If no Wall...what are the Democratic Party plans for immigration reform?

The "wall" is nothing but NaziCon bullshit.


Okay, noted...so what actions do Democrats approve of to prevent illegal immigration?

Pass a responsible bi-partisan immigration bill - and enforce it humanely.

Okay...so again, what actions do Democrat’s approve of to prevent illegal immigration?
More immigration courts to speed up process.
Go after employers who hire illegals. You know, people like you.
Protection for "Dreamers".
Expand agricultural guest worker visa programs.
Increased border security.

More sidestepping...
What about the tens of millions here now?
What is “increased border security?
Timmy ?
We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?

Put money into more immigration courts so it doesn’t take years to process cases .

Change the draconian one size fits all banishment immigration laws .

Legitimize dreamers .

And yes . Some money for border protection .

Okay...lots of sidestepping already in this thread...SPECIFICALLY what do Democrats want to do about the tens of millions here now and what do they plan to do for “border protection”?
Oh come on, Democraps dont have a plan, they just hate President Trump because that is what their leaders tell them to do. When Obama was in, the libtards were touting how many deportations were happening, and how great Obama was...But Obama knew with 330,000 babies aborted a year, over decades the liberal population was going down which meant that Democrat party was going extinct. So in comes Muslims and Latinos to fill in the gaps left by those executed future democrat voters and the problem is solved. Except that Hillary didnt win, even cheating the way she did with Bernie, and now the Democrats are back on the road to ruin....

Really ? Cause the Dems had plan on the table and it was the Cons who bailed on it .

Gang of Eight (immigration) - Wikipedia

And don’t forget how the wanted to compromise with Trump and he bailed too.
Liar! Schumer walked!
Oh come on, Democraps dont have a plan, they just hate President Trump because that is what their leaders tell them to do. When Obama was in, the libtards were touting how many deportations were happening, and how great Obama was...But Obama knew with 330,000 babies aborted a year, over decades the liberal population was going down which meant that Democrat party was going extinct. So in comes Muslims and Latinos to fill in the gaps left by those executed future democrat voters and the problem is solved. Except that Hillary didnt win, even cheating the way she did with Bernie, and now the Democrats are back on the road to ruin....

Really ? Cause the Dems had plan on the table and it was the Cons who bailed on it .

Gang of Eight (immigration) - Wikipedia

And don’t forget how the wanted to compromise with Trump and he bailed too.
It was an amnesty plan. Thank God pubs didn't go along.

For dreamers ! What’s the big deal . They are American as you get anyway .

It’s not like the amnesty of the past (done by republicans by the way ).
It's indistinguishable from amnesty of the past. Amnesty is amnesty. If you grant citizenship to aliens, you are giving amnesty.

Dreamers are not Americans, dumbass. They are foreigners.

They innocently came in as kids .

You’re what’s wrong with the country. You want everything your way and are unwilling to compromise .

I’m curious, when bank robbers commit robbery should we let their children keep the loot? You know, since we like to reward the children of criminals and all?
(I know, false equivalency right)
The "wall" is nothing but NaziCon bullshit.


Okay, noted...so what actions do Democrats approve of to prevent illegal immigration?

Pass a responsible bi-partisan immigration bill - and enforce it humanely.

Okay...so again, what actions do Democrat’s approve of to prevent illegal immigration?
More immigration courts to speed up process.
Go after employers who hire illegals. You know, people like you.
Protection for "Dreamers".
Expand agricultural guest worker visa programs.
Increased border security.

More sidestepping...
What about the tens of millions here now?
What is “increased border security?
Timmy ?

Add more ins agents to go with more courts . More employer enforcement too.

Improve the visa programs and prevent visa abuse .

Funny , what does a wall do for all the ones here. Or the 40% who come in legal and overstay. Yet that’s all the cons want to do .
Oh come on, Democraps dont have a plan, they just hate President Trump because that is what their leaders tell them to do. When Obama was in, the libtards were touting how many deportations were happening, and how great Obama was...But Obama knew with 330,000 babies aborted a year, over decades the liberal population was going down which meant that Democrat party was going extinct. So in comes Muslims and Latinos to fill in the gaps left by those executed future democrat voters and the problem is solved. Except that Hillary didnt win, even cheating the way she did with Bernie, and now the Democrats are back on the road to ruin....

Really ? Cause the Dems had plan on the table and it was the Cons who bailed on it .

Gang of Eight (immigration) - Wikipedia

And don’t forget how the wanted to compromise with Trump and he bailed too.
It was an amnesty plan. Thank God pubs didn't go along.

For dreamers ! What’s the big deal . They are American as you get anyway .

It’s not like the amnesty of the past (done by republicans by the way ).
It's indistinguishable from amnesty of the past. Amnesty is amnesty. If you grant citizenship to aliens, you are giving amnesty.

Dreamers are not Americans, dumbass. They are foreigners.

They innocently came in as kids .

You’re what’s wrong with the country. You want everything your way and are unwilling to compromise .
The bottom line is that they aren't Americans.
Really ? Cause the Dems had plan on the table and it was the Cons who bailed on it .

Gang of Eight (immigration) - Wikipedia

And don’t forget how the wanted to compromise with Trump and he bailed too.
It was an amnesty plan. Thank God pubs didn't go along.

For dreamers ! What’s the big deal . They are American as you get anyway .

It’s not like the amnesty of the past (done by republicans by the way ).
It's indistinguishable from amnesty of the past. Amnesty is amnesty. If you grant citizenship to aliens, you are giving amnesty.

Dreamers are not Americans, dumbass. They are foreigners.

They innocently came in as kids .

You’re what’s wrong with the country. You want everything your way and are unwilling to compromise .

Take it up with the Democrats that were supposed to negotiate the DACA deal...dumbass.
Pelosi reveals that she doesn't give a damn about the DACA kids.
Really ? Cause the Dems had plan on the table and it was the Cons who bailed on it .

Gang of Eight (immigration) - Wikipedia

And don’t forget how the wanted to compromise with Trump and he bailed too.
It was an amnesty plan. Thank God pubs didn't go along.

For dreamers ! What’s the big deal . They are American as you get anyway .

It’s not like the amnesty of the past (done by republicans by the way ).
It's indistinguishable from amnesty of the past. Amnesty is amnesty. If you grant citizenship to aliens, you are giving amnesty.

Dreamers are not Americans, dumbass. They are foreigners.

They innocently came in as kids .

You’re what’s wrong with the country. You want everything your way and are unwilling to compromise .

I’m curious, when bank robbers commit robbery should we let their children keep the loot? You know, since we like to reward the children of criminals and all?
(I know, false equivalency right)

Terrible analogy. How about this . Your family’s property was stolen from Indians years ago . That land should be returned ?
Okay, noted...so what actions do Democrats approve of to prevent illegal immigration?

Pass a responsible bi-partisan immigration bill - and enforce it humanely.

Okay...so again, what actions do Democrat’s approve of to prevent illegal immigration?
More immigration courts to speed up process.
Go after employers who hire illegals. You know, people like you.
Protection for "Dreamers".
Expand agricultural guest worker visa programs.
Increased border security.

More sidestepping...
What about the tens of millions here now?
What is “increased border security?
Timmy ?

Add more ins agents to go with more courts . More employer enforcement too.

Improve the visa programs and prevent visa abuse .

Funny , what does a wall do for all the ones here. Or the 40% who come in legal and overstay. Yet that’s all the cons want to do .
Why do dumbshits like you insist that anything the government does has to be a total solution?
Really ? Cause the Dems had plan on the table and it was the Cons who bailed on it .

Gang of Eight (immigration) - Wikipedia

And don’t forget how the wanted to compromise with Trump and he bailed too.
It was an amnesty plan. Thank God pubs didn't go along.

For dreamers ! What’s the big deal . They are American as you get anyway .

It’s not like the amnesty of the past (done by republicans by the way ).
It's indistinguishable from amnesty of the past. Amnesty is amnesty. If you grant citizenship to aliens, you are giving amnesty.

Dreamers are not Americans, dumbass. They are foreigners.

They innocently came in as kids .

You’re what’s wrong with the country. You want everything your way and are unwilling to compromise .
The bottom line is that they aren't Americans.

Then give them some legit stable status . Why does that bother you so much ? Espically if it means getting your fancy walk funding .
It was an amnesty plan. Thank God pubs didn't go along.

For dreamers ! What’s the big deal . They are American as you get anyway .

It’s not like the amnesty of the past (done by republicans by the way ).
It's indistinguishable from amnesty of the past. Amnesty is amnesty. If you grant citizenship to aliens, you are giving amnesty.

Dreamers are not Americans, dumbass. They are foreigners.

They innocently came in as kids .

You’re what’s wrong with the country. You want everything your way and are unwilling to compromise .

I’m curious, when bank robbers commit robbery should we let their children keep the loot? You know, since we like to reward the children of criminals and all?
(I know, false equivalency right)

Terrible analogy. How about this . Your family’s property was stolen from Indians years ago . That land should be returned ?
The land never belong to the ancestors of the DACA kids.
It was an amnesty plan. Thank God pubs didn't go along.

For dreamers ! What’s the big deal . They are American as you get anyway .

It’s not like the amnesty of the past (done by republicans by the way ).
It's indistinguishable from amnesty of the past. Amnesty is amnesty. If you grant citizenship to aliens, you are giving amnesty.

Dreamers are not Americans, dumbass. They are foreigners.

They innocently came in as kids .

You’re what’s wrong with the country. You want everything your way and are unwilling to compromise .
The bottom line is that they aren't Americans.

Then give them some legit stable status . Why does that bother you so much ? Espically if it means getting your fancy walk funding .
Not without the wall. Why does that bother you so much?
For dreamers ! What’s the big deal . They are American as you get anyway .

It’s not like the amnesty of the past (done by republicans by the way ).
It's indistinguishable from amnesty of the past. Amnesty is amnesty. If you grant citizenship to aliens, you are giving amnesty.

Dreamers are not Americans, dumbass. They are foreigners.

They innocently came in as kids .

You’re what’s wrong with the country. You want everything your way and are unwilling to compromise .

I’m curious, when bank robbers commit robbery should we let their children keep the loot? You know, since we like to reward the children of criminals and all?
(I know, false equivalency right)

Terrible analogy. How about this . Your family’s property was stolen from Indians years ago . That land should be returned ?
The land never belong to the ancestors of the DACA kids.

No? You forget that a big chunk of the west and southwest was part of Mexico at one time .
Okay, noted...so what actions do Democrats approve of to prevent illegal immigration?

Pass a responsible bi-partisan immigration bill - and enforce it humanely.

Okay...so again, what actions do Democrat’s approve of to prevent illegal immigration?
More immigration courts to speed up process.
Go after employers who hire illegals. You know, people like you.
Protection for "Dreamers".
Expand agricultural guest worker visa programs.
Increased border security.

More sidestepping...
What about the tens of millions here now?
What is “increased border security?
Timmy ?

Add more ins agents to go with more courts . More employer enforcement too.

Improve the visa programs and prevent visa abuse .

Funny , what does a wall do for all the ones here. Or the 40% who come in legal and overstay. Yet that’s all the cons want to do .

Please read the questions carefully...
What about the tens of millions here now?
What is “increased border security”?
It's indistinguishable from amnesty of the past. Amnesty is amnesty. If you grant citizenship to aliens, you are giving amnesty.

Dreamers are not Americans, dumbass. They are foreigners.

They innocently came in as kids .

You’re what’s wrong with the country. You want everything your way and are unwilling to compromise .

I’m curious, when bank robbers commit robbery should we let their children keep the loot? You know, since we like to reward the children of criminals and all?
(I know, false equivalency right)

Terrible analogy. How about this . Your family’s property was stolen from Indians years ago . That land should be returned ?
The land never belong to the ancestors of the DACA kids.

No? You forget that a big chunk of the west and southwest was part of Mexico at one time .
Before that it was Indian territory, not Mexican territory. The ancestors of the so-called DACA kids lived in Mexico proper, so your analogy is bullshit. None of their ancestors ever inhabited territory that is now the USA.
For dreamers ! What’s the big deal . They are American as you get anyway .

It’s not like the amnesty of the past (done by republicans by the way ).
It's indistinguishable from amnesty of the past. Amnesty is amnesty. If you grant citizenship to aliens, you are giving amnesty.

Dreamers are not Americans, dumbass. They are foreigners.

They innocently came in as kids .

You’re what’s wrong with the country. You want everything your way and are unwilling to compromise .
The bottom line is that they aren't Americans.

Then give them some legit stable status . Why does that bother you so much ? Espically if it means getting your fancy walk funding .
Not without the wall. Why does that bother you so much?

I’m not against a wall. But that big dumb wall in the middle of no where is a waste of money .

If our border was 20 miles . That’d be easy . 1400 miles is a different story .
It's indistinguishable from amnesty of the past. Amnesty is amnesty. If you grant citizenship to aliens, you are giving amnesty.

Dreamers are not Americans, dumbass. They are foreigners.

They innocently came in as kids .

You’re what’s wrong with the country. You want everything your way and are unwilling to compromise .
The bottom line is that they aren't Americans.

Then give them some legit stable status . Why does that bother you so much ? Espically if it means getting your fancy walk funding .
Not without the wall. Why does that bother you so much?

I’m not against a wall. But that big dumb wall in the middle of no where is a waste of money .

If our border was 20 miles . That’d be easy . 1400 miles is a different story .
You're not against it, but you are. We have built 40,000 miles of interstate highway. We can easily build a 1400 mile wall. It just isn't that hard.
Pass a responsible bi-partisan immigration bill - and enforce it humanely.

Okay...so again, what actions do Democrat’s approve of to prevent illegal immigration?
More immigration courts to speed up process.
Go after employers who hire illegals. You know, people like you.
Protection for "Dreamers".
Expand agricultural guest worker visa programs.
Increased border security.

More sidestepping...
What about the tens of millions here now?
What is “increased border security?
Timmy ?

Add more ins agents to go with more courts . More employer enforcement too.

Improve the visa programs and prevent visa abuse .

Funny , what does a wall do for all the ones here. Or the 40% who come in legal and overstay. Yet that’s all the cons want to do .

Please read the questions carefully...
What about the tens of millions here now?
What is “increased border security”?

Read the answers more carefully.

More agents and more courts means you can process more deportations more efficiently.

More border patrol , wall/fenses where it makes sense . More tech for border patrol .
They innocently came in as kids .

You’re what’s wrong with the country. You want everything your way and are unwilling to compromise .
The bottom line is that they aren't Americans.

Then give them some legit stable status . Why does that bother you so much ? Espically if it means getting your fancy walk funding .
Not without the wall. Why does that bother you so much?

I’m not against a wall. But that big dumb wall in the middle of no where is a waste of money .

If our border was 20 miles . That’d be easy . 1400 miles is a different story .
You're not against it, but you are. We have built 40,000 miles of interstate highway. We can easily build a 1400 mile wall. It just isn't that hard.

Highways go where it makes most sense . More highways in more populated areas .

Think of the “bridge to nowhere” stories .
It was an amnesty plan. Thank God pubs didn't go along.

For dreamers ! What’s the big deal . They are American as you get anyway .

It’s not like the amnesty of the past (done by republicans by the way ).
It's indistinguishable from amnesty of the past. Amnesty is amnesty. If you grant citizenship to aliens, you are giving amnesty.

Dreamers are not Americans, dumbass. They are foreigners.

They innocently came in as kids .

You’re what’s wrong with the country. You want everything your way and are unwilling to compromise .

I’m curious, when bank robbers commit robbery should we let their children keep the loot? You know, since we like to reward the children of criminals and all?
(I know, false equivalency right)

Terrible analogy. How about this . Your family’s property was stolen from Indians years ago . That land should be returned ?

Haha..you gotta love it when traitors talk like traitors do.
Timmy, are you mad that the British conquered this land?
You hate our American sovereignty?
You realize that the citizens of this nation fund and run it...right?
Why would you believe that citizens of other nations should have a right to be part of our covenant?
The bottom line is that they aren't Americans.

Then give them some legit stable status . Why does that bother you so much ? Espically if it means getting your fancy walk funding .
Not without the wall. Why does that bother you so much?

I’m not against a wall. But that big dumb wall in the middle of no where is a waste of money .

If our border was 20 miles . That’d be easy . 1400 miles is a different story .
You're not against it, but you are. We have built 40,000 miles of interstate highway. We can easily build a 1400 mile wall. It just isn't that hard.

Highways go where it makes most sense . More highways in more populated areas .

Think of the “bridge to nowhere” stories .
I-70 west of Denver is not "where it makes the most sense." The entire highway through Glenn Canyon is elevated. If you build the wall in populated areas, then the illegals will try to cross in unpopulated areas.

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