Zone1 If Jesus Is God In The Flesh Then How Could He Be His Son?

God apparently chose to experience human life AS a human. So, he arranged for the Virgin Mary to become pregnant while remaining a virgin (God has awesome powers) so that she could give birth to God’s living Son.

If we acknowledge that God is all powerful, then there is no reason to say that He can’t divide Himself into His Own Son and His own Holy Spirit, simultaneously. Is there?
I have seen Catholics pray to Saints. That is idolatry. I have seen graven images of that Carpenter. Same thing.

If you're willing to learn, here's the Orthodox perspective:

Nope it doesn't because the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit are all one God.
Well ,I am not Christian. And this is Hannuka. So enjoy your Holidays ,whatever they are. It is almost Sundown ,so I have to prepare some foods. 'Nite.
Sorry, but I thought that that was what the Catholic religion was about as well.
Why would anyone worship a Saint?

There is not enough time in the day for Catholics to worship everything non-Catholic Christians say we worship. God is enough for us.

Think of Saints as kind of a Hall of Fame. We can admire or respect their attributes (some of them), but that is far from worship. We like them. And if 'like' is synonymous for worship, then we may just as well be accused of worshiping our parents, friends, and colleagues. Hmm, those who like themselves can be accused of self-worship.
That's another thing that doesn't make sense. I was just told not too long ago that what I used to believe that Jesus was God's actual son was wrong and that He was just called the Son of God because He was born from the Holy Spirit.
I have heard it explained several ways. The first is that Jesus has two natures--one human and one divine. His divine nature is one with the Creator (and Creator is Father). His human nature embraces his
Creator as Father. He seems to include all who worship God as Creator as sons and daughters of the Creator, the Almighty. He doesn't reserve that just for himself.
If we acknowledge that God is all powerful, then there is no reason to say that He can’t divide Himself into His Own Son and His own Holy Spirit, simultaneously. Is there?
A Pentecostal explanation uses a bubble as an analogy. A bubble contains air, or can be described as defining the air it encompasses. That air is remains a part of the entire atmosphere. They see Jesus as one with God in the same way. For a time his personhood was defined and marked by the usual human form and limitations, while he remained One with God, who is everywhere.
I have seen Catholics pray to Saints. That is idolatry.
You have seen Catholics ask others (even those who have passed on) to join them in prayer to God, our Father.

Have you never asked a living being to pray with you or for you? If you have, do you consider that idolatry? Or, do you firmly believe asking anyone to pray with you or for you IS idolatry and therefore it is fair to accuse Catholics of idolatry when they ask someone for prayers or to join them in prayer?
Then explain how He could heal the sick, raise the dead, walk on water,... Etc.
if he was the son of the true god and derived his power from his sure he was able to do things that would be pretty amazing to us....he did say he was not of this earth,did he not?...the most lessor of the Angels are far above us in what they can do....

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