If it already wasn't, The Supreme Court Is Now On The Ballot.

Stop being a big cry baby. There's nothing wrong with the court the way it is. Stop looking for shortcuts and stop trying to control everything. This is what Harry Reid got you.. This is what you wanted... so go ahead... make more mistakes and have them shoved up your ass again.
You folks sure do expect a lot of cover from Harry ending the filibuster for lower court judicial appointments. That, in response to historic obstruction by Republicans of Obama's nominees. You seem to think McTreason's escalation was justified. It wasn't. It was a Machiavellian power grab designed to carry out a very personal agenda. To remake the nation's judiciary to fit his beliefs in contradiction to the majority's.
It’s hard to know the precise combination of developments that changed President Biden’s mind about Supreme Court reforms and prompted him to place them more centrally in the framework of the 2024 election.

Was it the ethics scandals of Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito and the Supreme Court’s own ineptitude in dealing with them? Was it the series of controversial decisions across a whole host of issues and areas of civic life in which the court wrested power away from the executive and legislative branches and placed it firmly in the judicial branch? Was it the six-justice conservative majority aggressively uprooting the court’s own precedents in pursuit of its own preferred legal and policy outcomes? Was it the fact that he’s trailing in the polls with his own re-election more at risk that at any previous point in his presidency?

All of the above are in play, of course. A tipping point was reached, and it’s unlikely any one development was the difference-maker.

trump's Court's popularity is in the shitter. Deservedly so. Perhaps this is a move by Joe to capitalize on voter sentiment. No matter the motive, reform is overdue. There must be accountability for crass ethics violations and for the lack of recusals when there are demonstrable conflicts of interest (hello Clarence). I can understand the Founders wanting to somewhat insulate the Court in order to maintain its independence. But they did not contemplate such a corrupt Court nor such polarized times.
Trump will get another pick next term.
You folks sure do expect a lot of cover from Harry ending the filibuster for lower court judicial appointments. That, in response to historic obstruction by Republicans of Obama's nominees. You seem to think McTreason's escalation was justified. It wasn't. It was a Machiavellian power grab designed to carry out a very personal agenda. To remake the nation's judiciary to fit his beliefs in contradiction to the majority's.
The equation is easy.... You do not abandon traditional structure for a single partisan goal. If you do then you must realize that you're also handing your opponent a tool to use against you.

This is called foresight. Wisdom. Good judgment.

The supreme Court would not be the way it is today if it wasn't for Harry's ( et tal ) extreme need for immediate gratification.

Doing something not because it's the right thing to do but simply because you CAN DO IT.

It Foster's a cascading effect of similar returns. It does so almost without fail each and every time someone is shortsighted enough to go for the immediate gratification in favor of playing the long game.
You folks sure do expect a lot of cover from Harry ending the filibuster for lower court judicial appointments. That, in response to historic obstruction by Republicans of Obama's nominees. You seem to think McTreason's escalation was justified. It wasn't. It was a Machiavellian power grab designed to carry out a very personal agenda. To remake the nation's judiciary to fit his beliefs in contradiction to the majority's.
The equation is easy.... You do not abandon traditional structure for a single partisan goal. If you do then you must realize that you're also handing your opponent to tool to use against you. This is called foresight. Wisdom. Good judgment. The supreme Court would not be the way it is today if it wasn't for Harry's ( et tal ) extreme need for immediate gratification. Doing something not because it's the right thing to do but simply because you CAN CO IT. It Foster's a cascading effect of similar returns. It does so almost without fail each and every time someone is shortsighted enough to go for the immediate gratification in favor of playing the long game
Trump will get another pick next term.
Probably two... Sotomayor has been hiding her health problems. They are quite severe from what I understand.
It’s hard to know the precise combination of developments that changed President Biden’s mind about Supreme Court reforms and prompted him to place them more centrally in the framework of the 2024 election.

Was it the ethics scandals of Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito and the Supreme Court’s own ineptitude in dealing with them? Was it the series of controversial decisions across a whole host of issues and areas of civic life in which the court wrested power away from the executive and legislative branches and placed it firmly in the judicial branch? Was it the six-justice conservative majority aggressively uprooting the court’s own precedents in pursuit of its own preferred legal and policy outcomes? Was it the fact that he’s trailing in the polls with his own re-election more at risk that at any previous point in his presidency?

All of the above are in play, of course. A tipping point was reached, and it’s unlikely any one development was the difference-maker.

trump's Court's popularity is in the shitter. Deservedly so. Perhaps this is a move by Joe to capitalize on voter sentiment. No matter the motive, reform is overdue. There must be accountability for crass ethics violations and for the lack of recusals when there are demonstrable conflicts of interest (hello Clarence). I can understand the Founders wanting to somewhat insulate the Court in order to maintain its independence. But they did not contemplate such a corrupt Court nor such polarized times.

Great pile of projection there commie. You're swallowing propaganda the is in direct contradiction to the Constitution. BTW there's already a thread on this topic, REPORTED! LMAO!!!!!!

Bzzzzz The only question is whether you are a liar or an ignorant stooge. Crow has never had a case before the SC (at least when Uncle Clarence has been on the bench, I don't about before)
Given the financial rewards Clarence and Ginni received from Crow it was incumbent on your uncle to make sure Harlan had no direct or tangential business before the Court. The standard being to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. Clarence having about as much concern for the standard as you do.
What they want is total compliance and the destruction of everything that doesn't comply.
What you have just described fits the POT to a tee. All dissenters are purged from the party going all the way back to senators Jeff Flake and Bob Corker. Criticism of your orange god from within the party is not tolerated.

The day after Sen. Jeff Flake announced he would not run for re-election, citing his dismay over President Donald Trump and the state of the GOP, the Arizona Republican acknowledged Wednesday that his decision came after he realized he wouldn't be able to win a GOP primary.

"The bottom line is if I were to run a campaign that I could be proud of, and where I didn’t have to cozy up to the president and his positions or his behavior, I could not win in a Republican primary," Flake told MSNBC’s "Morning Joe." "That’s the bottom line."

Given the financial rewards Clarence and Ginni received from Crow it was incumbent on your uncle to make sure Harlan had no direct or tangential business before the Court. The standard being to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. Clarence having about as much concern for the standard as you do.
Haha that’s a stretch. Haha a desperately sad stretch

He had no case before the court none. Obviously every case impacts citizens. To claim thomas has to recuse himself because an opinion might impact others not party to the case is just silly

The reality is you are a bigot and only attack thomas cause he is black
The equation is easy.... You do not abandon traditional structure for a single partisan goal.
You are the master of irony since that is exactly what McTreason did when he refused to give Garland a confirmation hearing 11 months before Obama's second term was over. Only to hypocritically flip flop, announcing he would ram through Barrett's nomination only 46 days before trump was thrown out of office.
You are the master of irony since that is exactly what McTreason did when he refused to give Garland a confirmation hearing 11 months before Obama's second term was over. Only to hypocritically flip flop, announcing he would ram through Barrett's nomination only 46 days before trump was thrown out of office.
It’s treason for the senate not to confirm who ever rhe president nominated?? What?
He had no case before the court none.
Crow had a financial interest in the outcome of a case for which Thomas was one of the justices. But then Clarence has an established track record of refusing to recuse himself when clear conflicts of interest arise.

Don’t Expect Clarence Thomas to Recuse Himself in Donald Trump’s January 6 Cases​

The justice repeatedly acts as though his wife’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election constitute zero conflict of interest.
It’s treason for the senate not to confirm who ever rhe president nominated?? What?
That nickname came from when Mitch blocked sanctions against Oleg Deripaska. Just by coincidence ;) at the same time as McTurtle blocked the sanctions a Deripaska-owned company planned to build an aluminum factory in Kentucky. It's a take on another nickname he earned, Moscow Mitch.
Crow had a financial interest in the outcome of a case for which Thomas was one of the justices. But then Clarence has an established track record of refusing to recuse himself when clear conflicts of interest arise.

Don’t Expect Clarence Thomas to Recuse Himself in Donald Trump’s January 6 Cases​

The justice repeatedly acts as though his wife’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election constitute zero conflict of interest.
Haha he was not a party to the case, you lie
That nickname came from when Mitch blocked sanctions against Oleg Deripaska. Just by coincidence ;) at the same time as McTurtle blocked the sanctions a Deripaska-owned company planned to build an aluminum factory in Kentucky. It's a take on another nickname he earned, Moscow Mitch.
I believe the sanctums were lifted, not blocked. Not sure how it’s treasonous to get business in america
It’s hard to know the precise combination of developments that changed President Biden’s mind about Supreme Court reforms and prompted him to place them more centrally in the framework of the 2024 election.

Was it the ethics scandals of Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito and the Supreme Court’s own ineptitude in dealing with them? Was it the series of controversial decisions across a whole host of issues and areas of civic life in which the court wrested power away from the executive and legislative branches and placed it firmly in the judicial branch? Was it the six-justice conservative majority aggressively uprooting the court’s own precedents in pursuit of its own preferred legal and policy outcomes? Was it the fact that he’s trailing in the polls with his own re-election more at risk that at any previous point in his presidency?

All of the above are in play, of course. A tipping point was reached, and it’s unlikely any one development was the difference-maker.

trump's Court's popularity is in the shitter. Deservedly so. Perhaps this is a move by Joe to capitalize on voter sentiment. No matter the motive, reform is overdue. There must be accountability for crass ethics violations and for the lack of recusals when there are demonstrable conflicts of interest (hello Clarence). I can understand the Founders wanting to somewhat insulate the Court in order to maintain its independence. But they did not contemplate such a corrupt Court nor such polarized times.
What a lame stretch.I mean,about as Dopey as a child going for
the umpteenth time to watch { escorted by Mommy } :
- One Hundred and One Dalmatians - { 1961 } one of Walts
{ that would be Mr.Disney } to those at this message Board
most admired and fantastic presentations.
There have been at least 2 best selling Books Proving
in detail the Biden Crime Family.Yet you wanna engage
ad nauseam political mental masturbation of events
concerning travel expenses by Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito.
Because of rank scuttlebutt and whatever skewed research
the left has found to target Conservatives like Thomas and
Alito who are dead set AGAINST keeping Abortion as
open,available and even used at birth.
Haha he was not a party to the case, you lie
Not being a principle in a case for which he stood to benefit financially still means he has business before the Court. However, being a cult member may prevent you from both seeing that and acknowledging it. Just as it does from acknowledging trump lost to Biden in 2020 because Joe received more legit votes.

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