If Jesus Christ materialized in front of you and proved to you that he is the son of God...

I think we have talked about it before. I think the pious pedophiles did the worst damage but the well meaning sheltering screwed me up too. We always lived in podunk sundown towns where there were no black people, seemed pretty important to my family. I grew up innocently racist surrounded by ultra religious zealots many of whom happened to also be in the Klan. When I finally went out on my own it was with a head full of garbage and no preparation for life on my own. Some of them never spoke to me again after I let it be known I would never set foot in church again. Sometimes religion just does not work out for some people.
I believe we have discussed this, but I wasn't sure. I also agree that religion doesn't work out for some. I would like your thoughts on the following.

Do you think no one should have joined the early Church because of Judas? That no one should join the Church today because of pious pedophiles? The reason I ask is because I will allow no one--not Judas, not pious pedophiles--to come between God and me. As a toddler (and I am not kidding or exaggerating) I wanted to know God, have an experience with God. My parents told me that people no longer experienced God the way Noah, Abraham, Adam, and Eve did. That didn't phase me in the least. God would have to make an exception. I was determined--despite what my parents told me.

Acknowledging you went through a lot, and not criticizing you at all for your decision to never set foot in Church again, I am curious as to why you let these people come between you and a relationship with God.
I once believed and then I grew up and discovered the world that God supposedly made was cruel place where bad people prosper and good people suffer.

G-d made the world, or at least put events into motion that allowed the world to create itself, but he didn't make it a cruel place. We did that all by ourselves.

For some people, the world is a cruel place. For others, it is the most beautiful place imaginable. Bad and good both suffer and prosper.
If God is all powerful and does nothing about evil I see nothing there worth worshiping. I'm supposed to reward his indifference with devotion and cash donations to some church? Not in this life.
Ok so you would continue to reject God. Thanks for the feedback
It's not like I owe him anything. His fan club has done more to harm me than any sinners ever did.
Ditto on the last sentence. But that isn't His fault.
Find a diehard christian like some in this thread, and you will find people who threaten, cajole, get angry if you don't tow their proverbial line in what THEY believe.

I've had more christians backstab me than unbelievers. And no..I won't go into detail. Let's just say I refuse to thump along with them and chase more worshippers away rather than TO Him.
Thing is. Jesus Himself commanded His people to be salt and light in thia dark world. Not to hide our faith.
I once believed and then I grew up and discovered the world that God supposedly made was cruel place where bad people prosper and good people suffer.

G-d made the world, or at least put events into motion that allowed the world to create itself, but he didn't make it a cruel place. We did that all by ourselves.

For some people, the world is a cruel place. For others, it is the most beautiful place imaginable. Bad and good both suffer and prosper.
If God is all powerful and does nothing about evil I see nothing there worth worshiping. I'm supposed to reward his indifference with devotion and cash donations to some church? Not in this life.
Ok so you would continue to reject God. Thanks for the feedback
It's not like I owe him anything. His fan club has done more to harm me than any sinners ever did.
Ditto on the last sentence. But that isn't His fault.
Find a diehard christian like some in this thread, and you will find people who threaten, cajole, get angry if you don't tow their proverbial line in what THEY believe.

I've had more christians backstab me than unbelievers. And no..I won't go into detail. Let's just say I refuse to thump along with them and chase more worshippers away rather than TO Him.
Thing is. Jesus Himself commanded His people to be salt and light in thia dark world. Not to hide our faith.
I don't hide it. But since you think you know me so well...a stranger on the internet...you go ahead and preach it, brutha. Doesn't mean anything will stick. Same o same o, in my opinion.

Under yer avie:

For me to know and you not to find out.

Some things are private, dude. Practice what you are preaching. Oh. Wait.
I think we have talked about it before. I think the pious pedophiles did the worst damage but the well meaning sheltering screwed me up too. We always lived in podunk sundown towns where there were no black people, seemed pretty important to my family. I grew up innocently racist surrounded by ultra religious zealots many of whom happened to also be in the Klan. When I finally went out on my own it was with a head full of garbage and no preparation for life on my own. Some of them never spoke to me again after I let it be known I would never set foot in church again. Sometimes religion just does not work out for some people.
I believe we have discussed this, but I wasn't sure. I also agree that religion doesn't work out for some. I would like your thoughts on the following.

Do you think no one should have joined the early Church because of Judas? That no one should join the Church today because of pious pedophiles? The reason I ask is because I will allow no one--not Judas, not pious pedophiles--to come between God and me. As a toddler (and I am not kidding or exaggerating) I wanted to know God, have an experience with God. My parents told me that people no longer experienced God the way Noah, Abraham, Adam, and Eve did. That didn't phase me in the least. God would have to make an exception. I was determined--despite what my parents told me.

Acknowledging you went through a lot, and not criticizing you at all for your decision to never set foot in Church again, I am curious as to why you let these people come between you and a relationship with God.
I thanked everything you said....ditto on me feeling and wanting the same thing. But for me, the corruption of bad christians started out at a young age as well. It was enough to trust NOBODY but God.

Just clarifying why I thanked your post. :)
I thanked everything you said....ditto on me feeling and wanting the same thing. But for me, the corruption of bad christians started out at a young age as well. It was enough to trust NOBODY but God.

Just clarifying why I thanked your post.
Thank you, Gracie. I cannot remember bad Christians growing up, but there were some that struck me as being indifferent. That was difficult for me to understand.
I thanked everything you said....ditto on me feeling and wanting the same thing. But for me, the corruption of bad christians started out at a young age as well. It was enough to trust NOBODY but God.

Just clarifying why I thanked your post.
Thank you, Gracie. I cannot remember bad Christians growing up, but there were some that struck me as being indifferent. That was difficult for me to understand.
Lucky you. I was like 5 years old..or younger, when I had a love affair with God. He was my hero. Still is. At age 10ish....shit happened.
It never fails. From then on.....those I trusted to BE Christians...were hypocrits. I know less than the fingers on my hand the true ones that do practice what they preach. Those..I listen to and learn from. The rest? They can kiss my ass.
It never fails. From then on.....those I trusted to BE Christians...were hypocrits. I know less than the fingers on my hand the true ones that do practice what they preach.
In Catholic school we learned that even the very best falls seven times a day. That may explain much of the hypocrisy. We were also taught that everyone still has within them the spark of the Divine.
Lucky you. I was like 5 years old..or younger, when I had a love affair with God. He was my hero. Still is. At age 10ish....shit happened.
Ten is too young. It was fourteen for me, and looking back that seems too young. Not as too young as ten is, however.
...would you follow him?
I'd ask him to take me to the Vatican to show him how rich he has made ther Catholic Church and then to some right wing evangelical leader's mansion and show him all his BMW's and private jet. I'd look at Jesus and say.. Jesus, thanks to your teachings, these peole have hit the jackpot.
Hey! A direct message for me! Was just now wandering around the vast net and what pops up in some web space I happened to stumble across?

2 TIMOTHY 2:22-26
22So shun youthful passions and aim at righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call upon the Lord from a pure heart. 23Have nothing to do with stupid, senseless controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. 24And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kindly to every one, an apt teacher, forbearing, 25correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant that they will repent and come to know the truth, 26and they may escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.
...would you follow him?
I'd ask him to take me to the Vatican to show him how rich he has made ther Catholic Church and then to some right wing evangelical leader's mansion and show him all his BMW's and private jet. I'd look at Jesus and say.. Jesus, thanks to your teachings, these peole have hit the jackpot.
If He appeared to you AS HE IS, you would roll up into a fetal position and beg His forgiveness. Moses wasn't even allowed to see Him face to face. He would have died
...would you follow him?
I'd ask him to take me to the Vatican to show him how rich he has made ther Catholic Church and then to some right wing evangelical leader's mansion and show him all his BMW's and private jet. I'd look at Jesus and say.. Jesus, thanks to your teachings, these peole have hit the jackpot.
If He appeared to you AS HE IS, you would roll up into a fetal position and beg His forgiveness. Moses wasn't even allowed to see Him face to face. He would have died
Did we get off topic ? OP said Jesus,who you talking about ?
...would you follow him?
I'd ask him to take me to the Vatican to show him how rich he has made ther Catholic Church and then to some right wing evangelical leader's mansion and show him all his BMW's and private jet. I'd look at Jesus and say.. Jesus, thanks to your teachings, these peole have hit the jackpot.
If He appeared to you AS HE IS, you would roll up into a fetal position and beg His forgiveness. Moses wasn't even allowed to see Him face to face. He would have died
Did we get off topic ? OP said Jesus,who you talking about ?
Jesus. If you dont understand, you dont know Him
...would you follow him?
I'd ask him to take me to the Vatican to show him how rich he has made ther Catholic Church and then to some right wing evangelical leader's mansion and show him all his BMW's and private jet. I'd look at Jesus and say.. Jesus, thanks to your teachings, these peole have hit the jackpot.
If He appeared to you AS HE IS, you would roll up into a fetal position and beg His forgiveness. Moses wasn't even allowed to see Him face to face. He would have died
Did we get off topic ? OP said Jesus,who you talking about ?
Jesus. If you dont understand, you dont know Him
Let us pray." Our father who art in ...."
...would you follow him?
I'd ask him to take me to the Vatican to show him how rich he has made ther Catholic Church and then to some right wing evangelical leader's mansion and show him all his BMW's and private jet. I'd look at Jesus and say.. Jesus, thanks to your teachings, these peole have hit the jackpot.
If He appeared to you AS HE IS, you would roll up into a fetal position and beg His forgiveness. Moses wasn't even allowed to see Him face to face. He would have died
Did we get off topic ? OP said Jesus,who you talking about ?
Jesus. If you dont understand, you dont know Him
Let us pray." Our father who art in ...."
WHY do you always come into a thread just to be ornery????
The conversation would go something like this:

So, Jesus, You told Your followers to "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;". Your followers did the exact opposite of that, and as a consequence Your religion thrived and prospered. Any thoughts about that?

Also You said "My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence" and "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Christians, at least in America, are convinced that Your Kingdom will be established on Earth as soon as every elected office is held by Bible Thumping Republicans. Is that Your plan now?
And therein lies the problem . What you just said about most of His so called followers is why the name of Christ and of GOD is so blasphemed today .
Cause most all do exactly what you just said . But not all . I have no political hope . My kingdom is truly not of this world . The churches are in a massive falling away now .
have been . And due to most all the leaders are now false , the lost blaspheme the name of GOD due to these teachers who do nothing but lead the flocks astray .
But there is a small number of true believers who still follow Christ to this very day . Even in america . They resist the lies of the false leaders
and stick only to the pure bibilcal doctrine . The pattern which JESUS himself did set and teach . Though it be a very small few .
For the Spirit is their guide . Their hope is not in men , not in this world , not in govts or politics . Their hope is in Christ and in the power
of His grace by the SPIRIT they follow Christ . My advice is to everyone here , Go into the gospels and the letters the apostels also wrote .
Learn JESUS for yourselves . Learn Him . Pray to GOD and seek the LORD and do so with all your heart . Believe in the one whom GOD did send
and learn HIM for yourselves .
I once believed and then I grew up and discovered the world that God supposedly made was cruel place where bad people prosper and good people suffer.

G-d made the world, or at least put events into motion that allowed the world to create itself, but he didn't make it a cruel place. We did that all by ourselves.

For some people, the world is a cruel place. For others, it is the most beautiful place imaginable. Bad and good both suffer and prosper.
If God is all powerful and does nothing about evil I see nothing there worth worshiping. I'm supposed to reward his indifference with devotion and cash donations to some church? Not in this life.
Ok so you would continue to reject God. Thanks for the feedback
It's not like I owe him anything. His fan club has done more to harm me than any sinners ever did.
Ditto on the last sentence. But that isn't His fault.
Find a diehard christian like some in this thread, and you will find people who threaten, cajole, get angry if you don't tow their proverbial line in what THEY believe.

I've had more christians backstab me than unbelievers. And no..I won't go into detail. Let's just say I refuse to thump along with them and chase more worshippers away rather than TO Him.
Thing is. Jesus Himself commanded His people to be salt and light in thia dark world. Not to hide our faith.
We are in a massive falling away my friend . Too many are being taught to keep the gospel and any kind of correction silent for sake of unity .
They are willfully turning a blind eye to the lost and to correcting even the church . When JESUS said marvel not if the world hates you , my advice
is the same . Because those who follow Christ and truly going to do the things HE said to do and the world and most churches even , are not gonna tolerate them .
It will only get much worse . We will witness ALL religions to merge as one , even with the secular . A we are one world . And that world
is going to hate any kind of correction . BUT onward in the LORD we must go . Faithful even unto death . Always forgiving those who hate us ,
but NEVER conforming to their ways or doctrine . Yet we have all hope . This life is but a vapor and whether we live , we live for Christ
if we suffer for Him , still He shall console us and we shall rejoice when counted worthy to suffer shame for HIM and if we die for him
WE are present with HIM . SO we win no matter what comes against us in this world . This life is but a vapor , but eternal life has the length that cannot be measured .
LEt the Lord be praised my friend . We desire the death of none , only life . Thus we preach CHRIST so as all that do believe will have that life .
We compromise not a word he taught , we live by the SPIRIT and we embrace every word He taught upon the heart . Be encouraged .

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