If Hillary wins in November & the GOP hold the house will they move to impeach her?

There can be no doubt that if the Beast does win, there will have never been a president-elect so thoroughly under a dark cloud. It will be a very grim 4 years even if she doesn't die in office. Compound that with the Hapless VP, there is no hope for anything positive or healing as a country.
Unfortunately, if Hillary wins and the REPS maintain control of the House and Senate, It will be 4 more years of obstructionism of which they will blame Hillary. I can't stand Trump but he is likely to piss everybody off and serendipitously unite the Republicans and the Democrats. So if Trump wins, I see him getting impeached.

The worst thing that could possibly happen to Hillary is for the Democrats to take control of the House and Senate because then she will have ZERO excuses for not getting the job done yet she won't have a single clue about HOW to get the job done!
I think what you're afraid of, along with a lot of Republicans is that she knows exactly how to play congress to get what she wants. Republicans controlled the Senate the entire 8 years she was a senator. As a Senator, Clinton won a lot of attention for working with Republicans such as Bill Frist, Tom DeLay, Newt Gingrich, and Lindsey Graham on a variety of issues, including some from the GOP who had been political antagonists of her husband. Her names are on over 400 pieces of legislation many of them sponsored and co-sponsored by Republicans.

Agreed-Republicans like and have praised her, when they're not having to campaign against her. But you'll never convince a Reich winger of that who is attached at the hip all these Reich wing talk show hosts.
Republicans Have Praised Hillary Clinton’s Secretary Of State Tenure
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise
This is the heart of the attacks on Hillary Clinton. Trump supporters claim that Hillary is too incompetent to be president. However, Republicans in congress believe just the opposite. Her competency makes her very dangerous to their agendas. She has maintained Republican allies and friends that have worked with her in both the House and Senate. This threatens to undermine party leadership in both Houses. Thus, you have an all out effort to discredit her and make sure she does not make it to the Oval Office.

Trump, having no understanding of the politics has screwed both the party and his campaign making Hillary the probably winner of the election. So when Hillary wins the election, Trump supporters have no one to blame but themselves.


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I think the GOP will be concerned about getting their own house in order.
Just my guess.
Republicans don't need actual grounds to impeach...that never stopped them before

But it would take a willingness to totally humiliate yourself in front of the American people. After Trump, I doubt Republicans are willing to do that
Republicans don't need actual grounds to impeach...that never stopped them before

But it would take a willingness to totally humiliate yourself in front of the American people. After Trump, I doubt Republicans are willing to do that

Oh Republicans have shown a willingness to humiliate themselves this election.

I think Republicans wouldn't do it because it would put the final nail in the GOP coffin.

It would be seen as what it would be- an attempt to overturn an election.
Then suddenly she became 'Crooked Hillary'.

She's been a crook for three decades ffs!

Odd isn't it that Donald Trump only discovered that when he decided to run for President?

Until then he thought she would be a great President......

You think THAT is odd??? Wait until you hear this ...

Her followers STILL think she's honest and credible!!

Who woulda fuckin' believed that, huh?
Then suddenly she became 'Crooked Hillary'.

She's been a crook for three decades ffs!

Odd isn't it that Donald Trump only discovered that when he decided to run for President?

Until then he thought she would be a great President......

You think THAT is odd??? Wait until you hear this ...

Her followers STILL think she's honest and credible!!

Who woulda fuckin' believed that, huh?

I think that Clinton is about 4 times more honest and credible as Trump.

After all- until Trump decided to run for President he loved Clinton.

The next day she became Corrupt Hillary.
That's right.

Hillary will "unite Congress" to continue to spend us into insolvency, and allow the Mossad to do another bogus "terror" attack, lie about it, and send our kids off to war against Iran so that Hillary and the party "leaders" can once again fill their pockets with Iscariot silver...

Where were you when Bush said the American Government - which doesn't have the competence to run a laundromat - was capable of nation building in Iraq?

Your whining about the Democrats means ABSOLUTELY nothing if every time you assume the White House, you give Big Government 10x the power and budget that the current Dems ever dreamed of.

But it's funny. The Dems admit that they trust government. The Dems admit that spending on things like War Manufacturing (which creates government industrial jobs) actually puts spenders on main street and stimulate the economy.

The Dems admit that it's possible to spread Democracy/Freedom and save the world using Washington. They think Washington is competent enough to turn the globe into a happy USA-loving utopia.

But your party is supposed to be about small government and limited spending. Your party is supposed to be cautious over Washington's ability to improve life on planet earth. Your party is supposed to be skeptical about Washington's ability to do ANYTHING.

So why did Reagan triple Carter's debt and create an interventionist Cold War Policy that put American bases on nearly every continent, essentially expanding Washington's sphere of influence from the 50 states to the entire globe? [And you're lecturing us about the dangers of Government Power? Are you fucking kidding me?]

What if giving Washington more power and money doesn't create a safer world? What if Washington isn't as competent as you think? What if Washington bureaucrats only make things worse? What if Big Government Military Intervention creates instability and unintended consequences, and what if it commits us to terminal military occupations where we play a never-ending game of whack-a-mole against the next ISIS? And what if our politicians merely create instability in places like Iraq, so they can trap the next administration in a quagmire, while they reload for the next time they assume power, so that they can re-start the whole Haliburton/Lockheed cycle of wink wink no bids? We're fucking sick of it you nitwit.

See because ... we trust your side to realize that giving Washington the power to spread freedom and save the world and nation build is a mistake because giving Washington the power to do Big Things always creates unintended consequences.

Stop being a bitch-lemming for Bushian Nation Building and we'll start to take you seriously. Until then, you don't have a fucking leg to stand on.

You have the most bizarre take on American policy over the past forty years I've seen on here in years, Londoner! It's a combination of complete ignorance and a scattering of liberal talking points that makes no sense at all! You seem to think that America didn't project it's influence abroad until Ronald Reagan came into office and then suddenly we branched out from the 50 US States and began trying to take over the world! Who taught you such complete nonsense?
Then suddenly she became 'Crooked Hillary'.

She's been a crook for three decades ffs!

Odd isn't it that Donald Trump only discovered that when he decided to run for President?

Until then he thought she would be a great President......

You think THAT is odd??? Wait until you hear this ...

Her followers STILL think she's honest and credible!!

Who woulda fuckin' believed that, huh?

I think that Clinton is about 4 times more honest and credible as Trump.

After all- until Trump decided to run for President he loved Clinton.

The next day she became Corrupt Hillary.

Trump "loved" Clinton for the same reason the Wall Street bankers "love" Clinton! You give her enough money and she'll do whatever you want!
Then suddenly she became 'Crooked Hillary'.

She's been a crook for three decades ffs!

Odd isn't it that Donald Trump only discovered that when he decided to run for President?

Until then he thought she would be a great President......

You think THAT is odd??? Wait until you hear this ...

Her followers STILL think she's honest and credible!!

Who woulda fuckin' believed that, huh?

I think that Clinton is about 4 times more honest and credible as Trump.

After all- until Trump decided to run for President he loved Clinton.

The next day she became Corrupt Hillary.

Trump "loved" Clinton for the same reason the Wall Street bankers "love" Clinton! You give her enough money and she'll do whatever you want!

She'll do ANYTHING?

God, that's scary!!!
I was a Kasich supporter. The reason Trump is the GOP nominee is a combination of two things...a groundswell of popular support for someone who wasn't a career politician...and a main stream media that sucked all of the air out of the other candidates and focused all of their attention on Trump.

As for what the GOP will be moving forward? Quite frankly, I think you're overestimating the damage that will be done if Trump isn't elected. If the Democrats were electing someone who was going to succeed as President then the GOP might not rebound for the better part of a decade. That isn't the case however because your nominee is Hillary Clinton...someone who "postures" rather than leads. Four years of her and her political machine running things will do more for the Republican Party than the Contract with American did back in the 90's!

I really think Kasich would be running away with this right now.

Which is why the Clinton controlled media pushed Trump.
People still really should have been smart enough to pick Kasich... not once did I ever think trump was a better choice.

"People" decided they didn't want another politician. That sentiment is still alive and well. If Hillary Clinton wins in a month I can't see her doing anything but reinforcing people's belief that Washington is broken and could care less about them.

The question then becomes...who's going to step forward from outside the political world to give those people what they desperately want?

You really couldn't have found a worse candidate, than Donald Trump, if you had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt in search of one.

Hillary Clinton cannot be your excuse for Donald Trump. There were two candidates that were on the stage that I think would have had a shot at defeating her. John Kasich and Marco Rubio--who you kicked to the curb for the most incompetent, unqualified DANGEROUS candidate in this nation's history, Donald Trump.

Instead you were distracted by Wall Building and deportation--something that was never going to happen and only used to bait you. You swallowed it all-- hook, line and sinker. Even one of your favorites admitted to that, after a caller was able to sneak on his program and corner him on Trump's immigration platform.

All in the name of ratings and those obscene profit breaks. Someday maybe you'll realize that all the right wing talk show hosts that you listen too, are much more interested in ratings profits than they are truth and full disclosure of the truth. You might realize also that the very worst thing that could happen to those obscene profit breaks, is if they don't have Hillary Clinton to talk about for the next 4 to 8 years.

They are responsible for shattering the Republican party into pieces, by continually violating Reagan's 11th commandment "thou shall not speak ill of a Fellow Republican." Basically eating their own, while inciting their audiences with 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling.

FOX NEWS also had a hand in this disaster--by giving this ass clown an unprecedented 2 billion in free media coverage during the primaries, and they are now paying a heavy price for it.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

So NO--Donald Trump has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton. She didn't chose him for you, YOU DID THIS. You were warned that this would happen, and you ignored all those warnings. Be assured that if you won't vet your own candidates, Democrats will make dam well certain that they do it for you.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

You guys get more absurd by the moment! Here's a hint, Sparky...when "Red State" tells you that CNN is "crushing" Fox News you might want to look at the numbers! All they've done is narrow the lead that FOX has over them to 9 points. That isn't "crushing" someone...that's not getting your ass beat by them as badly as you were before! Duh?

By the way...the REASON that CNN's numbers were up for the time period that Red State focused on was that they were given the right to broadcast 12 debates and town hall meetings. Fox on the other hand was only given 3 debates and town hall meetings.
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She's been a crook for three decades ffs!

Odd isn't it that Donald Trump only discovered that when he decided to run for President?

Until then he thought she would be a great President......

You think THAT is odd??? Wait until you hear this ...

Her followers STILL think she's honest and credible!!

Who woulda fuckin' believed that, huh?

I think that Clinton is about 4 times more honest and credible as Trump.

After all- until Trump decided to run for President he loved Clinton.

The next day she became Corrupt Hillary.

Trump "loved" Clinton for the same reason the Wall Street bankers "love" Clinton! You give her enough money and she'll do whatever you want!

She'll do ANYTHING?

God, that's scary!!!

You want to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom? Pony up the cash and the Clinton's will turn down the sheets and put a mint on your pillow! It's who they are...it's how they got rich!

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