If it already wasn't, The Supreme Court Is Now On The Ballot.

No this is just another Dem SCHEME to threaten their political opponents
The way trump wanted to lock up Hillary? The way he has promised retribution against his enemies?

Don McGahn reportedly stopped Trump from prosecuting Clinton and Comey​

Why are you talking about Dobbs? We were talking about Roe
Page 17 of the Dobbs slip opinion, in footnote 25, cites the legal treatise "Leges Henrici Primi" (or "Laws of Henry I"), which dates to around 1115 A.D.:

Even before Bracton's time, English law imposed punishment for the killing of a fetus. See Leges Henrici Primi 222–223 (L. Downer ed. 1972) (imposing penalty for any abortion and treating a woman who aborted a "quick" child "as if she were a murderess").
Legal historian Leslie John Downer's translation of the original 12th-century Latin text, however, reads, "f she does this [intentionally destroys her embryo] after it is quick [animate], she shall do penance for seven years as if she were a murderess." Alito carefully clipped out the words "she shall do penance for seven years" from the quotation, between "quick" and "as."
Page 17 of the Dobbs slip opinion, in footnote 25, cites the legal treatise "Leges Henrici Primi" (or "Laws of Henry I"), which dates to around 1115 A.D.:

Legal historian Leslie John Downer's translation of the original 12th-century Latin text, however, reads, "f she does this [intentionally destroys her embryo] after it is quick [animate], she shall do penance for seven years as if she were a murderess." Alito carefully clipped out the words "she shall do penance for seven years" from the quotation, between "quick" and "as."
What does any of this have to do with Roe and how it was decided?
Be glad I'm not in charge the Dem traitors would be driven into exile or prison.
As much as I appreciate you're admission to fascist tendencies I wonder if upon self-reflection you will come to the realization those tendencies are why you're going to vote for trump.
As much as I appreciate you're admission to fascist tendencies I wonder if upon self-reflection you will come to the realization those tendencies are why you're going to vote for trump.
You Dems just don't get it, we don't like you. You are not popular. Your policies are not popular. Hell even you don't like your own leader.
As much as I appreciate you're admission to fascist tendencies I wonder if upon self-reflection you will come to the realization those tendencies are why you're going to vote for trump.
Your the one wanting defendants to prove they aren’t guilty and you are calling other people fascist?

Project much?
trump's Court's popularity is in the shitter.

Does the court rule on what is constitutional or what is popular.

Can your statement reveal any more how stupid you are.
Deservedly so.

Yeah, following the USC is just not what you want. You meaning YOU.
I can understand the Founders wanting to somewhat insulate the Court in order to maintain its independence. But they did not contemplate such a corrupt Court nor such polarized times.

I've had it with your stupid assed claims. The court is not corrupt and you are moron for saying as much.

You need to contact the people who "educated" you ad ask for your money back. You were ripped off.
Your the one wanting defendants to prove they aren’t guilty and you are calling other people fascist?

Project much?

The OP is an asshole who lives in his mother's basement and collects welfare.

There is no other way to reason how someone has as much time to whine about his wet diaper as he does.

He's now on ignore.

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