If Israel had wanted to sink the Liberty and kill the crew?


Gold Member
May 3, 2009
Why didn't they use better weapons appropriate for the task?

The planes that attacked the Liberty dropped napalm on it and strafed it with their cannons.

While these attacks killed 9 of the crew and set it on fire they didn't come near to destroying the ship,

A single 500 lb. bomb(Mk. 82) which Israel had in abundance would likely have blown Liberty in half, quickly sinking it and killing the entire crew.

Yet the Israelis didn''t use larger, appropriate weapons until the torpedo boats showed up. A single torpedo hit nearly sank Liberty and killed two dozen of the crew.
The Liberty is the last refuge of the Jew-haters in America. FTR, I would support the Israeli's decision to actually sink that vessel if they had, because it was being used to spy on them and share that info with their enemies.
Why didn't they use better weapons appropriate for the task?

The planes that attacked the Liberty dropped napalm on it and strafed it with their cannons.

While these attacks killed 9 of the crew and set it on fire they didn't come near to destroying the ship,

A single 500 lb. bomb(Mk. 82) which Israel had in abundance would likely have blown Liberty in half, quickly sinking it and killing the entire crew.

Yet the Israelis didn''t use larger, appropriate weapons until the torpedo boats showed up. A single torpedo hit nearly sank Liberty and killed two dozen of the crew.
you answered your own question. the israelis sent in torpedo boats to finish the job. if they had been successful in mopping up we would bever have heard the tale.

The Liberty is the last refuge of the Jew-haters in America. FTR, I would support the Israeli's decision to actually sink that vessel if they had, because it was being used to spy on them and share that info with their enemies.
the usa was sharing in formation from the liberty (or anyone else) with israel's enemies? that would not happen until trump .
The Liberty is the last refuge of the Jew-haters in America. FTR, I would support the Israeli's decision to actually sink that vessel if they had, because it was being used to spy on them and share that info with their enemies.
Fortunately, we have the luxury of not living in the world of conspiracy theories.

Unfortunately, we live in a world in which the President of the United States ordered rescue aircraft recalled while we were still under attack and calling for help.

And a world where the US government allows Israel to commit War Crimes during its attack on our ship with impunity and without remorse. You can read the War Crimes Report we filed with DoD at https://www.ussliberty.com/files/public/War Crimes Report with Exhibits.pdf.
you answered your own question. the israelis sent in torpedo boats to finish the job. if they had been successful in mopping up we would bever have heard the tale.

the usa was sharing in formation from the liberty (or anyone else) with israel's enemies? that would not happen until trump .
Relax. That's just a conspiracy theory.

What's NOT a conspiracy is the fact that the US government has not investigated the attack on the USS Liberty.
Why didn't they use better weapons appropriate for the task?

The planes that attacked the Liberty dropped napalm on it and strafed it with their cannons.

While these attacks killed 9 of the crew and set it on fire they didn't come near to destroying the ship,

A single 500 lb. bomb(Mk. 82) which Israel had in abundance would likely have blown Liberty in half, quickly sinking it and killing the entire crew.

Yet the Israelis didn''t use larger, appropriate weapons until the torpedo boats showed up. A single torpedo hit nearly sank Liberty and killed two dozen of the crew.

Anti-Semites will never admit that the attack on the USS Liberty was a tragic accident. Liberals who have become radically anti-Israeli likewise continue to peddle the myth that the attack was deliberate. Many of these same liberals also peddle crazy conspiracy theories about 9/11, John Lennon's murder, Princess Diana's death, and the Jonestown Massacre.

If these folks had done some serious reading in military history, they would know that there have been many other equally egregious cases of mistaken friendly fire in wartime.
The Liberty is the last refuge of the Jew-haters in America. FTR, I would support the Israeli's decision to actually sink that vessel if they had, because it was being used to spy on them and share that info with their enemies.
They tried to sink it so that they could blame it on the Muslim Brotherhood.
You made a claim, you're obligated to provide proof (or at least evidence) to support that claim.
YOU bring in the "claim", that the USS liberty incident was a "mistake/error" - and YOU can't proof nor provide anything to support YOUR claim.
Aside from silly personal commentaries, like weapon systems.

YOU already failed miserably, in your first thread, so why do you bring in another one? How much is your Zionist organization paying YOU?
YOU bring in the "claim", that the USS liberty incident was a "mistake/error" - and YOU can't proof nor provide anything to support YOUR claim.
Aside from silly personal commentaries, like weapon systems.

YOU already failed miserably, in your first thread, so why do you bring in another one? How much is your Zionist organization paying YOU?
Why would you claim I'm being paid anything for what I post?
Why would you claim I'm being paid anything for what I post?
Either you are a simple fanatic who dislikes the USA, or a poster with a very low degree on knowledge and therefore simply loves to post ridiculous comments, or a paid Zionist shill - the choice is yours.
Either you are a simple fanatic who dislikes the USA, or a poster with a very low degree on knowledge and therefore simply loves to post ridiculous comments, or a paid Zionist shill - the choice is yours.
I adore the U.S. and our military. And I have a college degree. I taught history for a dozen years.
I adore the U.S. and our military.
Adore doesn't mean "support" - I also "adore" the US military - but I am not in support of the US military and the US foreign policy, it is being misused used for.
And I have a college degree.
I taught history for a dozen years.
OMG - hopefully your teachers stint, didn't leave any lasting damage onto your students.
You can't even present/conduct a professional discussion pertaining to a historic "documented" incident on a chat Forum - just forwarding personal unsubstantiated and irrelevant claims.

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