If Jesus Christ materialized in front of you and proved to you that he is the son of God...

Well, I think the problem here is that "prove" means different things to different people.
But proved means proved.

Does it?

Let's try this one.

Prove humans exist.

Clearly we have "proof" humans exist, right? I'm a human, you're a human. We can provide enough evidence to reach "proof".

But then if we go to an extreme and say "but we might not even exist. We could just be a dream", how do we then prove humans exist? We can't. We don't have access to enough information. We're need to get outside of the universe to even have a chance of figuring out whether we're a dream or not.

Or we could imagine looking back in time. How do we "prove" something happened in the past? It happened. Does video constitute enough proof? Well, we can easily manipulate videos. Same with photos etc. Any measuring device can also be manipulated.

Can we actually "prove" anything?

Or is "proof" just when we reach a point at which the majority of people say it's so?

So, in a Christian church, the "proof" required to prove God exists will be almost nothing, because EVERYONE ACCEPTS. "Enough proof" is so little.

Take a bunch of raving atheists and you might never have enough proof.
Let's try this one.

Prove humans exist.
No, we're talking about after it has been proven humans exist. You know, proved.
1a : to establish the existence, truth, or validity of (as by evidence or logic)
In this case to have established the existence, truth, or validity of (as by evidence or logic)
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Look...I have my beliefs and ways. Y'all have yours. Stop judging me. You know the rest of that phrase, dontcha? That's my contribution. Oh, and Do Unto Others.

What would Jesus want want from me? I'm not built for blind obedience.

Fascinating response. Akin to what the Bible says: "even the demons believe, and tremble".
I once believed and then I grew up and discovered the world that God supposedly made was cruel place where bad people prosper and good people suffer. If Jesus showed up like some long absent deadbeat dad he would have some major explaining to do. No one ever asked me if I want to exist in a world of pain under threat of eternal damnation.
Only if one wishes to be 'complete'.
If everyone were exactly like Christ, the human race would be extinct. Jesus doesn't expect or want everyone to follow in his footsteps.

I sense that you're not here to engage in genuine discussion. I normally have you on "ignore" but made an exception for this thread.
I once believed and then I grew up and discovered the world that God supposedly made was cruel place where bad people prosper and good people suffer.

G-d made the world, or at least put events into motion that allowed the world to create itself, but he didn't make it a cruel place. We did that all by ourselves.

For some people, the world is a cruel place. For others, it is the most beautiful place imaginable. Bad and good both suffer and prosper.
I once believed and then I grew up and discovered the world that God supposedly made was cruel place where bad people prosper and good people suffer.

G-d made the world, or at least put events into motion that allowed the world to create itself, but he didn't make it a cruel place. We did that all by ourselves.

For some people, the world is a cruel place. For others, it is the most beautiful place imaginable. Bad and good both suffer and prosper.
If God is all powerful and does nothing about evil I see nothing there worth worshiping. I'm supposed to reward his indifference with devotion and cash donations to some church? Not in this life.
If God is all powerful and does nothing about evil I see nothing there worth worshiping.

Then don't. It's not mandatory.
Apparently it is if I don't want to spend an eternity burning in Hell. That's what the faith I grew up with says. You can't just be a good person you have to believe and worship God at church or you burn. Some Christians like to talk about free will but ignore just how coercive it all is.
Apparently it is if I don't want to spend an eternity burning in Hell.

Do you believe that? If you do, you might need to pray harder.
I believe you die and that's all. I grew up a southern baptist/pentecostal. You may be familiar with all that cultish bullshit that seems designed to make people crazy and reject even their own family if they turn away.

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