If I was Harris, this would be my opening statement tonight at the Debate

She is going to shine tonight and Trump is going to show the dark side.
She will fail on the topics she doesn't understand or have much knowledge about .. just like she always does with her word salads that don't answer the question. Can't wait to see her squirm as she pretends she's confident -- the 2020 candidate that nobody liked and dropped out before the primaries .. hahaha :popcorn:
Mr. Trump, let me begin by stating a few FACTS about you.

In 2016, you made the following 2 statements:

1) "I alone can fix it"
2) "I will hire only the best people for the job"

And yet, 1) you made 104 campaign promises and you were only able to fulfill 24 of them, in spite of the fact that for the first two years of your presidency, the Republicans had the majority in the Senate. As such, your statement about "I alone can fix it" has proven to be untrue.

and 2) you had the biggest turnover in the history of U.S. presidents, with 85% of the people you picked either getting fired or leaving you. Firing them, meant they did not turn out to be the best and them leaving meaning those "best people" did not think you were doing a good job or not following your oath of office to defend the laws and the Constitution of the United States. This means that your statement about hiring the best was also untrue and the fact so many left you, means that your statement about "I alone can fix it" was also false.

In 2020, you made the accusation that the election was stolen and even though this contention was taken to court on over 60 occasions, it was never proven that any election fraud occurred. Your own Attorney General (Barr) said it wasn't true and even the Supreme Court refused to even look at the accusation saying "there are insufficient facts to have us even consider it". In spite of all that, you stimulated and supported a protest at the Capitol that turned into a potential insurrection. You even asked VP Pence to do something illegal of not confirming the election results. He refused and you said "I made a mistake in choosing Pence to be my VP", in addition you publicly defended those rioters that wanted to "hang Pence".

It has been proven that you did not handle the Covid pandemic well. You delayed the response to it and defunded the entities that handle pandemics and took their power away from them. It has been shown that your handling of the pandemic caused the unnecessary deaths of over 200,000 Americans.

All of the above, show you to be incompetent to be president again.

The above is what I think that Harris should start the debate tonight. All of the above are facts. No accusations or insults, just facts.

Harris will start the debate with several martinis.
Now, now, you know full well that if TRUMP! was to obey any of the Ten Commandments, the usual suspects would be up in arms, weeping and wailing about the theocracy he's trying to impose.
i guess the actual "xtian nationalists " know that he is only committing adultery and putting himself before god to "pwn the libs?"
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This is odd coming from Kamala who can't keep over 90% of her staff. Funny that.

Simple question, were you better when I was President or this clown show?

(Drops mic and walks off stage)
Well, let's compare staff leaving.

Kamala 90% (meaning 7 people that were staff)
Trump 85% ( meaning 79 people that were staff, Cabinet members (not staff), Heads of Departments of the government (not staff).

Which is worse?
Mr. Trump, let me begin by stating a few FACTS about you.

In 2016, you made the following 2 statements:

1) "I alone can fix it"
2) "I will hire only the best people for the job"

And yet, 1) you made 104 campaign promises and you were only able to fulfill 24 of them, in spite of the fact that for the first two years of your presidency, the Republicans had the majority in the Senate. As such, your statement about "I alone can fix it" has proven to be untrue.

and 2) you had the biggest turnover in the history of U.S. presidents, with 85% of the people you picked either getting fired or leaving you. Firing them, meant they did not turn out to be the best and them leaving meaning those "best people" did not think you were doing a good job or not following your oath of office to defend the laws and the Constitution of the United States. This means that your statement about hiring the best was also untrue and the fact so many left you, means that your statement about "I alone can fix it" was also false.

In 2020, you made the accusation that the election was stolen and even though this contention was taken to court on over 60 occasions, it was never proven that any election fraud occurred. Your own Attorney General (Barr) said it wasn't true and even the Supreme Court refused to even look at the accusation saying "there are insufficient facts to have us even consider it". In spite of all that, you stimulated and supported a protest at the Capitol that turned into a potential insurrection. You even asked VP Pence to do something illegal of not confirming the election results. He refused and you said "I made a mistake in choosing Pence to be my VP", in addition you publicly defended those rioters that wanted to "hang Pence".

It has been proven that you did not handle the Covid pandemic well. You delayed the response to it and defunded the entities that handle pandemics and took their power away from them. It has been shown that your handling of the pandemic caused the unnecessary deaths of over 200,000 Americans.

All of the above, show you to be incompetent to be president again.

The above is what I think that Harris should start the debate tonight. All of the above are facts. No accusations or insults, just facts.
Of course, just continue the deflection and gaslighting so she can hide her abysmal 20 year record as a Marxist extremist. You are a classic Democrat supporter, lots of hate and reaction for Trump not much thinking going on.
She will fail on the topics she doesn't understand or have much knowledge about .. just like she always does with her word salads that don't answer the question. Can't wait to see her squirm as she pretends she's confident -- the 2020 candidate that nobody liked and dropped out before the primaries .. hahaha :popcorn:
We will see in 8 hours, won't we?
Of course, just continue the deflection and gaslighting so she can hide her abysmal 20 year record as a Marxist extremist. You are a classic Democrat supporter, lots of hate and reaction for Trump not much thinking going on.
Oh gawd, more biased BS. Don't you get tired of spewing empty/non-factual words?
Mr. Trump, let me begin by stating a few FACTS about you.

In 2016, you made the following 2 statements:

1) "I alone can fix it"
2) "I will hire only the best people for the job"

And yet, 1) you made 104 campaign promises and you were only able to fulfill 24 of them, in spite of the fact that for the first two years of your presidency, the Republicans had the majority in the Senate. As such, your statement about "I alone can fix it" has proven to be untrue.

and 2) you had the biggest turnover in the history of U.S. presidents, with 85% of the people you picked either getting fired or leaving you. Firing them, meant they did not turn out to be the best and them leaving meaning those "best people" did not think you were doing a good job or not following your oath of office to defend the laws and the Constitution of the United States. This means that your statement about hiring the best was also untrue and the fact so many left you, means that your statement about "I alone can fix it" was also false.

In 2020, you made the accusation that the election was stolen and even though this contention was taken to court on over 60 occasions, it was never proven that any election fraud occurred. Your own Attorney General (Barr) said it wasn't true and even the Supreme Court refused to even look at the accusation saying "there are insufficient facts to have us even consider it". In spite of all that, you stimulated and supported a protest at the Capitol that turned into a potential insurrection. You even asked VP Pence to do something illegal of not confirming the election results. He refused and you said "I made a mistake in choosing Pence to be my VP", in addition you publicly defended those rioters that wanted to "hang Pence".

It has been proven that you did not handle the Covid pandemic well. You delayed the response to it and defunded the entities that handle pandemics and took their power away from them. It has been shown that your handling of the pandemic caused the unnecessary deaths of over 200,000 Americans.

All of the above, show you to be incompetent to be president again.

The above is what I think that Harris should start the debate tonight. All of the above are facts. No accusations or insults, just facts.
Great vision for the future of the country, Simp.
Mr. Trump, let me begin by stating a few FACTS about you.

In 2016, you made the following 2 statements:

1) "I alone can fix it"
2) "I will hire only the best people for the job"

And yet, 1) you made 104 campaign promises and you were only able to fulfill 24 of them, in spite of the fact that for the first two years of your presidency, the Republicans had the majority in the Senate. As such, your statement about "I alone can fix it" has proven to be untrue.

and 2) you had the biggest turnover in the history of U.S. presidents, with 85% of the people you picked either getting fired or leaving you. Firing them, meant they did not turn out to be the best and them leaving meaning those "best people" did not think you were doing a good job or not following your oath of office to defend the laws and the Constitution of the United States. This means that your statement about hiring the best was also untrue and the fact so many left you, means that your statement about "I alone can fix it" was also false.

In 2020, you made the accusation that the election was stolen and even though this contention was taken to court on over 60 occasions, it was never proven that any election fraud occurred. Your own Attorney General (Barr) said it wasn't true and even the Supreme Court refused to even look at the accusation saying "there are insufficient facts to have us even consider it". In spite of all that, you stimulated and supported a protest at the Capitol that turned into a potential insurrection. You even asked VP Pence to do something illegal of not confirming the election results. He refused and you said "I made a mistake in choosing Pence to be my VP", in addition you publicly defended those rioters that wanted to "hang Pence".

It has been proven that you did not handle the Covid pandemic well. You delayed the response to it and defunded the entities that handle pandemics and took their power away from them. It has been shown that your handling of the pandemic caused the unnecessary deaths of over 200,000 Americans.

All of the above, show you to be incompetent to be president again.

The above is what I think that Harris should start the debate tonight. All of the above are facts. No accusations or insults, just facts.
What is Trump's record with prosecutors?
Wrong .. she was the point person put in charge of two responsibilities: 1) diplomatic solutions with Central America and the Mexican triangle to minimize emigration from these countries and 2) minimizing the insurgency across our Southern border. These were direct action items from Biden himself.

Your OWN words mess you up. finding "diplomatic solutions" does not mean being in charge of implementing them.

and regarding minimizing the insurgency, here is a FACT CHECK

The claim: Kamala Harris was 'put in charge of the border'

A July 21 Instagram post (direct link, archive link) by Donald Trump Jr. blames Vice President Kamala Harris for the country's immigration problems.

"She was put in charge of the border and we saw the worst invasion of illegals in our history!!!" reads part of the post, which is a screenshot of a post from X, formerly Twitter.

Similar posts on Threads have described Harris as the Biden administration's "border czar."


The post exaggerates the vice president's role in addressing migration at the southern border. Harris was never put in charge of the border or made "border czar," immigration experts said. President Joe Biden tasked Harris with leading the administration's diplomatic efforts addressing the "root causes" of migration in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

Awesome .. that was then, this is now, and she has done little to none to present her views and answer questions off-script. She (and her embellisher-in-chief Walz) had a single interview .. the first one .. and Kamala couldn't handle it alone and invited her handler to help out with questions she didn't and couldn't answer. The 'exclusive' interview, edited, was 18 minutes. Bwahahaha
Your OWN words mess you up. finding "diplomatic solutions" does not mean being in charge of implementing them.

and regarding minimizing the insurgency, here is a FACT CHECK

The claim: Kamala Harris was 'put in charge of the border'

A July 21 Instagram post (direct link, archive link) by Donald Trump Jr. blames Vice President Kamala Harris for the country's immigration problems.

"She was put in charge of the border and we saw the worst invasion of illegals in our history!!!" reads part of the post, which is a screenshot of a post from X, formerly Twitter.

Similar posts on Threads have described Harris as the Biden administration's "border czar."


The post exaggerates the vice president's role in addressing migration at the southern border. Harris was never put in charge of the border or made "border czar," immigration experts said. President Joe Biden tasked Harris with leading the administration's diplomatic efforts addressing the "root causes" of migration in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
You know there is video of him putting her in charge of the border right?
i guess the actual "xtian nationalists " know that he is only committing adultery and putting himself before god to "pwn the libs?"
Are you advocating that all the millions of Christians in the US publicly declare that they will only vote for the Godliest of all candidates? It would be amazing to watch all those pretending piety and trying to tell Christians who not to vote for suddenly discover that they don't want a theocracy.
Your OWN words mess you up. finding "diplomatic solutions" does not mean being in charge of implementing them.

and regarding minimizing the insurgency, here is a FACT CHECK

The claim: Kamala Harris was 'put in charge of the border'

A July 21 Instagram post (direct link, archive link) by Donald Trump Jr. blames Vice President Kamala Harris for the country's immigration problems.

"She was put in charge of the border and we saw the worst invasion of illegals in our history!!!" reads part of the post, which is a screenshot of a post from X, formerly Twitter.

Similar posts on Threads have described Harris as the Biden administration's "border czar."


The post exaggerates the vice president's role in addressing migration at the southern border. Harris was never put in charge of the border or made "border czar," immigration experts said. President Joe Biden tasked Harris with leading the administration's diplomatic efforts addressing the "root causes" of migration in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
You pussies are desperate.

Your suck-up left wing media labeled her border czar back at the time. This has been demonstrated time and again. And Kamalalala didn’t bother to “correct” them, then.

How, being appointed to run as the Dim nominee, she does need to run from it.

But we all know that she was the border czar. She failed spectacularly.

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