If Hillary runs she may win 45 states

I don't see immigration legislation being passed at all anything out of the House will have strong border security as part of it which Reid would likely kill in the Senate anything from the Democrats is likely to have some form of amnesty in it which Republicans wont go for. This is one issue both parties love to talk about but they will never address it in a serious way.

The GOP can force the Dems hand with a tri-part (security, business reform, immigration reform) bill.

Such a bill is reasonable and the GOP could hold the Senate's feet to the fire.

Enough Dem senators would bolt to the join the GOP for a 60 vote cloture.

Yes if the GOP voted to enact every Democratic agenda item it would really fix the Dems.
You're a moron, Jake.

So says Uncensored2008, the King of the unsubstantiated opinion.

I said "a tri-part (security, business reform, immigration reform) bill."

That is reasonable and something that will help the GOP win.

We are not going back to the 1960s, ever.
I don't see immigration legislation being passed at all anything out of the House will have strong border security as part of it which Reid would likely kill in the Senate anything from the Democrats is likely to have some form of amnesty in it which Republicans wont go for. This is one issue both parties love to talk about but they will never address it in a serious way.

The GOP can force the Dems hand with a tri-part (security, business reform, immigration reform) bill.

Such a bill is reasonable and the GOP could hold the Senate's feet to the fire.

Enough Dem senators would bolt to the join the GOP for a 60 vote cloture.

Jake, if it is reasonable, it will not come from the present bunch in the GOP. Sad, but true.

I don't see immigration legislation being passed at all anything out of the House will have strong border security as part of it which Reid would likely kill in the Senate anything from the Democrats is likely to have some form of amnesty in it which Republicans wont go for. This is one issue both parties love to talk about but they will never address it in a serious way.

The GOP can force the Dems hand with a tri-part (security, business reform, immigration reform) bill.

Such a bill is reasonable and the GOP could hold the Senate's feet to the fire.

Enough Dem senators would bolt to the join the GOP for a 60 vote cloture.
Sounds reasonable the problem is the current President has a habit of only enforcing the parts of bills he likes and ignoring the rest and doesn't seem to have a problem doing this we have seen that a lot with Obamacare. So the question is would it be any different with the security part of what you suggested?

A negotiated compromise bill of consensus Obama will follow.

He has no obligation to anyone who, in the minority, has refused to govern but only obfuscates.
Brent Budowsky: Clinton can win 45 states | TheHill

While the GOP looks downward and backward in its negative politics of derision, aiming its appeal to an extremist faction, Clinton reaches outward and forward in her positive politics of opportunity, aiming her appeal to the nation at large. If she runs in 2016, she could well carry 45 states and sweep into office many Democrats running for the House, Senate and governorships.

I see a few extra sleeping pills for you RWers tonight....:badgrin:

A liberal website said Hillary can win 45 states. LOL, why would that bother anyone with a brain?
Name one thing HC accomplished as Secretary of State? LOL just one.
Her mindless pom pom waving for the so called Arab Spring that turned out to be an Islamic winter – nope not that.
Her prima facie lies RE Benghazi – nope not that.
Lets see hmmmm….
Brent Budowsky: Clinton can win 45 states | TheHill

While the GOP looks downward and backward in its negative politics of derision, aiming its appeal to an extremist faction, Clinton reaches outward and forward in her positive politics of opportunity, aiming her appeal to the nation at large. If she runs in 2016, she could well carry 45 states and sweep into office many Democrats running for the House, Senate and governorships.

I see a few extra sleeping pills for you RWers tonight....:badgrin:

A liberal website said Hillary can win 45 states. LOL, why would that bother anyone with a brain?

If Republicans were to run Ted Cruz, Hillary would win 45 States
With Rand Paul, she would win 40 States

Most other Republicans and she would win 25-30 States
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Name one thing HC accomplished as Secretary of State? LOL just one.
Her mindless pom pom waving for the so called Arab Spring that turned out to be an Islamic winter – nope not that.
Her prima facie lies RE Benghazi – nope not that.
Lets see hmmmm….

And another far right mindless chattering chipmunk huffing super glue.

Reminds me of Nacho in "Libre Nacho": it's all guud.

Name one thing HC accomplished as Secretary of State? LOL just one.

Gained a shit ton of foreign policy experience that no Republican candidate will be able to match.


That was easy!
Brent Budowsky: Clinton can win 45 states | TheHill

I see a few extra sleeping pills for you RWers tonight....:badgrin:

A liberal website said Hillary can win 45 states. LOL, why would that bother anyone with a brain?

If Republicans were to run Ted Cruz, Hillary would win 45 States
With Rand Paul, she would win 40 States

Most other Republicans and she would win 23-30 States

Well, that's different. A liberal website saying it doesn't bother me, but a liberal saying it? OMG, that means must be true then!


Sorry man, I tried to look scared, I really did...

Hillary is the greatest thing the Democrats could do for the Republicans. She's arrogant, condescending and just an unpleasant woman. The media can protect a first lady, even the Secretary of State. But they can't protect a Presidential candidate. She has to talk directly to the people. And it's not going to go well for you. But you just go ahead and believe whatever you like. You're almost through with the black, now you want the woman. LOL.
Name one thing HC accomplished as Secretary of State? LOL just one.

Gained a shit ton of foreign policy experience that no Republican candidate will be able to match.


That was easy!

Our last 3 Presidents, Obama, W, Clinton all had very little to no foreign policy experience. Obviously the voters don't care. Dream on.

And I like how you consider "experience" to be an "accomplishment." LOL. You can't name anything she succeeded at, so you just say her accomplishment was doing it. I don't see an inability to name an accomplishment at the job as any more impressive than anyone who didn't do the job. In fact, it could be easily thought of as less.
A liberal website said Hillary can win 45 states. LOL, why would that bother anyone with a brain?

If Republicans were to run Ted Cruz, Hillary would win 45 States
With Rand Paul, she would win 40 States

Most other Republicans and she would win 23-30 States

Well, that's different. A liberal website saying it doesn't bother me, but a liberal saying it? OMG, that means must be true then!


Sorry man, I tried to look scared, I really did...

Hillary is the greatest thing the Democrats could do for the Republicans. She's arrogant, condescending and just an unpleasant woman. The media can protect a first lady, even the Secretary of State. But they can't protect a Presidential candidate. She has to talk directly to the people. And it's not going to go well for you. But you just go ahead and believe whatever you like. You're almost through with the black, now you want the woman. LOL.

Republicans lack a candidate who can win in swing states. Dooms you in a presidential election

Some candidates (Cruz, Paul) would not only lose the swing states, they would give up formerly red states
Name one thing HC accomplished as Secretary of State? LOL just one.

Gained a shit ton of foreign policy experience that no Republican candidate will be able to match.


That was easy!

Our last 3 Presidents, Obama, W, Clinton all had very little to no foreign policy experience. Obviously the voters don't care. Dream on.

And I like how you consider "experience" to be an "accomplishment." LOL. You can't name anything she succeeded at, so you just say her accomplishment was doing it. I don't see an inability to name an accomplishment at the job as any more impressive than anyone who didn't do the job. In fact, it could be easily thought of as less.

Do you hear youself? You ask what her accomplishments were out of one side of your mouth, and say the voters don't care about any of that out of the other side of your mouth!

Positively schizophrenic.

This foreign policy achievement question is going to whipsaw right back into the face of the GOP candidate. What's that? Your state is neighbors with Russia? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Actually having been there and personally knowing all the key players IS an achievement. Idiot.
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She flew around the world wasting taxpayer money, making the US look stupid and pissing off our allies.

Oh, forgot that she got one of her Ambassador's killed, last one since Jimmy Carter.

Yes, her resume is good for someone cleaning toilets at McDonalds. :eusa_whistle:

Name one thing HC accomplished as Secretary of State? LOL just one.

Gained a shit ton of foreign policy experience that no Republican candidate will be able to match.


That was easy!
She flew around the world wasting taxpayer money, making the US look stupid and pissing off our allies.

Oh, forgot that she got one of her Ambassador's killed, last one since Jimmy Carter.

I bet you cannot name the diplomat who was killed on Bush's watch without looking it up.
I bet none of you rubes can even name Bush's Secretaries of State, much less list their accomplishments.

You are making an idiot's gambit. Just more of the same old smokescreens built to hide the fact you have no solutions to anything and only know how to attack the other guy.
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I bet none of you rubes can even name Bush's Secretaries of State, much less list their accomplishments.

You are making an idiot's gambit.

I can.......Yellow cake and the Smoking Gun
Shitstain...tell us the name of any US Ambassador killed under Reagan, Bush 1, Bush 2, Ford, Nixon, etc. :eusa_whistle:

How did that RESET button with Russia work out for the senile bitch???

She flew around the world wasting taxpayer money, making the US look stupid and pissing off our allies.

Oh, forgot that she got one of her Ambassador's killed, last one since Jimmy Carter.

I bet you cannot name the diplomat who was killed on Bush's watch without looking it up.
She flew around the world wasting taxpayer money, making the US look stupid and pissing off our allies.

Oh, forgot that she got one of her Ambassador's killed, last one since Jimmy Carter.

Yes, her resume is good for someone cleaning toilets at McDonalds. :eusa_whistle:

Name one thing HC accomplished as Secretary of State? LOL just one.

Gained a shit ton of foreign policy experience that no Republican candidate will be able to match.


That was easy!


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