If Jesus Christ materialized in front of you and proved to you that he is the son of God...

Paul and Jesus believed they lived in the end times
Where in the bible does it say that?
Jesus told his followers that some would not taste death before the end. Paul told people not to bother to marry as time was so short. He was convinced that Jesus' resurrection was the first and the end had already come.
I haven't seen any scripture that claims that Jesus thought that he lived in the end times. I believe Jesus said that nobody, not even him, knows when the end will come.
Matthew 16:28
That verse says that some people will be living on Earth when Jesus returns. It doesn't say that Jesus thought that he was living in the "end days" of mankind.
Not everyone would agree with you. See here.
That verse says that some people will be living on Earth when Jesus returns. It doesn't say that Jesus thought that he was living in the "end days" of mankind.
Yes. At one point I read another alternative. Matthew put the destruction of the Temple and End Times close together. As you said earlier, Jesus said no one knows the day or the hour of End Times. So could he have been referencing something else when he said, "This generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened." He may have been referencing the destruction of the Temple. That generation did not pass away until after no Temple stone was left standing.
So could he have been referencing something else when he said, "This generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened." He may have been referencing the destruction of the Temple. That generation did not pass away until after no Temple stone was left standing
With a thought, Jesus could have summoned an army of angels (not that he would have needed them) and made the whole world worship him. He didn't. He allowed himself to be tortured and butchered as a sacrifice to our Heavenly father to pay for our sins.
When did Jesus say he had to pay for our sins?
To my knowledge - never.
It was John the Baptist who declared: "Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the Earth". He was referring to Jesus Himself.

proved to you that he is the son of God...​

How? A note from his dad?

First question: “is Trump on your side, or that of the Devil?”
For the true Son of God there would only be one correct answer.

First question: “is Trump on your side, or that of the Devil?”
For the true Son of God there would only be one correct answer.

View attachment 507028
And God used King Saul, one of the most evil kings of Israel, to achieve His plan. Oh, and did I mention that King David, greatest King of Israel, committed adultery and murder? But you asshole Leftists want Mr. Perfect. Well Obongo and Bidumbfuck sure ain't it.
First question: “is Trump on your side, or that of the Devil?”
For the true Son of God there would only be one correct answer.

View attachment 507028
"Judge bot lest you be judged, for by the standard you judge others, you shall be judged."

He didnt have 21 year old interns giving him BJs under the oval office, jet you had no problem overlooking THAT man because he did your bidding.

God FORGIVES the past of a REPENTANT person, unlike vile leftists who lie About anyone who doesn't support their agenda
First question: “is Trump on your side, or that of the Devil?”
For the true Son of God there would only be one correct answer.

View attachment 507028
"Judge bot lest you be judged, for by the standard you judge others, you shall be judged."

He didnt have 21 year old interns giving him BJs under the oval office, jet you had no problem overlooking THAT man because he did your bidding.

God FORGIVES the past of a REPENTANT person, unlike vile leftists who lie About anyone who doesn't support their agenda
What is “giving bus” - A BJ? :confused-84:
Sounds like an old timey expression I’m not old enough to have heard.
Are you like 90? :lol:

Edit: Oh thank God u fixed it. I wouldn’t want a bus on my Helmut von Schmidt!

Btw, I was pretty tough on ol’ Bubba for lying about his BJ. Have u been tough on the Orange Turd for raw dogging a porn queen while Melania was home alone with newborn Barron?
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...would you follow him?

Well, there'd have to be a lot of questions.

Like, how would he prove he's the son of God? A DNA test?
By the scars...

Oh yes, I always knew I was the son of God, because I HAVE SCARS.
Aww, did you cut yourself?
When Christ was hung on the cross He was so disfigured that He didn't look human anymore. No bones were broken,< God forbid it, but His flesh was shredded. The flesh was torn from His face by grabbing chunks of His beard and ripping it off. The flesh on His back was pulverized. They drove thick thorns down between His skull and the flesh on His head.
When He returned, the wounds were healed but the scarring was so bad that those who knew what Jesus looked like didn't recognize Him until they saw the holes where He had been nailed to the cross. As far as I know, He still inhabits the same body.

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