If Jesus couldn't keep HIMSELF out of trouble...

So what is she legislating? Please give us a link.

And again, you're proposing that people be barred from certain professions based upon their faith.

I'll check into the Canyon Ridge church. there were some Christians who did have dealings with Uganda's butcher based upon their desire to help bring him around...and when they discovered how whacko he was, they denounced him. I believe we had this convo once before, when you were making ridiculous claims about how Christians were responsible for supporting him and setting him up....

Don't bother. Canyon Ridge Christian Church is a church in Las Vegas, Nevada. That's right: one church in one city, that happened to have contact with a guy in another country - whom they later denounced - in connection to attempts to fight the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

This, apparently, constitutes "the government establishing a theocracy" in the sick, twisted vaults of Sky's mind: one church privately trying to combat AIDS in another country, meeting a guy, finding out he's nuts, and denouncing him.

Oh, and Michelle Bachmann holding personal opinions Sky doesn't like, and having membership in groups Sky doesn't approve of. Apparently, being a Christian in politics who actually exercises her Christian beliefs in her personal life ALSO constitutes "the government establishing a theocracy". Yet Sky would have us believe that she has no problem with Christians participating in politics. I can only assume this statement is true in her mind because she's defining "Christian" in that instance the same way Anders Breivik did in his manifesto: as a white, Anglo-Saxon non-Muslim who doesn't necessarily even have to attend church.

I suppose one way to combat AIDS in Africa is to execute gays. Martin Ssempa wanted to do just that. Canyon Ridge Church financially supported him.

Those are the facts. Canyon Ridge later refused to condemn Ssempa, AFTER they had supported him, and later still condemned Martin Ssempa. That's the facts.

Michelle Bachmann attended a Christian law school founded by a Dominionist. That's a fact. This law school wanted to shape the law into biblical principles. Also true.

You're right that I disagree with Bachmann's politics, and I find it disturbing that someone like her, whose views are so EXTREME has the support of the GOP. It shows how far to the right the fundies have taken the GOP, that Bachmann is a viable candidate for POTUS.

Only the ignorant would not inform themselves about the rise of Dominionism in the US. IMO, we are more likely to see a Christian Taliban in this country than Shariah Law.

As for the fellow in Norway. I don't consider him a Christian at all.
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I'm not losing my temper. I get disgusted with you because you're dishonest. I see no reason to pretend I don't find you disgusting.

You imply a lot, you never back up any of your crap. Why would anyone take you seriously? And when I stupidly treat you like an adult, you just take the ball and run with it, like a retarded terrier.

I posted THREE references to the Canyon Ridge story, showing THREE different positions they had on Martin Ssempa.

Just because you didn't bother to read them doesn't make ME a liar.

I completey backed up my claim about Canyon Ridge and Martin Ssempa. You have made excuses for this church. I'm sorry to see that. That's on you.

You have lost your temper, I can tell in your language and neg reps. Disgust, otherwise known as "loathing" is a form of hatred. I'm sorry you're in this state.

No, you didn't, you ignorant, lying blindly-partisan hack twat. You posted TWO blogs and ONE opinion column from some dumbshit none of us have ever heard of, which only constitutes "backing up your claim" if you're making that claim into a mirror right before saying, "Oh, yes, you're so right and so brilliant, Sky. I can't imagine how anyone could ever possibly disagree with you" and then smothering your reflection with kisses. In the real world, however, what you did was reveal yourself for a complete jackass. Again. Congratulations.

If losing all vestige of patience with a pathological liar and giving up entirely on treating said psychopath as a rational human being constitutes "losing your temper", I think Allie and I should both cop to it, because it seems to me that doing anything OTHER than viewing you and your bullshit with disgust and contempt would be an affront to thinking individuals everywhere.
Can't forget Jumpin' Joe Biden, now can we?

Or Dick "I'm pals with the white supremacists" Gephardt.

Or, Al Sharpton, known for inciting violence against a Jewish store owner, just for example.


Nope. I WISH I could forget them. God knows a lot of liberals probably wish THEY could forget them. But you really, really can't.
I'm not losing my temper. I get disgusted with you because you're dishonest. I see no reason to pretend I don't find you disgusting.

You imply a lot, you never back up any of your crap. Why would anyone take you seriously? And when I stupidly treat you like an adult, you just take the ball and run with it, like a retarded terrier.

I posted THREE references to the Canyon Ridge story, showing THREE different positions they had on Martin Ssempa.

Just because you didn't bother to read them doesn't make ME a liar.

I completey backed up my claim about Canyon Ridge and Martin Ssempa. You have made excuses for this church. I'm sorry to see that. That's on you.

You have lost your temper, I can tell in your language and neg reps. Disgust, otherwise known as "loathing" is a form of hatred. I'm sorry you're in this state.

No, you didn't, you ignorant, lying blindly-partisan hack twat. You posted TWO blogs and ONE opinion column from some dumbshit none of us have ever heard of, which only constitutes "backing up your claim" if you're making that claim into a mirror right before saying, "Oh, yes, you're so right and so brilliant, Sky. I can't imagine how anyone could ever possibly disagree with you" and then smothering your reflection with kisses. In the real world, however, what you did was reveal yourself for a complete jackass. Again. Congratulations.

If losing all vestige of patience with a pathological liar and giving up entirely on treating said psychopath as a rational human being constitutes "losing your temper", I think Allie and I should both cop to it, because it seems to me that doing anything OTHER than viewing you and your bullshit with disgust and contempt would be an affront to thinking individuals everywhere.

I agree. You have completely lost your temper.

When you lose your temper, you get nasty. Poor dear.
I am not interested in living in a dictatorship or being a dictator. You are lying about my position.

The definition of the word "lying" is not "stating facts that Sky doesn't like and would prefer to deny". Sorry.

When you say that I desire to be a dictator, you're lying. I have NO interest in being a dictator, or even in running for political office.

But I can see you've got your own definition of lying, which in itself is a lie.


Dumb bitch, when you spend three-quarters of your time on this message board inveighing against any and all Christians in politics and public life, and "viewing with alarm" any public awareness whatsoever of other people's beliefs, you can deny your desire to dictate over religious people until your fucking face turns blue, and it's not going to hold any more weight than any of the other raw, stinking sewage that emanates from you.

In short, being called a liar by someone who wouldn't recognize the truth if it crawled up her pants leg and bit her on the coochie is not exactly a meaningful denunciation. In fact, I think you actually IMPROVE my credibility by doing it.
Can't forget Jumpin' Joe Biden, now can we?

Or Dick "I'm pals with the white supremacists" Gephardt.

Or, Al Sharpton, known for inciting violence against a Jewish store owner, just for example.


Nope. I WISH I could forget them. God knows a lot of liberals probably wish THEY could forget them. But you really, really can't.
Oh, they try.

Unfortunately for them, some of us have good memories. ;)
I posted THREE references to the Canyon Ridge story, showing THREE different positions they had on Martin Ssempa.

Just because you didn't bother to read them doesn't make ME a liar.

I completey backed up my claim about Canyon Ridge and Martin Ssempa. You have made excuses for this church. I'm sorry to see that. That's on you.

You have lost your temper, I can tell in your language and neg reps. Disgust, otherwise known as "loathing" is a form of hatred. I'm sorry you're in this state.

No, you didn't, you ignorant, lying blindly-partisan hack twat. You posted TWO blogs and ONE opinion column from some dumbshit none of us have ever heard of, which only constitutes "backing up your claim" if you're making that claim into a mirror right before saying, "Oh, yes, you're so right and so brilliant, Sky. I can't imagine how anyone could ever possibly disagree with you" and then smothering your reflection with kisses. In the real world, however, what you did was reveal yourself for a complete jackass. Again. Congratulations.

If losing all vestige of patience with a pathological liar and giving up entirely on treating said psychopath as a rational human being constitutes "losing your temper", I think Allie and I should both cop to it, because it seems to me that doing anything OTHER than viewing you and your bullshit with disgust and contempt would be an affront to thinking individuals everywhere.

I agree. You have completely lost your temper.

When you lose your temper, you get nasty. Poor dear.

Funny, I would define "nasty" as being a lying, hypocritical bigot who thinks as long as she doesn't use curse words to advance her noxious agenda, it's okay to think of herself as a good person.

But then, I guess the truth WOULD seem nasty to a turd like that.

I find it very amusing, though, that you just inadvertently agreed that you're a pathological liar and a psychopath. I guess that's what happens when you're too knee-jerk partisan to bother reading and thinking before running your gums. :lol:
Personally, I think it's long past time that we return to the actual topic of this thread, and discontinue allowing Sky to hijack and redirect it to further her own agenda. While I realize that her goal of attacking and vilifying Christians is, ultimately, the same goal as the OP's, almost nothing that has been said by her for the last twenty-some-odd pages actually had anything to do with the attack actually at hand.

Therefore, I will no longer respond to any posts by Sky which do not address the thread topic, and heartily encourage the rest of you to also refrain from doing so. And I being the attempt to redirect back on-topic by asking what is there that can be said about the assertion that a non-Christian's utter lack of understanding of Christian doctrine somehow constitutes a "theological flaw"?

That Christ did not come to this world to "keep Himself out of trouble"? That, in fact, He came here precisely for the purpose of that "trouble"?

That the salvation Christ offers to believers is of the spiritual kind, rather than the physical?

One wonders how this blatant attempt to mock and belittle Christ and those who believe in Him applies to other situations, such as first responders, whose job it is to actually run INTO whatever trouble is at hand, in order to save others? Does the OP and his lickspittles believe that THEIR inability to "keep themselves out of trouble" makes them incapable of saving anyone else? Is this a "major flaw" in the plans for emergency rescue teams, police officers, firefighters, and paramedics? :eusa_eh:
I'm not losing my temper. I get disgusted with you because you're dishonest. I see no reason to pretend I don't find you disgusting.

You imply a lot, you never back up any of your crap. Why would anyone take you seriously? And when I stupidly treat you like an adult, you just take the ball and run with it, like a retarded terrier.

I posted THREE references to the Canyon Ridge story, showing THREE different positions they had on Martin Ssempa.

Just because you didn't bother to read them doesn't make ME a liar.

I completey backed up my claim about Canyon Ridge and Martin Ssempa. You have made excuses for this church. I'm sorry to see that. That's on you.

You have lost your temper, I can tell in your language and neg reps. Disgust, otherwise known as "loathing" is a form of hatred. I'm sorry you're in this state.

I don't even know what your claim is about Canyon Ridge. You brought it up out of thin air. You've provided a couple of links that don't show much of anything except that you're a loon.

Yes, I do loathe you. Did I neg rep you today? I think you're probably lying, but I neg rep you frequently, just on basic principle, because I neg rep liars..so maybe I did. But it has nothing to do with anger. It's just disgust.

If it makes you feel powerful to think of yourself as evoking *anger* then by all means, carry on. But per usual, you're just lying.
I'm not losing my temper. I get disgusted with you because you're dishonest. I see no reason to pretend I don't find you disgusting.

You imply a lot, you never back up any of your crap. Why would anyone take you seriously? And when I stupidly treat you like an adult, you just take the ball and run with it, like a retarded terrier.

I posted THREE references to the Canyon Ridge story, showing THREE different positions they had on Martin Ssempa.

Just because you didn't bother to read them doesn't make ME a liar.

I completey backed up my claim about Canyon Ridge and Martin Ssempa. You have made excuses for this church. I'm sorry to see that. That's on you.

You have lost your temper, I can tell in your language and neg reps. Disgust, otherwise known as "loathing" is a form of hatred. I'm sorry you're in this state.

I don't even know what your claim is about Canyon Ridge. You brought it up out of thin air. You've provided a couple of links that don't show much of anything except that you're a loon.

Yes, I do loathe you. Did I neg rep you today? I think you're probably lying, but I neg rep you frequently, just on basic principle, because I neg rep liars..so maybe I did. But it has nothing to do with anger. It's just disgust.

If it makes you feel powerful to think of yourself as evoking *anger* then by all means, carry on. But per usual, you're just lying.

I don't feel powerful or enjoy your anger or anyone elses, including my own.

I'm sorry that you are filled with such hate for me.

All I've done is offer another opinion.
I posted THREE references to the Canyon Ridge story, showing THREE different positions they had on Martin Ssempa.

Just because you didn't bother to read them doesn't make ME a liar.

I completey backed up my claim about Canyon Ridge and Martin Ssempa. You have made excuses for this church. I'm sorry to see that. That's on you.

You have lost your temper, I can tell in your language and neg reps. Disgust, otherwise known as "loathing" is a form of hatred. I'm sorry you're in this state.

I don't even know what your claim is about Canyon Ridge. You brought it up out of thin air. You've provided a couple of links that don't show much of anything except that you're a loon.

Yes, I do loathe you. Did I neg rep you today? I think you're probably lying, but I neg rep you frequently, just on basic principle, because I neg rep liars..so maybe I did. But it has nothing to do with anger. It's just disgust.

If it makes you feel powerful to think of yourself as evoking *anger* then by all means, carry on. But per usual, you're just lying.

I don't feel powerful or enjoy your anger or anyone elses, including my own.

I'm sorry that you are filled with such hate for me.

All I've done is offer another opinion.
Ummmm, she said nothing of hate. You did.

You are so pathetic that you have to make shit up to be victimized.
Yes, I have. Many times.

But you hear everything through your weird filter, so I don't doubt you don't even know you're lying when you say that.
I don't even know what your claim is about Canyon Ridge. You brought it up out of thin air. You've provided a couple of links that don't show much of anything except that you're a loon.

Yes, I do loathe you. Did I neg rep you today? I think you're probably lying, but I neg rep you frequently, just on basic principle, because I neg rep liars..so maybe I did. But it has nothing to do with anger. It's just disgust.

If it makes you feel powerful to think of yourself as evoking *anger* then by all means, carry on. But per usual, you're just lying.

I don't feel powerful or enjoy your anger or anyone elses, including my own.

I'm sorry that you are filled with such hate for me.

All I've done is offer another opinion.
Ummmm, she said nothing of hate. You did.

You are so pathetic that you have to make shit up to be victimized.

She's said "loathe" and "disgust", both are synonyms for hate.

As much as you'd like me to feel victimized, I don't. I feel sorry for someone who loathes a perfect stranger and is disgusted by alternative views.

I'd take up another activity if I were Allie. Sad.

I don't enjoy anger. It appears you girls do.
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I prematurely praised her for not playing the victim card, silly me.

What are you talking about Allie? You've never praised me in your life.
Yes, she did. As did I.

Both Allie and I did so prematurely.

But, I have no doubt you missed it because it didn't suit your need to be a victim.

Or, who knows? Maybe you DID see it and it scared you, so you reverted back to your mealy-mouthed bullshit passive-aggression.
I prematurely praised her for not playing the victim card, silly me.

What are you talking about Allie? You've never praised me in your life.
Yes, she did. As did I.

Both Allie and I did so prematurely.

But, I have no doubt you missed it because it didn't suit your need to be a victim.

Or, who knows? Maybe you DID see it and it scared you, so you reverted back to your mealy-mouthed bullshit passive-aggression.

I didn't see either of you praise me. What post numbers?

It's interesting how you make up your own reasons that I missed it.

Enjoy that, I guess. Whatever floats your boat.

I'd rather make friends than entertain enemies.
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Give me your email address, and I'll send you all 20 years' worth of AF Form 910, Enlisted Performance Reports. You'll understand if I remove my SSN and last name, because I have absolutely no reason to trust you.

Nor should you, but this should be interesting. I doubt that you'll ever follow through, but I'll PM you an email address you can use.
You really shouldn't doubt me when I say I'll do something. You just wind up looking silly.
I sent you the email, so you can stop talking and start doing.

davey said:
By the way, the reason I don't do the same kind of thing has nothing to do with any lack of accomplishments. It has to do with the fact that who and what I am have NOTHING to do with the truth or falsehood of any statements I make. If you can't debunk something I say, that statement isn't devalued when someone attacks me personally. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get over themselves. Growing up would be a good start.
I grew up a long time ago. That's when I became a conservative.
Anyone who thinks it's impossible for grown-up individuals to be anything other than conservative is delusional. Delusional individuals aren't grown up.

davey said:
I keep asking about your accomplishments because you demand respect.
I do not. I demand only civility - except of course in places like the Flame Zone, where you fail miserably.

davey said:
You confuse your opinions with fact.
I guarantee you can't point to one instance of this in the political forums.

davey said:
You think you're smarter than other people.
And you don't? Why the double standard?

davey said:
And so far, it's all because you're a liberal.
What you think my ideology is is moot, since I've already proved you wrong.

davey said:
That's simply not good enough.
Difference in politics don't give you license to act like a complete boor whenever you feel like it. Everyone else here knows that, except for a handful of zealots. So if my demand for civility isn't good enough for you, too bad.
You aren't a perfect stranger.

I told you, I loathe liars, I loathe hypocrites.

If you are one, then I loathe you.

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