If no Wall...what are the Democratic Party plans for immigration reform?

Twenty pages in and we’ve yet to see “comprehensive immigration reform” defined nor have we heard any real solutions from the LibTarded. I’m thinking a solution is not desired by the Left....hmmm..who knew.
Border security
Path to citizenship (or something to make the existing 11million legal)
Better enforcement against hiring illegals
Raising the minimum wage.
Those have always been the comprehensive solutions
You just don’t want to hear it

Haha...just as we thought. “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” decoded means “Better Immigration Policy For Wetbacks”. Did you forget that ALL policies pushed by the government that we elect, employ and pay are suppose to ONLY push policies of clear benefit to We The People?
Liberals mean "nosotros, el pueblo [/quote] Just look at how they treat their new slaves....

We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
Here are some bills below so you can pull your head out of your ass and catch up. But we all know you won't read them since they are longer than a tweet.

Which means you and your fellow travelers will just make shit up and pass it off as "fact".

Text - H.R.3647 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2017

We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
The plan for immigration reform has been around for at least two decades, retard. Bill after bill after bill after bill have been sponsored and subsequently obstructed by a handful of Republicans.

You mean to tell us you have not familiarized yourself with this in all that time!?!?!

We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
Here are some bills below so you can pull your head out of your ass and catch up. But we all know you won't read them since they are longer than a tweet.

Which means you and your fellow travelers will just make shit up and pass it off as "fact".

Text - H.R.3647 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2017


Nah, some of us have a life beyond the keyboard. Summarize “comprehensive immigration reform” for us. We want to hear it from you. Don’t be scared, what does “comprehensive immigration reform” entail and how do REAL Americans benefit from such reform?
Trump should make himself Supreme Leader. because only he can fix immigration.

abolish the Democrat Party. Abolish the GOP!
We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
The plan for immigration reform has been around for at least two decades, retard. Bill after bill after bill after bill have been sponsored and subsequently obstructed by a handful of Republicans.

You mean to tell us you have not familiarized yourself with this in all that time!?!?!

We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
Here are some bills below so you can pull your head out of your ass and catch up. But we all know you won't read them since they are longer than a tweet.

Which means you and your fellow travelers will just make shit up and pass it off as "fact".

Text - H.R.3647 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2017


Nah, some of us have a life beyond the keyboard. Summarize “comprehensive immigration reform” for us. We want to hear it from you. Don’t be scared, what does “comprehensive immigration reform” entail and how do REAL Americans benefit from such reform?
I gave you the bills so you can read for yourself, retard.

And just as I predicted, you are too stupid and too lazy to read anything longer than a tweet.

You want your piss poured for you by your propagandists. That's how they are able to lie to you. They absolutely depend on you tards not reading for yourself.

So you just parrot the bullshit you are told to parrot.

We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
The plan for immigration reform has been around for at least two decades, retard. Bill after bill after bill after bill have been sponsored and subsequently obstructed by a handful of Republicans.

You mean to tell us you have not familiarized yourself with this in all that time!?!?!

We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
Here are some bills below so you can pull your head out of your ass and catch up. But we all know you won't read them since they are longer than a tweet.

Which means you and your fellow travelers will just make shit up and pass it off as "fact".

Text - H.R.3647 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2017


Nah, some of us have a life beyond the keyboard.
Says the guy who has made over eleven thousand posts in two years.

You obviously have plenty of time to read them for yourself.

You are just lazy and submissive. You want to be told by your betters what to parrot, what to bleev, and what to think.

We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
The plan for immigration reform has been around for at least two decades, retard. Bill after bill after bill after bill have been sponsored and subsequently obstructed by a handful of Republicans.

You mean to tell us you have not familiarized yourself with this in all that time!?!?!

We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
Here are some bills below so you can pull your head out of your ass and catch up. But we all know you won't read them since they are longer than a tweet.

Which means you and your fellow travelers will just make shit up and pass it off as "fact".

Text - H.R.3647 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2017


Nah, some of us have a life beyond the keyboard. Summarize “comprehensive immigration reform” for us. We want to hear it from you. Don’t be scared, what does “comprehensive immigration reform” entail and how do REAL Americans benefit from such reform?
I gave you the bills so you can read for yourself, retard.

And just as I predicted, you are too stupid and too lazy to read anything longer than a tweet.

You want your piss poured for you by your propagandists. That's how they are able to lie to you. They absolutely depend on you tards not reading for yourself.

So you just parrot the bullshit you are told to parrot.


We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
The plan for immigration reform has been around for at least two decades, retard. Bill after bill after bill after bill have been sponsored and subsequently obstructed by a handful of Republicans.

You mean to tell us you have not familiarized yourself with this in all that time!?!?!

We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
Here are some bills below so you can pull your head out of your ass and catch up. But we all know you won't read them since they are longer than a tweet.

Which means you and your fellow travelers will just make shit up and pass it off as "fact".

Text - H.R.3647 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2017


Nah, some of us have a life beyond the keyboard.
Says the guy who has made over eleven thousand posts in two years.

You obviously have plenty of time to read them for yourself.

You are just lazy and submissive. You want to be told by your betters what to parrot, what to bleev, and what to think.


So basically you’re embarrassed to tell us what Mexicrats have in mind for this “comprehensive immigration reform”?
Certainly you’ve read the Bill. Give it to us in short....don’t be scared.
We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
The plan for immigration reform has been around for at least two decades, retard. Bill after bill after bill after bill have been sponsored and subsequently obstructed by a handful of Republicans.

You mean to tell us you have not familiarized yourself with this in all that time!?!?!

We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
Here are some bills below so you can pull your head out of your ass and catch up. But we all know you won't read them since they are longer than a tweet.

Which means you and your fellow travelers will just make shit up and pass it off as "fact".

Text - H.R.3647 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2017


Nah, some of us have a life beyond the keyboard.
Says the guy who has made over eleven thousand posts in two years.

You obviously have plenty of time to read them for yourself.

You are just lazy and submissive. You want to be told by your betters what to parrot, what to bleev, and what to think.

He's asking others to tell him what democratic bills provide when the news stories to the bills have been in yahoo headlines for weeks. LOL But he's got something here worth discussing. LOL
We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
The plan for immigration reform has been around for at least two decades, retard. Bill after bill after bill after bill have been sponsored and subsequently obstructed by a handful of Republicans.

You mean to tell us you have not familiarized yourself with this in all that time!?!?!

We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
Here are some bills below so you can pull your head out of your ass and catch up. But we all know you won't read them since they are longer than a tweet.

Which means you and your fellow travelers will just make shit up and pass it off as "fact".

Text - H.R.3647 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2017


Nah, some of us have a life beyond the keyboard. Summarize “comprehensive immigration reform” for us. We want to hear it from you. Don’t be scared, what does “comprehensive immigration reform” entail and how do REAL Americans benefit from such reform?
I gave you the bills so you can read for yourself, retard.

And just as I predicted, you are too stupid and too lazy to read anything longer than a tweet.

You want your piss poured for you by your propagandists. That's how they are able to lie to you. They absolutely depend on you tards not reading for yourself.

So you just parrot the bullshit you are told to parrot.


We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
The plan for immigration reform has been around for at least two decades, retard. Bill after bill after bill after bill have been sponsored and subsequently obstructed by a handful of Republicans.

You mean to tell us you have not familiarized yourself with this in all that time!?!?!

We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
Here are some bills below so you can pull your head out of your ass and catch up. But we all know you won't read them since they are longer than a tweet.

Which means you and your fellow travelers will just make shit up and pass it off as "fact".

Text - H.R.3647 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2017


Nah, some of us have a life beyond the keyboard.
Says the guy who has made over eleven thousand posts in two years.

You obviously have plenty of time to read them for yourself.

You are just lazy and submissive. You want to be told by your betters what to parrot, what to bleev, and what to think.


So basically you’re embarrassed to tell us what Mexicrats have in mind for this “comprehensive immigration reform”?
Certainly you’ve read the Bill. Give it to us in short....don’t be scared.

Your propagandists count on you being this lazy and submissive. It's your choice to continue to be so, but I sure as shit am not going to enable you.

You have the time. Stop being lazy and educate yourself.

Or keep on being a brainless parrot.

Your choice.
We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
It entails doing nothing and continuing to ignore the problem as both parties have done for decades.
Twenty pages in and we’ve yet to see “comprehensive immigration reform” defined nor have we heard any real solutions from the LibTarded. I’m thinking a solution is not desired by the Left....hmmm..who knew.

You won't. I saw Tim Kaine on MTP Sunday.

"Oh yeah, we're absolutely for border security" and 2 minutes later? "Wall? Just beef up the spots we have" -paraphrased


I got disgusted with the typical politician bullshit and shut the TV off.

#1: Secure the border like (A Democratic) Congress promised to do in 1987 and never did.
They double talk about everything. That is just a classic example. It isn't even those politicans. It is their insufferable pieces of ignorant shit voting base of theirs.

Just so that we on the right understand this. The democrats NEED people to be poor and destitute. They NEED "victims" and 90% of the poor feel victimized. Most of which CHOSE that path.

The biggest enemy to all democrats are minorities that have earned their way out of the ghettos by hard work due to the OPPORTUNITIES capitalism has given them. They hate them worse than white conservatives. Trust that.

If they all died right now, I would have a stronger faith in God.
We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
The plan for immigration reform has been around for at least two decades, retard. Bill after bill after bill after bill have been sponsored and subsequently obstructed by a handful of Republicans.

You mean to tell us you have not familiarized yourself with this in all that time!?!?!

We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
Here are some bills below so you can pull your head out of your ass and catch up. But we all know you won't read them since they are longer than a tweet.

Which means you and your fellow travelers will just make shit up and pass it off as "fact".

Text - H.R.3647 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2017


Nah, some of us have a life beyond the keyboard. Summarize “comprehensive immigration reform” for us. We want to hear it from you. Don’t be scared, what does “comprehensive immigration reform” entail and how do REAL Americans benefit from such reform?
I gave you the bills so you can read for yourself, retard.

And just as I predicted, you are too stupid and too lazy to read anything longer than a tweet.

You want your piss poured for you by your propagandists. That's how they are able to lie to you. They absolutely depend on you tards not reading for yourself.

So you just parrot the bullshit you are told to parrot.


We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
The plan for immigration reform has been around for at least two decades, retard. Bill after bill after bill after bill have been sponsored and subsequently obstructed by a handful of Republicans.

You mean to tell us you have not familiarized yourself with this in all that time!?!?!

We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
Here are some bills below so you can pull your head out of your ass and catch up. But we all know you won't read them since they are longer than a tweet.

Which means you and your fellow travelers will just make shit up and pass it off as "fact".

Text - H.R.3647 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2017


Nah, some of us have a life beyond the keyboard.
Says the guy who has made over eleven thousand posts in two years.

You obviously have plenty of time to read them for yourself.

You are just lazy and submissive. You want to be told by your betters what to parrot, what to bleev, and what to think.


So basically you’re embarrassed to tell us what Mexicrats have in mind for this “comprehensive immigration reform”?
Certainly you’ve read the Bill. Give it to us in short....don’t be scared.

Your propagandists count on you being this lazy and submissive. It's your choice to continue to be so, but I sure as shit am not going to enable you.

You have the time. Stop being lazy and educate yourself.

Or keep on being a brainless parrot.

Your choice.

What a surprise...your nutless ass don’t have the balls to say it.
You know that “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” really means “Make Life Easier For Wetbacks While U.S. Taxpayers Pick Up The Tab”
Fucking say it pussy.
We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
The plan for immigration reform has been around for at least two decades, retard. Bill after bill after bill after bill have been sponsored and subsequently obstructed by a handful of Republicans.

You mean to tell us you have not familiarized yourself with this in all that time!?!?!

We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
Here are some bills below so you can pull your head out of your ass and catch up. But we all know you won't read them since they are longer than a tweet.

Which means you and your fellow travelers will just make shit up and pass it off as "fact".

Text - H.R.3647 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2017


Nah, some of us have a life beyond the keyboard.
Says the guy who has made over eleven thousand posts in two years.

You obviously have plenty of time to read them for yourself.

You are just lazy and submissive. You want to be told by your betters what to parrot, what to bleev, and what to think.

He's asking others to tell him what democratic bills provide when the news stories to the bills have been in yahoo headlines for weeks. LOL But he's got something here worth discussing. LOL

Haha...apparently all you filthy wetbacks loving bastards know this Bill inside and out yet not one of you have the nutsack to summarize it for us....fucking weird.
If your daughters are missing thank an illegal alien, some bad hombres, Middle Eastern and Latin American Brothels, Human Traffickers, and The Democrat Party.
The plan for immigration reform has been around for at least two decades, retard. Bill after bill after bill after bill have been sponsored and subsequently obstructed by a handful of Republicans.

You mean to tell us you have not familiarized yourself with this in all that time!?!?!

Here are some bills below so you can pull your head out of your ass and catch up. But we all know you won't read them since they are longer than a tweet.

Which means you and your fellow travelers will just make shit up and pass it off as "fact".

Text - H.R.3647 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2017


Nah, some of us have a life beyond the keyboard. Summarize “comprehensive immigration reform” for us. We want to hear it from you. Don’t be scared, what does “comprehensive immigration reform” entail and how do REAL Americans benefit from such reform?
I gave you the bills so you can read for yourself, retard.

And just as I predicted, you are too stupid and too lazy to read anything longer than a tweet.

You want your piss poured for you by your propagandists. That's how they are able to lie to you. They absolutely depend on you tards not reading for yourself.

So you just parrot the bullshit you are told to parrot.


The plan for immigration reform has been around for at least two decades, retard. Bill after bill after bill after bill have been sponsored and subsequently obstructed by a handful of Republicans.

You mean to tell us you have not familiarized yourself with this in all that time!?!?!

Here are some bills below so you can pull your head out of your ass and catch up. But we all know you won't read them since they are longer than a tweet.

Which means you and your fellow travelers will just make shit up and pass it off as "fact".

Text - H.R.3647 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2017


Nah, some of us have a life beyond the keyboard.
Says the guy who has made over eleven thousand posts in two years.

You obviously have plenty of time to read them for yourself.

You are just lazy and submissive. You want to be told by your betters what to parrot, what to bleev, and what to think.


So basically you’re embarrassed to tell us what Mexicrats have in mind for this “comprehensive immigration reform”?
Certainly you’ve read the Bill. Give it to us in short....don’t be scared.

Your propagandists count on you being this lazy and submissive. It's your choice to continue to be so, but I sure as shit am not going to enable you.

You have the time. Stop being lazy and educate yourself.

Or keep on being a brainless parrot.

Your choice.

What a surprise...your nutless ass don’t have the balls to say it.
You know that “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” really means “Make Life Easier For Wetbacks While U.S. Taxpayers Pick Up The Tab”
Fucking say it pussy.

That's exactly what it means. It means The Wild Wild West, No Accountability and Open Borders, Sanctuary for All Free For All, and about 25 Million Voter Registrations for The DemNazi party
If no Wall..

there never will be a wall ..

try and get over it, mmmmmmmk ?
The plan for immigration reform has been around for at least two decades, retard. Bill after bill after bill after bill have been sponsored and subsequently obstructed by a handful of Republicans.

You mean to tell us you have not familiarized yourself with this in all that time!?!?!

Here are some bills below so you can pull your head out of your ass and catch up. But we all know you won't read them since they are longer than a tweet.

Which means you and your fellow travelers will just make shit up and pass it off as "fact".

Text - H.R.3647 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2017


Nah, some of us have a life beyond the keyboard. Summarize “comprehensive immigration reform” for us. We want to hear it from you. Don’t be scared, what does “comprehensive immigration reform” entail and how do REAL Americans benefit from such reform?
I gave you the bills so you can read for yourself, retard.

And just as I predicted, you are too stupid and too lazy to read anything longer than a tweet.

You want your piss poured for you by your propagandists. That's how they are able to lie to you. They absolutely depend on you tards not reading for yourself.

So you just parrot the bullshit you are told to parrot.


The plan for immigration reform has been around for at least two decades, retard. Bill after bill after bill after bill have been sponsored and subsequently obstructed by a handful of Republicans.

You mean to tell us you have not familiarized yourself with this in all that time!?!?!

Here are some bills below so you can pull your head out of your ass and catch up. But we all know you won't read them since they are longer than a tweet.

Which means you and your fellow travelers will just make shit up and pass it off as "fact".

Text - H.R.3647 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2017


Nah, some of us have a life beyond the keyboard.
Says the guy who has made over eleven thousand posts in two years.

You obviously have plenty of time to read them for yourself.

You are just lazy and submissive. You want to be told by your betters what to parrot, what to bleev, and what to think.


So basically you’re embarrassed to tell us what Mexicrats have in mind for this “comprehensive immigration reform”?
Certainly you’ve read the Bill. Give it to us in short....don’t be scared.

Your propagandists count on you being this lazy and submissive. It's your choice to continue to be so, but I sure as shit am not going to enable you.

You have the time. Stop being lazy and educate yourself.

Or keep on being a brainless parrot.

Your choice.

What a surprise...your nutless ass don’t have the balls to say it.
You know that “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” really means “Make Life Easier For Wetbacks While U.S. Taxpayers Pick Up The Tab”
Fucking say it pussy.
You don't know fuck-all since you won't read the bills and only parrot what you are told to parrot.


You can keep parroting the same old shit, but you will always know deep down inside you are nothing more than a willfully stupid, submissive, ignorant, parrot.

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