If LAPD killer on the loose was Al-Qaeda would you take him out via drone?

If LAPD killer on the loose was Al-qaeda would you take him out via drone?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters
Yes, if he posed an intimate threat. If he could be captured, no. Do you really, really want the police to start shooting first and letting God sort them out? EVERY arrest comes at a risk. Certainly this man seems to be guilty but the court of the MSM is NOT due process.

Besides, even to use a predator there would have to be extreme precautions. Such as he is not in a restaurant as was the 16 year American Obama killed.

Since predator missiles are only used by our military the Constitution prohibits the use of the military against US citizen, so again no.

Your question is simplistic BS in my opinion.
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There must be a sniper somewhere that could get the job done effectively, if he couldn't be taken alive.

By the picture I saw of him he is a big man who would seemingly have a problem hiding in a snow storm.
Here is the shooters manifesto, quite long but, other then being out of his mind, written intelligently in my opinon.

Here is part of what he said:

The Violence of action will be HIGH. I am the reason TAC alert was established. I will bring unconventional and asymmetrical warfare to those in LAPD uniform whether on or off duty. ISR is my strength and your weakness. You will now live the life of the prey. Your RD’s and homes away from work will be my AO and battle space. I will utilize every tool within INT collections that I learned from NMITC in Dam Neck. You have misjudged a sleeping giant. There is no conventional threat assessment for me. JAM, New Ba’ath party, 1920 rev BGE, ACM, AAF, AQAP, AQIM and AQIZ have nothing on me. Do not deploy airships or gunships. SA-7 Manpads will be waiting. As you know I also own Barrett .50′s so your APC are defunct and futile.

Christopher Dorner Manifesto (Uncensored) «
This is the reason you don't just simplistically say yes kill American citizens with predator missles:

Trigger happy cops shoot up two vehicles unrelated to Christopher Dorner «

If you live in Southern California and own any kind of vehicle that resembles Christopher Dorner’s truck, I suggest you stay indoors. Otherwise, cops will just unload a hail of bullets on you like they did today in Torrance. Two vehicles were shot up. One of the trucks was occupied by two women delivering newspapers. One of which, was shot in the back.
If he were plotting terrorist attacks from a hostile nation I would
If he were plotting terrorist attacks from a hostile nation I would

How about a 16 year old American eating dinner who hadn't seen his father in 2 years? What difference does it make what country the person is in????
There must be a sniper somewhere that could get the job done effectively, if he couldn't be taken alive.

Whats the difference, except the bullet is a few million dollars cheaper than a bullet?

The point being, should you eliminate the threat as soon as possible or not?
If he were plotting terrorist attacks from a hostile nation I would

How about a 16 year old American eating dinner who hadn't seen his father in 2 years? What difference does it make what country the person is in????

Tell me you're a "Showtime Homeland" fan? How do you know it wasn't a righteous hit? There are AQ recruits going over there for "training" all the time. Was he becoming a bomb-maker? He obviously wasn't working with the CIA. He should have cut a deal first.
Yes, if he posed an intimate threat. If he could be captured, no. Do you really, really want the police to start shooting first and letting God sort them out? EVERY arrest comes at a risk. Certainly this man seems to be guilty but the court of the MSM is NOT due process.

Besides, even to use a predator there would have to be extreme precautions. Such as he is not in a restaurant as was the 16 year American Obama killed.

Since predator missiles are only used by our military the Constitution prohibits the use of the military against US citizen, so again no.

Your question is simplistic BS in my opinion.

If he were Al Qaeda he would be an enemy combatant and a legitimate military target.
If he were plotting terrorist attacks from a hostile nation I would

How about a 16 year old American eating dinner who hadn't seen his father in 2 years? What difference does it make what country the person is in????

Tell me you're a "Showtime Homeland" fan? How do you know it wasn't a righteous hit? There are AQ recruits going over there for "training" all the time. Was he becoming a bomb-maker? He obviously wasn't working with the CIA. He should have cut a deal first.

The real truth is that neither of us know, he was killed without due process THAT is how Americans are supposed to be found guilty, unless they are a direct intimate threat. I guess we are now officially 1984. Kill them all and let God (Obama) sort them out.

Let's face the facts, even the Huffy Post said that Gibbs excuse was impeachable. The truth is no one cares.
Yes, if he posed an intimate threat. If he could be captured, no. Do you really, really want the police to start shooting first and letting God sort them out? EVERY arrest comes at a risk. Certainly this man seems to be guilty but the court of the MSM is NOT due process.

Besides, even to use a predator there would have to be extreme precautions. Such as he is not in a restaurant as was the 16 year American Obama killed.

Since predator missiles are only used by our military the Constitution prohibits the use of the military against US citizen, so again no.

Your question is simplistic BS in my opinion.

If he were Al Qaeda he would be an enemy combatant and a legitimate military target.

And who decides if he were or not?
You people are hilarious, making it sound like AQ is any force, they were few people in 3rd world countries. This thread proves how paranoid people are.
If America was the same kind of field of battle as Afghanistan or Iraq, maybe someone like Dorner could be taken out by a military exercise. Then again maybe it is, maybe we're more like Syria than we care to admit. Maybe it's just time to admit it.
If Dorner were being shielded by a hostile government and was plotting terrorist actions from an area we could not touch him....

I have no qualms with shoving a hellfire missile up his ass

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