If Jesus Christ materialized in front of you and proved to you that he is the son of God...

of course, I would follow him he is my father, he is perfect, beautiful, poet, philosopher, gentle & humble to name a few my citizenship is with Jesus Christ and I am his!
I'm betting you have an image of Christ in your mind that doesn't match who He really is.
Death Angel let me make myself clear, Jesus told me who he is through scripture "Gentle & Humble!" Jesus is perfect and so much more! (I look at him as a poet & philosopher) he is beautiful! if you don't like my comment then move along but what I'm not going to do is argue with irrelevant human beings
of course, I would follow him he is my father, he is perfect, beautiful, poet, philosopher, gentle & humble to name a few my citizenship is with Jesus Christ and I am his!
Worship me or burn forever. Yep sounds humble to me. Nothing cruel and heartless about a little fire and brimstone
Worship me or burn forever. Yep sounds humble to me. Nothing cruel and heartless about a little fire and brimstone
It is not cruel and heartless. It IS God's justice that sin be punished. He offers the ONLY way out and the only true hope for mankind. And that's at the Cross. He is not willing that any should perish, but everyone come to repentance.
It is not cruel and heartless. It IS God's justice that sin be punished. He offers the ONLY way out and the only true hope for mankind. And that's at the Cross. He is not willing that any should perish, but everyone come to repentance.
Yep. It's his call. He doesn't have to make everyone that doesn't worship him burn forever. He does it because he wants to. He just thinks it's a fun thing to do. He also didn't have to make animals feel pain and fear the same way we do, and then tell us to kill them for food, so I guess he enjoys torturing animals just like Dahmer did as a kid.
Yep. It's his call. He doesn't have to make everyone that doesn't worship him burn forever. He does it because he wants to. He just thinks it's a fun thing to do. He also didn't have to make animals feel pain and fear the same way we do, and then tell us to kill them for food, so I guess he enjoys torturing animals just like Dahmer did as a kid.
God is incapable of evil. But man is. Man is basically wicked and there is no righteousness in us. and you are incapable of understanding God's Holy and Just nature. His very nature demands sin be punished. but that is tempered by His love and mercy for us that He sent His only Son to die for us.
God is incapable of evil. But man is. Man is basically wicked and there is no righteousness in us. and you are incapable of understanding God's Holy and Just nature. His very nature demands sin be punished. but that is tempered by His love and mercy for us that He sent His only Son to die for us.
God is incapable of evil? Your remark shows 2 things
1. He is not omnipotent.
2. You consider killing everything, men, women, children, even the animals, and salting the earth so nothing ever grows there again, to be holy and just. I wonder what sins those babies were guilty of.
God is incapable of evil? Your remark shows 2 things
1. He is not omnipotent.
2. You consider killing everything, men, women, children, even the animals, and salting the earth so nothing ever grows there again, to be holy and just. I wonder what sins those babies were guilty of.
Thus, the punching.
God is incapable of evil? Your remark shows 2 things
1. He is not omnipotent.
2. You consider killing everything, men, women, children, even the animals, and salting the earth so nothing ever grows there again, to be holy and just. I wonder what sins those babies were guilty of.
I wouldn’t put too much stock in Jewish embellishments.

But if you want to debate that God cannot be good and all powerful in the bull ring, I’m your man.
I wouldn’t put too much stock in Jewish embellishments.

But if you want to debate that God cannot be good and all powerful in the bull ring, I’m your man.
I never said what you like to portray as God couldn't be good. I just said it often isn't. As far as all powerful, is he able to make a rock so big and heavy till he couldn't lift it?
I never said what you like to portray as God couldn't be good. I just said it often isn't. As far as all powerful, is he able to make a rock so big and heavy till he couldn't lift it?
God’s power is not measured by sheer force. God’s power is measured by accomplishing objectives.
Worship me or burn forever. Yep sounds humble to me. Nothing cruel and heartless about a little fire and brimstone
I'm very sorry for you. The only thing that seems to satisfy you is if GOD worshiped YOU! If you end up in hell it is only because that is where you wish to go.
If you are a follower of Jesus it's not really "personal" though. It's a command: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age."--Matthew 28:19-20

As for thumpers: every single ONE is two-faced. Not a single one of us can proclaim Jesus Christ and "practice what we preach".

That's why He had to die.
What you just posted there amounts to the Islamic Jihad.

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