traveled before. A police officer pulls you over for not stopping at a stop sign. You claim you never saw one and get a ticket. You go back and see there is a stop sign, and the stop sign is hidden by the limbs of a shade tree. You photograph the scene and protest the ticket. You plead NG and provide the photo as evidence, Are you guilty or innocent?"

There is no crime. Let the first person who has never made a mistake toss the first stone. And that ain't you bub.

You can repeat Mens rea. Mens rea, Mens rea till the freaking cows come home while ignoring the fact that she fully knew what she was doing was wrong, I don't really give a fuck. So why don't you continue this conversation with the voices in your head, I'm done.

That's exactly the point of mens rea is to prove she fully knew what she was doing was wrong. Without that you have no case.

Her continual lies proves conscientiousness of guilt. Like claiming she had permission form State for the server, the IG report said that NO ONE gave her permission to use a private server instead of the state.gov system. She also was aware of records keeping policies within the dept and conscientiously chose to ignore them. In his testimony before the house, Comey answered 5 consecutive questions from Trey Gowdy indicating she lied to congress about the facts found by the FBI. I could go on proving mens rea but you've already made up your mind and chose not to be confused by the facts. Carry on.

Damn straight, GOP chumps...NADA

Good points. She is obviously clearly a smarter crook than Donald is a businessman. But then if she is THAT smart why is she still talking about those damned emails?
Because she's not guilty of anything but possible incompetence, dupe. Not hacked, none marked classified. You people are ridiculous and brainwashed...

"FBI boss Comey's 7 most damning lines on Clinton"

1. "Extremely careless"
"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of "very sensitive, highly classified information."

2. "Should have known"
"There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton's position, or in the position of those with whom she was corresponding about those matters, should have known that an "unclassified system was no place for that conversation."

3. "Especially concerning"

None of these emails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these emails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at agencies and departments of the United States government -- or even with a commercial email service like Gmail."

4. "Still obligated to protect it"

Only a very small number of the emails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information.

That's worth repeating.....""Only a very small number of the emails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information"

I thought Indians were supposed to be all "noble" and shit?

And on and on and on...Sqaw you are shown t be a liar.



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One device in 2013, a new device in 2014 is using one device, spin it however you like, but if you don't want to continue to be scene as a liar by omission, show me a photo of her using two devices at the same time.

So she used a tablet for a phone, because Come said she used on to access her email. You're the one trying to deflect and spin.

Me deflect? LOL:

"Mens rea is an important element in an indictment. This may be too abstract for you to understand, but I'll try to edify you:

"You are driving an car on a road you've never traveled before. A police officer pulls you over for not stopping at a stop sign. You claim you never saw one and get a ticket. You go back and see there is a stop sign, and the stop sign is hidden by the limbs of a shade tree. You photograph the scene and protest the ticket. You plead NG and provide the photo as evidence, Are you guilty or innocent?"

There is no crime. Let the first person who has never made a mistake toss the first stone. And that ain't you bub.

You can repeat Mens rea. Mens rea, Mens rea till the freaking cows come home while ignoring the fact that she fully knew what she was doing was wrong, I don't really give a fuck. So why don't you continue this conversation with the voices in your head, I'm done.

That's exactly the point of mens rea is to prove she fully knew what she was doing was wrong. Without that you have no case.

Her continual lies proves conscientiousness of guilt. Like claiming she had permission form State for the server, the IG report said that NO ONE gave her permission to use a private server instead of the state.gov system. She also was aware of records keeping policies within the dept and conscientiously chose to ignore them. In his testimony before the house, Comey answered 5 consecutive questions from Trey Gowdy indicating she lied to congress about the facts found by the FBI. I could go on proving mens rea but you've already made up your mind and chose not to be confused by the facts. Carry on.

The FBI director didn't agree. He was very clear in his testimony. Now, you can jump up and down and cry that he sold out or was otherwise influenced but don't forget that your narrative requires a conspiracy to be valid. Mine does not.
So she used a tablet for a phone, because Come said she used on to access her email. You're the one trying to deflect and spin.

Me deflect? LOL:

"Mens rea is an important element in an indictment. This may be too abstract for you to understand, but I'll try to edify you:

"You are driving an car on a road you've never traveled before. A police officer pulls you over for not stopping at a stop sign. You claim you never saw one and get a ticket. You go back and see there is a stop sign, and the stop sign is hidden by the limbs of a shade tree. You photograph the scene and protest the ticket. You plead NG and provide the photo as evidence, Are you guilty or innocent?"

There is no crime. Let the first person who has never made a mistake toss the first stone. And that ain't you bub.

You can repeat Mens rea. Mens rea, Mens rea till the freaking cows come home while ignoring the fact that she fully knew what she was doing was wrong, I don't really give a fuck. So why don't you continue this conversation with the voices in your head, I'm done.

That's exactly the point of mens rea is to prove she fully knew what she was doing was wrong. Without that you have no case.

Her continual lies proves conscientiousness of guilt. Like claiming she had permission form State for the server, the IG report said that NO ONE gave her permission to use a private server instead of the state.gov system. She also was aware of records keeping policies within the dept and conscientiously chose to ignore them. In his testimony before the house, Comey answered 5 consecutive questions from Trey Gowdy indicating she lied to congress about the facts found by the FBI. I could go on proving mens rea but you've already made up your mind and chose not to be confused by the facts. Carry on.

The FBI director didn't agree. He was very clear in his testimony. Now, you can jump up and down and cry that he sold out or was otherwise influenced but don't forget that your narrative requires a conspiracy to be valid. Mine does not.

No it doesn't require a conspiracy, it's a difference in legal opinions and strategies, many career prosecutors disagreed with Comey's assessment that no prosecutor would proceed on those facts. But no one can be proven right without the facts objectively being presented to a grand jury, can they? Take a look at a brief history of the DOJ under this regime. When Holder was found in contempt of congress, law required the DOJ to present the case to a grand jury, the DOJ refused to follow the law. Holder was small potatoes compared to the hildabitch. DOJ lawyers flat lied to the judge in TX, nothing happened to them. This regime has a pattern of not allowing it's members to be prosecuted in any way. Is that a conspiracy, nope, it's political policy.
So she used a tablet for a phone, because Come said she used on to access her email. You're the one trying to deflect and spin.

Me deflect? LOL:

"Mens rea is an important element in an indictment. This may be too abstract for you to understand, but I'll try to edify you:

"You are driving an car on a road you've never traveled before. A police officer pulls you over for not stopping at a stop sign. You claim you never saw one and get a ticket. You go back and see there is a stop sign, and the stop sign is hidden by the limbs of a shade tree. You photograph the scene and protest the ticket. You plead NG and provide the photo as evidence, Are you guilty or innocent?"

There is no crime. Let the first person who has never made a mistake toss the first stone. And that ain't you bub.

You can repeat Mens rea. Mens rea, Mens rea till the freaking cows come home while ignoring the fact that she fully knew what she was doing was wrong, I don't really give a fuck. So why don't you continue this conversation with the voices in your head, I'm done.

That's exactly the point of mens rea is to prove she fully knew what she was doing was wrong. Without that you have no case.

Her continual lies proves conscientiousness of guilt. Like claiming she had permission form State for the server, the IG report said that NO ONE gave her permission to use a private server instead of the state.gov system. She also was aware of records keeping policies within the dept and conscientiously chose to ignore them. In his testimony before the house, Comey answered 5 consecutive questions from Trey Gowdy indicating she lied to congress about the facts found by the FBI. I could go on proving mens rea but you've already made up your mind and chose not to be confused by the facts. Carry on.

The FBI director didn't agree. He was very clear in his testimony. Now, you can jump up and down and cry that he sold out or was otherwise influenced but don't forget that your narrative requires a conspiracy to be valid. Mine does not.

Me deflect? LOL:

"Mens rea is an important element in an indictment. This may be too abstract for you to understand, but I'll try to edify you:

"You are driving an car on a road you've never traveled before. A police officer pulls you over for not stopping at a stop sign. You claim you never saw one and get a ticket. You go back and see there is a stop sign, and the stop sign is hidden by the limbs of a shade tree. You photograph the scene and protest the ticket. You plead NG and provide the photo as evidence, Are you guilty or innocent?"

There is no crime. Let the first person who has never made a mistake toss the first stone. And that ain't you bub.

You can repeat Mens rea. Mens rea, Mens rea till the freaking cows come home while ignoring the fact that she fully knew what she was doing was wrong, I don't really give a fuck. So why don't you continue this conversation with the voices in your head, I'm done.

That's exactly the point of mens rea is to prove she fully knew what she was doing was wrong. Without that you have no case.

Her continual lies proves conscientiousness of guilt. Like claiming she had permission form State for the server, the IG report said that NO ONE gave her permission to use a private server instead of the state.gov system. She also was aware of records keeping policies within the dept and conscientiously chose to ignore them. In his testimony before the house, Comey answered 5 consecutive questions from Trey Gowdy indicating she lied to congress about the facts found by the FBI. I could go on proving mens rea but you've already made up your mind and chose not to be confused by the facts. Carry on.

The FBI director didn't agree. He was very clear in his testimony. Now, you can jump up and down and cry that he sold out or was otherwise influenced but don't forget that your narrative requires a conspiracy to be valid. Mine does not.

No it doesn't require a conspiracy, it's a difference in legal opinions and strategies, many career prosecutors disagreed with Comey's assessment that no prosecutor would proceed on those facts. But no one can be proven right without the facts objectively being presented to a grand jury, can they? Take a look at a brief history of the DOJ under this regime. When Holder was found in contempt of congress, law required the DOJ to present the case to a grand jury, the DOJ refused to follow the law. Holder was small potatoes compared to the hildabitch. DOJ lawyers flat lied to the judge in TX, nothing happened to them. This regime has a pattern of not allowing it's members to be prosecuted in any way. Is that a conspiracy, nope, it's political policy.

Your rhetoric ("this regime") is biased and partisan, so much so that you have no credibility; "many prosecutors" is an opinion, a biased one since many career prosecutors would not have taken the matter to a Grand Jury and even less to a preliminary hearing, knowing the facts might not (IMO Will not) sustain a ruling to holding HRC to answer.

Political theater is the sum and substance (so to speak) of The H. of Rep. under both Boehner and Ryan; they appeal to you simply because they reinforce your biases and prejudice.
Mens rea is dismissed by oktexas as irrelevant, is that ignorance, or mendacity?

See: Actus Reus Non Facit Reum Nisi Mens Sit Rea Definition

"The act itself does not constitute guilt unless done with a guilty intent."

"It is a principle of natural justice, and of our law, that actus facit reum nisi mens sit rea. The intent and the Act must both concur to constitute the crime."
Oooh, that's great, cause I didn't intend to kill that bank guard who mistook me for my cousin!

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