If it already wasn't, The Supreme Court Is Now On The Ballot.

You are the master of irony since that is exactly what McTreason did when he refused to give Garland a confirmation hearing 11 months before Obama's second term was over. Only to hypocritically flip flop, announcing he would ram through Barrett's nomination only 46 days before trump was thrown out of office.
Nope not even close to the same thing. One was done within the framework and certainly was not a unique position.... The other was born of changing the rules and trying to work around the established tradition and it bit them in the ass.

Yes that's right by the way... McConnell voiced his opposition to changing the rules but afterwards said if I have an opportunity I certainly will take advantage of them. And he did.

The Democrats are great at opening doors they don't want anyone else to use.
Now Biden wants to weaponize SCOTUS. How pathetic.
I mean,how more pathetic can it get for Historians
to have to read what Biden has pulled while in the
Presidency.Yet too many Historicans are either
living in a bubble or taking meds to remain calm till
the Biden Storm subsides.
Joe Biden all by his lonesome makes Skinny Prick
Woodrow Wilson appear as if a golly Christian Brothers
monk just tending to his wine cellar where aged Brandy
is also stored.
A few historians { Douglas Brinkley,Jon Meacham and
Doris Kearns Goodwin } have a lot on their plates.
Twisting Biden's Presidency into virtual Munich-style
pretzels { as big as car tires } in order to further compound
today's narcissistic bent.I mean,even cartoon chararacters
like Bugs,Daffy and Elmer Fudd are on self-administered
sabbaticals.And they don't cotton reading too mush.

President Biden is reportedly planning to endorse major changes to the U.S. Supreme Court, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, as growing outrage continues following a series of controversial decisions.

"This decision today has continued the court’s attack in recent years on a wide range of long-established legal principles in our nation, from gutting voting rights (that is a lie) and civil rights (that is a lie) to taking away a woman’s right to choose (that is a lie), to today’s decision that undermines the rule of law of this nation,(that is a lie)" Biden said in public remarks later that day.

Our constitution was designed to protect the citizens from a tyrannical government.
The Supreme Court is trying to protect us from the lawless Democrat Party.
They are not saving "democracy", they want a one-party dictatorship.
The corrupt Democrat Party can't operate within the bounds of our constitution; therefore, they are trying to destroy the balance of power between the Executive branch, Legislative branch and Judicial branch.
This is very dangerous; they will create a totalitarian police state.
Don't worry too much about it he still needs to make it pass. There are a lot of Democrats even now who do not believe in changing the rules for SCOTUS.
It's always better to play the game by the rules and if you're not doing so well bide your time because your time will come.
Not being a principle in a case for which he stood to benefit financially still means he has business before the Court. However, being a cult member may prevent you from both seeing that and acknowledging it. Just as it does from acknowledging trump lost to Biden in 2020 because Joe received more legit votes.
what's the f is a "principle in the case" - he was not a party to the case. Every US Citizen can benefit or be harmed by any ruling from the Court, doesn't mean we are party to the case.
Why don't you try expressing a complete thought? Was I wrong? Congress does have a role to play in the amendment process, no? They can propose Amendments, no? So what unilateral action are you accusing us of wanting now, Clown?
you said that congress can change the constitution, they cannot. you were wrong. I merely quoted the language that proves you wrong. yes, I did not insert the complete phrase, only the pertinent part. Sorry if it confused your simple mind, clown!
The Democrats are great at opening doors they don't want anyone else to use.
Why do you think it was justified for McTreason to escalate his retaliatory actions all the way to ending the filibuster for SC nominees? Do you recognize Reid's action was taken in response to unprecedented obstruction of judicial appointments lead by McTurtle?

Those matters ultimately resulting in the most extremist conservative Court in a century. Mitch's goal all along.
Why do you think it was justified for McTreason to escalate his retaliatory actions all the way to ending the filibuster for SC nominees? Do you recognize Reid's action was taken in response to unprecedented obstruction of judicial appointments lead by McTurtle?

Those matters ultimately resulting in the most extremist conservative Court in a century. Mitch's goal all along.
You don't change the rules just because you feel inconvenienced.

It has consequences dude.
Shortcuts always feel great for the moment. The court would not be composed the way it is if Harry Reid had played by the rules.

There's just no getting around that.

Now they want to change the rules again and stack the supreme Court. Another stupid, short-sighted... immediate gratification move that will have even greater consequences than the first stupid move.
what's the f is a "principle in the case" - he was not a party to the case. Every US Citizen can benefit or be harmed by any ruling from the Court, doesn't mean we are party to the case.
Not having his name listed as a plaintiff on the docket does not mean he didn't stand to benefit financially from the outcome of the case. I feel like I'm explaining this stuff to a 10 year old. It's not hard to understand unless you're being willfully obtuse.
Not having his name listed as a plaintiff on the docket does not mean he didn't stand to benefit financially from the outcome of the case. I feel like I'm explaining this stuff to a 10 year old. It's not hard to understand unless you're being willfully obtuse.
Sure, like I said, all Americans can be impacted by Courts rulings....

He wasn't party to any case before Thomas, and thus no need for Thomas to set aside because the case might impact people that know him. That's a silly idea.

You lied when you claimed he had busines before the Court, he did not. He was not party.

You sound like a 10 year old, straining logic and reasoning to try and make your point
You don't change the rules just because you feel inconvenienced.
80 of Obama's judicial nominations were blocked. 73 of the nominations expired when the Senate was adjourned at the end of its term. You call that inconvenienced? What would you call it if it happened to trump?
He wasn't party to any case before Thomas, and thus no need for Thomas to set aside because the case might impact people that know him. That's a silly idea.
Not just people who know him. Someone who was giving him lavish gifts and vacations. If you can't see the problem here I can't help you.
Why would Republicans oppose term limits and ethical standards for the Supreme Court?
80 of Obama's judicial nominations were blocked. 73 of the nominations expired when the Senate was adjourned at the end of its term. You call that inconvenienced? What would you call it if it happened to trump?
I didn't say that any of these guys were ethical. All I'm saying is that in the face of politics such as we have in the United States it's always wise to work within the framework because if you leave it up to people they'll screw each other until they're all dead.
Not just people who know him. Someone who was giving him lavish gifts and vacations. If you can't see the problem here I can't help you.
How would Republicans respond if it was George Soros giving gifts to liberal justices?
Does a fascist enact laws to REMOVE immunity for themselves?


What law has been passed that provides immunity for anyone? The last I checked, such laws have to be signed by the president, and I don't think Quid Pro Joe has signed any such laws.
How would Republicans respond if it was George Soros giving gifts to liberal justices?
No need to pussyfoot around ... pally.
Hillary Clinton's girl friday { Huma Abedin } just wed
G.Soros spoiled rotten son Alexander Soros who received
most of Daddy George's Billions.
How them rotten potatoes.
I mean,how more pathetic can it get for Historians
to have to read what Biden has pulled while in the
Presidency.Yet too many Historicans are either
living in a bubble or taking meds to remain calm till
the Biden Storm subsides.
Joe Biden all by his lonesome makes Skinny Prick
Woodrow Wilson appear as if a golly Christian Brothers
monk just tending to his wine cellar where aged Brandy
is also stored.
A few historians { Douglas Brinkley,Jon Meacham and
Doris Kearns Goodwin } have a lot on their plates.
Twisting Biden's Presidency into virtual Munich-style
pretzels { as big as car tires } in order to further compound
today's narcissistic bent.I mean,even cartoon chararacters
like Bugs,Daffy and Elmer Fudd are on self-administered
sabbaticals.And they don't cotton reading too mush.
What books did you refer to in your earlier post?

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