If more guns makes a country safer

Just like you will be more likely to get killed in your own car, or get killed in your own swimming pool.

You people on the left are constantly telling us how drugs should be legal, and for those that kill themselves with the drugs, that's their problem. But when it comes to guns, make guns illegal so you don't irresponsibly accidentally kill yourself with it.
True someone can go on a rampage and throw bunch of pills and kill dozens.
Dude the world is laughing at you, more guns more deaths.....why are you so thick ?

When a person sells another drugs, it kills other people.
Apples and oranges. How can one use the drugs in a moment of anger to harm others like guns?
Because of millions of guns in the US there are thousands of deaths, school shootings, domestic homicides and so much more than other countries with less or no guns ? How did i know , I've lived in one and visited many with hardly any guns.
In some countries a gun incident is a national news story for days, in the US is a meh!!!

We also have a high amount of auto deaths compared to other countries as well, because we have more automobiles than all the others. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

If you take a nice safe middle-class suburb, write a law that all residents must own a firearm, their murder rate won't change one iota. Now go to a high crime lower income neighborhood, and make all guns illegal there. Their murder rate will continue to be high.

If you take away guns, they'll use cars. Take away cars, they'll use bombs. Take away bombs, they'll use clubs. Take away clubs, they'll use knives.

After murder rate passes NYC, London Mayor Sadiq Khan calls for sharper knife control

Funny you should bring up NYC. It has one of the lowest Violent Crime Rates in the Nation including Violent Gun Crimes. With a rate of 2.4 per 100K, that's right down there with MOST Rural areas. I already posted that cite on that so you can scream "Cite, Cite, Cite" til you are blue in the face on this one. You are just as likely to get shot and killed in upstate Vermont as you are in down town NYC. Next time, I suggest you pick another city when you go to spin a yarn that you haven't researched. Who knows, you might accidently get it right for a change.

The last bombing attempt was done by a Rightwinger and he sent pipe bombs to left wingers. he just didn't send the triggers with them so they didn't go off. Your Bomb crap is right up there with Election Fraud where the most likely Voter Fraud for 2016 and 2018 was done by Republican Party Members who were bagged with post election audits. You know, the thing that you Republicans want to underfund.

New York did see a reduction of crime, but that was mostly from Stop and Frisk which allowed police officers to stop people they suspected being illegally armed. It took a while, but now the word is on the street that policy has been reminded, and it's going in the opposite direction now.

we don’t allow people to buy assault weapons and wmds

I want my own WMD... that would be so cool.

we don’t allow people to buy assault weapons and wmds

I want my own WMD... that would be so cool.


What if I manufactured a gun that could cut everyone in a football stadium in half with one pull of the trigger? Would you want me to possess this weapon? And I will sell them to liberals only all across the country. Like you won't sell wedding cakes to gays, I won't sell you my gun. But I'll arm every liberal in America with one of these. You okay with that sparky?

Apples and oranges. How can one use the drugs in a moment of anger to harm others like guns?
Because of millions of guns in the US there are thousands of deaths, school shootings, domestic homicides and so much more than other countries with less or no guns ? How did i know , I've lived in one and visited many with hardly any guns.
In some countries a gun incident is a national news story for days, in the US is a meh!!!

We also have a high amount of auto deaths compared to other countries as well, because we have more automobiles than all the others. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

If you take a nice safe middle-class suburb, write a law that all residents must own a firearm, their murder rate won't change one iota. Now go to a high crime lower income neighborhood, and make all guns illegal there. Their murder rate will continue to be high.

If you take away guns, they'll use cars. Take away cars, they'll use bombs. Take away bombs, they'll use clubs. Take away clubs, they'll use knives.

After murder rate passes NYC, London Mayor Sadiq Khan calls for sharper knife control

Okay, we take your advice. All Citizens are required to be armed at all times. Welcome to 1870 and wonder why many Western Towns and Cities banned carrying firearms inside of City Limits in 1871. Yes, let's get rid of the Run Regulations, all of them. And require all Citizens to be armed at all times (that, in itself is gun regulations).

I can see it now. Sandbags all the way out to my Mailbox with the rest of the family having to give cover fire just so I can check my mail.

Of course that's the way it will be. Because people don't become evil on their own. They were otherwise taxpaying law abiding citizens; that was until they got a gun in their hands.

Once a person gets a gun in their hands, they become psycho. The run around shooting anything that moves, even commit mass murders. Without a gun, they would have just stayed home and watched old reruns of Columbo.

For the people that keep their sanity, the guns sneak out in the middle of the night and shoot people at random. The owner was irresponsible because he or she left their guns unlocked, and we all know what guns do when you don't restrict them from acting on their own.

I lived through similar stories in my state about sandbags to your mailbox. The left created these scenarios when we adopted CCW laws. They created them again when we allowed CCW holders to be armed in their vehicles. They did it again when we allowed CCW holders to carry in large public places like arenas or stadiums. They did it again when they predicted drunks shooting each other in the street because we allowed them to carry in places like Applebees where alcohol is served.

Guess what? None of their predictions ever came true.

Most won't go that direction. But some will. But the some will be enough to make it dangerous for the rest of us where our streets become shooting ranges. And as for predictions, welcome to history repeating itself.

And yet history has not repeated itself. Most (if not all states) have carry permits for guns, and that's been a growing trend for some time now. Even more states are catering to the victim instead of the attacker like many did years ago.

But with all these new carriers in public, all these new guns, gun and violent crime declined since the early 90's. The one interruption in that trend was the Ferguson Effect, where police gave up on being proactive in crime, and only went to people who had a complaint. But even that is old now and we're back on the decline.

Remember too how diverse of a country we are. If you take away the shootings and crimes involving guns with minorities, we are pretty much in line with many other countries who do have bans on guns. Proof positive that it's the people who are the problem, not the criminal tools they use for their crimes.

You do know you just shot yourself in the foot once again. You agreed that some firearm regulations are needed.
we don’t allow people to buy assault weapons and wmds

I want my own WMD... that would be so cool.


What if I manufactured a gun that could cut everyone in a football stadium in half with one pull of the trigger? Would you want me to possess this weapon? And I will sell them to liberals only all across the country. Like you won't sell wedding cakes to gays, I won't sell you my gun. But I'll arm every liberal in America with one of these. You okay with that sparky?


Why would you sell it only to liberals? Liberals are the reason we need to be armed in the first place. If we were ever to consider getting rid of guns, we'd have to get rid of liberals first.
We also have a high amount of auto deaths compared to other countries as well, because we have more automobiles than all the others. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

If you take a nice safe middle-class suburb, write a law that all residents must own a firearm, their murder rate won't change one iota. Now go to a high crime lower income neighborhood, and make all guns illegal there. Their murder rate will continue to be high.

If you take away guns, they'll use cars. Take away cars, they'll use bombs. Take away bombs, they'll use clubs. Take away clubs, they'll use knives.

After murder rate passes NYC, London Mayor Sadiq Khan calls for sharper knife control

Okay, we take your advice. All Citizens are required to be armed at all times. Welcome to 1870 and wonder why many Western Towns and Cities banned carrying firearms inside of City Limits in 1871. Yes, let's get rid of the Run Regulations, all of them. And require all Citizens to be armed at all times (that, in itself is gun regulations).

I can see it now. Sandbags all the way out to my Mailbox with the rest of the family having to give cover fire just so I can check my mail.

Of course that's the way it will be. Because people don't become evil on their own. They were otherwise taxpaying law abiding citizens; that was until they got a gun in their hands.

Once a person gets a gun in their hands, they become psycho. The run around shooting anything that moves, even commit mass murders. Without a gun, they would have just stayed home and watched old reruns of Columbo.

For the people that keep their sanity, the guns sneak out in the middle of the night and shoot people at random. The owner was irresponsible because he or she left their guns unlocked, and we all know what guns do when you don't restrict them from acting on their own.

I lived through similar stories in my state about sandbags to your mailbox. The left created these scenarios when we adopted CCW laws. They created them again when we allowed CCW holders to be armed in their vehicles. They did it again when we allowed CCW holders to carry in large public places like arenas or stadiums. They did it again when they predicted drunks shooting each other in the street because we allowed them to carry in places like Applebees where alcohol is served.

Guess what? None of their predictions ever came true.

Most won't go that direction. But some will. But the some will be enough to make it dangerous for the rest of us where our streets become shooting ranges. And as for predictions, welcome to history repeating itself.

And yet history has not repeated itself. Most (if not all states) have carry permits for guns, and that's been a growing trend for some time now. Even more states are catering to the victim instead of the attacker like many did years ago.

But with all these new carriers in public, all these new guns, gun and violent crime declined since the early 90's. The one interruption in that trend was the Ferguson Effect, where police gave up on being proactive in crime, and only went to people who had a complaint. But even that is old now and we're back on the decline.

Remember too how diverse of a country we are. If you take away the shootings and crimes involving guns with minorities, we are pretty much in line with many other countries who do have bans on guns. Proof positive that it's the people who are the problem, not the criminal tools they use for their crimes.

You do know you just shot yourself in the foot once again. You agreed that some firearm regulations are needed.

Yes I do, and we already have more regulations than are needed now. I don't think we need any more.

Democrats are not concerned about more regulations, Democrats are concerned with virtual confiscation; taking baby steps and baby steps to eventually make it so difficult to buy or own a gun that it would be impractical. That's why they want more regulations. It brings them closer to their goal.
we don’t allow people to buy assault weapons and wmds

I want my own WMD... that would be so cool.


What if I manufactured a gun that could cut everyone in a football stadium in half with one pull of the trigger? Would you want me to possess this weapon? And I will sell them to liberals only all across the country. Like you won't sell wedding cakes to gays, I won't sell you my gun. But I'll arm every liberal in America with one of these. You okay with that sparky?


Why would you sell it only to liberals? Liberals are the reason we need to be armed in the first place. If we were ever to consider getting rid of guns, we'd have to get rid of liberals first.

Funny, around here, the biggest threat is from the right wingers who are armed. About 50 feet away is a ultra right winger who is armed that gets my vote for the most unstable. He's a Rumpster all the way through. If Rump were to lose the election or were to be convicted for removal by the Senate and call for an armed response, he would be one of the first to respond. And guess what, I would be his first target. That means that he wouldn't fare too well in the exchange. Rumps Army would fall pretty quickly since they would be mostly be made up of fruitcakes that would wage direct war on anyone that they deem as Liberals. And that means anyone not fruitcakes like them. That means that many Conservatives will be targeted as well. Your idea that you will need to get rid of all the Liberal's guns means that anyone not a Rumpster needs to be disarmed. Shades of Tyranny on that one. And that hasn't worked out real well in the past for other groups of people either. So keep spewing your crap. But do us all a favor and don't follow through with it.
Okay, we take your advice. All Citizens are required to be armed at all times. Welcome to 1870 and wonder why many Western Towns and Cities banned carrying firearms inside of City Limits in 1871. Yes, let's get rid of the Run Regulations, all of them. And require all Citizens to be armed at all times (that, in itself is gun regulations).

I can see it now. Sandbags all the way out to my Mailbox with the rest of the family having to give cover fire just so I can check my mail.

Of course that's the way it will be. Because people don't become evil on their own. They were otherwise taxpaying law abiding citizens; that was until they got a gun in their hands.

Once a person gets a gun in their hands, they become psycho. The run around shooting anything that moves, even commit mass murders. Without a gun, they would have just stayed home and watched old reruns of Columbo.

For the people that keep their sanity, the guns sneak out in the middle of the night and shoot people at random. The owner was irresponsible because he or she left their guns unlocked, and we all know what guns do when you don't restrict them from acting on their own.

I lived through similar stories in my state about sandbags to your mailbox. The left created these scenarios when we adopted CCW laws. They created them again when we allowed CCW holders to be armed in their vehicles. They did it again when we allowed CCW holders to carry in large public places like arenas or stadiums. They did it again when they predicted drunks shooting each other in the street because we allowed them to carry in places like Applebees where alcohol is served.

Guess what? None of their predictions ever came true.

Most won't go that direction. But some will. But the some will be enough to make it dangerous for the rest of us where our streets become shooting ranges. And as for predictions, welcome to history repeating itself.

And yet history has not repeated itself. Most (if not all states) have carry permits for guns, and that's been a growing trend for some time now. Even more states are catering to the victim instead of the attacker like many did years ago.

But with all these new carriers in public, all these new guns, gun and violent crime declined since the early 90's. The one interruption in that trend was the Ferguson Effect, where police gave up on being proactive in crime, and only went to people who had a complaint. But even that is old now and we're back on the decline.

Remember too how diverse of a country we are. If you take away the shootings and crimes involving guns with minorities, we are pretty much in line with many other countries who do have bans on guns. Proof positive that it's the people who are the problem, not the criminal tools they use for their crimes.

You do know you just shot yourself in the foot once again. You agreed that some firearm regulations are needed.

Yes I do, and we already have more regulations than are needed now. I don't think we need any more.

Democrats are not concerned about more regulations, Democrats are concerned with virtual confiscation; taking baby steps and baby steps to eventually make it so difficult to buy or own a gun that it would be impractical. That's why they want more regulations. It brings them closer to their goal.

Tell me, am I concerned with more Regulations and confiscating every firearm? Am I a Liberal? Do I support making it absolutely difficult to purchase or own a gun? Is that my goal?
Look you Moron claiming your neighbor is nuts is well nuts. You keep making outrageous claims in this and any thread on weapons and when shown how moronic they are you double down on them. Tell ya what cupcake if you HONESTLY believe your neighbor is a threat REPORT him. And I don't mean anonymously on this board.
Look you Moron claiming your neighbor is nuts is well nuts. You keep making outrageous claims in this and any thread on weapons and when shown how moronic they are you double down on them. Tell ya what cupcake if you HONESTLY believe your neighbor is a threat REPORT him. And I don't mean anonymously on this board.

The last time I checked, there is no law against being a fruitcake. And we haven't any laws that we can arrest anyone for bad thoughts. Until he actually breaks a law, he just bears watching closely. Yah, I know, in the world you want to have, anyone not thinking exactly like you do should be arrested and sent to a special prison but not in the real world. Even a rightwing nutjob has the right to be a rightwing nutjob.
we don’t allow people to buy assault weapons and wmds

I want my own WMD... that would be so cool.


What if I manufactured a gun that could cut everyone in a football stadium in half with one pull of the trigger? Would you want me to possess this weapon? And I will sell them to liberals only all across the country. Like you won't sell wedding cakes to gays, I won't sell you my gun. But I'll arm every liberal in America with one of these. You okay with that sparky?


Why would you sell it only to liberals? Liberals are the reason we need to be armed in the first place. If we were ever to consider getting rid of guns, we'd have to get rid of liberals first.

Funny, around here, the biggest threat is from the right wingers who are armed. About 50 feet away is a ultra right winger who is armed that gets my vote for the most unstable. He's a Rumpster all the way through. If Rump were to lose the election or were to be convicted for removal by the Senate and call for an armed response, he would be one of the first to respond. And guess what, I would be his first target. That means that he wouldn't fare too well in the exchange. Rumps Army would fall pretty quickly since they would be mostly be made up of fruitcakes that would wage direct war on anyone that they deem as Liberals. And that means anyone not fruitcakes like them. That means that many Conservatives will be targeted as well. Your idea that you will need to get rid of all the Liberal's guns means that anyone not a Rumpster needs to be disarmed. Shades of Tyranny on that one. And that hasn't worked out real well in the past for other groups of people either. So keep spewing your crap. But do us all a favor and don't follow through with it.

I see you have a rich fantasy life. Comic fan?
Look you Moron claiming your neighbor is nuts is well nuts. You keep making outrageous claims in this and any thread on weapons and when shown how moronic they are you double down on them. Tell ya what cupcake if you HONESTLY believe your neighbor is a threat REPORT him. And I don't mean anonymously on this board.

The last time I checked, there is no law against being a fruitcake. And we haven't any laws that we can arrest anyone for bad thoughts. Until he actually breaks a law, he just bears watching closely. Yah, I know, in the world you want to have, anyone not thinking exactly like you do should be arrested and sent to a special prison but not in the real world. Even a rightwing nutjob has the right to be a rightwing nutjob.
Wrong if he displays irrational actions or threatening actions and has firearms there are in FACT laws about that. But then you are pretty stupid and prove it in these threads every time.Be specific for us and cite one wild west shoot out in the last 20 years that was perpetrated by a law abiding Conceal or open carry person in any State.
Look you Moron claiming your neighbor is nuts is well nuts. You keep making outrageous claims in this and any thread on weapons and when shown how moronic they are you double down on them. Tell ya what cupcake if you HONESTLY believe your neighbor is a threat REPORT him. And I don't mean anonymously on this board.

The last time I checked, there is no law against being a fruitcake. And we haven't any laws that we can arrest anyone for bad thoughts. Until he actually breaks a law, he just bears watching closely. Yah, I know, in the world you want to have, anyone not thinking exactly like you do should be arrested and sent to a special prison but not in the real world. Even a rightwing nutjob has the right to be a rightwing nutjob.
Wrong if he displays irrational actions or threatening actions and has firearms there are in FACT laws about that. But then you are pretty stupid and prove it in these threads every time.Be specific for us and cite one wild west shoot out in the last 20 years that was perpetrated by a law abiding Conceal or open carry person in any State.

Open carry is too easy. And there has only been one CCW incident by a retired Police Officer in a Theater. I am against open carry because allowing open carry without a license takes us back to 1871 and we don't need to be repeating history. And I don't need to be reciting incidents from public gatherings where idiots with open carries settles petty disputes with firearms either. That's been done to death. My time is worth more than that.

So far, only one incident by a CCW has been recorded and I think we can all live with that record. I am a proponent for Licensed and properly trained CCW. Let the bad guy wonder who is armed and who isn't. Keep 'em guessing. But I see too many problems with open carry. Just like that moron that, within 1 week of the El Paso Walmart Shooting waltzes into a Missouri Walmart packing an AR and the place goes into full panic. You can't tell the mass shooters from the normal (if that's the word for it) nutcases.

You want to make a statement? Write a letter to the Editor.
Look you Moron claiming your neighbor is nuts is well nuts. You keep making outrageous claims in this and any thread on weapons and when shown how moronic they are you double down on them. Tell ya what cupcake if you HONESTLY believe your neighbor is a threat REPORT him. And I don't mean anonymously on this board.

The last time I checked, there is no law against being a fruitcake. And we haven't any laws that we can arrest anyone for bad thoughts. Until he actually breaks a law, he just bears watching closely. Yah, I know, in the world you want to have, anyone not thinking exactly like you do should be arrested and sent to a special prison but not in the real world. Even a rightwing nutjob has the right to be a rightwing nutjob.

Wait a minute....isn't it the left that wants to have Red Tag laws? Red Tag laws seem like thought police to me.

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