If Jesus Christ materialized in front of you and proved to you that he is the son of God...

I once believed and then I grew up and discovered the world that God supposedly made was cruel place where bad people prosper and good people suffer.

G-d made the world, or at least put events into motion that allowed the world to create itself, but he didn't make it a cruel place. We did that all by ourselves.

For some people, the world is a cruel place. For others, it is the most beautiful place imaginable. Bad and good both suffer and prosper.
If God is all powerful and does nothing about evil I see nothing there worth worshiping. I'm supposed to reward his indifference with devotion and cash donations to some church? Not in this life.
Sales Pitch of a Je$u$ Salesman

Then pay
That's the way
To make my day
...would you follow him?
I don't need Him to stand in front of me to prove anything. I already follow Him. I just don't thump a bible and proclaim to the world my beliefs..or my love.
You don't want to share his word with others? Why not?
Because it's personal and between me and Him. I don't much care for thumpers. I refuse to be one. Most are two faced and don't practice what they preach.
You you are in violation of the Great Commission according to Matthew 28. That and you are ashamed of the Gospel.
Revelation talks of how wicked and reprobate mankind really is. They faced judgement after judgement and still refuse to repent.
I once believed and then I grew up and discovered the world that God supposedly made was cruel place where bad people prosper and good people suffer.

G-d made the world, or at least put events into motion that allowed the world to create itself, but he didn't make it a cruel place. We did that all by ourselves.

For some people, the world is a cruel place. For others, it is the most beautiful place imaginable. Bad and good both suffer and prosper.
If God is all powerful and does nothing about evil I see nothing there worth worshiping. I'm supposed to reward his indifference with devotion and cash donations to some church? Not in this life.
Sales Pitch of a Je$u$ Salesman

Then pay
That's the way
To make my day
One time I had to sit in a hospital waiting room for a few hours. Also there were two pastors who were waiting for one of their colleagues to get out of surgery. What do you think they talked about after they forgot I was there?
...would you follow him?
Of course, everyone would. The question is, if he could do it for Paul, why not for everyone?
Because Christ calls mankind a "wicked and perverse" generation seeking after signs and wonders, when the revelation of God and His Son have been here the whole time. And even when Christ performed miracle after miracle, mankind is too hard hearted to see and repent.
I once believed and then I grew up and discovered the world that God supposedly made was cruel place where bad people prosper and good people suffer.

G-d made the world, or at least put events into motion that allowed the world to create itself, but he didn't make it a cruel place. We did that all by ourselves.

For some people, the world is a cruel place. For others, it is the most beautiful place imaginable. Bad and good both suffer and prosper.
If God is all powerful and does nothing about evil I see nothing there worth worshiping. I'm supposed to reward his indifference with devotion and cash donations to some church? Not in this life.
Sales Pitch of a Je$u$ Salesman

Then pay
That's the way
To make my day
One time I had to sit in a hospital waiting room for a few hours. Also there were two pastors who were waiting for one of their colleagues to get out of surgery. What do you think they talked about after they forgot I was there?
Were there some pretty nurses there?

If Jesus Christ materialized in front of you and proved to you that he is the son of God...​

...would you follow him?

Been there done that. If you are lucky enough to have the lord appear before you, you already have all the proof you need and will have no choice but to follow him!
...would you follow him?
Of course, everyone would. The question is, if he could do it for Paul, why not for everyone?
Because Christ calls mankind a "wicked and perverse" generation seeking after signs and wonders, when the revelation of God and His Son have been here the whole time. And even when Christ performed miracle after miracle, mankind is too hard hearted to see and repent.
Can't speak for mankind, only myself, but if I saw a resurrection I'd be a believer. Actually that is one reason I'm an atheist, if Jesus really performed the miracles claimed, he would have been a sensation in his own time instead of ours.
One time I had to sit in a hospital waiting room for a few hours. Also there were two pastors who were waiting for one of their colleagues to get out of surgery. What do you think they talked about after they forgot I was there?
Jesus was accused of being a drinking man, of hanging out with sinners and prostitutes. What do you suppose he talked about with the other Apostles?
It's not like I owe him anything. His fan club has done more to harm me than any sinners ever did.
I am truly sorry for that...What kind of harm?
I think we have talked about it before. I think the pious pedophiles did the worst damage but the well meaning sheltering screwed me up too. We always lived in podunk sundown towns where there were no black people, seemed pretty important to my family. I grew up innocently racist surrounded by ultra religious zealots many of whom happened to also be in the Klan. When I finally went out on my own it was with a head full of garbage and no preparation for life on my own. Some of them never spoke to me again after I let it be known I would never set foot in church again. Sometimes religion just does not work out for some people.
It's not like I owe him anything. His fan club has done more to harm me than any sinners ever did.
I am truly sorry for that...What kind of harm?
I think we have talked about it before. I think the pious pedophiles did the worst damage but the well meaning sheltering screwed me up too. We always lived in podunk sundown towns where there were no black people, seemed pretty important to my family. I grew up innocently racist surrounded by ultra religious zealots many of whom happened to also be in the Klan. When I finally went out on my own it was with a head full of garbage and no preparation for life on my own. Some of them never spoke to me again after I let it be known I would never set foot in church again. Sometimes religion just does not work out for some people.
Churches are for fucked up morons incapable of reading and comprehension.
You wont learn a thing about God but you'll know all about scumbags and heretics
It's not like I owe him anything. His fan club has done more to harm me than any sinners ever did.
I am truly sorry for that...What kind of harm?
I think we have talked about it before. I think the pious pedophiles did the worst damage but the well meaning sheltering screwed me up too. We always lived in podunk sundown towns where there were no black people, seemed pretty important to my family. I grew up innocently racist surrounded by ultra religious zealots many of whom happened to also be in the Klan. When I finally went out on my own it was with a head full of garbage and no preparation for life on my own. Some of them never spoke to me again after I let it be known I would never set foot in church again. Sometimes religion just does not work out for some people.
Churches are for fucked up morons incapable of reading and comprehension.
You wont learn a thing about God but you'll know all about scumbags and heretics
Ain't that the truth. You can encounter more honesty one night in a bar room than a month of Sundays in church.
...would you follow him?
I don't need Him to stand in front of me to prove anything. I already follow Him. I just don't thump a bible and proclaim to the world my beliefs..or my love.
You don't want to share his word with others? Why not?
Because it's personal and between me and Him. I don't much care for thumpers. I refuse to be one. Most are two faced and don't practice what they preach.
You you are in violation of the Great Commission according to Matthew 28. That and you are ashamed of the Gospel.
Oh boy, am I in trouble then! :auiqs.jpg:
Read my siggie. Your opinion of what you THINK you know about me means diddly squat.
I once believed and then I grew up and discovered the world that God supposedly made was cruel place where bad people prosper and good people suffer.

G-d made the world, or at least put events into motion that allowed the world to create itself, but he didn't make it a cruel place. We did that all by ourselves.

For some people, the world is a cruel place. For others, it is the most beautiful place imaginable. Bad and good both suffer and prosper.
If God is all powerful and does nothing about evil I see nothing there worth worshiping. I'm supposed to reward his indifference with devotion and cash donations to some church? Not in this life.
Ok so you would continue to reject God. Thanks for the feedback
It's not like I owe him anything. His fan club has done more to harm me than any sinners ever did.
Ditto on the last sentence. But that isn't His fault.
Find a diehard christian like some in this thread, and you will find people who threaten, cajole, get angry if you don't tow their proverbial line in what THEY believe.

I've had more christians backstab me than unbelievers. And no..I won't go into detail. Let's just say I refuse to thump along with them and chase more worshippers away rather than TO Him.

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