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If MLK were alive today the rightwingers would call his a race hustler

You took it from me long time ago, goof boy, but you can't even remember.

Hey, hop over to the coffee shop, Mr. Ringel has a good song for the day. Have a good one.
I am right of center, you are a far right wack reactionary and no conservative. There it is. :lol:
The hard right, the New Right, the reactionaries: they are all wack quacks. :lol:
Jackson and Sharpton do a lot of things that King did in the civil rights movement, maybe not 100% but nevertheless they did some very similar things. Today, any African Americans who stands up against racism against minorities and doesn't fall within the rightwing spectrum politically is called a race hustler. When Larry Elder makes a book called "Stupid Black Men and how to play the race card" the rightwingers don't see that as "race hustling" since Elder is a black rightwinger, if Jackson or Sharpton criticizes racism they're race hustlers. King, with his record of fighting against racism would be called a race hustler by today's rightwingers.

Well, there's a couple things to point at here...

First, your entire premise is based off nothing but an assumption. Specifically, that Martin Luther King Jr. would be fighting the exact same fight, in the exact same manner, in the same intensity as he did in the 1960's if he were alive in the climate today.

While in no way, shape, or form would I dare say that racism is gone from our country it would be an absolute falsehood to suggest that we're anywhere near a similar situation as we were at when Mr. King was speaking. Where as Sharpton and Jackson fight with a fervor one would expect for a 1960's civil rights crusader, there would be a possability that Luther could see the world today and feel a different tact could be taken to make the progress than was needed in 1960.

King seems the type that would have reasonable and honest understanding regarding the differences between the 60's and today. I think, more so than Jackson or Sharpton, King could and would acknowledge the many advances we've made and the good that's been done equally with combatting the issues still there. I think King would still have issues with incidents of police brutality, but would not so desire to disrespect those that came before by comparing the isolated incidents of today to the widespread systematic actions of yesterday.

Second, your premise is based off the notion that Luther is similar in style and view as the people like Jackson and Sharpton. I can not imagine, for a second, either of those two saying the following quoted piece of text in an honest, truthful, and sincere way:

But there is something that I must say to my people, who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice: In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.

The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny. And they have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom.

We cannot walk alone.

The notion of having an issue with someone not being "authenticly black" seems foreign to King's views. The notion that we should vote for someone simply baesd on his race; or more specifically, that someone will or will not look after the interests of African Americans based singularly on race, again seems foreign to it. Where Jackson and Sharpton seemed focused singularly on making African-Americans better King seemed to be focused on true equality, on Blacks and Whites being equals and being brothers.

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.


I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.


-- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

Jackson and Sharpton speak largely as dividers, seeking to prominence of their race more so than true equality. This is a striking difference from what it appears to be with King.

Thirdly, there's the base level of sincerity present. Jackson and Sharpton's lack of sincerity, their honest desire to truly fight for equality rather than just hype themselves up, self-promote, and push singularly for the advancement of their race all play into the view of them. Quite on the flip side, King gives off the impression that he is truly sincere in his struggles, doing it not for his own ego, self-interest, or singularly for "negros" but rather doing it out of a sense that it is right for America as a whole and beneficial to all people to strive for a place of equality between blacks and whites. This is evident in a variety of ways, largest of which perhaps the rhetoric and actions compared between the two.

Would King be massively well loved by the right of today if he was still alive? Probably not by many, because he'd likely still be very liberal and ideology on many issues there would be disagreements. However, I do not in any way believe he'd be lumped in with the Jackson's and Sharpton's of the world...rather, I could see him being much like a Democratic Colin Powel, an individual that the other side disagrees with and doesn't exactly loves but does respect.
You live in a FANTASY world. Clearly you haven'ta clue of who MLK, Jesse nor Sharpton was, is and/or stood for.

RW propaganda at its finest I tell ya.



The MLK that's never quoted - YouTube

That King above would scare the hell out of whites today.

I'd Dr. King over Al and Jesse any day of the week.

To me it doesn't matter, anyone who is doing the right thing for the people I'm for them, but I'm more of a Malcolm X-Fred Hampton type, but I love a lot of what King stood for and its a shame that most people don't because they think he was a docile man. Sharpton and Jackson have their faults, but I'm not against them.

The MLK that's never quoted - YouTube

That King above would scare the hell out of whites today.

To me it doesn't matter, anyone who is doing the right thing for the people I'm for them, but I'm more of a Malcolm X-Fred Hampton type, but I love a lot of what King stood for and its a shame that most people don't because they think he was a docile man. Sharpton and Jackson have their faults, but I'm not against them.

What was scary about that?

Im white and have no issue with what he said, especially considering the context of the racial conditions in the country when he said it.

He actually just motivated me to stand taller on my convictions and to be proud of them regardless of what some ignorant people might think and say.

Well maybe you wouldn't but to a lot of whites, that kind of speech would scare them. Of course this is MLK saying this and since the media has watered him down since his death he doesn't seem scary, but let Malcolm X say that and then there's fear.
EXACTLY! Just see how they STILL define, label and condemn Malcolm for being a racist and trouble maker. Despite the evidence to the contrary, not considering the anti-black climate of the time.

Just like I stated in another thread about Obama, using the Jackie Robinson/Satchell Paig anology, white can only accept docile blacks. Period. They were that way back then, and they are that way today.

All others are racists, and other synonyms, in their minds.

Sad but true.
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I think more white people are open minded now, back than if me or you moved into a white neighborhood we would be harassed, attacked and have crosses burned in our yards on a daily basis, my parents marriage would not even be recognized.

There's been a small measure of "progress," kind of like what Malcolm X said, when a 12 inch knife is pulled out only 6 inches the knife isn't as deep but still there and even if it was yanked out its going to leave a scar. I know black people today who have bought homes in affluent neighborhood full of whites who have had police pull up to their house to ask them what are they doing in that neighborhood or the people in that neighborhood have called police on them to report "suspicious" people in their neighborhood, there's a lot of work that needs to be done.

Oh I agree 100%, we are not there yet and there is alot of work that needs to be done however I am sure things are definently better now than they were in the 1960s.
Whoever said, or implied, that things were NOT better now than in the 1960s?

That's better than what they used to call him when he was alive. They used to call him a Communist, Un American, racist...

Kinda like what they call Obama

Go query what Strom Thurmond use to call MLK. Or J. Edgar Hoover. Or . . .

Before he had him and Malcolm X assassinated LBJ called MLK 'that ****** preacher"

Translation: I had no real come back worthy of relevance now I will just attack and act like a spoiled, bratty teenager that says "Dad I hate you" when proven wrong.
You'd have a point if you'd actually proven me wrong.

You judge people by the color of their skin. Try to justify it all you want, but Dr. King didn't want that.

Further, no one is keeping you down. Any problems in your life are your own fault.

...says the guy that screams the govt is preventing Americans / Business / Economy from doing great. That is a hoot!


And lets stop pretending that MLK would be against Affirmative Action. He also recognized that the playing field between whites and blacks were not the same field. He also said "It’s all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps."

He was talking about the lack of opportunity that blacks have in the free market. So stop pretending

This thread is proving again and again that many people don't know jack about MLK, its all good. I even posted quotes of his that people seem to just ignore which show that he did and would support affirmative action type programs and with the problems in black America today he still would be very active and involved with fighting injustice, there's no way he would be sitting down saying the fight is over.
The only MLK that white folk, some of them, are concerned with is the one that they see in "I Have a Dream" speeches and the one that preached nonviolence which these same whites mistake for being docile, they don't understand that King's nonviolence stance exposed racist white America for the brutes they were at that time as well as their hypocrisy when they called Malcolm X "violent" for advocating self defense.
The only MLK that white folk, some of them, are concerned with is the one that they see in "I Have a Dream" speeches and the one that preached nonviolence which these same whites mistake for being docile, they don't understand that King's nonviolence stance exposed racist white America for the brutes they were at that time as well as their hypocrisy when they called Malcolm X "violent" for advocating self defense.

Note how they ALL call Malcolm a racist, simply for choosing and advocating NOT to be docile, but in fact to defend oneself and stand up for oneself by any means necessary.

Many on the LEFT also hold that view of Malcolm. Most can't fully defend it, but its a gut feeling they just can't seem to let go of. No matter what evidence is shown or given to them to the contrary.

Note that many of the USMBers, especially of the RW persuasion never cease in labeling me racist, simply for having a Malcolm avatar. They can't help themselves.

Race is powerful stuff IMO.
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The only MLK that white folk, some of them, are concerned with is the one that they see in "I Have a Dream" speeches and the one that preached nonviolence which these same whites mistake for being docile, they don't understand that King's nonviolence stance exposed racist white America for the brutes they were at that time as well as their hypocrisy when they called Malcolm X "violent" for advocating self defense.

Note how they ALL call Malcolm a racist, simply for choosing and advocating NOT to be docile, but in fact to defend oneself and stand up for oneself by any means necessary.

Many on the LEFT also hold that view of Malcolm. Most can't fully defend it, but its a gut feeling they just can't seem to let go of. No matter what evidence is shown or given to them to the contrary.

Note that many of the USMBers, especially of the RW persuasion never cease in labeling me racist, simply for having a Malcolm avatar. They can't help themselves.

Race is powerful stuff IMO.

These guys know nothing about Malcolm X and MLK, nothing, they're been tricked by mass media and the education system and simply out right ignore facts when posted.
Malcolm Ex-Lax uses Malcolm X's image as his avie, and on that basis the world is supposed to assume that Malcom Ex-Lax is a spokesman (of some kind) for the Black perspective.

The Basshole is just a bigot. And yet he seems to imagine that anybody will take his words seriously when HE discusses MLK.

2 Delusional bastards.
In this video MLK calls himself militant and talks about riots and his position on the Black Panther Party. This is the MLK that no one has bothered to listen to:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvB5a9_XJ3I&feature=related]Martin Luther King Jr Interview (Part 3 of 3) - YouTube[/ame]

Notice how he says black people didn't create slavery and so forth and says people like the Black Panthers and other so called "violent" militants are basically the products of a racist society that has refused to address the race problem. This third part of a 3 part video sums up everything that I have said and a lot of the same things that Malcolm X before he was killed.
In this video MLK calls himself militant and talks about riots and his position on the Black Panther Party. This is the MLK that no one has bothered to listen to:

Martin Luther King Jr Interview (Part 3 of 3) - YouTube

Notice how he says black people didn't create slavery and so forth and says people like the Black Panthers and other so called "violent" militants are basically the products of a racist society that has refused to address the race problem. This third part of a 3 part video sums up everything that I have said and a lot of the same things that Malcolm X before he was killed.

He spoke of his commitment to non violence and his militancy was non violent militancy.

Your effort to distort is particularly odd in light of the fact that the tape is right in front of us.

You remain unpersuasive and ignorant, but at least you are a true dope, Basshole.
Malcolm Ex-Lax uses Malcolm X's image as his avie, and on that basis the world is supposed to assume that Malcom Ex-Lax is a spokesman (of some kind) for the Black perspective.

The Basshole is just a bigot. And yet he seems to imagine that anybody will take his words seriously when HE discusses MLK.

2 Delusional bastards.

See what I mean?

It's just a gut feeling you see. They just can't help themselves.
CrusaderFrank is a fucking moonbat. Good heavens. And for the n-word preacher, give us a good, objective source, CF. You can't do it. You are a loony.
Malcolm Ex-Lax uses Malcolm X's image as his avie, and on that basis the world is supposed to assume that Malcom Ex-Lax is a spokesman (of some kind) for the Black perspective.

The Basshole is just a bigot. And yet he seems to imagine that anybody will take his words seriously when HE discusses MLK.

2 Delusional bastards.

See what I mean?

It's just a gut feeling you see. They just can't help themselves.

That's what is called a non denial denial.

You lack a whole lot of cred there child.

See what I mean?

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