If Jesus Christ materialized in front of you and proved to you that he is the son of God...

We will witness ALL religions to merge as one , even with the secular . A we are one world . And that world
is going to hate any kind of correction .
I wonder if this is the whore spoken of in revelations. Not an expert in the bible but....this smacks of what was said.
It sure does . Just go and look at the mindset of the temple they tried to build in Nimrods days .
A temple to heaven . The people of one mind , one goal , one common unity and all paths leading to heaven .
This reeks of the smell of the WHORE . MYSTERY BABYLON .
Paul and Jesus believed they lived in the end times
Where in the bible does it say that?
Jesus told his followers that some would not taste death before the end. Paul told people not to bother to marry as time was so short. He was convinced that Jesus' resurrection was the first and the end had already come.
I haven't seen any scripture that claims that Jesus thought that he lived in the end times. I believe Jesus said that nobody, not even him, knows when the end will come.
Matthew 16:28
That verse says that some people will be living on Earth when Jesus returns. It doesn't say that Jesus thought that he was living in the "end days" of mankind.
Not everyone would agree with you. See here.
Everyone is entitled to their own interpretation, even if their interpretation is inaccurate.
God tell you the proper interpretation?
alang1216 age of the world is a mere worldly/earthly precept. First you must be reborn into the Spirit. If you can only think and walk in the flesh you'll have a hard time getting past that obstacle and simply be an Adam aka human asleep until you are awakened. Life is a process both in the flesh and in the Spirit.

Isaiah 49:6 The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field:

1 Peter 1:24 For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word of the Lord endureth ...
Time to answer the very question that K nine buck asked . He said if JESUS materialized HIMSELF before you
and said He was the SON of man would you follow Him .
If they say he is in the desert go not forth . JESUS aint coming back like that . Also if any angel appear test that Spirit .
What he did say was, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Since when is ignorance an excuse to harm the innocent? Jesus was soft on crime; this put him on the side of Satan.
The Roman soldiers may not have known what Jesus' death was all about. They were given an order. Jesus seemed to be aware of this. Forgiveness would have meant a lot to any soldier who later learned it was a miscarriage of justice in which they unwittingly played a part.

If Jesus Christ materialized in front of you and proved to you that he is the son of God...​

...would you follow him?

Actually K9, it doesn't work that way. If Christ appears before you, you'll know who he is. There is nothing to prove. The soul knows.
So if Adolf had only said, "I'm sorry," he'd go down in history as Mr. Nice Guy? Most people who do say they're sorry are really only sorry that they got caught.
Repentance is different from apologizing. Repentance is to halt doing what is wrong and making amends for the wrong that was done. Hitler was forced to halt and he made no amends. Don't think he said "sorry" either, not that it matters if repentance has not taken place.
alang1216 age of the world is a mere worldly/earthly precept. First you must be reborn into the Spirit. If you can only think and walk in the flesh you'll have a hard time getting past that obstacle and simply be an Adam aka human asleep until you are awakened. Life is a process both in the flesh and in the Spirit.

Isaiah 49:6 The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field:

1 Peter 1:24 For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word of the Lord endureth ...
That has always been my weakness, an utter lack of faith in what people tell me when it conflicts with my experience.
alang1216 I suppose that is something you will have to search your own heart for. As for me I question everything even myself as I know the nature of the flesh is flawed in its thinking. I always felt it but could not articulate it all. I do understand why you would feel that away about trusting what people say. Besides our trust doesn't belong with the carnal flesh.
With a thought, Jesus could have summoned an army of angels (not that he would have needed them) and made the whole world worship him. He didn't. He allowed himself to be tortured and butchered as a sacrifice to our Heavenly father to pay for our sins.
When did Jesus say he had to pay for our sins?
To my knowledge - never.
Demonic Doormats

What he did say was, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Since when is ignorance an excuse to harm the innocent? Jesus was soft on crime; this put him on the side of Satan.
Not only was He not soft on crime/sin, He used His own blood to defeat every bit of it once and for all. Priests sacrificed animal blood constantly to temporarily cover sin. Christ's pure blood was only needed once to complete the task.

As for our ignorance:
A little lamb gets loose and ends up being killed on the road. Should the lamb have known better? Should it have known that there was danger on the road? No, because they lack the knowledge of roads and vehicles.
That is how God see us. Little lambs that don't understand the danger we are in. Christ is our shepherd. He removes the danger and as long as we belong to Him, we are safe.

On the Holy Spirit's function in our lives:
If God is the car, and Christ is the steering wheel, the Holy Spirit is the safety belt that keeps us strapped in on our journey.

Here is when Jesus explained why He was here:
Then He took a cup, and after giving thanks, He gave it to them and said, “Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood that establishes the covenant; it is shed for many for the forgiveness of sins". <( that was prophesy, btw. He was fine when He said it.)

As for God insisting on His Son's sacrifice:
Here is Jesus' take on that:
"No one takes it away from Me. On the contrary, I lay it down voluntarily".
Christ was called Emanuel. God, with us. The plan was a dual consent knowing that we would fall and need redeemed before the earth was even formed. But even so, they wanted...us...to commune with and be with forever. As creepy as we are, that is a love for us that I can't begin to wrap my head around.
And was it hard to watch what we humans did to His Son? Were the last 3 hours Christ was on that cross even harder, with the Father turning into His judge, jury and executioner? I can't fathom the pain. But they did it all because they loved us more than what they went through to salvage us.
Agape Love. Get some.
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Not only was He not soft on crime/sin, He used His own blood to defeat every bit of it once and for all. Priests sacrificed animal blood constantly to temporarily cover sin. Christ's pure blood was only needed once to complete the task.

As for our ignorance:
A little lamb gets loose and ends up being killed on the road. Should the lamb have known better? Should it have known that there was danger on the road? No, because they lack the knowledge of roads and vehicles.
That is how God see us. Little lambs that don't understand the danger we are in. Christ is our shepherd. He removes the danger and as long as we belong to Him, we are safe.

On the Holy Spirit's function in our lives:
If God is the car, and Christ is the steering wheel, the Holy Spirit is the safety belt that keeps us strapped in on our journey.

Here is when Jesus explained why He was here:
Then He took a cup, and after giving thanks, He gave it to them and said, “Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood that establishes the covenant; it is shed for many for the forgiveness of sins". <( that was prophesy, btw. He was fine when He said it.)

As for God insisting on His Son's sacrifice:
Here is Jesus' take on that:
"No one takes it away from Me. On the contrary, I lay it down voluntarily".
Christ was called Emanuel. God, with us. The plan was a dual consent knowing that we would fall and need redeemed before the earth was even formed. But even so, they wanted...us...to commune with and be with forever. As creepy as we are, that is a love for us that I can't begin to wrap my head around.
And was it hard to watch what we humans did to His Son? Were the last 3 hours Christ was on that cross even harder, with the Father turning into His judge, jury and executioner? I can't fathom the pain. But they did it all because they loved us more than what they went through to salvage us.
Agape Love. Get some.
I always wondered about that knowing we would fall part. If our time on earth is so short compared to eternity, why would he make people he knew he would be torturing forever? Why wouldn't he just make the people he wanted to keep around? We know he enjoys torturing animals as much as Ted Bundy did, but torturing people is a whole nuther level.
of course, I would follow him he is my father, he is perfect, beautiful, poet, philosopher, gentle & humble to name a few my citizenship is with Jesus Christ and I am his!

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