If not for the Holocaust, would it be popular to embrace support of Nazism in 2019?

If you dont label it as nazism a lot of people are wildly enthusiastic about the ideology. You can see it on these boards, you dont have to look elsewhere,
Fear and hatred of "other".
Cult like devotion to a "strongman".
And finally the nutty hatred for all muslims. We know where that leads because we have seen it before.
The question is whether people would be only supporting Nazism if not for the holocaust. Would politicians be openly saying Hitler had some good ideas? Germany’s economy was roaring before the ideology inevitably collapsed. Would people use that to defend their arguments?

Um, no. Germany's economy ended up in a free fall due to out of control inflation, rendering their currency worthless, that wasn't improved until a gentleman by the name of Ludwig Ehrhard, who was an anti-socialist free-market economist, lifted price controls and massively deregulated Germany in 1948 (he was also one of the plotters of Hitler's failed assassination in 1944, and avoided being among the 5,000 that were ordered to their death by Hitler when the plot was foiled) -- he did it without authorization and against the advice of the Allied occupation. He kept West Germany from falling into Russian hands, as East Germany was already under Russian occupation at the time Ehrhard was appointed as Director of Economic Affairs by the Allies. This also rebuts the nonsense about Germany being a successful socialist nation. The "great economic miracle" was the result of economic and governmental actions that represent the antithesis of socialism. Their economy has become increasingly burdened by socialist agenda since the free-market boom following deregulation.

Anyone curious about a great piece of history should watch the following video. It's short, informative and entertaining.

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If you dont label it as nazism a lot of people are wildly enthusiastic about the ideology. You can see it on these boards, you dont have to look elsewhere,
Fear and hatred of "other".
Cult like devotion to a "strongman".
And finally the nutty hatred for all muslims. We know where that leads because we have seen it before.

to where has "hatred for all muslims" led historically---
(as you claim :we all know") ? I have a fair idea as to
that which Islamic control has led, historically
Ya don’t say...

Where is it happening??? Let me guess - in America under Trump
That is one place, yes. And across Europe. Many regimes in the Middle East use that ideology to stay in power. Our system of government is resistant to it but only so long as propaganda from that ideology can be defeated before people start embracing it.

Trump as not brought back Nazism or racism because it never left.

Eight years of Obama I read on boards the racist writings, so let cut the nonsense...
If you dont label it as nazism a lot of people are wildly enthusiastic about the ideology. You can see it on these boards, you dont have to look elsewhere,
Fear and hatred of "other".
Cult like devotion to a "strongman".
And finally the nutty hatred for all muslims. We know where that leads because we have seen it before.

to where has "hatred for all muslims" led historically---
(as you claim :we all know") ? I have a fair idea as to
that which Islamic control has led, historically

The socialist dictator Slobodan Milošević, who was convicted of war crimes for the Yugoslav wars and slaughter of ethnicnically slavic Muslims?
Fascist will not replace us.

Dump Trump 2020!

You are a fascist you idiot....

Unless you've gotten a little more leftwing in recent months.

Then again you don't even know what a fascist is, or that it's a political leftwing ideology that was founded by a man who once was a communist bomb thrower who began the party as a less collectivist alternative to the bolsheviks. It was a still an authoritarian centralized state that limited individual rights and controlled all industry and wages.

I'll never understand why you bed wetters can't accept that fact, it's not like you can't just research the facts yourself.

It's just easier for you to cling to ignorance I suppose.


Blow it out your ass partisan dick breath.
Fascist will not replace us.

Dump Trump 2020!

You are a fascist you idiot....

Unless you've gotten a little more leftwing in recent months.

Then again you don't even know what a fascist is, or that it's a political leftwing ideology that was founded by a man who once was a communist bomb thrower who began the party as a less collectivist alternative to the bolsheviks. It was a still an authoritarian centralized state that limited individual rights and controlled all industry and wages.

I'll never understand why you bed wetters can't accept that fact, it's not like you can't just research the facts yourself.

It's just easier for you to cling to ignorance I suppose.

BB has always been a good Liberal, assimilated Jew.

Hahahahaha Good one.

Fascist will not replace us.

Dump Trump 2020!

You are a fascist you idiot....

Unless you've gotten a little more leftwing in recent months.

Then again you don't even know what a fascist is, or that it's a political leftwing ideology that was founded by a man who once was a communist bomb thrower who began the party as a less collectivist alternative to the bolsheviks. It was a still an authoritarian centralized state that limited individual rights and controlled all industry and wages.

I'll never understand why you bed wetters can't accept that fact, it's not like you can't just research the facts yourself.

It's just easier for you to cling to ignorance I suppose.

That was Mussolini, yes?
Yep. Mussolini was a socialist that wanted to focus on the Nation instead of a global collective. thats when "fascism" was born.
Fascist will not replace us.

Dump Trump 2020!

You are a fascist you idiot....

Unless you've gotten a little more leftwing in recent months.

Then again you don't even know what a fascist is, or that it's a political leftwing ideology that was founded by a man who once was a communist bomb thrower who began the party as a less collectivist alternative to the bolsheviks. It was a still an authoritarian centralized state that limited individual rights and controlled all industry and wages.

I'll never understand why you bed wetters can't accept that fact, it's not like you can't just research the facts yourself.

It's just easier for you to cling to ignorance I suppose.

That was Mussolini, yes?
Yep. Mussolini was a socialist that wanted to focus on the Nation instead of a global collective. thats when "fascism" was born.

Today, multinational corporations are selling this nation for cheap labor and indoctrinating people worldwide into the same collectivist mindset.
Anyways since nobody wants to talk about the topic I’ll give an answer. I think that people would ABSOLUTELY be pointing to the Nazi’s to support ideas that they currently support if the Holocaust had never happened or been covered up and forgotten. There are people who do so anyways, and they would be in the mainstream had the Nazi’s not acted so savagely against their undesirables.

I disagree. Some people would, perhaps more than do today, but they can't be separated. How can you imagine a world were the Nazi's didn't exterminate anyone systematically. Persecuting the undesirables and Jews was one of Hitlers main goals.

I mean if the Manson family hadn't killed anyone would they still be consider so evil?
Well … what IS it, then?! I can't really imagine a moral lapse as huge as the hidden deaths of millions each year they were in power , and circulating the loot back into the economy makes the economy "appear successful". Without targets or in-groups and out-groups in all that, its a total horrible idea, the worst thing we should ever expect from government.
I don't think no matter if the Holocaust happened or not, the same rules would still be implied:

"Hatred of Israel reflects a widespread contempt in the world for Jewish people—for the achievements and contributions of our people, that embodied in the State of Israel, in modern nation-building and daring renewal."

Whether it happened in 1939 or 2019, Nazism would still be at an all-time high.
The ideology is making a comeback in different forms all over the world. The first thing supporters will tell you is “no no no we’re nothing like the Nazi’s, not at all stop trying to silence us!” Would there be people proudly calling themselves “Nazi’s” had the Holocaust never happened/been discovered?

*It should be noted that Holocaust type events cannot be separated from that ideology as fear and hatred of minority groups and the “other” are core principles that inevitably lead to that type of event.

Silly question!

The Allied countries did not know about the holocaust until after the war ended, so there was plenty of hatred for the Nazis regardless of the holocaust.

It's too bad that the holocaust has overshadowed all the other atrocities and general idiocy of the Nazis.

For one thing, Hitler strongly believed that the individual existed only for the good of the nation and was therefore very expendable.

That severely contrasts American concept of individuality.

It's incredible that so many conservatives that preach individuality seem to be allied with Neo-Nazis, but there's no accounting for insanity, is there?
Do you have an opinion on the question? If not, go troll elsewhere.
hes dead on topic,,,we have anitifa running around calling people NAZIS while behaving as nazis

and not a single trumper is doing anything like it,,,
Antifa hasn’t done anything since the alt-right Nazism was scared back underground
It’s obvious you’re not on Facebook where Liberals post, “Shut the fuck up, Nazi!”, when you disagree with them; and they’re not ashamed.
I got off Facebook way back before it was cool to get off Facebook. I’m sorry your social media campaigning is not going well. You could aways join twitter and scream your frustrations out to nobody there.
That’s why I’m here.
I’m amused by the stupidity of ideologues.

its would be better to ignore them than to continue discussing them,,,

but as long as youre amused who am I to stop your fun,,,
Fascist will not replace us.

Dump Trump 2020!

You are a fascist you idiot....

Unless you've gotten a little more leftwing in recent months.

Then again you don't even know what a fascist is, or that it's a political leftwing ideology that was founded by a man who once was a communist bomb thrower who began the party as a less collectivist alternative to the bolsheviks. It was a still an authoritarian centralized state that limited individual rights and controlled all industry and wages.

I'll never understand why you bed wetters can't accept that fact, it's not like you can't just research the facts yourself.

It's just easier for you to cling to ignorance I suppose.

That was Mussolini, yes?
Yep. Mussolini was a socialist that wanted to focus on the Nation instead of a global collective. thats when "fascism" was born.
Mussolini was scared shitless of Hitler.
The ideology is making a comeback in different forms all over the world. The first thing supporters will tell you is “no no no we’re nothing like the Nazi’s, not at all stop trying to silence us!” Would there be people proudly calling themselves “Nazi’s” had the Holocaust never happened/been discovered?

*It should be noted that Holocaust type events cannot be separated from that ideology as fear and hatred of minority groups and the “other” are core principles that inevitably lead to that type of event.

Silly question!

The Allied countries did not know about the holocaust until after the war ended, so there was plenty of hatred for the Nazis regardless of the holocaust.

It's too bad that the holocaust has overshadowed all the other atrocities and general idiocy of the Nazis.

For one thing, Hitler strongly believed that the individual existed only for the good of the nation and was therefore very expendable.

That severely contrasts American concept of individuality.

It's incredible that so many conservatives that preach individuality seem to be allied with Neo-Nazis, but there's no accounting for insanity, is there?

All you have to do to get labeled a neo-nazi these days is oppose never ending waves of 3rd world immigration.
The ideology is making a comeback in different forms all over the world. The first thing supporters will tell you is “no no no we’re nothing like the Nazi’s, not at all stop trying to silence us!” Would there be people proudly calling themselves “Nazi’s” had the Holocaust never happened/been discovered?

*It should be noted that Holocaust type events cannot be separated from that ideology as fear and hatred of minority groups and the “other” are core principles that inevitably lead to that type of event.

Nazi to left wing socialist for me
The ideology is making a comeback in different forms all over the world. The first thing supporters will tell you is “no no no we’re nothing like the Nazi’s, not at all stop trying to silence us!” Would there be people proudly calling themselves “Nazi’s” had the Holocaust never happened/been discovered?

*It should be noted that Holocaust type events cannot be separated from that ideology as fear and hatred of minority groups and the “other” are core principles that inevitably lead to that type of event.

They would be no different than the idiots calling themselves communists.

Authoritarians who hate freedom will always be my enemy, no matter which totalitarian hat they wear.





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