If Jesus Christ materialized in front of you and proved to you that he is the son of God...

It's not like I owe him anything. His fan club has done more to harm me than any sinners ever did.
I am truly sorry for that...What kind of harm?
I think we have talked about it before. I think the pious pedophiles did the worst damage but the well meaning sheltering screwed me up too. We always lived in podunk sundown towns where there were no black people, seemed pretty important to my family. I grew up innocently racist surrounded by ultra religious zealots many of whom happened to also be in the Klan. When I finally went out on my own it was with a head full of garbage and no preparation for life on my own. Some of them never spoke to me again after I let it be known I would never set foot in church again. Sometimes religion just does not work out for some people.
Churches are for fucked up morons incapable of reading and comprehension.
You wont learn a thing about God but you'll know all about scumbags and heretics
Ain't that the truth. You can encounter more honesty one night in a bar room than a month of Sundays in church.

How funny. I go to bars and church. Huh
It's not like I owe him anything. His fan club has done more to harm me than any sinners ever did.
I am truly sorry for that...What kind of harm?
I think we have talked about it before. I think the pious pedophiles did the worst damage but the well meaning sheltering screwed me up too. We always lived in podunk sundown towns where there were no black people, seemed pretty important to my family. I grew up innocently racist surrounded by ultra religious zealots many of whom happened to also be in the Klan. When I finally went out on my own it was with a head full of garbage and no preparation for life on my own. Some of them never spoke to me again after I let it be known I would never set foot in church again. Sometimes religion just does not work out for some people.
Churches are for fucked up morons incapable of reading and comprehension.
You wont learn a thing about God but you'll know all about scumbags and heretics

Two quibbles only:

1. You will learn about God
2. I can read and comprehend. For example, I read this post

The rest is true. There's always room for more, btw
If you read my reply, you'll see that "You know, proved" doesn't quite work.
Only if one ignores the meaning of 'proved', further, if one specifically ignores the OP's condition of 'proved to you'.

Oh well.
...would you follow him?
I'd ask him to take me to the Vatican to show him how rich he has made ther Catholic Church and then to some right wing evangelical leader's mansion and show him all his BMW's and private jet. I'd look at Jesus and say.. Jesus, thanks to your teachings, these peole have hit the jackpot.
If He appeared to you AS HE IS, you would roll up into a fetal position and beg His forgiveness. Moses wasn't even allowed to see Him face to face. He would have died
Did we get off topic ? OP said Jesus,who you talking about ?
Jesus. If you dont understand, you dont know Him
Let us pray." Our father who art in ...."
The Jesus who was born a man is the same One who spoke to Moses and led Israel in the Wilderness.

He came as a man, among other reasons to REVEAL the Father
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I once believed and then I grew up and discovered the world that God supposedly made was cruel place where bad people prosper and good people suffer.

G-d made the world, or at least put events into motion that allowed the world to create itself, but he didn't make it a cruel place. We did that all by ourselves.

For some people, the world is a cruel place. For others, it is the most beautiful place imaginable. Bad and good both suffer and prosper.
If God is all powerful and does nothing about evil I see nothing there worth worshiping. I'm supposed to reward his indifference with devotion and cash donations to some church? Not in this life.
Ok so you would continue to reject God. Thanks for the feedback
It's not like I owe him anything. His fan club has done more to harm me than any sinners ever did.
Ditto on the last sentence. But that isn't His fault.
Find a diehard christian like some in this thread, and you will find people who threaten, cajole, get angry if you don't tow their proverbial line in what THEY believe.

I've had more christians backstab me than unbelievers. And no..I won't go into detail. Let's just say I refuse to thump along with them and chase more worshippers away rather than TO Him.
Thing is. Jesus Himself commanded His people to be salt and light in thia dark world. Not to hide our faith.
I don't hide it. But since you think you know me so well...a stranger on the internet...you go ahead and preach it, brutha. Doesn't mean anything will stick. Same o same o, in my opinion.

Under yer avie:

For me to know and you not to find out.

Some things are private, dude. Practice what you are preaching. Oh. Wait.
Believers continue to be martyred for their faith. Your problem is you're ashamed of thw Gospel and I wonder whether or not you are truly Born Again as per John 3:3.
In Catholic school we learned that even the very best falls seven times a day. That may explain much of the hypocrisy
Sometimes, it is the problem of those bashing Christian's as "hypocrites" are themselves only looking for an EXCUSE not to be the Christian they are EXPECTED to be.

They forget that when they point a finger at THAT "hypocrite" they have 3 fingers pointing back at themselves.

"Those christian hypocrites" is a cheap and easy cop out to excuse their own hypocrisy
...would you follow him?
I'd ask him to take me to the Vatican to show him how rich he has made ther Catholic Church and then to some right wing evangelical leader's mansion and show him all his BMW's and private jet. I'd look at Jesus and say.. Jesus, thanks to your teachings, these peole have hit the jackpot.
If He appeared to you AS HE IS, you would roll up into a fetal position and beg His forgiveness. Moses wasn't even allowed to see Him face to face. He would have died
Did we get off topic ? OP said Jesus,who you talking about ?
Jesus. If you dont understand, you dont know Him
Let us pray." Our father who art in ...."
The Jesus who was born a man is the same One who spoke to Moses and led Israel in the Wilderness.

He came as a man, among other reasons to REVEAL the Father
...would you follow him?
I'd ask him to take me to the Vatican to show him how rich he has made ther Catholic Church and then to some right wing evangelical leader's mansion and show him all his BMW's and private jet. I'd look at Jesus and say.. Jesus, thanks to your teachings, these peole have hit the jackpot.
If He appeared to you AS HE IS, you would roll up into a fetal position and beg His forgiveness. Moses wasn't even allowed to see Him face to face. He would have died
Did we get off topic ? OP said Jesus,who you talking about ?
Jesus. If you dont understand, you dont know Him
Let us pray." Our father who art in ...."
The Jesus who was born a man is the same One who spoke to Moses and led Israel in the Wilderness.

He came as a man, among other reasons to REVEAL the Father
You need to elaborate. I believe God is currently a duality, not a trinity.

I believe the scriptures are clear that Man's destiny is to be BORN AGAIN into the FAMILY OF GOD.

I expect to be a LITERAL Son of God just as my elder brother Jesus is the FIRST BORN OF MANY BRETHREN
...would you follow him?
I'd ask him to take me to the Vatican to show him how rich he has made ther Catholic Church and then to some right wing evangelical leader's mansion and show him all his BMW's and private jet. I'd look at Jesus and say.. Jesus, thanks to your teachings, these peole have hit the jackpot.
If He appeared to you AS HE IS, you would roll up into a fetal position and beg His forgiveness. Moses wasn't even allowed to see Him face to face. He would have died
Did we get off topic ? OP said Jesus,who you talking about ?
Jesus. If you dont understand, you dont know Him
Let us pray." Our father who art in ...."
The Jesus who was born a man is the same One who spoke to Moses and led Israel in the Wilderness.

He came as a man, among other reasons to REVEAL the Father
You need to elaborate. I believe God is currently a duality, not a trinity.

I believe the scriptures are clear that Man's destiny is to be BORN AGAIN into the FAMILY OF GOD.

I expect to be a LITERAL Son of God just as my elder brother Jesus is the FIRST BORN OF MANY BRETHREN
Begin here
I once believed and then I grew up and discovered the world that God supposedly made was cruel place where bad people prosper and good people suffer.

G-d made the world, or at least put events into motion that allowed the world to create itself, but he didn't make it a cruel place. We did that all by ourselves.

For some people, the world is a cruel place. For others, it is the most beautiful place imaginable. Bad and good both suffer and prosper.
If God is all powerful and does nothing about evil I see nothing there worth worshiping. I'm supposed to reward his indifference with devotion and cash donations to some church? Not in this life.
Ok so you would continue to reject God. Thanks for the feedback
It's not like I owe him anything. His fan club has done more to harm me than any sinners ever did.
Ditto on the last sentence. But that isn't His fault.
Find a diehard christian like some in this thread, and you will find people who threaten, cajole, get angry if you don't tow their proverbial line in what THEY believe.

I've had more christians backstab me than unbelievers. And no..I won't go into detail. Let's just say I refuse to thump along with them and chase more worshippers away rather than TO Him.
Thing is. Jesus Himself commanded His people to be salt and light in thia dark world. Not to hide our faith.
I don't hide it. But since you think you know me so well...a stranger on the internet...you go ahead and preach it, brutha. Doesn't mean anything will stick. Same o same o, in my opinion.

Under yer avie:

For me to know and you not to find out.

Some things are private, dude. Practice what you are preaching. Oh. Wait.
Believers continue to be martyred for their faith. Your problem is you're ashamed of thw Gospel and I wonder whether or not you are truly Born Again as per John 3:3.
Oh. You mean like how you are harrassing me now...which makes me a martyr? Do you always judge people that don't goosestep to what YOU want them to do?
Go fuck yourself.
I once believed and then I grew up and discovered the world that God supposedly made was cruel place where bad people prosper and good people suffer.

G-d made the world, or at least put events into motion that allowed the world to create itself, but he didn't make it a cruel place. We did that all by ourselves.

For some people, the world is a cruel place. For others, it is the most beautiful place imaginable. Bad and good both suffer and prosper.
If God is all powerful and does nothing about evil I see nothing there worth worshiping. I'm supposed to reward his indifference with devotion and cash donations to some church? Not in this life.
Ok so you would continue to reject God. Thanks for the feedback
It's not like I owe him anything. His fan club has done more to harm me than any sinners ever did.
Ditto on the last sentence. But that isn't His fault.
Find a diehard christian like some in this thread, and you will find people who threaten, cajole, get angry if you don't tow their proverbial line in what THEY believe.

I've had more christians backstab me than unbelievers. And no..I won't go into detail. Let's just say I refuse to thump along with them and chase more worshippers away rather than TO Him.
Thing is. Jesus Himself commanded His people to be salt and light in thia dark world. Not to hide our faith.
I don't hide it. But since you think you know me so well...a stranger on the internet...you go ahead and preach it, brutha. Doesn't mean anything will stick. Same o same o, in my opinion.

Under yer avie:

For me to know and you not to find out.

Some things are private, dude. Practice what you are preaching. Oh. Wait.
Believers continue to be martyred for their faith. Your problem is you're ashamed of thw Gospel and I wonder whether or not you are truly Born Again as per John 3:3.
Oh. You mean like how you are harrassing me now...which makes me a martyr? Do you always judge people that don't goosestep to what YOU want them to do?
Go fuck yourself.
Nobody's harassing you. Just that true Biblical faith is more than just " being private" about it. It is a witness to God's sovereignty.
...would you follow him?
Suddenly ? 4 more holes real quick with the P38.
thank His Father it wouldn't bother him.
Daddy Dearest

It is ridiculous to think that any God worth his name would let his son go through horrible pain to atone for the sins of other people. How absurd and weird would it be if a boss tried to shame his employees by whipping his son in front of them, which by no logic at all would make up for their previous laziness?
It seems that many non-believers are content to choose Satan and eternal death rather than Jesus. Amazing.
I once believed and then I grew up and discovered the world that God supposedly made was cruel place where bad people prosper and good people suffer.

G-d made the world, or at least put events into motion that allowed the world to create itself, but he didn't make it a cruel place. We did that all by ourselves.

For some people, the world is a cruel place. For others, it is the most beautiful place imaginable. Bad and good both suffer and prosper.
If God is all powerful and does nothing about evil I see nothing there worth worshiping. I'm supposed to reward his indifference with devotion and cash donations to some church? Not in this life.
Ok so you would continue to reject God. Thanks for the feedback
It's not like I owe him anything. His fan club has done more to harm me than any sinners ever did.
Ditto on the last sentence. But that isn't His fault.
Find a diehard christian like some in this thread, and you will find people who threaten, cajole, get angry if you don't tow their proverbial line in what THEY believe.

I've had more christians backstab me than unbelievers. And no..I won't go into detail. Let's just say I refuse to thump along with them and chase more worshippers away rather than TO Him.
Thing is. Jesus Himself commanded His people to be salt and light in thia dark world. Not to hide our faith.
I don't hide it. But since you think you know me so well...a stranger on the internet...you go ahead and preach it, brutha. Doesn't mean anything will stick. Same o same o, in my opinion.

Under yer avie:

For me to know and you not to find out.

Some things are private, dude. Practice what you are preaching. Oh. Wait.
Believers continue to be martyred for their faith. Your problem is you're ashamed of thw Gospel and I wonder whether or not you are truly Born Again as per John 3:3.
Oh. You mean like how you are harrassing me now...which makes me a martyr? Do you always judge people that don't goosestep to what YOU want them to do?
Go fuck yourself.
Nobody's harassing you. Just that true Biblical faith is more than just " being private" about it. It is a witness to God's sovereignty.
Yes. You are harrassing me, and pretending to know who I am. You don't. You have no clue what I do in real life outside of the internet because I choose NOT to bang my own drum. According to you, I don't do as your bible says, or what Jesus wants us to do, or don't believe in the gospels, or am unfaithful. Judge not lest ye be judged, dude. Back the fuck off, thumper. You won't be bringing me "in" and instead do what most christians do...."push" people back with your nonsense and bullying tactics.

From now on..all you say will be met with a yawn.
I once believed and then I grew up and discovered the world that God supposedly made was cruel place where bad people prosper and good people suffer.

G-d made the world, or at least put events into motion that allowed the world to create itself, but he didn't make it a cruel place. We did that all by ourselves.

For some people, the world is a cruel place. For others, it is the most beautiful place imaginable. Bad and good both suffer and prosper.
If God is all powerful and does nothing about evil I see nothing there worth worshiping. I'm supposed to reward his indifference with devotion and cash donations to some church? Not in this life.
Sales Pitch of a Je$u$ Salesman

Then pay
That's the way
To make my day

Jesus didn't ask for anyone to give him money.

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