If Jesus Christ materialized in front of you and proved to you that he is the son of God...

Have u been tough on the Orange Turd for raw dogging a porn queen while Melania was home alone with newborn Barron?
No. John the Baptist said to those who wanted to be baptized, "GO, and bring forth FRUIT OF REPENTANCE."

President Trump didnt continue on sin.

Clinton OTOH, CONTINUED in adultery while in the White House and AFTER.

God sees repentance. Do you have any evidence Bill Clinton REPENTED of adultery???

Liberal Democrats have no place in their world for forgiveness, unless it is one of their own..

God JUDGES. The judgement by a Democrat is meaningless
Paul and Jesus believed they lived in the end times
Where in the bible does it say that?
Jesus told his followers that some would not taste death before the end. Paul told people not to bother to marry as time was so short. He was convinced that Jesus' resurrection was the first and the end had already come.
I haven't seen any scripture that claims that Jesus thought that he lived in the end times. I believe Jesus said that nobody, not even him, knows when the end will come.
Matthew 16:28
That verse says that some people will be living on Earth when Jesus returns. It doesn't say that Jesus thought that he was living in the "end days" of mankind.
Not everyone would agree with you. See here.
Everyone is entitled to their own interpretation, even if their interpretation is inaccurate.
When you actually meet Jesus, you wont be meeting a flesh an blood man. This is the Being who will judge your worthiness to receive the gift of eternal life

His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.

when you actually stand before Him, unless you KNOW you have been forgiven, you will curl up in a fetal position and shit yourself. You won't be debating a man
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...would you follow him?

Well, there'd have to be a lot of questions.

Like, how would he prove he's the son of God? A DNA test?
By the scars...

Oh yes, I always knew I was the son of God, because I HAVE SCARS.
Aww, did you cut yourself?
When Christ was hung on the cross He was so disfigured that He didn't look human anymore. No bones were broken,< God forbid it, but His flesh was shredded. The flesh was torn from His face by grabbing chunks of His beard and ripping it off. The flesh on His back was pulverized. They drove thick thorns down between His skull and the flesh on His head.
When He returned, the wounds were healed but the scarring was so bad that those who knew what Jesus looked like didn't recognize Him until they saw the holes where He had been nailed to the cross. As far as I know, He still inhabits the same body.

So, anyone who looks like they've been hung on a cross MUST BE THE SON OF GOD?

That was the point. Sorry you couldn't see that.
when you actually stand before Him, unless you KNOW you have been forgiven, you will curl up in a fetal position and shit yourself. You won't be debating a man
In reading near-death experiences of people who have claimed to have met Jesus, they describe a PHYSICAL feeling of overwhelming love. My guess is that NOBODY will reject Jesus upon meeting him, in spite of what some here are saying.
when you actually stand before Him, unless you KNOW you have been forgiven, you will curl up in a fetal position and shit yourself. You won't be debating a man
In reading near-death experiences of people who have claimed to have met Jesus, they describe a PHYSICAL feeling of overwhelming love. My guess is that NOBODY will reject Jesus upon meeting him, in spite of what some here are saying.
"And there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

"And the wicked shall be ASHES under 5he feet of the righteous"

Read the parable of the sower
"And there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

"And the wicked shall be ASHES under 5he feet of the righteous"

Read the parable of the sower
People who REJECT Christ all their lives will pay a terrible price for their rebellion.
...would you follow him?

Well, there'd have to be a lot of questions.

Like, how would he prove he's the son of God? A DNA test?
By the scars...

Oh yes, I always knew I was the son of God, because I HAVE SCARS.
Aww, did you cut yourself?
When Christ was hung on the cross He was so disfigured that He didn't look human anymore. No bones were broken,< God forbid it, but His flesh was shredded. The flesh was torn from His face by grabbing chunks of His beard and ripping it off. The flesh on His back was pulverized. They drove thick thorns down between His skull and the flesh on His head.
When He returned, the wounds were healed but the scarring was so bad that those who knew what Jesus looked like didn't recognize Him until they saw the holes where He had been nailed to the cross. As far as I know, He still inhabits the same body.

So, anyone who looks like they've been hung on a cross MUST BE THE SON OF GOD?

That was the point. Sorry you couldn't see that.
I got your point, but it was moot. His scars didn't make Him the Son of God. He was the Son of God long, long before the scars. He was there at the beginning...
...would you follow him?

Well, there'd have to be a lot of questions.

Like, how would he prove he's the son of God? A DNA test?
By the scars...

Oh yes, I always knew I was the son of God, because I HAVE SCARS.
Aww, did you cut yourself?
When Christ was hung on the cross He was so disfigured that He didn't look human anymore. No bones were broken,< God forbid it, but His flesh was shredded. The flesh was torn from His face by grabbing chunks of His beard and ripping it off. The flesh on His back was pulverized. They drove thick thorns down between His skull and the flesh on His head.
When He returned, the wounds were healed but the scarring was so bad that those who knew what Jesus looked like didn't recognize Him until they saw the holes where He had been nailed to the cross. As far as I know, He still inhabits the same body.

So, anyone who looks like they've been hung on a cross MUST BE THE SON OF GOD?

That was the point. Sorry you couldn't see that.
I got your point, but it was moot. His scars didn't make Him the Son of God. He was the Son of God long, long before the scars. He was there at the beginning...

Then the comment "By the scars..." is totally moot.

That's what I was replying to.

So, how would you know he's the son of God then? The cheap Walmart handbag?
The question was asked. That is one individual's answer. I am healed by those scars. They are important to me.
Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

But by no means is that the only way to identify Jesus Christ. For one thing, He is inter-dimensional. If He materialized in front of me the way He did the Apostles, that would be a hint...
It is ridiculous to think that any God worth his name would let his son go through horrible pain to atone for the sins of other people. How absurd and weird would it be if a boss tried to shame his employees by whipping his son in front of them, which by no logic at all would make up for their previous laziness?
Put atonement aside for a moment. Jesus was in trouble long before that for announcing, "Sins are forgiven. Repentance for the forgiveness of sins." The religious leaders of the day insisted that Jesus had no right to say such a thing, that only God could forgive sins, and Jesus had no right to tell anyone his/her sins are forgiven. People believing "Sins are forgiven" could have a monetary effect on Temple practices and contributions.

Jesus came with that new Covenant, the Good News that sins are forgiven. In Biblical times, Covenants were sealed with blood. What Jesus did, instead of ceasing and desisting with this message, was to keep at it to the point he was sentenced to death. He could have simply walked away, returned to his work as a carpenter, but "Sins are forgiven" is a vital message for all.
Do the Crime, Do the Time

So the Jews should forgive Hitler?
With a thought, Jesus could have summoned an army of angels (not that he would have needed them) and made the whole world worship him. He didn't. He allowed himself to be tortured and butchered as a sacrifice to our Heavenly father to pay for our sins.
When did Jesus say he had to pay for our sins?
To my knowledge - never.
Demonic Doormats

What he did say was, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Since when is ignorance an excuse to harm the innocent? Jesus was soft on crime; this put him on the side of Satan.
It is ridiculous to think that any God worth his name would let his son go through horrible pain to atone for the sins of other people. How absurd and weird would it be if a boss tried to shame his employees by whipping his son in front of them, which by no logic at all would make up for their previous laziness?
Put atonement aside for a moment. Jesus was in trouble long before that for announcing, "Sins are forgiven. Repentance for the forgiveness of sins." The religious leaders of the day insisted that Jesus had no right to say such a thing, that only God could forgive sins, and Jesus had no right to tell anyone his/her sins are forgiven. People believing "Sins are forgiven" could have a monetary effect on Temple practices and contributions.

Jesus came with that new Covenant, the Good News that sins are forgiven. In Biblical times, Covenants were sealed with blood. What Jesus did, instead of ceasing and desisting with this message, was to keep at it to the point he was sentenced to death. He could have simply walked away, returned to his work as a carpenter, but "Sins are forgiven" is a vital message for all.
Do the Crime, Do the Time

So the Jews should forgive Hitler?
What were stephens last words . Lord do not hold this sin against them . They stoned him to death . Yes we ought to forgive .
By grace i remember one thing . I was worse than most . Yet God sent grace and for JESUS sake i was forgiven .
GOD forgave me a moutain of sin against both GOD and man . Its easy to forgive others for a speck of dust they do against me , when i was forgiven
for a moutain of that dust .
With a thought, Jesus could have summoned an army of angels (not that he would have needed them) and made the whole world worship him. He didn't. He allowed himself to be tortured and butchered as a sacrifice to our Heavenly father to pay for our sins.
When did Jesus say he had to pay for our sins?
To my knowledge - never.
Demonic Doormats

What he did say was, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Since when is ignorance an excuse to harm the innocent? Jesus was soft on crime; this put him on the side of Satan.
Jesus was not soft on sin . The pharisees found that out when HE entered the temple with a whip and was throwing over tables .
But as we have been forgiven , we too forgive . If one errs Rebuke them , if they hear and repent then forgive them .
With a thought, Jesus could have summoned an army of angels (not that he would have needed them) and made the whole world worship him. He didn't. He allowed himself to be tortured and butchered as a sacrifice to our Heavenly father to pay for our sins.
When did Jesus say he had to pay for our sins?
To my knowledge - never.
Demonic Doormats

What he did say was, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Since when is ignorance an excuse to harm the innocent? Jesus was soft on crime; this put him on the side of Satan.
Venegeance belongs unto GOD . He will repay .
...would you follow him?
Of course, everyone would. The question is, if he could do it for Paul, why not for everyone?
Do children all learn and grow at the same rate once the seed/sperm is planted and they take that first breath?

To my knowledge - never.
And that started me thinking. Jesus always said, "Your sins are forgiven." He never said, "Your sins will be forgiven after the great atonement." It was always present tense during his life. Sins are forgiven. What is so obvious now--that sins are forgiven--was a shocking idea in Jesus' day.

With these words, Jesus did bring about atonement, because who among us has any wish to approach God carrying along our sinful acts. Because sins are forgiven, we can rush into the Father's arms, we can draw ever closer to Him. God never needed to punish anyone, let alone Jesus.

Let's not get it wrong. There are consequences for sin, which is why God wishes us to avoid sin--which we can do by following His law, His Way. The Good News: Sins are forgiven; Repentance for the forgiveness of sins. We are all blessed.
Judgment takes place in the earthly flesh aka the world. Each must take up their own cross here in this world. Jesus gave us himself as an ensample to follow while here in this world of flesh while we grow and mature in his spirit.
John 9:39 KJV: And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.
Luke 9:23. KJV ... And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
...would you follow him?
Already have and do my very best daily to do so while finishing out my turn in this world.
It is ridiculous to think that any God worth his name would let his son go through horrible pain to atone for the sins of other people. How absurd and weird would it be if a boss tried to shame his employees by whipping his son in front of them, which by no logic at all would make up for their previous laziness?
Put atonement aside for a moment. Jesus was in trouble long before that for announcing, "Sins are forgiven. Repentance for the forgiveness of sins." The religious leaders of the day insisted that Jesus had no right to say such a thing, that only God could forgive sins, and Jesus had no right to tell anyone his/her sins are forgiven. People believing "Sins are forgiven" could have a monetary effect on Temple practices and contributions.

Jesus came with that new Covenant, the Good News that sins are forgiven. In Biblical times, Covenants were sealed with blood. What Jesus did, instead of ceasing and desisting with this message, was to keep at it to the point he was sentenced to death. He could have simply walked away, returned to his work as a carpenter, but "Sins are forgiven" is a vital message for all.
Do the Crime, Do the Time

So the Jews should forgive Hitler?
We will witness ALL religions to merge as one , even with the secular . A we are one world . And that world
is going to hate any kind of correction .
I wonder if this is the whore spoken of in revelations. Not an expert in the bible but....this smacks of what was said.

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