If Only Democrats Would Stop Lying.......or Being Clueless


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Man, is it ever hard to watch Democrats on TV talk shows. Just now Pete Buttigieg was on Meet the Press (aka Meet the Trump Bashers), and I can't think of a single thing he said that was true. Like other Democrats, when talking about the economy, he completely ignores the great accomplishments of the Trump administration for 3 years, 2017-2019, and only talks about the downturn, which was totally caused by the coronavirus.

Actually, even in spite of the coronavirus, Mayor Pete may not have a talking point with 2020's economy either, since the stock market just recorded record highs this month. Hard to imagine the economy being bad, when the stock market is at its best ever.

Going back to last night, there was a special show on my local NBC affiliate, last night about race relations. One of the shows hosts asked the panel they had there (composed entirely of liberals), what "we who have white privilege, can do" Well, it doesn't help race relations to perpetuate a myth that there is a such thing as "white privilege", when in fact, whites have been the victims of the largest racial discrimination in America (Affirmative Action), for 56 years. All that does is intensify bad race relations by making blacks (beneficiaries) of discrimination, believe that they are victims of it, which is ludicrous.

I would not hestitate to guess that, overall, blacks, all across America, really DO believe that they are victims of racial discrimination, when exactly the opposite of that is true. And all of this distortion and misconception, is caused by and perpetuated by, this false narrative of those on the left, who keep pushing it, and speaking it as if it were the gospel truth.

It would have helped if there would have been at least one conservative on this rigged panel, who would have had the guts to tell it like it is - after I called the station, one person I talked to said they couldn't find any conservative to come on the show. HA HA HA. I can think of hundreds who would have gladly been there, including me.

Getting back to this morning's Meet the Press show, leftist mouthpiece Chuck Todd claimed to refute the common (and truthful) conservative line that Trump rescued America from an Obama economy that was faltering. He claimed to have done a "fact check". His so-called "fact-check" was nothing more than a set of numbers arranged in such a way as to make it appear that there was no change in the economies of Obama and Trump.

Todd looked at the 4 years of Obama's 2nd term, as depicted by the Obama-friendly BEA and showed a GDP growth % about the same (2.2%) as Trump's first term up until December 2019. What Todd doesn't mention is that the BEA that he uses as a source, is a laughingstock, which has been cooking the books on these numbers regularly since Trump had a 4.2% GDP in his best month (which the BEA lowered to 3.3%). Since then, Trump's numbers have been posted, only to be shown lower than they first were, while Obama's numbers kept getting raised. Did they really think nobody was noticing ?

So here's what Todd wants us to look at (keeping in mind that these numbers are already culitvated/elevated for Obama) >>


And HERE is what conservatives refer to regarding Obama's faltering economy (his last 2 years) which, of course Todd omitted from his "fact check" >>


And now for the REAL fact check, HERE is the V shape of Obama's recession, and Trump's rescue, just as conservatives rightly claim, and as Chuck Todd tried to cover up and distract us away from >>>

Last edited:
Communist democrats have run out of rope. Citizens are having recalls to undo the damage. In Oklahoma the recall is for a mayor and part of the city council.
Man, is it ever hard to watch Democrats on TV talk shows. Just now Pete Buttigieg was on Meet the Press (aka Meet the Trump Bashers), and I can't think of a single thing he said that was true. Like other Democrats, when talking about the economy, he completely ignores the great accomplishments of the Trump administration for 3 years, 2017-2019, and only talks about the downturn, which was totally caused by the coronavirus.

Actually, even in spite of the coronavirus, Mayor Pete may not have a talking point with 2020's economy either, since the stock market just recorded record highs this month. Hard to imagine the economy being bad, when the stock market is at its best ever.

Going back to last night, there was a special show on my local NBC affiliate, last night about race relations. One of the shows hosts asked the panel they had there (composed entirely of liberals), what "we who have white privilege, can do" Well, it doesn't help race relations to perpetuate a myth that there is a such thing as "white privilege", when in fact, whites have been the victims of the largest racial discrimination in America (Affirmative Action), for 56 years. All that does is intensify bad race relations by making blacks (beneficiaries) of discrimination, believe that they are victims of it, which is ludicrous.

I would not hestitate to guess that, overall, blacks, all across America, really DO believe that they are victims of racial discrimination, when exactly the opposite of that is true. And all of this distortion and misconception, is caused by and perpetuated by, this false narrative of those on the left, who keep pushing it, and speaking it as if it were the gospel truth.

It would have helped if there would have been at least one conservative on this rigged panel, who would have had the guts to tell it like it is - after I called the station, one person I talked to said they couldn't find any conservative to come on the show. HA HA HA. I can think of hundreds who would have gladly been there, including me.

Getting back to this morning's Meet the Press show, leftist mouthpiece Chuck Todd claimed to refute the common (and truthful) conservative line that Trump rescued America from an Obama economy that was faltering. He claimed to have done a "fact check". His so-called "fact-check" was nothing more than a set of numbers arranged in such a way as to make it appear that there was no change in the economies of Obama and Trump.

Todd looked at the 4 years of Obama's 2nd term, as depicted by the Obama-friendly BEA and showed a GDP growth % about the same (2.2%) as Trump's first term up until December 2019. What Todd doesn't mention is that the BEA that he uses as a source, is a laughingstock, which has been cooking the books on these numbers regularly since Trump had a 4.2% GDP in his best month (which the BEA lowered to 3.3%). Since then, Trump's numbers have been posted, only to be shown lower than they first were, while Obama's numbers kept getting raised. Did they really think nobody was noticing ?

So here's what Todd wants us to look at (keeping in mind that these numbers are already culitvated/elevated for Obama) >>

View attachment 378663

And HERE is what conservatives refer to regarding Obama's faltering economy (his last 2 years) which, of course Todd omitted from his "fact check" >>

View attachment 378662

And now for the REAL fact check, HERE is the V shape of Obama's recession, and Trump's rescue, just as conservatives rightly claim, and as Chuck Todd tried to cover up and distract us away from >>>

View attachment 378666
Nothing but Continuing upward Trends, right wingers. How typical of the right wing trying to take credit for what they could not do.
Man, is it ever hard to watch Democrats on TV talk shows. Just now Pete Buttigieg was on Meet the Press (aka Meet the Trump Bashers), and I can't think of a single thing he said that was true. Like other Democrats, when talking about the economy, he completely ignores the great accomplishments of the Trump administration for 3 years, 2017-2019, and only talks about the downturn, which was totally caused by the coronavirus.

Actually, even in spite of the coronavirus, Mayor Pete may not have a talking point with 2020's economy either, since the stock market just recorded record highs this month. Hard to imagine the economy being bad, when the stock market is at its best ever.

Going back to last night, there was a special show on my local NBC affiliate, last night about race relations. One of the shows hosts asked the panel they had there (composed entirely of liberals), what "we who have white privilege, can do" Well, it doesn't help race relations to perpetuate a myth that there is a such thing as "white privilege", when in fact, whites have been the victims of the largest racial discrimination in America (Affirmative Action), for 56 years. All that does is intensify bad race relations by making blacks (beneficiaries) of discrimination, believe that they are victims of it, which is ludicrous.

I would not hestitate to guess that, overall, blacks, all across America, really DO believe that they are victims of racial discrimination, when exactly the opposite of that is true. And all of this distortion and misconception, is caused by and perpetuated by, this false narrative of those on the left, who keep pushing it, and speaking it as if it were the gospel truth.

It would have helped if there would have been at least one conservative on this rigged panel, who would have had the guts to tell it like it is - after I called the station, one person I talked to said they couldn't find any conservative to come on the show. HA HA HA. I can think of hundreds who would have gladly been there, including me.

Getting back to this morning's Meet the Press show, leftist mouthpiece Chuck Todd claimed to refute the common (and truthful) conservative line that Trump rescued America from an Obama economy that was faltering. He claimed to have done a "fact check". His so-called "fact-check" was nothing more than a set of numbers arranged in such a way as to make it appear that there was no change in the economies of Obama and Trump.

Todd looked at the 4 years of Obama's 2nd term, as depicted by the Obama-friendly BEA and showed a GDP growth % about the same (2.2%) as Trump's first term up until December 2019. What Todd doesn't mention is that the BEA that he uses as a source, is a laughingstock, which has been cooking the books on these numbers regularly since Trump had a 4.2% GDP in his best month (which the BEA lowered to 3.3%). Since then, Trump's numbers have been posted, only to be shown lower than they first were, while Obama's numbers kept getting raised. Did they really think nobody was noticing ?

So here's what Todd wants us to look at (keeping in mind that these numbers are already culitvated/elevated for Obama) >>

View attachment 378663

And HERE is what conservatives refer to regarding Obama's faltering economy (his last 2 years) which, of course Todd omitted from his "fact check" >>

View attachment 378662

And now for the REAL fact check, HERE is the V shape of Obama's recession, and Trump's rescue, just as conservatives rightly claim, and as Chuck Todd tried to cover up and distract us away from >>>

View attachment 378666
Nothing but Continuing upward Trends, right wingers. How typical of the right wing trying to take credit for what they could not do.
View attachment 378669
Well, looks like we have one vote for clueless. :laugh2:
Communist democrats have run out of rope. Citizens are having recalls to undo the damage. In Oklahoma the recall is for a mayor and part of the city council.
Defund the Democrat mayors.
Man, is it ever hard to watch Democrats on TV talk shows. Just now Pete Buttigieg was on Meet the Press (aka Meet the Trump Bashers), and I can't think of a single thing he said that was true. Like other Democrats, when talking about the economy, he completely ignores the great accomplishments of the Trump administration for 3 years, 2017-2019, and only talks about the downturn, which was totally caused by the coronavirus.

Actually, even in spite of the coronavirus, Mayor Pete may not have a talking point with 2020's economy either, since the stock market just recorded record highs this month. Hard to imagine the economy being bad, when the stock market is at its best ever.

Going back to last night, there was a special show on my local NBC affiliate, last night about race relations. One of the shows hosts asked the panel they had there (composed entirely of liberals), what "we who have white privilege, can do" Well, it doesn't help race relations to perpetuate a myth that there is a such thing as "white privilege", when in fact, whites have been the victims of the largest racial discrimination in America (Affirmative Action), for 56 years. All that does is intensify bad race relations by making blacks (beneficiaries) of discrimination, believe that they are victims of it, which is ludicrous.

I would not hestitate to guess that, overall, blacks, all across America, really DO believe that they are victims of racial discrimination, when exactly the opposite of that is true. And all of this distortion and misconception, is caused by and perpetuated by, this false narrative of those on the left, who keep pushing it, and speaking it as if it were the gospel truth.

It would have helped if there would have been at least one conservative on this rigged panel, who would have had the guts to tell it like it is - after I called the station, one person I talked to said they couldn't find any conservative to come on the show. HA HA HA. I can think of hundreds who would have gladly been there, including me.

Getting back to this morning's Meet the Press show, leftist mouthpiece Chuck Todd claimed to refute the common (and truthful) conservative line that Trump rescued America from an Obama economy that was faltering. He claimed to have done a "fact check". His so-called "fact-check" was nothing more than a set of numbers arranged in such a way as to make it appear that there was no change in the economies of Obama and Trump.

Todd looked at the 4 years of Obama's 2nd term, as depicted by the Obama-friendly BEA and showed a GDP growth % about the same (2.2%) as Trump's first term up until December 2019. What Todd doesn't mention is that the BEA that he uses as a source, is a laughingstock, which has been cooking the books on these numbers regularly since Trump had a 4.2% GDP in his best month (which the BEA lowered to 3.3%). Since then, Trump's numbers have been posted, only to be shown lower than they first were, while Obama's numbers kept getting raised. Did they really think nobody was noticing ?

So here's what Todd wants us to look at (keeping in mind that these numbers are already culitvated/elevated for Obama) >>

View attachment 378663

And HERE is what conservatives refer to regarding Obama's faltering economy (his last 2 years) which, of course Todd omitted from his "fact check" >>

View attachment 378662

And now for the REAL fact check, HERE is the V shape of Obama's recession, and Trump's rescue, just as conservatives rightly claim, and as Chuck Todd tried to cover up and distract us away from >>>

View attachment 378666
You are so aptly named it's amazing.

Now stop projecting your troubles on to us.
Man, is it ever hard to watch Democrats on TV talk shows. Just now Pete Buttigieg was on Meet the Press (aka Meet the Trump Bashers), and I can't think of a single thing he said that was true. Like other Democrats, when talking about the economy, he completely ignores the great accomplishments of the Trump administration for 3 years, 2017-2019, and only talks about the downturn, which was totally caused by the coronavirus.

Actually, even in spite of the coronavirus, Mayor Pete may not have a talking point with 2020's economy either, since the stock market just recorded record highs this month. Hard to imagine the economy being bad, when the stock market is at its best ever.

Going back to last night, there was a special show on my local NBC affiliate, last night about race relations. One of the shows hosts asked the panel they had there (composed entirely of liberals), what "we who have white privilege, can do" Well, it doesn't help race relations to perpetuate a myth that there is a such thing as "white privilege", when in fact, whites have been the victims of the largest racial discrimination in America (Affirmative Action), for 56 years. All that does is intensify bad race relations by making blacks (beneficiaries) of discrimination, believe that they are victims of it, which is ludicrous.

I would not hestitate to guess that, overall, blacks, all across America, really DO believe that they are victims of racial discrimination, when exactly the opposite of that is true. And all of this distortion and misconception, is caused by and perpetuated by, this false narrative of those on the left, who keep pushing it, and speaking it as if it were the gospel truth.

It would have helped if there would have been at least one conservative on this rigged panel, who would have had the guts to tell it like it is - after I called the station, one person I talked to said they couldn't find any conservative to come on the show. HA HA HA. I can think of hundreds who would have gladly been there, including me.

Getting back to this morning's Meet the Press show, leftist mouthpiece Chuck Todd claimed to refute the common (and truthful) conservative line that Trump rescued America from an Obama economy that was faltering. He claimed to have done a "fact check". His so-called "fact-check" was nothing more than a set of numbers arranged in such a way as to make it appear that there was no change in the economies of Obama and Trump.

Todd looked at the 4 years of Obama's 2nd term, as depicted by the Obama-friendly BEA and showed a GDP growth % about the same (2.2%) as Trump's first term up until December 2019. What Todd doesn't mention is that the BEA that he uses as a source, is a laughingstock, which has been cooking the books on these numbers regularly since Trump had a 4.2% GDP in his best month (which the BEA lowered to 3.3%). Since then, Trump's numbers have been posted, only to be shown lower than they first were, while Obama's numbers kept getting raised. Did they really think nobody was noticing ?

So here's what Todd wants us to look at (keeping in mind that these numbers are already culitvated/elevated for Obama) >>

View attachment 378663

And HERE is what conservatives refer to regarding Obama's faltering economy (his last 2 years) which, of course Todd omitted from his "fact check" >>

View attachment 378662

And now for the REAL fact check, HERE is the V shape of Obama's recession, and Trump's rescue, just as conservatives rightly claim, and as Chuck Todd tried to cover up and distract us away from >>>

View attachment 378666
You are so aptly named it's amazing.

Now stop projecting your troubles on to us.

You do realize "protectionist" is different from "projectionist"....dumbass.
And now for the REAL fact check, HERE is the V shape of Obama's recession, and Trump's rescue, just as conservatives rightly claim, and as Chuck Todd tried to cover up and distract us away from >>>
Someone doesn’t know what a recession is. Positive economic growth is not a recession.
Man, is it ever hard to watch Democrats on TV talk shows. Just now Pete Buttigieg was on Meet the Press (aka Meet the Trump Bashers), and I can't think of a single thing he said that was true. Like other Democrats, when talking about the economy, he completely ignores the great accomplishments of the Trump administration for 3 years, 2017-2019, and only talks about the downturn, which was totally caused by the coronavirus.

Actually, even in spite of the coronavirus, Mayor Pete may not have a talking point with 2020's economy either, since the stock market just recorded record highs this month. Hard to imagine the economy being bad, when the stock market is at its best ever.

Going back to last night, there was a special show on my local NBC affiliate, last night about race relations. One of the shows hosts asked the panel they had there (composed entirely of liberals), what "we who have white privilege, can do" Well, it doesn't help race relations to perpetuate a myth that there is a such thing as "white privilege", when in fact, whites have been the victims of the largest racial discrimination in America (Affirmative Action), for 56 years. All that does is intensify bad race relations by making blacks (beneficiaries) of discrimination, believe that they are victims of it, which is ludicrous.

I would not hestitate to guess that, overall, blacks, all across America, really DO believe that they are victims of racial discrimination, when exactly the opposite of that is true. And all of this distortion and misconception, is caused by and perpetuated by, this false narrative of those on the left, who keep pushing it, and speaking it as if it were the gospel truth.

It would have helped if there would have been at least one conservative on this rigged panel, who would have had the guts to tell it like it is - after I called the station, one person I talked to said they couldn't find any conservative to come on the show. HA HA HA. I can think of hundreds who would have gladly been there, including me.

Getting back to this morning's Meet the Press show, leftist mouthpiece Chuck Todd claimed to refute the common (and truthful) conservative line that Trump rescued America from an Obama economy that was faltering. He claimed to have done a "fact check". His so-called "fact-check" was nothing more than a set of numbers arranged in such a way as to make it appear that there was no change in the economies of Obama and Trump.

Todd looked at the 4 years of Obama's 2nd term, as depicted by the Obama-friendly BEA and showed a GDP growth % about the same (2.2%) as Trump's first term up until December 2019. What Todd doesn't mention is that the BEA that he uses as a source, is a laughingstock, which has been cooking the books on these numbers regularly since Trump had a 4.2% GDP in his best month (which the BEA lowered to 3.3%). Since then, Trump's numbers have been posted, only to be shown lower than they first were, while Obama's numbers kept getting raised. Did they really think nobody was noticing ?

So here's what Todd wants us to look at (keeping in mind that these numbers are already culitvated/elevated for Obama) >>

View attachment 378663

And HERE is what conservatives refer to regarding Obama's faltering economy (his last 2 years) which, of course Todd omitted from his "fact check" >>

View attachment 378662

And now for the REAL fact check, HERE is the V shape of Obama's recession, and Trump's rescue, just as conservatives rightly claim, and as Chuck Todd tried to cover up and distract us away from >>>

View attachment 378666
So what did Mayor Pete lie about in that interview, can you post one of the specific lies?

Ignoring Trumps great accomplishments is not lying by the way.
Taking a longer view of GDP growth makes any trend MUCH harder to spot.

Taking a longer view of GDP growth makes any trend MUCH harder to spot.

View attachment 378722
They're told in their universe that they're very smart on economics.

There is no communicating with people like that.
This V shaped graph, not even sure where they got that. That’s not the official BEA numbers. It’s not super far off, but the actual data doesn’t show a nice need inflection.
If Only Democrats Would Stop Lying

Trump Is Lying More Than Ever: Just Look At The Data

As of early April, Trump has told 23.3 lies per day in 2020, a 0.5-lie increase since 2019. What’s more, Trump has averaged 23.8 lies per day since the first case of COVID-19 was reported in the US — another 0.5-lie increase. Even during a pandemic, when the public needs to trust and rely on him the most, deception remains a core part of the president’s playbook.
Man, is it ever hard to watch Democrats on TV talk shows. Just now Pete Buttigieg was on Meet the Press (aka Meet the Trump Bashers), and I can't think of a single thing he said that was true. Like other Democrats, when talking about the economy, he completely ignores the great accomplishments of the Trump administration for 3 years, 2017-2019, and only talks about the downturn, which was totally caused by the coronavirus.

Actually, even in spite of the coronavirus, Mayor Pete may not have a talking point with 2020's economy either, since the stock market just recorded record highs this month. Hard to imagine the economy being bad, when the stock market is at its best ever.

Going back to last night, there was a special show on my local NBC affiliate, last night about race relations. One of the shows hosts asked the panel they had there (composed entirely of liberals), what "we who have white privilege, can do" Well, it doesn't help race relations to perpetuate a myth that there is a such thing as "white privilege", when in fact, whites have been the victims of the largest racial discrimination in America (Affirmative Action), for 56 years. All that does is intensify bad race relations by making blacks (beneficiaries) of discrimination, believe that they are victims of it, which is ludicrous.

I would not hestitate to guess that, overall, blacks, all across America, really DO believe that they are victims of racial discrimination, when exactly the opposite of that is true. And all of this distortion and misconception, is caused by and perpetuated by, this false narrative of those on the left, who keep pushing it, and speaking it as if it were the gospel truth.

It would have helped if there would have been at least one conservative on this rigged panel, who would have had the guts to tell it like it is - after I called the station, one person I talked to said they couldn't find any conservative to come on the show. HA HA HA. I can think of hundreds who would have gladly been there, including me.

Getting back to this morning's Meet the Press show, leftist mouthpiece Chuck Todd claimed to refute the common (and truthful) conservative line that Trump rescued America from an Obama economy that was faltering. He claimed to have done a "fact check". His so-called "fact-check" was nothing more than a set of numbers arranged in such a way as to make it appear that there was no change in the economies of Obama and Trump.

Todd looked at the 4 years of Obama's 2nd term, as depicted by the Obama-friendly BEA and showed a GDP growth % about the same (2.2%) as Trump's first term up until December 2019. What Todd doesn't mention is that the BEA that he uses as a source, is a laughingstock, which has been cooking the books on these numbers regularly since Trump had a 4.2% GDP in his best month (which the BEA lowered to 3.3%). Since then, Trump's numbers have been posted, only to be shown lower than they first were, while Obama's numbers kept getting raised. Did they really think nobody was noticing ?

So here's what Todd wants us to look at (keeping in mind that these numbers are already culitvated/elevated for Obama) >>

View attachment 378663

And HERE is what conservatives refer to regarding Obama's faltering economy (his last 2 years) which, of course Todd omitted from his "fact check" >>

View attachment 378662

And now for the REAL fact check, HERE is the V shape of Obama's recession, and Trump's rescue, just as conservatives rightly claim, and as Chuck Todd tried to cover up and distract us away from >>>

View attachment 378666
Nothing but Continuing upward Trends, right wingers. How typical of the right wing trying to take credit for what they could not do.
View attachment 378669
Well, looks like we have one vote for clueless. :laugh2:
Right wingers are clueless, and Causeless.

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