If nothing else the hearings thus far have achieved something notable.

Putting aside the overwhelming evidence of Trump's legal exposure for the failed coup, the sworn testimony given by former members of Don's admin has blown a giant hole in the credibility of right wing media outlet's duplicitous spin on the events leading to 1/6 and on 1/6 itself.
The right wing media outlets' credibility IS a giant hole. No one really disputes this, not even the outlets themselves.

So the hearings have achieved nothing.
Who doesn't love a trial without due process to be televised around the world?

Right wingers and their silly due process Constitution thingy.
The old Soviets at least had a classy-sounding name for it - STAR CHAMBERS. January of '23 better bring a new dedication to the investigation of 1/6 with the focus being lack of security and how that contributed to the violence that day. What happened was ugly but not nearly as ugly as it will be if they steal another damned election.
It's not a trial.....

but you know that, already....

If the DOJ takes any case up, they will get due process.
It's also unprecedented in congressional history. Such oversight investigations are always somewhat bipartisan. The two token Republicans could run in a Democrat district and win. Both of them are at the end of their career in the party. No, this one is NOT like all the others. It's the same kind of shit-show we watched for 4 years against Trump and people are ignoring it, in droves.
The right wing media outlets' credibility IS a giant hole. No one really disputes this, not even the outlets themselves.

So the hearings have achieved nothing.
I've seen nothing to indicate outlets like Faux, or any other right wing outlet, has admitted to spewing lies. Their viewers certainly don't believe they lie despite demonstrable evidence to the contrary.
The old Soviets at least had a classy-sounding name for it - STAR CHAMBERS. January of '23 better bring a new dedication to the investigation of 1/6 with the focus being lack of security and how that contributed to the violence that day. What happened was ugly but not nearly as ugly as it will be if they steal another damned election.
If you have concrete evidence to submit proving the 1/6 committee is guilty of anything other than presenting irrefutable facts, and not just your baseless innuendo, please provide it.
The ONLY "people" claiming they were trying to overthrow anything is the DemonicRats.
It is impossible to overthrow a national government with only 200 people or LESS!! And most of THOSE people were UNARMED.
It's also impossible to overthrow an empty building!!!

Agreed. Democrats are world class hypocrites. They have armed insurrections into federal proceedings and property in at least three different cities, and guess what excuse the fucktard Democrats are using to keep from investigating?

"Well, it wasn't TECHNICALLY an insurrection. No one was inside working at the time".

Like AntiFa bothered to check. "Excuse me, is anyone inside? Could we throw some Molotovs now?"

These Democrats are STALINIST PIGS.

Oink oink
What case? DOJ farms out their work now to Pelosi and Schiff?

This 'case'...was there any counter evidence presented or is it just a one way street?

That is why certain GOP members were excluded.

This isn't a case, it's a motivational tool to get dem's still suffering from TDS to help prevent a wipeout in November.
When or if, the DOJ brings charges against anyone, the accused gets their due process.

This hearing, is for the history books, and to inform us. Donald Trump is welcomed to tell his side, under oath, just like all witnesses the committee has interviewed. And John Eastman, and Mark Meadows, can turn over subpoenaed documents and emails or just ones that can help them, and come under oath to tell "their side"....

Eastman did appear, but he plead the 5th 100 times.... So, we tried to get his side of the story, but he refused to tell it.

Do you really think, if the 1/6 committee had more republican congress critters than 2, that Eastman would not have evoked the 5th Amendment and told us his side?

I don't think so.
I've seen nothing to indicate outlets like Faux, or any other right wing outlet, has admitted to spewing lies. Their viewers certainly don't believe they lie despite demonstrable evidence to the contrary.
No one cares. Don't you get that by now? Dems can trot out evidence of Republican misdoings all day long and it won't matter to anyone - won't change a single mind. The two-party system doesn't depend on evidence, facts, or even ideology - just tribes, vying for power.
Putting aside the overwhelming evidence of Trump's legal exposure for the failed coup, the sworn testimony given by former members of Don's admin has blown a giant hole in the credibility of right wing media outlet's duplicitous spin on the events leading to 1/6 and on 1/6 itself.
I say this fully understanding those outlets are still spinning. What else can they do? It's either that or admit the narrative they have been fomenting, really since Trump announced his candidacy, is an enormous pile of steaming horseshit. I say this also fully understanding the gullible rubes who believe 1/6 was just another day of tourists visiting the Capital will continue swilling the spin. What else can they do?
Their willingness to deny, deflect, distort, to turn the truth on its head, is splashed all over this board on a daily basis. They are so locked in to the fatuous narrative they've been espousing for years they have no choice but to accept the truth or go down with the ship. So far it appears they have chosen to drown.
imo, the entire thing is really a preemptive move against another Trump candidacy. I saw a poll today that he leads Biden by two points, and that's just not gop voters. But if he runs, his entire candidacy will be built on the Big Lie. And I hope Biden steps down, but really, unless the gop candidate disqualifies himself, the gop will win.
Don't guzzle your pelosi koolaid too fast, you might choke.
I will refer you to easy65's excellent post #55.
I refer you to the fact false equivalences don't make for a compelling defense of what Trump did........namely, attempted a coup.
I refer you to the fact false equivalences don't make for a compelling defense of what Trump did........namely, attempted a coup.
there was no insurrection or a plot for an insurrection
you have been duped
this is just another one of Pelosi's dirty smear campaigns

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