If Mueller would have 'had the goods' on Trump he would have indicted him.

Mueller didn't indict Trump because the OLC guidelines say he cannot indict a sitting president.
Post the exact quote from the Mueller report where HE say this, and provide the link.

You are a desperate, pathetic LIAR.

THINKING about firing Mueller but not going through with it is NOT a crime dumbass...

...Unless you can also show me the link to the 'THOUGHT CRIMES' Bill the Socialist Democrats passed...
A sitting president cannot be indicted
Mueller began by noting that the Office of Legal Counsel in the White House wrote in a 2000 memo that sitting presidents can’t be indicted because it would undermine their ability to oversee the nation’s criminal justice system. But he adds that doesn’t mean that a special counsel couldn’t investigate a presidential actions, since charges could be brought after they’ve left office.

“Given those considerations, the facts known to us, and the strong public interest in safeguarding the integrity of the criminal justice system, we conducted a thorough factual investigation in order to preserve the evidence when memories were fresh and documentary materials were available,” he wrote.

Again...THINKING about doing something and not doing it is NOT a crime...unless you can post the link to the ''THOUGHT CRIME' Bill Democrats passed.
Heat map of obstruction


Alot more than thinking.
"Conduct toward Manafort" is not a crime. Try listing actual crimes.

Your chart is just more fake news conspiracy theory horseshit.
thats just one of ten items.

Regarding Manafort, “there is evidence that the President’s actions had the potential” to influence Manafort’s thinking on cooperation, and his public statements “had the potential to influence the trial jury.”
Post the exact quote from the Mueller report where HE say this, and provide the link.

You are a desperate, pathetic LIAR.

THINKING about firing Mueller but not going through with it is NOT a crime dumbass...

...Unless you can also show me the link to the 'THOUGHT CRIMES' Bill the Socialist Democrats passed...
A sitting president cannot be indicted
Mueller began by noting that the Office of Legal Counsel in the White House wrote in a 2000 memo that sitting presidents can’t be indicted because it would undermine their ability to oversee the nation’s criminal justice system. But he adds that doesn’t mean that a special counsel couldn’t investigate a presidential actions, since charges could be brought after they’ve left office.

“Given those considerations, the facts known to us, and the strong public interest in safeguarding the integrity of the criminal justice system, we conducted a thorough factual investigation in order to preserve the evidence when memories were fresh and documentary materials were available,” he wrote.
Where does the report say that a sitting president can't be indicted?
It says so in the 2000 OLC policy statement. A Justice Department policy.
In other words, Mueller's report doesn't say that's a reason for not indicting Trump.

Thanks for playing!
Jayzus! If you were straightjacketed, strapped to a,chair, and had your eyelids clamped open a la Alex DeLarge in A Clockwork Orange, you could not be taught that literalism is a flaw in thinking.
In other words, the report doesn't say what you claim.
Post the exact quote from the Mueller report where HE say this, and provide the link.

You are a desperate, pathetic LIAR.

THINKING about firing Mueller but not going through with it is NOT a crime dumbass...

...Unless you can also show me the link to the 'THOUGHT CRIMES' Bill the Socialist Democrats passed...
A sitting president cannot be indicted
Mueller began by noting that the Office of Legal Counsel in the White House wrote in a 2000 memo that sitting presidents can’t be indicted because it would undermine their ability to oversee the nation’s criminal justice system. But he adds that doesn’t mean that a special counsel couldn’t investigate a presidential actions, since charges could be brought after they’ve left office.

“Given those considerations, the facts known to us, and the strong public interest in safeguarding the integrity of the criminal justice system, we conducted a thorough factual investigation in order to preserve the evidence when memories were fresh and documentary materials were available,” he wrote.

Again...THINKING about doing something and not doing it is NOT a crime...unless you can post the link to the ''THOUGHT CRIME' Bill Democrats passed.
Heat map of obstruction


Alot more than thinking.
"Conduct toward Manafort" is not a crime. Try listing actual crimes.

Your chart is just more fake news conspiracy theory horseshit.
thats just one of ten items.

Regarding Manafort, “there is evidence that the President’s actions had the potential” to influence Manafort’s thinking on cooperation, and his public statements “had the potential to influence the trial jury.”
ROFL! So the president isn't allowed to comment on the investigation? Really? You and the SP are a couple of monomaniacal morons.
A sitting president cannot be indicted
Mueller began by noting that the Office of Legal Counsel in the White House wrote in a 2000 memo that sitting presidents can’t be indicted because it would undermine their ability to oversee the nation’s criminal justice system. But he adds that doesn’t mean that a special counsel couldn’t investigate a presidential actions, since charges could be brought after they’ve left office.

“Given those considerations, the facts known to us, and the strong public interest in safeguarding the integrity of the criminal justice system, we conducted a thorough factual investigation in order to preserve the evidence when memories were fresh and documentary materials were available,” he wrote.

Again...THINKING about doing something and not doing it is NOT a crime...unless you can post the link to the ''THOUGHT CRIME' Bill Democrats passed.
Heat map of obstruction


Alot more than thinking.
"Conduct toward Manafort" is not a crime. Try listing actual crimes.

Your chart is just more fake news conspiracy theory horseshit.
thats just one of ten items.

Regarding Manafort, “there is evidence that the President’s actions had the potential” to influence Manafort’s thinking on cooperation, and his public statements “had the potential to influence the trial jury.”
ROFL! So the president isn't allowed to comment on the investigation? Really? You and the SP are a couple of monomaniacal morons.
Trump floated manafort pardon.
And tampered manafort jury.
Okay, people, let's cut through the haze of goalpost-moving and "outrage" du jour.

Mueller's investigation was supposed to be about Russian interference in the 2016 election. As much as you deranged leftists want to ignore it, Mueller cleared him on this:

"Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."

For Mueller to then broaden his investigation to "obstruction of justice", and THEN punt was directly contrary to the basics of good prosecutorial behavior, and was FAR more suspicious than the decision Barr made (which he only had to make because Mueller refused to do so).

Furthermore, his definition of "obstruction of justice" is far broader than the legal standard, and would be ultimately unworkable in our legal system. And even then, after having defined "obstruction of justice" as basically anything that might ever let people know you don't enjoy being investigated, he STILL couldn't come up with enough to say, "Yes, I believe he obstructed justice and should be prosecuted".

As much as the rabid left would like to ignore it and pretend otherwise, Mueller's report provided counter-evidence for every insinuation of obstruction.

So no, lefties. You have nothing. Trump's a jackass; we already knew that. Being a jackass is neither illegal nor grounds for impeachment; it's past time that you leftists learn that.

Again...THINKING about doing something and not doing it is NOT a crime...unless you can post the link to the ''THOUGHT CRIME' Bill Democrats passed.
Heat map of obstruction


Alot more than thinking.
"Conduct toward Manafort" is not a crime. Try listing actual crimes.

Your chart is just more fake news conspiracy theory horseshit.
thats just one of ten items.

Regarding Manafort, “there is evidence that the President’s actions had the potential” to influence Manafort’s thinking on cooperation, and his public statements “had the potential to influence the trial jury.”
ROFL! So the president isn't allowed to comment on the investigation? Really? You and the SP are a couple of monomaniacal morons.
Trump floated manafort pardon.
And tampered manafort jury.

What the fuck does "floated It" mean? Did he announce it in public, or just discuss it with his colleagues? Trump can't even pardon Manafort for non-federal crimes.

Okay, people, let's cut through the haze of goalpost-moving and "outrage" du jour.

Mueller's investigation was supposed to be about Russian interference in the 2016 election. As much as you deranged leftists want to ignore it, Mueller cleared him on this:

"Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."

For Mueller to then broaden his investigation to "obstruction of justice", and THEN punt was directly contrary to the basics of good prosecutorial behavior, and was FAR more suspicious than the decision Barr made (which he only had to make because Mueller refused to do so).

Furthermore, his definition of "obstruction of justice" is far broader than the legal standard, and would be ultimately unworkable in our legal system. And even then, after having defined "obstruction of justice" as basically anything that might ever let people know you don't enjoy being investigated, he STILL couldn't come up with enough to say, "Yes, I believe he obstructed justice and should be prosecuted".

As much as the rabid left would like to ignore it and pretend otherwise, Mueller's report provided counter-evidence for every insinuation of obstruction.

So no, lefties. You have nothing. Trump's a jackass; we already knew that. Being a jackass is neither illegal nor grounds for impeachment; it's past time that you leftists learn that.
Heat map of obstruction


Alot more than thinking.
"Conduct toward Manafort" is not a crime. Try listing actual crimes.

Your chart is just more fake news conspiracy theory horseshit.
thats just one of ten items.

Regarding Manafort, “there is evidence that the President’s actions had the potential” to influence Manafort’s thinking on cooperation, and his public statements “had the potential to influence the trial jury.”
ROFL! So the president isn't allowed to comment on the investigation? Really? You and the SP are a couple of monomaniacal morons.
Trump floated manafort pardon.
And tampered manafort jury.

What the fuck does "floated It" mean? Did he announce it in public, or just discuss it with his colleagues? Trump can't even pardon Manafort for non-federal crimes.

Manafort is currently in jail on federal charges.
Manafort's state level crimes only just recently announced just after federal sentencing.

Trump had said he would make his decision on manafort pardon.
Okay, people, let's cut through the haze of goalpost-moving and "outrage" du jour.

Mueller's investigation was supposed to be about Russian interference in the 2016 election. As much as you deranged leftists want to ignore it, Mueller cleared him on this:

"Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."

For Mueller to then broaden his investigation to "obstruction of justice", and THEN punt was directly contrary to the basics of good prosecutorial behavior, and was FAR more suspicious than the decision Barr made (which he only had to make because Mueller refused to do so).

Furthermore, his definition of "obstruction of justice" is far broader than the legal standard, and would be ultimately unworkable in our legal system. And even then, after having defined "obstruction of justice" as basically anything that might ever let people know you don't enjoy being investigated, he STILL couldn't come up with enough to say, "Yes, I believe he obstructed justice and should be prosecuted".

As much as the rabid left would like to ignore it and pretend otherwise, Mueller's report provided counter-evidence for every insinuation of obstruction.

So no, lefties. You have nothing. Trump's a jackass; we already knew that. Being a jackass is neither illegal nor grounds for impeachment; it's past time that you leftists learn that.
Just saying, that this is a very good analysis.
Mueller started and ended his comments with Russia helped Trump, PUTIN said they helped trump And yet the AH denies russia helped A degenerate liar in our WH
Mueller started and ended his comments with Russia helped Trump, PUTIN said they helped trump And yet the AH denies russia helped A degenerate liar in our WH

Literally dozens of Dems voted for Trump because of Russian memes on Facebook.
It was awful.
We need to shutdown Facebook immediately.
He did NOT.




'Nuff time wasted.

'Nuff said.

any implied right wing fantasy works for the right wing. a DOJ special counsel simply cannot charge his "boss" since it is a Constitutionally provided for issue and should require Congress and a Congressional special counsel.
Okay, people, let's cut through the haze of goalpost-moving and "outrage" du jour.

Mueller's investigation was supposed to be about Russian interference in the 2016 election. As much as you deranged leftists want to ignore it, Mueller cleared him on this:

"Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."

For Mueller to then broaden his investigation to "obstruction of justice", and THEN punt was directly contrary to the basics of good prosecutorial behavior, and was FAR more suspicious than the decision Barr made (which he only had to make because Mueller refused to do so).

Furthermore, his definition of "obstruction of justice" is far broader than the legal standard, and would be ultimately unworkable in our legal system. And even then, after having defined "obstruction of justice" as basically anything that might ever let people know you don't enjoy being investigated, he STILL couldn't come up with enough to say, "Yes, I believe he obstructed justice and should be prosecuted".

As much as the rabid left would like to ignore it and pretend otherwise, Mueller's report provided counter-evidence for every insinuation of obstruction.

So no, lefties. You have nothing. Trump's a jackass; we already knew that. Being a jackass is neither illegal nor grounds for impeachment; it's past time that you leftists learn that.
Just saying, that this is a very good analysis.

Her analysis is total bullshit. Over 800 prosecutors have signed a letter saying that if Trump were NOT the sitting President, he would have been charge with obstruction of justice.

We, the public, watched him do it in real time, on Twitter, in his pressers - threatening witnesses, their families, and dangling pardons. That's not an "overbroad" definition of obstruction. You have to be wilfully blind to ignore it, but "wilfully blind" is the most perfect description of Trumpers ever.
Okay, people, let's cut through the haze of goalpost-moving and "outrage" du jour.

Mueller's investigation was supposed to be about Russian interference in the 2016 election. As much as you deranged leftists want to ignore it, Mueller cleared him on this:

"Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."

For Mueller to then broaden his investigation to "obstruction of justice", and THEN punt was directly contrary to the basics of good prosecutorial behavior, and was FAR more suspicious than the decision Barr made (which he only had to make because Mueller refused to do so).

Furthermore, his definition of "obstruction of justice" is far broader than the legal standard, and would be ultimately unworkable in our legal system. And even then, after having defined "obstruction of justice" as basically anything that might ever let people know you don't enjoy being investigated, he STILL couldn't come up with enough to say, "Yes, I believe he obstructed justice and should be prosecuted".

As much as the rabid left would like to ignore it and pretend otherwise, Mueller's report provided counter-evidence for every insinuation of obstruction.

So no, lefties. You have nothing. Trump's a jackass; we already knew that. Being a jackass is neither illegal nor grounds for impeachment; it's past time that you leftists learn that.
Just saying, that this is a very good analysis.

Her analysis is total bullshit. Over 800 prosecutors have signed a letter saying that if Trump were NOT the sitting President, he would have been charge with obstruction of justice.

We, the public, watched him do it in real time, on Twitter, in his pressers - threatening witnesses, their families, and dangling pardons. That's not an "overbroad" definition of obstruction. You have to be wilfully blind to ignore it, but "wilfully blind" is the most perfect description of Trumpers ever.
Over 800 prosecutors have signed a letter saying that if Trump were NOT the sitting President, he would have been charge with obstruction of justice.

WOW! Sounds serious!

So that's 800 ex-prosecutors out of how many?
Okay, people, let's cut through the haze of goalpost-moving and "outrage" du jour.

Mueller's investigation was supposed to be about Russian interference in the 2016 election. As much as you deranged leftists want to ignore it, Mueller cleared him on this:

"Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."

For Mueller to then broaden his investigation to "obstruction of justice", and THEN punt was directly contrary to the basics of good prosecutorial behavior, and was FAR more suspicious than the decision Barr made (which he only had to make because Mueller refused to do so).

Furthermore, his definition of "obstruction of justice" is far broader than the legal standard, and would be ultimately unworkable in our legal system. And even then, after having defined "obstruction of justice" as basically anything that might ever let people know you don't enjoy being investigated, he STILL couldn't come up with enough to say, "Yes, I believe he obstructed justice and should be prosecuted".

As much as the rabid left would like to ignore it and pretend otherwise, Mueller's report provided counter-evidence for every insinuation of obstruction.

So no, lefties. You have nothing. Trump's a jackass; we already knew that. Being a jackass is neither illegal nor grounds for impeachment; it's past time that you leftists learn that.
Just saying, that this is a very good analysis.

Her analysis is total bullshit. Over 800 prosecutors have signed a letter saying that if Trump were NOT the sitting President, he would have been charge with obstruction of justice.

We, the public, watched him do it in real time, on Twitter, in his pressers - threatening witnesses, their families, and dangling pardons. That's not an "overbroad" definition of obstruction. You have to be wilfully blind to ignore it, but "wilfully blind" is the most perfect description of Trumpers ever.
Over 800 prosecutors have signed a letter saying that if Trump were NOT the sitting President, he would have been charge with obstruction of justice.

WOW! Sounds serious!

So that's 800 ex-prosecutors out of how many?

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one, and in this case, those are opinions apart from facts.

Insufficient Evidence means, Not Guilty.

It's really that simple
Mueller started and ended his comments with Russia helped Trump, PUTIN said they helped trump And yet the AH denies russia helped A degenerate liar in our WH

Literally dozens of Dems voted for Trump because of Russian memes on Facebook.
It was awful.
We need to shutdown Facebook immediately.
Not so quick I own a bunch of FB

For democracy....you need to write off the entire value of your investment.
any implied right wing fantasy works for the right wing. a DOJ special counsel simply cannot charge his "boss" since it is a Constitutionally provided for issue and should require Congress and a Congressional special counsel.

Forgetting for a minute that US AG Barr testified under oath (something Mueller refuses to do to avoid perjury / answering any questions about his investigation and role in it) that Mueller told him on 3 separate occasions that the OLC's decision PLAYED NO PART in his own investigation and final decision....

"If President Trump actually committed a crime, there is nothing in the OLC’s opinion that would have prevented the special counsel or the attorney general from saying so.

The most relevant concern the OLC raises is that an indictment “exposes the President to an official pronouncement that there is probable cause to believe he committed a criminal act,” which could impair “his credibility in carrying out his constitutional responsibilities.”

A special counsel’s private report to the attorney general ran no such risk, especially since Barr was under no legal obligation to make Mueller’s report public. Special counsels don’t issue indictments – grand juries do.

That’s why the last man with responsibilities similar to Mueller’s – Independent Counsel Ken Starr – had no qualms writing definitively about findings of criminal wrongdoing by the subject of his investigation, President Bill Clinton.

“The Office of Independent Counsel (OIC) hereby submits substantial and credible information that President /Clinton obstructed justice … the President lied under oath to the grand jury and obstructed justice,” Starr wrote, along with dozens of other unambiguous determinations that President Clinton had committed crimes.

The idea that the OLC somehow stopped Mueller from doing the same thing is absurd."

Joe diGenova: Mueller wants Americans to believe Trump is a criminal and it's up to Congress to impeach him

Mueller's theatrical performance yesterday - safely holding a press conference where he could say anything he wanted to without risk or repercussion instead of under oath testifying before Congress - amounted to a political 'drive-by' intended to 'stir the pot' / to incite Trump-hating Democrats in the House to begin Impeachment proceedings, to accomplish what he could NOT do - take down Trump!

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