If Hillary runs she may win 45 states

REAL Americans could not take four years of the old clueless bitter bimbo hag Billary!!!
This is an entirely plausible Hillary EV map, assuming the current state and national polling stands:

View attachment 30129


View attachment 30130

If she really is 8-10 points ahead of the GOP field nationally, then obviously, more than 31 or 32 states are going to fall her way.

That is not a prediction on my part - yet. But with the current polling numbers, it is plausible.
Interesting. However, I cannot see some states going democrat. For instance I lived in Arizona, and even with the immigration numbers there, GOP supporters far outnumber democrat supporters. I recall outside of Tuscon, there was very little support for democrats in Arizona. Tuscon had high immigration numbers, thus support for democrats.

Here is more how I see things going in 2016...

I wouldnt throw Wisconsin in the blue category just yet. Especially if their governor is on the ticket. People there have seen what real GOP conservative policies can accomplish: lower deficits, tax cuts, better governance. They may not be so quick to throw the lever for another socialist Democrat.
Brent Budowsky: Clinton can win 45 states | TheHill

I see a few extra sleeping pills for you RWers tonight....:badgrin:

Doubtful she gets anywhere near that many states.

1 HI
2 WA
3 OR
4 CA
5 NV
6 NM
7 CO
8 MN
9 WI
10 IA
11 IL
12 OH
13 MI
14 PA
15 NY
16 NJ
17 NH
18 MA
19 CT
20 RI
21 ME
22 VT
23 DE
24 FL
25 VA

From the last election. What other 20 states?

I think it would depend who the GOP nominates. If they nominate someone as nutty as Rand Paul, she'll probably sweep.

but let's assume they have a bout of sanity and nominate Jeb Bush.

I could still see Hillary picking up Arizona, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, NC,

Very true.

Most important to recall is that the states listed are far more than enough. The GOP needs to come up with 64 electoral votes to get the Presidency. Nobody seems to know where those 64 will come from on the right.
This is an entirely plausible Hillary EV map, assuming the current state and national polling stands:

View attachment 30129


View attachment 30130

If she really is 8-10 points ahead of the GOP field nationally, then obviously, more than 31 or 32 states are going to fall her way.

That is not a prediction on my part - yet. But with the current polling numbers, it is plausible.
Interesting. However, I cannot see some states going democrat. For instance I lived in Arizona, and even with the immigration numbers there, GOP supporters far outnumber democrat supporters. I recall outside of Tuscon, there was very little support for democrats in Arizona. Tuscon had high immigration numbers, thus support for democrats.

Here is more how I see things going in 2016...

The GOP won't win PA. Ohio is interesting because of the unique personalities in 2016. Rubio gets you Florida but probably not Ohio. Portman gets you Ohio (as does Kusich (sp?)) but won't play well in Florida. Jeb Bush could win both but he'll have issues elsewhere. Portman/Kusich does better in IA than Rubio/Bush.

Not sure Colorado is going Red with it's liberal bend over the last 10 years; namely the marijuana reform laws.

Your map is interesting and informed.
You people are nuts...N-V-T-S nuts. Polls have her beating Jeb Bush in Florida, his home state. Do you seriously think the GOP has a chance is she runs, seriously?

Anyone with an R or D next to their name on the General has a chance. Politics in 2000's America is much less about voting for someone than voting anti-the other guy.
doubtful she gets anywhere near that many states.

1 hi
2 wa
3 or
4 ca
5 nv
6 nm
7 co
8 mn
9 wi
10 ia
11 il
12 oh
13 mi
14 pa
15 ny
16 nj
17 nh
18 ma
19 ct
20 ri
21 me
22 vt
23 de
24 fl
25 va

from the last election. What other 20 states?

but let's assume they have a bout of sanity and nominate jeb bush.

Romney was the rational choice of the field in 2012; he was just a terrible candidate who was out classed, out campaigned, and out strategized by Obama.

Poland? Seriously?
Hillary is too mainstream for the Dems, too American. They need someone who is a true believer and will go to any length to bring us the Workers Paradise we were meant to be.

Liz Warren 201.

Like Obama, he's nuts about Marxism and a shameless liar. Well, yeah. she just plain nuts too

Romney was the rational choice of the field in 2012; he was just a terrible candidate who was out classed, out campaigned, and out strategized by Obama.

Poland? Seriously?



Romney actually visited Poland during the campaign season in 2012. Not China; not Saudi Arabia (he did go to Israel and gave one of the best speeches I ever heard him give), not Japan, not a country that matters; Poland.
This is an entirely plausible Hillary EV map, assuming the current state and national polling stands:

View attachment 30129


View attachment 30130

If she really is 8-10 points ahead of the GOP field nationally, then obviously, more than 31 or 32 states are going to fall her way.

That is not a prediction on my part - yet. But with the current polling numbers, it is plausible.
Interesting. However, I cannot see some states going democrat. For instance I lived in Arizona, and even with the immigration numbers there, GOP supporters far outnumber democrat supporters. I recall outside of Tuscon, there was very little support for democrats in Arizona. Tuscon had high immigration numbers, thus support for democrats.

Here is more how I see things going in 2016...

I wouldnt throw Wisconsin in the blue category just yet. Especially if their governor is on the ticket. People there have seen what real GOP conservative policies can accomplish: lower deficits, tax cuts, better governance. They may not be so quick to throw the lever for another socialist Democrat.


Think I saw some of this kind of map prior to 6Nov12. Same kind of predicitions.
Please run Hitlery. Please, please, please.

Then we can ask her about Vince Foster, how she intimidated Juanita Broaddrick, Monica Lewinksy and Linda Tripp. We can also ask her why her husband, the rapist, sexually assaulted Kathleen Willey INSIDE the White House AT THE VERY MOMENT HER HUSBAND WAS COMMITTING SUICIDE OUT OF MENTAL ANGUISH!!!

We can also ask the lying **** where she was the night Benghazi was hit. We can ask if it was her that ordered the Military to stand down.

Then we can ask how she managed to FUCK Egypt and turn one of our staunchest allies into an enemy.

We can ask the stupid **** how she couldn't get a Status of Forces agreement with Iraq when we have 124 of them in place with 124 other Countries.

We can ask the stupid fucking bitch what happened in Syria and why she lauded Assad.

We can ask her "How'd that Russian Re-Set work out, bitch?"

We can ask the **** why she refused to put Boko Haram on the terrorsit list

Please run that stupid fucking bitch for president. It will show once and for all what you people are..... The scum of the earth.

The bitch deserves to be tried for treason not run for president.

But, to dimocrap scum, treason is the number one qualifier to run for president in this country
Interesting. However, I cannot see some states going democrat. For instance I lived in Arizona, and even with the immigration numbers there, GOP supporters far outnumber democrat supporters. I recall outside of Tuscon, there was very little support for democrats in Arizona. Tuscon had high immigration numbers, thus support for democrats.

Here is more how I see things going in 2016...

I wouldnt throw Wisconsin in the blue category just yet. Especially if their governor is on the ticket. People there have seen what real GOP conservative policies can accomplish: lower deficits, tax cuts, better governance. They may not be so quick to throw the lever for another socialist Democrat.


Think I saw some of this kind of map prior to 6Nov12. Same kind of predicitions.

PA is dominated by 2 large cities and will go to Hillary.

She was born here
Brent Budowsky: Clinton can win 45 states | TheHill

While the GOP looks downward and backward in its negative politics of derision, aiming its appeal to an extremist faction, Clinton reaches outward and forward in her positive politics of opportunity, aiming her appeal to the nation at large. If she runs in 2016, she could well carry 45 states and sweep into office many Democrats running for the House, Senate and governorships.
I see a few extra sleeping pills for you RWers tonight....:badgrin:

In all of Hillary's years in public disservice she really hasn't done anything noteworthy. Nothing to speak of. So why does she deserve a promotion? Because she'd be the first hag -- I mean woman -- President? Not a good reason to vote for the old shoe.

Plus, there's a good chance she has brain damage.
She'll be the best qualified presidential candidate that we have had in generations. Her knowledge of the Congress, the Whitehouse, and Washington politics is as good as it gets. She on a first name basis with most heads of state. There isn't a single republican candidate in the last republican primary that would even come close to her qualifications.

Her accomplishments as a First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State are just too long to list:

  • The failed Clinton Healthcare Plan provided the groundwork for the ACA
  • State Children's Health Insurance Program.
  • Nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses.
  • Adoption and Safe Families Act .
  • Foster Care Independence Act
  • Campaign to encouraged older women to seek a mammogram for early detection of breast cancer .
  • Increased research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the NIH.
  • Fought for funding for treatment of Gulf War Syndrome.
  • Created an Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice.
  • First first lady to hold a post graduate degree.
  • Traveled to more countries than any other first lady
  • Instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site's redevelopment.
  • Cointroduced legislation to increase the size of the regular Army by 80,000 soldiers to ease the strain and supported retaining and improving health benefits for veterans.
  • Introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act.
  • Received more than 17 million votes during the nomination process.
  • Visited 112 countries, helping to repair a badly damaged U.S. reputation.
  • Unveiled the Global Hunger and Food Security program.
  • Prevailed over Vice President Biden to send an additional 21,000 troops to Afghanistan.
  • Saved the signing of a Turkish-Armenian accord,
  • Assisted the president with major decisions as to the U.S. position with regard to the revolution in Egypt and the assisted the president in the decision to use military force in Libya.

Probably her greatest weakness as a candidate is having done so much.
Brent Budowsky: Clinton can win 45 states | TheHill

I see a few extra sleeping pills for you RWers tonight....:badgrin:

In all of Hillary's years in public disservice she really hasn't done anything noteworthy. Nothing to speak of. So why does she deserve a promotion? Because she'd be the first hag -- I mean woman -- President? Not a good reason to vote for the old shoe.

Plus, there's a good chance she has brain damage.
She'll be the best qualified presidential candidate that we have had in generations. Her knowledge of the Congress, the Whitehouse, and Washington politics is as good as it gets. She on a first name basis with most heads of state. There isn't a single republican candidate in the last republican primary that would even come close to her qualifications.

Her accomplishments as a First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State are just too long to list:

  • The failed Clinton Healthcare Plan provided the groundwork for the ACA
  • State Children's Health Insurance Program.
  • Nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses.
  • Adoption and Safe Families Act .
  • Foster Care Independence Act
  • Campaign to encouraged older women to seek a mammogram for early detection of breast cancer .
  • Increased research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the NIH.
  • Fought for funding for treatment of Gulf War Syndrome.
  • Created an Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice.
  • First first lady to hold a post graduate degree.
  • Traveled to more countries than any other first lady
  • Instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site's redevelopment.
  • Cointroduced legislation to increase the size of the regular Army by 80,000 soldiers to ease the strain and supported retaining and improving health benefits for veterans.
  • Introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act.
  • Received more than 17 million votes during the nomination process.
  • Visited 112 countries, helping to repair a badly damaged U.S. reputation.
  • Unveiled the Global Hunger and Food Security program.
  • Prevailed over Vice President Biden to send an additional 21,000 troops to Afghanistan.
  • Saved the signing of a Turkish-Armenian accord,
  • Assisted the president with major decisions as to the U.S. position with regard to the revolution in Egypt and the assisted the president in the decision to use military force in Libya.

Probably her greatest weakness as a candidate is having done so much.

But she never shut down the Government
You people are nuts...N-V-T-S nuts. Polls have her beating Jeb Bush in Florida, his home state. Do you seriously think the GOP has a chance is she runs, seriously?



..there have been 8 polls with 29 matchups and Hillary has won every single matchup, with the majority of the margins in the double digits. No Democratic candidate that I know of has scored these type of margins in Florida in modern polling history.

Polling out of Florida:


Margins against Jeb Bush:

Latest Quinnipiac:

Hillary 49
Bush, Jeb 41
Margin: Hillary +8

And that's the leanest margin.

Against Rubio, it's Hillary +12
Against Christie, Huckabee or against Paul, it's Hillary +18
Against Ryan, it's Hillary +20
Against Cruz, it's Hillary +26

Wow. Astronomic margins for any candidate, but especially for a Democrat in, of all states, Florida. Wow.
Brent Budowsky: Clinton can win 45 states | TheHill

I see a few extra sleeping pills for you RWers tonight....:badgrin:

In all of Hillary's years in public disservice she really hasn't done anything noteworthy. Nothing to speak of. So why does she deserve a promotion? Because she'd be the first hag -- I mean woman -- President? Not a good reason to vote for the old shoe.

Plus, there's a good chance she has brain damage.
She'll be the best qualified presidential candidate that we have had in generations. Her knowledge of the Congress, the Whitehouse, and Washington politics is as good as it gets. She on a first name basis with most heads of state. There isn't a single republican candidate in the last republican primary that would even come close to her qualifications.

Her accomplishments as a First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State are just too long to list:

  • The failed Clinton Healthcare Plan provided the groundwork for the ACA
  • State Children's Health Insurance Program.
  • Nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses.
  • Adoption and Safe Families Act .
  • Foster Care Independence Act
  • Campaign to encouraged older women to seek a mammogram for early detection of breast cancer .
  • Increased research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the NIH.
  • Fought for funding for treatment of Gulf War Syndrome.
  • Created an Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice.
  • First first lady to hold a post graduate degree.
  • Traveled to more countries than any other first lady
  • Instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site's redevelopment.
  • Cointroduced legislation to increase the size of the regular Army by 80,000 soldiers to ease the strain and supported retaining and improving health benefits for veterans.
  • Introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act.
  • Received more than 17 million votes during the nomination process.
  • Visited 112 countries, helping to repair a badly damaged U.S. reputation.
  • Unveiled the Global Hunger and Food Security program.
  • Prevailed over Vice President Biden to send an additional 21,000 troops to Afghanistan.
  • Saved the signing of a Turkish-Armenian accord,
  • Assisted the president with major decisions as to the U.S. position with regard to the revolution in Egypt and the assisted the president in the decision to use military force in Libya.

Probably her greatest weakness as a candidate is having done so much.

Brent Budowsky: Clinton can win 45 states | TheHill

While the GOP looks downward and backward in its negative politics of derision, aiming its appeal to an extremist faction, Clinton reaches outward and forward in her positive politics of opportunity, aiming her appeal to the nation at large. If she runs in 2016, she could well carry 45 states and sweep into office many Democrats running for the House, Senate and governorships.

I see a few extra sleeping pills for you RWers tonight....:badgrin:

The guy pulled that 45 state figure out of his ass.

However, I do see the GOP continuing to sabotage itself to the Democratic Party's benefit. The GOP continues to be a suicide cult. It's only successes today are due to the superior ideology and behavior of its glorious past. The dead husk it has become today is coasting on past performance, and heavily dependent on deep amnesia in the ranks of the rubes. Today, the Right is a pack of pessimists whining and complaining non-stop. Beating up on Mexicans, and gays, and blacks, and Muslims, and the poor on a daily basis. Riding the ObamaCare-Benghazi-ObamaCare-Benghazi circus merry-to-round until the American people will be entirely sick of hearing their whining.

In the meantime, the Democratic candidate (Hillary, perhaps) will be informing the American people exactly what plans they have for the future of the country.

There will be two choices on the 2016 ballot. The Republican candidate will a whiner who no one has any clue what they will do if they get power, but who has hordes of partisan hacks behind him who have manufactured a sky high mountain of bullshit about their opponent.

The Democratic candidate will be someone who has unequivocally stated exactly what they will do going foward, and it will be a very expensive plan.

Voters will be divided into five groups.

1) People who would have voted Republican but who are so repulsed by the modern day GOP they decide to stay home.

2) Brainwashed rubes who will vote Republican even if Adolf Hitler somehow ended up at the top of the ticket.

3) Brainwashed rubes who will vote Democratic even if Joseph Stalin somehow ended up at the top of the ticket.

4) Brainwashed rubes who have drank so much manufactured bullshit about one party's candidate they do not cast a vote for a candidate, but rather cast a vote against a candidate. They will vote for the "lesser of two evils" without ever realizing they are still voting for evil.

5) People who would have voted Democratic but who are so repulsed by the modern day Democratic Party they decide to stay home.

The election will be decided by 1) and 5).
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