If nothing else the hearings thus far have achieved something notable.

It's a hearing. Your side CHOSE not to participate.... Purposely. So people like you could be good little minions, and push the narrative of "unfairness" when the truth came out. You should hate being their pawn.

Says the Pawn that thinks it is a Knight.

Any public hearings for Nancy?

I find the reply's confusing, Nancy is not on the committee is she? & is she on the list of those being interviewed? Thought This was a fact finding committee? So if your not going to watch any of it how can you debunk any findings you disagree with?
Their willingness to deny, deflect, distort, to turn the truth on its head, is splashed all over this board on a daily basis. They are so locked in to the fatuous narrative they've been espousing for years they have no choice but to accept the truth or go down with the ship. So far it appears they have chosen to drown.
The funny part is that you're describing exactly what the left and its useful idiots, like yourself, have been doing for years.
Tell us more about the Russian collusion myth, Borg.
Your inability to factually explain why food shortages are Biden's fault, not Putin's, is not the topic of this thread.
It is not all Biden's fault, but he did participate

The world wide war on fossil fuels which was and still is the building block of the world economy by governments across the globe, in addition to the world wide government response to Covid which caused shutdowns and shortages, in addition to the overall spending of governments across the globe that increased inflation, are all to blame

In other words, world governments have done all this to themselves

The only question is, was it intentional and when will the stop blaming Putin and Big Oil?
I find the reply's confusing, Nancy is not on the committee is she? & is she on the list of those being interviewed? Thought This was a fact finding committee? So if your not going to watch any of it how can you debunk any findings you disagree with?
She's one of those refusing to provide her communications surrounding J6.
It is not all Biden's fault, but he did participate

The world wide war on fossil fuels which was and still is the building block of the world economy by governments across the globe, in addition to the world wide government response to Covid which caused shutdowns and shortages, in addition to the overall spending of governments across the globe that increased inflation, are all to blame

In other words, world governments have done all this to themselves

The only question is, was it intentional and when will the stop blaming Putin and Big Oil?
Why are there 5 refineries shut down? EPA?
Putting aside the overwhelming evidence of Trump's legal exposure for the failed coup, the sworn testimony given by former members of Don's admin has blown a giant hole in the credibility of right wing media outlet's duplicitous spin on the events leading to 1/6 and on 1/6 itself.
I say this fully understanding those outlets are still spinning. What else can they do? It's either that or admit the narrative they have been fomenting, really since Trump announced his candidacy, is an enormous pile of steaming horseshit. I say this also fully understanding the gullible rubes who believe 1/6 was just another day of tourists visiting the Capital will continue swilling the spin. What else can they do?
Their willingness to deny, deflect, distort, to turn the truth on its head, is splashed all over this board on a daily basis. They are so locked in to the fatuous narrative they've been espousing for years they have no choice but to accept the truth or go down with the ship. So far it appears they have chosen to drown.
Bla bla bla, bla bla

Same old crap from these leftards, every time

I just DO NOT CARE what kinds of alternate realities they can conjure up this time

They lost me with the dossier and the Russian collusion bit, now I don't believe a fucking word they say. About ANYTHING. They're a hive of motherfucking liars, and they have to use coercion and intimidation to get others to go along with their bullshit.

I just DO NOT CARE what kinds of yarns this kangaroo court or it's minions can spin. WE ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENED, we don't need 600 political prisoners sitting in jail while that fucktard Pelosi finishes her personal vendetta.

What a clown show. A pox on the fucking DEMOCRATS, I hope they choke on their own bullshit.
But not for the lack of trying. We are learning more about the failed attempt every day. You do know trying but failing to overthrow the government is still illegal, right? I noticed you didn't say "no crime was committed."

The ONLY "people" claiming they were trying to overthrow anything is the DemonicRats.
It is impossible to overthrow a national government with only 200 people or LESS!! And most of THOSE people were UNARMED.
It's also impossible to overthrow an empty building!!!
Pelosi's Crazy Jan6 Insurrection Conspiracy Hearings prove once again the Dems play dirty games.

Democrats have challenged election results 4 times more than Republicans.
- Several members of the Committee have challenged previous election results.
- Maxine Waters challenged election results based on one of fat, partisan director Michael Moore's bogus video.

Democrats have called for military voters and entirexstayes to be disenfranchised by throwing out their votes.

There is a Constitutionan path for challenging elections, one that was followed in 2020.

President Trump has a legal role in this Constitutional path, which he followed. He had every right to ask his VP to bock certification until voting 'inconsistencies' were addressed. Pence was not obligated to do so, which he didn't. Trump had every right to ask state legislatures to fight their governor to prevent state certification when that state violated its own election laws.

We learned despite all Committee's and lies (but omission) that Trump never ordered or called for a coup. Records abd transcripts show the President called on his supporters to walk peacefully to the Capitol and let their bmboices be heard, told them not to engage in violence, to stay peaceful, obey the law, and respect the Capitol Police.

Leftist Rachel Maddow destroyed another Committee false narrative by pointing out 1) Trump supporters from the rally were not at the Capitol when the riot started or when the breach occurred- they were still walking to the Capitol & 2) the people who started the riot and breached the Capitol were not at Trump's rally; therefor, they were not there to get any orders to affect a coup, orders that were never given.

All of these things, and more, we learned were not brought up by the Committee, who never wanted anyone to learn these things in this 1-sided, partisan, TDS-driven, failed 'Get Trump 3.0', Tax payer-funded, political theatrical shit show, but by the end of it even the usual complicit left wing media was calling out the committee.

Ratings for their 'Get Trump 3.0' revenge infomercial plummeted as the mass public quickly figured out what it was, had moved on, and care more about the nose-diving economy, sky-rocketing prises and misery thanks to blame-shifting Joe 'The Buck Stops Here' Biden's feed policies and disastrous Presidency.

And we are nowhere closer to finding out:
- What did Pelosi, The DC Mayor, Capitol Police Chief, and Sergeant-at-Arms did with the information about possible violence on 6 Jan the FBI gave them 2 weeks before
- Who did they share it with
- Why was the Capitol Police so short manned still
- Who made the call not to bring in the National Guard (despite the Capitol Police Chief stating he asked for the Guard to be brought in 6 times before and during 6 Jan but was denied
- Did the FBI inform anyone they were going to have informants and agents on the Capitol grounds, and in the Capitol?
- The Capitol Police internal investigation reported not enough manning, no leadership on the ground during 6 Jan events to give orders, and no working comm to talk directly to local DC Police or Bational Guard
--- Considering the comm issue. why did the committee claim the DC metro police were talking to the Capitol Police from the very start?

I could hp on and on about what was NOT covered or the debunked false narratives, but YOU helped point how much theis farce was about TRUMP than 6 that.

Thank you fothstat.
It's a hearing. Your side CHOSE not to participate.... Purposely. So people like you could be good little minions, and push the narrative of "unfairness" when the truth came out. You should hate being their pawn.
No, McCarty was prohibited from seating the people he wanted on the sham "committee"....That's not refusal to participate, that's being actively prevented from doing so.
But not for the lack of trying. We are learning more about the failed attempt every day. You do know trying but failing to overthrow the government is still illegal, right? I noticed you didn't say "no crime was committed."
Yeah, right....Unarmed grandparents taking selfies in the hallways were going to "overthrow the gubmint"...LMFAO!

Jeebus, you moonbats are a hoot!

Their willingness to deny, deflect, distort, to turn the truth on its head, is splashed all over this board on a daily basis.
We just call those things "opinions". We have the same right to them that you do. We also have the right to question election results when we see systemic irregularities. Don't let your pride and arrogance bite you in the ass by convincing yourself that you and your media get to determine reality.

BTW, if Trump announces that he's running for president in '24, what actions do you believe should be taken to "protect the democracy"?
Pelosi's Crazy Jan6 Insurrection Conspiracy Hearings prove once again the Dems play dirty games.
Then, when the plot flips and Republicans are the ones with the subpoena power, the Dems will squeal like little kids. They'll hold their breath, stamp their feet, cast accusations of racisms and, my personal favorite, scream voter suppression and illegitimate election.

I've already contacted my representatives and told them that a "no" vote for the Impeachment of Biden or any vote against investigating 1/6, will guarantee that I vote for someone else next time around.

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