If nothing else the hearings thus far have achieved something notable.

Putting aside the overwhelming evidence of Trump's legal exposure for the failed coup, the sworn testimony given by former members of Don's admin has blown a giant hole in the credibility of right wing media outlet's duplicitous spin on the events leading to 1/6 and on 1/6 itself.
I say this fully understanding those outlets are still spinning. What else can they do? It's either that or admit the narrative they have been fomenting, really since Trump announced his candidacy, is an enormous pile of steaming horseshit. I say this also fully understanding the gullible rubes who believe 1/6 was just another day of tourists visiting the Capital will continue swilling the spin. What else can they do?
Their willingness to deny, deflect, distort, to turn the truth on its head, is splashed all over this board on a daily basis. They are so locked in to the fatuous narrative they've been espousing for years they have no choice but to accept the truth or go down with the ship. So far it appears they have chosen to drown.
The January 6 pony show if it shows anything is the same thing. These democrats will believe what they are told no matter how far fetched or impossible it is and should have the average American worried there are so many stupid mindless shits in this country.

Republican leader for governor in Michigan, Ryan Kelley charged with entering a restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, disorderly and disruptive conduct, knowingly engaging in an act of physical violence against a person or property, and willfully injuring property. All these misdemeanors were charge charged due to the events on January 6 White House demonstration and should have been tried 10 months ago. While he campaigns for governor of the state he has no cash for security but a federal liberal judge , Robin Meriweather denied Kelley's cancelled weapons permit for these misdemeanors saying court workers serving papers or court documents to his home would be put in danger .

My opinion and my opinion is right. This hack should be disbarred and stripped of all retirement. This whole January 6 pony show maybe for the people of San Francisco and a few idiots that voted for this 100% mental losers who violates the peoples basic rights but for the rest of us we see the tyrants as the fucks they are. One more straw on the Camel's back already over weight due to over 10 years of these criminal in your face acts of crime
I don't think we as a Nation, will ever send a President to prison.... Even if deserved.... Like with Nixon.

But those minions and advisors of Trump's, pushing illegal things, should be tried and convicted(or exonerated), just like the Watergate criminals were tried.
How does Eastman get tried and convicted without Trump being named as a co-conspirator?
Nobody cares. After 6 months of Dem encouraged riots, looting, burning, 2,000 cops injured, rapes, government buildings taken over, public property 'occupied' you people have zero credibility so piss off home.

The rioters were motivated by Floyds' murder.

Joe Biden repeatedly condemned violent protests. In a May 31 post on his blog shortly after George Floyd’s death, he wrote, “Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not.”

Ya just can't trust the Neo-GOP.
The January 6 pony show if it shows anything is the same thing. These democrats will believe what they are told no matter how far fetched or impossible it is and should have the average American worried there are so many stupid mindless shits in this country.
The witnesses testifying about what happened are all Repubs. Are they all lying?
The rioters were motivated by Floyds' murder.

Joe Biden repeatedly condemned violent protests. In a May 31 post on his blog shortly after George Floyd’s death, he wrote, “Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not.”

Ya just can't trust the Neo-GOP.
Dems looted stores because Floyd, interesting theory. :cuckoo:
It has demonstrated no “overwhelming” evidence. Indeed, it truly hasn’t shown any credible evidence at all. So much for you initial point. 🙄

And none of the testimony has blown any while in any right wing reporting. That “testimony” is largely irrelevant to the supposed purpose of the committee.

You’re “seeing” precisely what you want the committee’s phony hearings to “show” even if (as in this case) nothing in these hearings is even addressing the topic at all. So much for your credibility.
You are seeing and hearing only what your right wing media, strategically shows you....so to mis- and dis- inform you!!!!

Ignoring the Jan. 6 hearings? Michael Luttig explains why you shouldn’t.

J. Michael Luttig did more than demolish Trump’s claims that Pence could have stopped the electoral counting. He delivered a frightening analysis of American democracy on the brink and the former president’s role in bringing the country to the edge of further chaos.

Fuck that has-been.
Trump pressured Mike Pence to violate the Constitution. When the crowd stormed the Capitol, Trump poured gasoline on the fire by telling the mob that Pence was not doing his bidding.

There was only one set of CERTIFIED election results. Got that, tards?

Some fuckwits got together and made a set of FAKE election results. These FAKE election results were NOT certified.

There was one thing, and one thing only, Mike Pence was obligated under the Constitution to do. He was to open the CERTIFIED election results and count them.

With me so far, tards?

John Eastman willfully lied and told Trump that Mike Pence could just throw out the CERTIFIED election results and disenfranchise the 81 million voters who elected Joe Biden.

Eastman was wrong. And if you tards had watched the hearing yesterday, you would have seen that he KNEW he was wrong.

In October 2020, Eastman wrote a draft letter to Donald Trump, and in his own words said, "the 12th Amendment only says that the President of the Senate opens the ballots in the joint session and then, in the passive voice, that the votes shall then be counted. Nowhere does it suggest that the President of the Senate gets to make the determination on his own."

IMo, the specifics are beyond all Trump supporters, or they simply don't care about elections. I'm not really confident that a maj would take preserving elections over money. But I have some hope that DeSantis will run on a foreward looking econ plan (with of course the usual red meat social issues, that the dems are stupid enough to give him)

But I think the progressives have driven the dems so far left, that they're finished for the near term.
Fuck that has-been.
The only has-been is Trump the loser.


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