If NK Attacks Guam next week because Trump didn't do a pre-emptive strike to stop them

Kim is bat-shit crazy.

I don't think he is crazy, but I do think he will try to hold onto power at any cost. Assassination might be the best option (if we could do it) even if the libtards wet their pants.
Trump is goading Fat Boy into taking some action that will provide an excuse for a U.S. attack.

Sorry but the apology tour ended, we have a man at the wheel now.
Thank God Hillery ain't driving

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Why would NK attack Guam?
1. US presence there he can reach.

2. Guam smaller, so maybe in his twisted mind attacking Guam would draw less wrath than hitting the actual U.S.

3. Kim is bat-shit crazy.

Why do you say he's crazy ?

Ohhh cause the propaganda machine tells you so. Ever notice the war machine deems all our "enemies " to be certifiable ? How convenient.
Trump is goading Fat Boy into taking some action that will provide an excuse for a U.S. attack.

Sorry but the apology tour ended, we have a man at the wheel now.
Thank God Hillery ain't driving

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The macho bullshit leads to problemS not solutions .

Righties have the thought process of 6th graders .
Ohhh cause the propaganda machine tells you so. Ever notice the war machine deems all our "enemies " to be certifiable ? How convenient.

Timmy, pull your head out of your ass and pay attention to the world around you.

The guy is certifiable, as has been reported for YEARS.

He Kidnapped Short People
According to one of Kim Jong Il’s former tutors, the leader used pamphlets advertising wonder-growth drugs to lure small people into traps, from where they would be deported to “uninhabited islands” to remove their “substandard” stock from the genepool.

He Could Control The Weather
According to reports the former leader spread rumours that he could make it rain on demand, depending on his mood.

(Snowflakes can create Climate Change depending on their mood...and how fast they can manipulate the science. :p)

He Did Not Use Toilets - Because He Didn’t Need To
According to an official biography posted on the North Korean state web site, that has since been removed, Kim Jong-il did not defecate.

He Was A Rice Obsessive
According to a nephew of Kim’s first wife, Lee Young Nam, the leader had female staff inspect each grain of rice he ate to make sure it adhered to standards of length, weight and colour.

Kim Jong Il: 18 Strange 'Facts' About The North Korean Leader | HuffPost UK


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Trump is either a bag of wind that's trying to bluff NoKo into backing down, or he's an idiot that's going to go from talk to nuclear war in one leap.

What we are not seeing is a massive U.S. troop build up in S. Korea, nor are we seeing is non-essential personnel and families of U.S. service people being evacuated from S. Korea, nor are we seeing multiple U.S. carrier task forces off the coast of Korea, nor are we seeing NoKo Subs being sunk nor NoKo ports being blockaded.

All of the above should be done to show NoKo that we mean business - and if they fire artillery at Seoul - we should hit their artillery positions with tactical nukes.

Personally, I think Trump is bluffing (and so does NoKo apparently). He's a pathological liar and a con man...he believes that by blowing wind he can always get his way.
Ohhh cause the propaganda machine tells you so. Ever notice the war machine deems all our "enemies " to be certifiable ? How convenient.

Timmy, pull your head out of your ass and pay attention to the world around you.

The guy is certifiable, as has been reported for YEARS.

He Kidnapped Short People
According to one of Kim Jong Il’s former tutors, the leader used pamphlets advertising wonder-growth drugs to lure small people into traps, from where they would be deported to “uninhabited islands” to remove their “substandard” stock from the genepool.

He Could Control The Weather
According to reports the former leader spread rumours that he could make it rain on demand, depending on his mood.

(Snowflakes can create Climate Change depending on their mood...and how fast they can manipulate the science. :p)

He Did Not Use Toilets - Because He Didn’t Need To
According to an official biography posted on the North Korean state web site, that has since been removed, Kim Jong-il did not defecate.

He Was A Rice Obsessive
According to a nephew of Kim’s first wife, Lee Young Nam, the leader had female staff inspect each grain of rice he ate to make sure it adhered to standards of length, weight and colour.

Kim Jong Il: 18 Strange 'Facts' About The North Korean Leader | HuffPost UK

Don't believe the hype .

Yeah he's a dictator, doing what despots do . He's crazy like a fox . You stay in power that way .

He has no reason to attack the US . It does nothing for him .

Does anyone ever think any dictator is a sane? Do they come across as normal people ?
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What we are not seeing is a massive U.S. troop build up in S. Korea, nor are we seeing is non-essential personnel and families of U.S. service people being evacuated from S. Korea, nor are we seeing multiple U.S. carrier task forces off the coast of Korea, nor are we seeing NoKo Subs being sunk nor NoKo ports being blockaded.

All of the above should be done to show NoKo that we mean business - and if they fire artillery at Seoul - we should hit their artillery positions with tactical nukes.

If Trump did this, you would be the first in line to excoriate him for doing so. Moreover, this reactive approach is exactly the type that creates a trip wire for a wider war. (It also allows NK to continue with building nuclear tipped ICBMs.)

Other than Kim Jong Un's premature death, the best outcome would be a surgical strike which debilitates his nuclear and missile programs, backed up by tactical nukes if he unleashes his artillery on SK. This would also send a message to other rogue nations (e.g., Iran) that, if you play with fire, you will get burned.
will you blame Trump?

If 100,000,000 Americans died because of what Trump did, his supporters would still support him.
Reat assured, his trumpanzees will support a high body count as long as it doesn't include them or theirs personally, or requires any work or sacrifice on their part.

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What we are not seeing is a massive U.S. troop build up in S. Korea, nor are we seeing is non-essential personnel and families of U.S. service people being evacuated from S. Korea, nor are we seeing multiple U.S. carrier task forces off the coast of Korea, nor are we seeing NoKo Subs being sunk nor NoKo ports being blockaded.

All of the above should be done to show NoKo that we mean business - and if they fire artillery at Seoul - we should hit their artillery positions with tactical nukes.

If Trump did this, you would be the first in line to excoriate him for doing so. Moreover, this reactive approach is exactly the type that creates a trip wire for a wider war. (It also allows NK to continue with building nuclear tipped ICBMs.)

Other than Kim Jong Un's premature death, the best outcome would be a surgical strike which debilitates his nuclear and missile programs, backed up by tactical nukes if he unleashes his artillery on SK. This would also send a message to other rogue nations (e.g., Iran) that, if you play with fire, you will get burned.

I've fully supported taking action against NoKo regardless of who is the President.

A tactical strike against his nuclear & missile facilities, would be great, but since his missile are on mobile launchers they're hard to locate.

Either way, putting pressure on NoKo thru conventional means should be the first step, if that included some tactical strikes great.

The problem is that Trump has done nothing to show that he means business, besides blowing wind. NoKo has no reason to believe that he'll do anything beyond that.

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