If only landowners voted, would we have a welfare state?

Sure we were. We are quite free, thanks.

Yes we were. We certainly paid a lot less in taxes, and we didn't have hundreds of government agencies regulating everything we did. Under the monarchy we paid only about 5% of our income in taxes.

Move to Saudi Arabia.

Why would a want to do that?

You can see first hand the freedoms you get with monarchy.

That's Saudi Arabia, a Muslim shithole. The citizens of European monarchies in the 18th Century had more freedoms than we have now.

Link? I'd love to hear about all their rights and freedoms.
Yes we were. We certainly paid a lot less in taxes, and we didn't have hundreds of government agencies regulating everything we did. Under the monarchy we paid only about 5% of our income in taxes.

Move to Saudi Arabia.

Why would a want to do that?

You can see first hand the freedoms you get with monarchy.

That's Saudi Arabia, a Muslim shithole. The citizens of European monarchies in the 18th Century had more freedoms than we have now.
Saudi Arabia doesn't tax residents.

If true, that's one thing in its favor.
I dont think we would. At least, not much of one.
Weak people vote for policies for the weak because they have no skin in the game. Doesnt that make sense?
Im not saying i want to go back to just land owners voting. Im just saying we should have kept it that way :D

We would have the confederate states of Merica.

In other word a loser with losers who deny defeat.
Yes we were. We certainly paid a lot less in taxes, and we didn't have hundreds of government agencies regulating everything we did. Under the monarchy we paid only about 5% of our income in taxes.

Move to Saudi Arabia.

Why would a want to do that?

You can see first hand the freedoms you get with monarchy.

That's Saudi Arabia, a Muslim shithole. The citizens of European monarchies in the 18th Century had more freedoms than we have now.

Link? I'd love to hear about all their rights and freedoms.
Tell me about all the oppression they suffered.
Move to Saudi Arabia.

Why would a want to do that?

You can see first hand the freedoms you get with monarchy.

That's Saudi Arabia, a Muslim shithole. The citizens of European monarchies in the 18th Century had more freedoms than we have now.
Saudi Arabia doesn't tax residents.

If true, that's one thing in its favor.
It's a perfect fit for you.
Why would a want to do that?

You can see first hand the freedoms you get with monarchy.

That's Saudi Arabia, a Muslim shithole. The citizens of European monarchies in the 18th Century had more freedoms than we have now.
Saudi Arabia doesn't tax residents.

If true, that's one thing in its favor.
It's a perfect fit for you.

You took the short bus to school, didn't you?
You can see first hand the freedoms you get with monarchy.

That's Saudi Arabia, a Muslim shithole. The citizens of European monarchies in the 18th Century had more freedoms than we have now.
Saudi Arabia doesn't tax residents.

If true, that's one thing in its favor.
It's a perfect fit for you.

You took the short bus to school, didn't you?
A tax free monarchy. That is what you are advocating for.
Move to Saudi Arabia.

Why would a want to do that?

You can see first hand the freedoms you get with monarchy.

That's Saudi Arabia, a Muslim shithole. The citizens of European monarchies in the 18th Century had more freedoms than we have now.

Link? I'd love to hear about all their rights and freedoms.
Tell me about all the oppression they suffered.

you are making the claim. Back it up.
We were freer under the monarchy than we are now, and we didn't have the right to vote then.
You really don't understand the concept of liberty. I'm not surprised.

You know, I seriously have to wonder wtf is going when a guy with a Karl Marx avatar tells you this. :cuckoo:
He's a fucking commie. He's made that clear.
A commie who believes in liberty. You're a pseudocon who advocates for monarchy.
Rightwingers spend so much time trying to concoct an undemocratic system of government that will serve THEM.

It's very funny.
I'm not concocting anything. It's history.
None of you bedwetters can read. I swear

So is slave ownership. Going to propose going back to that?
Nope. But way to be a dick about it.

It’s no more “dickish” than suggesting only landowners get to vote.
Owning people is as bad as only contributors to society voting? Holy shit..
Let me guess, you are a racist too?
Why would a want to do that?

You can see first hand the freedoms you get with monarchy.

That's Saudi Arabia, a Muslim shithole. The citizens of European monarchies in the 18th Century had more freedoms than we have now.

Link? I'd love to hear about all their rights and freedoms.
Tell me about all the oppression they suffered.

you are making the claim. Back it up.

I really don't care enough to prove it to you. If you want to learn more, I recommend you read the following:

Democracy: the god that failed.

By Hans Hermann Hoppe

I'm not concocting anything. It's history.
None of you bedwetters can read. I swear

So is slave ownership. Going to propose going back to that?
Nope. But way to be a dick about it.

It’s no more “dickish” than suggesting only landowners get to vote.
You're equating not getting to vote with getting the lash for not picking cotton fast enough.


It stems from the same racism.
I should have known some ignorant moron would bring up race... smh
You can see first hand the freedoms you get with monarchy.

That's Saudi Arabia, a Muslim shithole. The citizens of European monarchies in the 18th Century had more freedoms than we have now.

Link? I'd love to hear about all their rights and freedoms.
Tell me about all the oppression they suffered.

you are making the claim. Back it up.

I really don't care enough to prove it to you. If you want to learn more, I recommend you read the following:

Democracy: the god that failed.

By Hans Hermann Hoppe


I didn't think you could back up your wildly stupid claims.
It's funny people keep saying this is against what we were founded upon... some of you really are stupid.
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