If no Wall...what are the Democratic Party plans for immigration reform?

Maybe the republicans can "Tax Cut" our way out of this illegals situation.

That's right! Mo' gubermint! Mo' taxes!!! Mo' fees!!! Mo' entitlements and subsidies!

Fuck you and your commie-tard leaders.
end your right wing and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. you all don't want to pay wartime tax rates for them, anyway.

Dont you fucking put me in a category, you faggot sack of shit.
Maybe the republicans can "Tax Cut" our way out of this illegals situation.

I’m pretty sure the plan is to “entitlement cut” our way out of it by stopping the flow of taxpayer dependent, low iQ, illiterate baby factories from thirdworld countries...Makes perfect sense right?

I wonder why the Republicans didn't do that.

Umm, they have, where have you been?
They ended DACA, tightened down the border and sent iCE after the cockroaches. You didn’t know?

Theater for dopes.
You said, "Entitlement cut".

Why didn't they do that?
Maybe the republicans can "Tax Cut" our way out of this illegals situation.

I’m pretty sure the plan is to “entitlement cut” our way out of it by stopping the flow of taxpayer dependent, low iQ, illiterate baby factories from thirdworld countries...Makes perfect sense right?

I wonder why the Republicans didn't do that.

Because all they know or ever do is tax cuts.

Other than that, they're clueless.

A dumb fuck like YOU really believes that " da gubermint" is entitled to all of the federal reserve notes of debt people bust their asses to earn....added you to the long line of fucking commie morons.
Maybe the republicans can "Tax Cut" our way out of this illegals situation.

I’m pretty sure the plan is to “entitlement cut” our way out of it by stopping the flow of taxpayer dependent, low iQ, illiterate baby factories from thirdworld countries...Makes perfect sense right?

I wonder why the Republicans didn't do that.

Umm, they have, where have you been?
They ended DACA, tightened down the border and sent iCE after the cockroaches. You didn’t know?

Theater for dopes.
You said, "Entitlement cut".

Why didn't they do that?

Because they don't know how.

And besides, Mr. Businessman loves his cheap labor more than anything.
Maybe the republicans can "Tax Cut" our way out of this illegals situation.

That's right! Mo' gubermint! Mo' taxes!!! Mo' fees!!! Mo' entitlements and subsidies!

Fuck you and your commie-tard leaders.
end your right wing and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. you all don't want to pay wartime tax rates for them, anyway.

Dont you fucking put me in a category, you faggot sack of shit.
nothing but fallacy is what the right wing is best at. wo-men can do that.
Maybe the republicans can "Tax Cut" our way out of this illegals situation.

I’m pretty sure the plan is to “entitlement cut” our way out of it by stopping the flow of taxpayer dependent, low iQ, illiterate baby factories from thirdworld countries...Makes perfect sense right?

I wonder why the Republicans didn't do that.

Umm, they have, where have you been?
They ended DACA, tightened down the border and sent iCE after the cockroaches. You didn’t know?

Theater for dopes.
You said, "Entitlement cut".

Why didn't they do that?

Because they don't know how.

And besides, Mr. Businessman loves his cheap labor more than anything.

The truth is, they don't want to do anything. Their constituents make money with illegals and they get great political mileage demonizing the Dems on the subject.
Interesting, what did republicans do for the last two years about immigration when they had full control on the federal government? Start going after the folks that have expired visas for starts.

What a disingenuous question! How did the Dems help?
None. They were a minority party. To act like republicans are the protectors of the homeland from immigrants is disingenuous.

So that minority party could not find one single thing they supported in the Republican attempts at immigration reform?

Why don't you admit they were obstructing at every opportunity. It is actually OK to tell the truth once in while. Before you know it, you will be a conservative.
Democrats were on board with a compromise to give POTUS his wall in return for the dreamers and POTUS walked away from it.

BULLSHIT! They reneged on funding the wall when he offered the Dreamers a chance.
Maybe we can rewrite NAFTA so that more good paying jobs are produced in Mexico and they don’t need to come across the border
Calling the right wing on their allegation of a subscription to Capitalism instead of their usual and customary Socialism on a National basis, and insist we generate revenue not lose revenue on public policies.
We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?

- Open the border, build a bridge.
- Secure the Caravan shipment, bring it in safely.
- And the other bystanders.
- Free health care for all (who aren't Americans).
- Every illegal should be able to vote twice for the past discrimination.

I am sure I left something out.
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Twenty pages in and we’ve yet to see “comprehensive immigration reform” defined nor have we heard any real solutions from the LibTarded. I’m thinking a solution is not desired by the Left....hmmm..who knew.
Twenty pages in and we’ve yet to see “comprehensive immigration reform” defined nor have we heard any real solutions from the LibTarded. I’m thinking a solution is not desired by the Left....hmmm..who knew.
They never have an actual plan. They just say shit and if you disagree and show empirical evidence, they yell racism.

That is all they are.

Hence the reason I do not really engage with them with any debate. I refuse to push that rock up and down the hill like an asshole anymore.

They are demented sheep and they are all losers under the spell of group think.
Twenty pages in and we’ve yet to see “comprehensive immigration reform” defined nor have we heard any real solutions from the LibTarded. I’m thinking a solution is not desired by the Left....hmmm..who knew.
Border security
Path to citizenship (or something to make the existing 11million legal)
Better enforcement against hiring illegals
Raising the minimum wage.
Those have always been the comprehensive solutions
You just don’t want to hear it
Twenty pages in and we’ve yet to see “comprehensive immigration reform” defined nor have we heard any real solutions from the LibTarded. I’m thinking a solution is not desired by the Left....hmmm..who knew.

You won't. I saw Tim Kaine on MTP Sunday.

"Oh yeah, we're absolutely for border security" and 2 minutes later? "Wall? Just beef up the spots we have" -paraphrased


I got disgusted with the typical politician bullshit and shut the TV off.

#1: Secure the border like (A Democratic) Congress promised to do in 1987 and never did.
We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
The plan for immigration reform has been around for at least two decades, retard. Bill after bill after bill after bill have been sponsored and subsequently obstructed by a handful of Republicans.

You mean to tell us you have not familiarized yourself with this in all that time!?!?!
Twenty pages in and we’ve yet to see “comprehensive immigration reform” defined nor have we heard any real solutions from the LibTarded. I’m thinking a solution is not desired by the Left....hmmm..who knew.
Border security
Path to citizenship (or something to make the existing 11million legal)
Better enforcement against hiring illegals
Raising the minimum wage.
Those have always been the comprehensive solutions
You just don’t want to hear it

Haha...just as we thought. “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” decoded means “Better Immigration Policy For Wetbacks”. Did you forget that ALL policies pushed by the government that we elect, employ and pay are suppose to ONLY push policies of clear benefit to We The People?

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