Racism is mostly gone in this country... but not completely. And in the November election, the nominee from each party obviously needs huge numbers of votes from the people in their own party, plus a hefty share of the "independent" vote.
That wouldn't be a problem if the Republican nominee were black. But the Democrat party is the party of racism, going back even before the Civil war - an attitude that has not gone away even today. This is the party who continuously proclaims that minorities - and blacks as a group in particular - cannot make it without government help. And while saying this, they make no such claim about whites as a group. Bu they continuously push programs that keep blacks subservient and dependent on government, even while instructing them that they, the Democrats, will somehow "help" them with those programs.
Anyone who can write the first paragraph above and then move into the second paragraph does not have the reasoning ability required to think through a paper bag and thus their ramblings on politics would only demonstrate their emptiness. And damn if they don't
"The African race is a rubber ball. The harder you dash it to the ground, the higher it will rise." African Proverb