Zone1 If Jesus Is God In The Flesh Then How Could He Be His Son?

It’s all a mystery so don’t be asking a lot of questions.
No mystery at all-- Jesus prays to his Father=John 17:3--This means eternal life, their knowing you( Father) THE ONLY TRUE GOD and the one whom you sent forth Christ Jesus.

2 major truths found here--1) The Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD Jesus taught,--2) The only true God sent another named Jesus as a mortal. God did not come to earth.
It takes believing Jesus, few will. They believe errors translated in over Jesus.
There is no flesh with the Godhood.
Jesus is not his son, in the sense that a human has a son.
They use the term for understanding.
In other writings, not in the Bible, it is written that Jesus is a trusted high God in the Godhood.
One that the one true God himself consults with and listens to.

also the English language might not be as descriptive as the Hebrew or Greek. Just some nuance might make a difference in understanding
This isn't scripture though. The Bible says that Jesus was both fully God and fully man.

maybe fully God in the power that resided within him at the time, but also fully man in the human experience, including the weaknesses that all humans have .
Do you think the spirit that is Jesus was in the infants body when it was an infant?
It just didn't say or do anything for years?
It is all hypothetical. The Bible doesn't sit there and include 20 pages of how it all worked.
But how could it possibly make sense that Jesus, a spiritual being with vastly more intelligence and powers than we do, just hung out in a childs body without the ability to speak etc.
People want "God" to be limited by language. They ignore that it would only be possible for humans to use verbiage in metaphor and parable in order to discuss the matter. By taking themselves literally, they obfuscate what should be obvious.
Then how do you explain Jesus? We're celebrating His birth this upcoming weekend, of course He was made out of flesh.

Considering the fact that people didn't know about DNA back then it's impossible to ever know or trace and who knows? His DNA might possibly have been different. Especially since He was born sinless unlike the rest of us, but His blood appeared to still be the same though.
Jesus was not created in flesh.

John 8:58
“Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

He merely took on flesh later on as he lowered himself to our level

Psalm 8:4: “What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” (ESV). Then verse 5 reads, “Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor”

Jesus said he sits at the right hand of God, and as such, clearly not lower than the angels.

But the Trinity thing is like us, body, soul, spirit.
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The title, "God" is used for all three members of the Godhead, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, separately and collectively. God the Father presides over the other two in the Godhead. God the Son and God the Holy Ghost only do that which the Father would have them do. They are separate and distinct beings but as a Godhead, they are one true God. Jesus Christ is the firstborn spirit child of God the Father and the Only Begotten Son of the Father in the flesh. Jesus was chosen, before the creation of this earth, to be a member of the Godhead and to be the Savior of the world. God the Father could not be the Savior of the World because He could not lay down his life for us since he is an immortal being with a body of flesh and bones. He cannot lay down his immortal body. Jesus on the other hand, was a personage of spirit before coming to this earth and through being part mortal through Mary, he was able to lay down his life for us. Now that Jesus has resurrected, He too, like the Father, has an immortal body of flesh and bones.
not true. You have at least 3 persons, as it were, inside you.. your mental self, your emotional self and your spiritual self

that does not mean you are 3 different persons..

Nonsense. Everyone has one mind, one brain, where all thoughts, desires, dreams, emotions, fears, perceptions of life, spiritual or otherwise, are experienced and temporarily seated.

There is no such thing as three selves in one person unless, of course, you are mentally ill, which, btw, is the type of sickness that Jesus cured.

You worship Mithras who was one equal part of a trinity that was 'celebrated' long before Jesus was born, long before Christianity was assimilated and perverted by Rome. The secret 'mystery religion' of the Roman government and military, an anti female religion whose priesthood consisted of celibate men only that "vanished" when Roman Catholicism began.


* Mithraism professed a belief in a trinity godhead comprised of Mithras (divine god of truth), Rashnu (divine god of justice, judgement and righteousness), Vohu Manah (divine spirit of enlightenment). These three persons were separate yet they were one.
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show me bible about veneration? ill wait.
Show me in the Bible where it says the only thing we should ever do to hear from our Lord is read the Bible.. guess we can ditch prayer..

I'll wait

In fact it says in the Bible that if everything Jesus said and did were to be written down, all the books in the world could not contain it all or something to that effect.

But if you are going to persist in hating Catholics and/or Catholicism just bc you don't u/stand it..

I'm freaking done..

You should be able to see this....

You might find it humorous.

Good thing God has a sense of humor,.. that was flipping hilarious dude, and if I wind up in Hell for thinking that's funny then so be it. :auiqs.jpg:(Although Jesus doesn't have a spoiled attitude like that, but I couldn't find any lies other than that. XD And I really don't think that I'm going to Hell for laughing at it. :) )

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