Zone1 If Jesus Is God In The Flesh Then How Could He Be His Son?

not true. You have at least 3 persons, as it were, inside you.. your mental self, your emotional self and your spiritual self

that does not mean you are 3 different persons..
Nope. This "Trinity" infers that God himself is three beings.
You have seen Catholics ask others (even those who have passed on) to join them in prayer to God, our Father.

Have you never asked a living being to pray with you or for you? If you have, do you consider that idolatry? Or, do you firmly believe asking anyone to pray with you or for you IS idolatry and therefore it is fair to accuse Catholics of idolatry when they ask someone for prayers or to join them in prayer?
Ever heard of Graven Images? Commandment 2. Praying to images of "Saints" is idolatry.
Ever heard of Graven Images? Commandment 2. Praying to images of "Saints" is idolatry.
Idolatry is the belief a graven image has the power of what is engraved. For example, a "lucky rabbit's foot" or a "lucky penny" is a graven image, expecting the foot or the penny to effect some result.

On the other hand, the graven images on the Ark of the Covenant had the intent of drawing the eye to see beyond the engraved angels to the inward reality. The images of Christ, Mary, Joseph, and the saints are not objects that bring luck. They are there to draw reflection to the reality of Christ and to the reality of the lives Mary, Joseph, and the saints lived. The obedience of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph; the strength of faith of the Saints.

Only the blind see objects as a thing to worship or a thing that brings luck. Those who Christ has given sight are drawn to the deep reality of what is being portrayed, and at its very center, God among us, God in our midst.

Be healed of blindness; open your eyes; see the reality. What you currently see as "praying to images" is a gross misrepresentation of communication between God and His people. Shame on you. At least have some respect.
Is God not big enough to be in 2 places at once?

He doesn't have a body like humans do. Also, Padre Pio (human) was able to be in 2 places at once (bi-locating) but his body remained in one..

Jesus said "I and the Father are one" so yeh.. Jesus is God (also fully man)
They are one the same way God says a husband and wife are one

No, they are two different issues

"God" is a kind of Spirit being. My last name is "Brown". My father was a "Brown"

There is God the Father and the other. The Logos.

The Logos became the Son when He was born human.

He told you the Father was greater than He, but He is still God.

The One who was born Jesus was the Word (the Logos) .

He is called that because HE was the one who SPOKE the universe into existence. He is the One who created Adam and Eve.

He is the ONE who spoke to Moses in the burning bush.

He came to REVEAL the Father. No one knew the Father until Jesus REVEALD Him

Every scholar on earth-Hebrew and christian knows God inspired his name in his written word in 7000 places-Every spot of OT where-GOD or LORD all capitols is( nearly 6800 spots) and Nt where the OT is quoted and the name belongs. Removed by those fearing to take his name in vain by satans will. Because only the wicked fear taking his name in vain, the righteous dont. Thus all using those altered translations are being mislead into supporting satans will over Gods will who inspired it in all those spots because he wants it there.

The prime example of the misleading being done is this--Joel 2:31-32--Those who call on the name of YHWH(Jehovah) will be saved--quoted2 x in the NT-Acts 2:21, and Romans- 10:13--but in altered translations LORD or Lord is at all 3 spots--so when 1 Cor 8:6 teaches there is one Lord-Jesus--those will call on the name Jesus to be saved when in Reality it is YHWH(Jehovah) one must call on. Then they say because God is called LORD in their OT Jesus is YHWH(Jehovah) and it is not truth. The Father is YHWH(Jehovah)
Idolatry is the belief a graven image has the power of what is engraved. For example, a "lucky rabbit's foot" or a "lucky penny" is a graven image, expecting the foot or the penny to effect some result.

On the other hand, the graven images on the Ark of the Covenant had the intent of drawing the eye to see beyond the engraved angels to the inward reality. The images of Christ, Mary, Joseph, and the saints are not objects that bring luck. They are there to draw reflection to the reality of Christ and to the reality of the lives Mary, Joseph, and the saints lived. The obedience of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph; the strength of faith of the Saints.

Only the blind see objects as a thing to worship or a thing that brings luck. Those who Christ has given sight are drawn to the deep reality of what is being portrayed, and at its very center, God among us, God in our midst.

Be healed of blindness; open your eyes; see the reality. What you currently see as "praying to images" is a gross misrepresentation of communication between God and His people. Shame on you. At least have some respect.
Por Que? I am not Christian. Just stating how I feel personally. If Christians want to believe that Carpenter /Fisherman was the Messiah ,that is fine.
Por Que? I am not Christian. Just stating how I feel personally. If Christians want to believe that Carpenter /Fisherman was the Messiah ,that is fine.
Charging people of faith with worshiping idols is not only offensive, but nasty.

I learned at a very young age that Jesus is not the messiah the Jews are on watch for. That messiah has a different mission and a different occupation. Jesus noted several times he is not that messiah. That messiah was not foretold until after King David, whereas Jesus said a prophesy pointing to him dated back to Exodus.

Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God was within the reach of everyone, that he was the way, the truth, and the light of that narrow path. I could not care less about some earthly ruler. However great any ruler is, they don't touch the personal lives of the vast majority of the people, certainly not mine. God does. He is among us, in our midst. I understand Jews look forward to their earthly ruler, and as that means so much to them, I wish them the best. I'll stay with the kingdom of God because when one is that close to God, an earthly ruler--no matter how good--cannot come close to that blessing.
Charging people of faith with worshiping idols is not only offensive, but nasty.

I learned at a very young age that Jesus is not the messiah the Jews are on watch for. That messiah has a different mission and a different occupation. Jesus noted several times he is not that messiah. That messiah was not foretold until after King David, whereas Jesus said a prophesy pointing to him dated back to Exodus.

Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God was within the reach of everyone, that he was the way, the truth, and the light of that narrow path. I could not care less about some earthly ruler. However great any ruler is, they don't touch the personal lives of the vast majority of the people, certainly not mine. God does. He is among us, in our midst. I understand Jews look forward to their earthly ruler, and as that means so much to them, I wish them the best. I'll stay with the kingdom of God because when one is that close to God, an earthly ruler--no matter how good--cannot come close to that blessing.
Oh ,well. I Wash my Hands of this conversation.
His actual son I mean, not a son of the spirit.

There is no human way to explain it. But oddly, science confirms it more and more, as string theory and parallel universes and etc make the impossible seem more and more possible all the time.

To me it seems perfectly incomprehensible and yet--somehow--perfectly sensible too. We are the only religion that claims "God is love" and yet has an object to love. A single God cannot love--what is He loving? Love requires an object.
There is no human way to explain it. But oddly, science confirms it more and more, as string theory and parallel universes and etc make the impossible seem more and more possible all the time.

To me it seems perfectly incomprehensible and yet--somehow--perfectly sensible too. We are the only religion that claims "God is love" and yet has an object to love. A single God cannot love--what is He loving? Love requires an object.
Good point, though at the same time this continues to demonstrate the pointed limitations of verbiage.
We claim to humbly describe the Creator Of All, yet vaunt ourselves in saying what can and can't be true about this One beyond our human capacities to conceive.
All and everything that appears in these "Holy" books can never be more than metaphor tailored to our limited capacities of conception and perception.
Well ,I am not Christian. And this is Hannuka. So enjoy your Holidays ,whatever they are. It is almost Sundown ,so I have to prepare some foods. 'Nite.
If you like, I'd be happy to misstate your religious beliefs. :rolleyes:

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