If Jesus Christ materialized in front of you and proved to you that he is the son of God...

You may be familiar with all that cultish bullshit that seems designed to make people crazy and reject even their own family if they turn away.

No, I was raised in a nurturing, inclusive, and positive faith that puts a premium on family unity.
I once believed and then I grew up and discovered the world that God supposedly made was cruel place where bad people prosper and good people suffer.

G-d made the world, or at least put events into motion that allowed the world to create itself, but he didn't make it a cruel place. We did that all by ourselves.

For some people, the world is a cruel place. For others, it is the most beautiful place imaginable. Bad and good both suffer and prosper.
If God is all powerful and does nothing about evil I see nothing there worth worshiping. I'm supposed to reward his indifference with devotion and cash donations to some church? Not in this life.
Ok so you would continue to reject God. Thanks for the feedback
I would ask him if he needed a job. There is an extreme shortage of carpenters in my area.

I'm pretty sure, if he was a decent carpenter, they wouldn't have lynched him.
He has to be far better than the crew's of Latinos currently slopping up multi unit townhouses.
They may work their asses off, but they are hacks.
I would ask him if he needed a job. There is an extreme shortage of carpenters in my area.

I'm pretty sure, if he was a decent carpenter, they wouldn't have lynched him.
He has to be far better than the crew's of Latinos currently slopping up multi unit townhouses.
They may work their asses off, but they are hacks.

Apparently, his step-father landed a government contract making crosses for The Romans.
I once believed and then I grew up and discovered the world that God supposedly made was cruel place where bad people prosper and good people suffer.

G-d made the world, or at least put events into motion that allowed the world to create itself, but he didn't make it a cruel place. We did that all by ourselves.

For some people, the world is a cruel place. For others, it is the most beautiful place imaginable. Bad and good both suffer and prosper.
If God is all powerful and does nothing about evil I see nothing there worth worshiping. I'm supposed to reward his indifference with devotion and cash donations to some church? Not in this life.
Ok so you would continue to reject God. Thanks for the feedback
It's not like I owe him anything. His fan club has done more to harm me than any sinners ever did.
What would Jesus want want from me? I'm not built for blind obedience.

Fascinating response. Akin to what the Bible says: "even the demons believe, and tremble".
I once believed and then I grew up and discovered the world that God supposedly made was cruel place where bad people prosper and good people suffer. If Jesus showed up like some long absent deadbeat dad he would have some major explaining to do. No one ever asked me if I want to exist in a world of pain under threat of eternal damnation.

Yes, the Psalms is full of this
Well, there'd have to be a lot of questions.

Like, how would he prove he's the son of God?
In this scenario it's a given he's done it. I mean, proved means proved.

Well, I think the problem here is that "prove" means different things to different people.

What would you do if he came down and told you Mohammed was correct, and Islam was the one true religion?
i would ask why he never mentioned him......
I once believed and then I grew up and discovered the world that God supposedly made was cruel place where bad people prosper and good people suffer.

G-d made the world, or at least put events into motion that allowed the world to create itself, but he didn't make it a cruel place. We did that all by ourselves.

For some people, the world is a cruel place. For others, it is the most beautiful place imaginable. Bad and good both suffer and prosper.
If God is all powerful and does nothing about evil I see nothing there worth worshiping. I'm supposed to reward his indifference with devotion and cash donations to some church? Not in this life.
do you know why he is indifferent?.....there has to a reason.....
...would you follow him?
What new message would he have for us today? I've often thought of where I would be in Jesus' day. I imagine myself in the crowd listening to him and then trying to apply what he said to my own life. I imagine myself as someone like Susannah, helping out with the crowds and seeing to the needs of Christ and the Apostles. I can see myself as Veronica, wiping his face. And yes, I can see myself wanting to touch the hem of his garment and be healed.

What would be the additional Good News for today?
The conversation would go something like this:

So, Jesus, You told Your followers to "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;". Your followers did the exact opposite of that, and as a consequence Your religion thrived and prospered. Any thoughts about that?

Also You said "My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence" and "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Christians, at least in America, are convinced that Your Kingdom will be established on Earth as soon as every elected office is held by Bible Thumping Republicans. Is that Your plan now?

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