If Obama Is "So Likeable", Then Why Does He Keep Running Away From Press Questions?

Mar 16, 2012

Oh Oh Obama! Obama! He is Jesus! He is so Loved!! He has an arora around his skinny head! Every reporter on NBC wants an interview with him !! etc. etc.
Oh Really? Obama is so likeable? If so, then why does he frequently run away like a mouse after he speaks to the press? How many times over the last 30/34 months have we seen Obama hold a press conference, then end it, run away, and at the same time we hear 12 reporters screaming,,,,MR PRESIDENT !! MR PRESIDENT !! Can you comment? Who , What, Where, When, Why???
Yah! Obama is only liked by those he chooses to be interviewed by !!!
I hope Romney brings this up during the campaign. He should tell Americans that he will hold press conferences often and WILL TAKE QUESTIONS !!
As a master of rhetoric, he will always be in total control of that.

But he can't control the results and the volumes of lies he has put out which will be replayed to the public for the next 6 months.
I hope Romney brings this up during the campaign. He should tell Americans that he will hold press conferences often and WILL TAKE QUESTIONS !!

Now Now, we have the most transparent admin in history.

The reasons are crystal clear as to why they always plead the fifth. :lol:
I dont ever recall Reagan, Nixon, Clinton,either Bush, or Chris Christie ever running away like a gay penguin from a press who wanted answers.
I think this is lame. I've often seen W and others refuse to take questions after a press conference, and I don't blame them, of either party, for doing so. It's their dime and their dance floor and the media pukes are there by invitation.
im aware that Bush 43 at times didnt take questions, but Obama has been much more ignorant towards the press over the years. with the country in such crisis, you would expect answers from the leader! and most of the time, he runs off,,,,just like Kato did after he was questioned in the OJ trial.
Don't expect any open questions for Obama for the rest of the year! God forbid anyone asks Obama why he was pimping columbian hoes for his SS agents on our tax dollars,,,and same with the GSA scandal. all approved by Obama !!!
Don't expect any open questions for Obama for the rest of the year! God forbid anyone asks Obama why he was pimping columbian hoes for his SS agents on our tax dollars,,,and same with the GSA scandal. all approved by Obama !!!

And you expect to be taken seriously in here?

Plenty of real stuff to hang on Barry. No need to resort to nonsense.
I thought the media was liberal biased? How does this line up with the idea that Obama is avoiding them?

Something doesn't add up.

Oh Oh Obama! Obama! He is Jesus! He is so Loved!! He has an arora around his skinny head! Every reporter on NBC wants an interview with him !! etc. etc.
Oh Really? Obama is so likeable? If so, then why does he frequently run away like a mouse after he speaks to the press? How many times over the last 30/34 months have we seen Obama hold a press conference, then end it, run away, and at the same time we hear 12 reporters screaming,,,,MR PRESIDENT !! MR PRESIDENT !! Can you comment? Who , What, Where, When, Why???
Yah! Obama is only liked by those he chooses to be interviewed by !!!

Another brain washed republican who has no clue awesome
and look at the las two press secretary's, we cant even get straight answers out of them. God, the first one may as well have been in a coma.
I thought the media was liberal biased? How does this line up with the idea that Obama is avoiding them?

Something doesn't add up.

OK. SO you tell me....

How is it that the White house NOR the Attorney General was aware that there was an operation taking place that includeds the following agreed upon facts:

1) We were selling arms to Mexican thugs
2) We were aware that those guns were crossing the border of a sovereign nation
3) Those thugs are deemed by the Mexican Government ENEMIES of the Mexican Government

Now when you take those items.....

We knowing sold weapons to the enemy of a sovereihgn nation and allowed such weapons to cross our common border. Some may see this as an act of war.

Now, I know...Holder said "As AG I have a lot of things I need to address and can not be aware of all operations"...

Yeah...I get it...

But if selling arms to the enemy of an ally, using the common border as a conduit is NOT an operation the AG has time to "be aware of"...then what is?

Now...not to minimize his responsibilities...nor to minimize the Presidents speach regarding womens rights ealier this month...But Holder had time to attend it.

Where is the media asking THAT one?

Oh Oh Obama! Obama! He is Jesus! He is so Loved!! He has an arora around his skinny head! Every reporter on NBC wants an interview with him !! etc. etc.
Oh Really? Obama is so likeable? If so, then why does he frequently run away like a mouse after he speaks to the press? How many times over the last 30/34 months have we seen Obama hold a press conference, then end it, run away, and at the same time we hear 12 reporters screaming,,,,MR PRESIDENT !! MR PRESIDENT !! Can you comment? Who , What, Where, When, Why???
Yah! Obama is only liked by those he chooses to be interviewed by !!!

Another brain washed republican who has no clue awesome

The left anointed him.............THE ONE........

Seems you are the clueless one
Yah right, Im brainwashed! I call is as I see it, we have all seen Obama make his boring speeches to a press, then take off as the reporters are yelling MR PRESIDENT !! MR PRESIDENT !!,,,,,,is this what u want in a leader with a nation in crisis?
I thought the media was liberal biased? How does this line up with the idea that Obama is avoiding them?

Something doesn't add up.

OK. SO you tell me....

How is it that the White house NOR the Attorney General was aware that there was an operation taking place that includeds the following agreed upon facts:

1) We were selling arms to Mexican thugs
2) We were aware that those guns were crossing the border of a sovereign nation
3) Those thugs are deemed by the Mexican Government ENEMIES of the Mexican Government

Now when you take those items.....

We knowing sold weapons to the enemy of a sovereihgn nation and allowed such weapons to cross our common border. Some may see this as an act of war.

Now, I know...Holder said "As AG I have a lot of things I need to address and can not be aware of all operations"...

Yeah...I get it...

But if selling arms to the enemy of an ally, using the common border as a conduit is NOT an operation the AG has time to "be aware of"...then what is?

Now...not to minimize his responsibilities...nor to minimize the Presidents speach regarding womens rights ealier this month...But Holder had time to attend it.

Where is the media asking THAT one?

1) You told me that I wasn't allowed to respond to you

2) I'm not quite sure what your response has to do with what I said.
Yah right, Im brainwashed! I call is as I see it, we have all seen Obama make his boring speeches to a press, then take off as the reporters are yelling MR PRESIDENT !! MR PRESIDENT !!,,,,,,is this what u want in a leader with a nation in crisis?

Why would he be avoiding the media which is so obviously biased in his favor?

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